MTL - The Feast-v2 Chapter 262 Middle and Autumn

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Fengxian sighed with relief, and then Yan Yan said with a smile: "Grandma can think so, it's okay..."

The words were not finished, and I heard the sound of the door coming from the yard. Xu Xiaoyun and Feng Xian looked at each other and they were very surprised. Fengxian quickly said: "The slaves went out to see. The novel. The novel" finished Turned away, and soon led Duan Maoming to come in, I saw the second young master very dissatisfied and shouted: "What is the door in the daytime? I thought I was wrong."

Xu Xiaoyun stunned, and then there was anger on the face, patted the table and shouted: "Which is the door to the confession? I haven't died yet. What door is closed during the day? Go find it for me, hit it. Twenty boards went out, a group of wolves and dogs, I hope that I can't be good."

When the voice fell, I saw my son frowning and said seriously: "Mother has been very angry recently. What happened to you? Now even Jiang Yanniang and the three brothers have moved to Chunfeng Court. I heard people say that when you are in the morning I still want to kill Jiang Yanniang, mother... What the **** is it? The son is almost ignorant of you."

"You still said, I am not all for you?"

Xu Yuyun turned his head and looked at Duan Maoming, but he saw him stalking his neck: "If you really want me, you will learn from Auntie, and you will be more open-minded. You must be moody and tempted to beat people." Over..."

"Go away."

It’s rare for the bully to press his temper and want to say something to his mother. After all, no matter how bad it is, even if everyone says that she has lost power, it is also her own mother, who has the kindness to her and sees her become like this. It made her unhappy, she was not happy, and Duan Maoming felt that she could not bear it.

Who knows the words have not said the first half, the mother changed his face and let him roll. Duan Maoming’s temper, especially when he valued his face, where did he get this? "Hey," stood up and screamed, and the tiger said: "Well, I am rolling, anyway... The son should say everything, and the mother should also be self-sufficient. Don't take it for granted."

In the end, just five or six-year-old children, even if they have learned some words, they may not be able to use them well. Can this be used for self-destruction? Xu Yunyun did not want to be a little younger than his son. Can you understand? After listening to this, I only felt the whirlwind and screamed, and I almost fainted. When she recovered, she did not reflect on what she had done. Instead, she smacked her grievances on the warmth of the Soviet Union and Jiang Yanniang. I only bite my teeth and cut my teeth: "I won't let you go, I won't let you go... never..."


"This osmanthus blooms this year is particularly lush, and the aroma is more intense than in the past. I liked the osmanthus wine brewed by the cooks last year, and let them brew more this year."

It coincided with the Mid-Autumn Festival. The people of Anping Houfu used the house feast moon cake at the old lady's house. When they watched the old lady grow up, they accompanied her to the backyard water pavilion to enjoy the moon. At this time, I heard this, everyone was two and three. It is attached, and the old room of the attached room is happy. Then he turned to look at Duan Ting Xuan and Su warm, not far away, and smiled and said: "When are you two couples unable to talk about their own words? This time they are still together, what are the good things, let me say Come and listen to us."

Duan Tingxuan hurriedly smiled: "The ancestors, grandsons, these days let the emperor catch the strong, every day early and late, you don't know, where is there any thoughts about your own words? It is warm to say that she is a little lacking, So the grandson cared about her a few words."

The old lady of the room laughed and said: "No! This moon has just appeared, and you want to escape. Have you not rested enough these days? I haven’t used you for this dinner. But I have been making a few months. Come to filial piety, but also to be proud of yourself? To go back to rest, you have to give me some benefits, or a joke. Or sing a song, I am happy to send, I will let you go back."

Su warmly smiled and said: "The ancestors said this, obviously so many moon cakes, you said before me, I said that where is the exquisite and exquisite mind? The result is now 'but done a few The moon cakes come to filial piety. It’s also a good thing to be proud of yourself. “It’s all in vain for me to work together?”

The two of them answered this question. The people had already laughed and leaned forward. Duan Tingxuan and Duan Tingye Duan Ting looked at each other and remembered that their father had previously sweared in the front yard and a few Qing dynasty to make some poems. They had to get up and leave, and listened to one side. Jiang Yanniang smiled and said: "If you say Qu Er, Grandma will be a good song, and I will still listen to her. The tone is also good, the words are also good, but I have never heard of this song before. I don't know where it is."

Su warm and warm first, then wake up and come over. When she was in the morning in the morning, she thought that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, she couldn’t help but sing a song called "Ask the Moon", but she was actually heard by Jiang Yuniang. It was also said at this time.

Jing Yu Niang is proficient in temperament. I heard that there are songs that I have never heard before, and my eyes are bright. I am warm and warm to the Soviet Union: "So, why didn't Grandma pull out this song to open our eyes to us? And the old lady is here, not to lose her sister's identity, the right to make the old lady happy."

