MTL - The Female General’s Little Childhood Sweetheart-Chapter 26 .Maki enrollment

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Ji Shi hesitated again and again, he chose to repair the courtyard next to Feng Yuan to Xu Mu live. After all, if two children are older in the future, I am afraid it would be a bit inappropriate to live in a yard.

The proposal was endorsed by Li's. The two hit it off immediately and began to worry about the trimming of the courtyard next door.

When Lu Feng was out of the first month, it was time to return to the academy for classes. Ji asked Li's opinions and sent Xu Mu to the academy.

Since a boyfriend appeared in the court hall, men's enrollment has become a fashion. Many wealthy and powerful people, most of them are willing to send their sons to the academy.

The academies are divided into universities and elementary schools. Elementary schools use literary instruction as the content of teaching, while universities use poems, etiquette, and music as the learning content. The lower age limit for entering primary school after finishing elementary school is generally fifteen years old. Therefore, many men who do not have a career path are generally read only for elementary school.

The college divides primary schools into different classes according to the age of admission. Five-to-eight-year-olds are called Xiu Cai class, nine-to-twelve-year-olds are called Xuanyan class, and 13- to fifteen-year-olds are flower-seeking classes. Those who are studying at university after the age of fifteen are collectively referred to as champions.

Xu Mu was only ten years old, and Lu Feng, who was twelve years old this year, happened to be in the same class for another year. For him, going to school is a rare thing that he has never experienced before.

In the last life, because his mother was Zhixian, the family had asked his husband to teach him how to read. Later, his mother died. When he moved to Beijing with his father, his grandmother, who was a master of the academy, had died. The only one who taught him to play piano and calligraphy was his father.

At that time, his father's body was getting worse and worse. Xu Mu had to take care of his responsibilities. At the same time, he was very busy in his pastry shop and had no time to think about other things.

Now he can go to school with Lu Feng in his life, which he never thought of. Since listening to Ji's suggestion that he should be admitted to the academy after starting school, Xu Mu's whole heart is looking forward to it.

For five-year-old students, the academy carefully teaches from the beginning, but for students who come in halfway, the academy can only divide them into the classes they should correspond to according to their age. As for your homework, you can only make up for it by going back.

After the Mu Lantern Festival, Xu Mu spent most of his day studying Xiu Cai class.

Lu Feng