The warmth of the Soviet Union is not a person who is twisted and twisted. It is also a tyrant of KTV in the past life. It is just a concern that this is a song of the 21st century. Will it be a little shocking to sing at this time? I was hesitating, and I saw my husband’s eyes staring at himself, and the eyes were full of expectation and joy.

So she let go of her heart. Is the dark road the song of the 21st century? Anyway, Duan Tingxuan knows my identity. It is really inappropriate. He will hide it for me. In addition, the Great Indian Empire is so big. There are no people in the South and North. I am afraid that they will not be able to hear the flaws. But I insisted on not singing, refuting the face of the old lady, but it would even cause people's suspicions?

As soon as I read this, I smiled slightly: "Then I will sing a song. This is a song sung by a child from the children. It is a song from his hometown. I don’t know where the song is from a small song. So I remembered today." After finishing the clearing of the scorpion, he exhaled and sang: "I read the window before the moonlight is suspected to be frost on the ground..."

I sing and sing, to sing to "Tonight, see the moon and the moon, see the sweet-scented osmanthus, why do you think about your hometown..." Su's warm tears fell like broken beads, but she didn't notice it all the time. Until then, her voice whimpered and she couldn't smell it. She turned back to God and resisted the heartbreaking heart. She laughed and said: "Singing and singing. It’s not a good idea to think of my father’s mother.”

The old lady of the room said: "This is a strange blame. I know that the Mid-Autumn Festival is a day of reunion, how can you sing such songs well, but this song is really good, I don’t know which country. Minor."

Jing Yu Niang sees Su warm and sentimental, but also quickly said: "Speaking of it, when I was learning piano in my early years, I also learned a song of Mid-Autumn Festival. Nowadays, there are both grandmothers and jade in front, and I will give you ugly. "After finishing, I also sang a song, and then Shi Yurou and others also said that jokes either tell stories or sing songs. For a time, the atmosphere was warm and extraordinary, and the sadness of Su warming was finally reduced.

On the moon, the night is getting colder, and the people are happy. Back to Chunfengyuan, Su warmed and fell to the bed, only scared Honglian and others to jump, and quickly went forward: "What happened to Grandma?"

"Nothing, I feel too tired." Su warmed his eyes and muttered, "I don't take a bath, I don't take a shower, I am going to sleep now."

Xiangyun hesitated for a moment, whispered: "Yeah hasn't come back yet, Grandma is waiting for a while."

"Don't wait." Su warmed but he was willful, kicked his feet on the bed and kicked off his shoes. He yawned with two hands and muttered, "I am too sleepy, wait for him. Come back and don't know how much to say, or sleep first, Honglian, you take my hair apart, but fortunately I only wear two beads today, or I have to remove makeup, and trouble."

Honglian and Xiangyun looked at each other and saw the worries in each other's eyes. The warmth of the Soviet Union was always full of energy. How did you go to Liaodong in the south of the Yangtze River? After you came back, you described it as lazy? It wasn't this evening. From the time she came back from her, except for the lesson of Xu Xiaoyun, she didn't see her spirit again.

The two hoes were lightly and gently removed from the warmth of the Soviet Union, and the blue silk was placed on the pillow. Once again, the warmth of the Soviet Union had already fallen asleep. The two men had no choice but to help her to remove the outer clothes, so she could not wake up the master. So he replaced the quilt for the warmth of the Soviet Union, put down the bed, quietly quit, and was about to talk. Seeing that Duan Tingxuan came in and saw that they also unloaded the ring, they said: "What about your grandmother? Have you slept?"

"Yes." Red Lotus promised a Then he said: "Ye, Grandma is coming back, it seems that there is no spirit, I don't know if it is too tired to get out of this time, you see Seeing a good doctor come over to see my grandmother."

"Isn't it? Although it's a little tired, I really didn't do any physical work." Duan Tingxuan was also deeply surprised. However, after all, the worry about his wife's body prevailed. Because he couldn't wait, he took a seat from the hospital on the second day. The court sentenced it.

After the warmth of Su warming, I heard that Duan Tingxuan had sentenced the hospital to the hospital. I couldn’t help but swear: “I don’t need to be so exaggerated. I’m just tired, I’m tired, I’ll take a rest, he’s OK. But this is a big problem, and it’s not afraid of falling into the population."

But please come all over, then it is natural to take a look, otherwise the sin is even greater. So Su warmly dressed and walked neatly into the hall, sticking out the slender hand to the old court, but I was thinking that this year's sweet-scented osmanthus was well-opened, and I picked it up a lot, whether it was sugared or brewed or sealed for the future. Making osmanthus cakes is inseparable from this flavor. (To be continued.)

PS: Think about it, if you really cross it, then you are not alone in a foreign land. You can return to your hometown in a foreign land. After crossing, you can’t go back. It’s no wonder that warming will cry. It is.吼吼吼SJGSF0916 Baidu search "", see the latest and most complete novels!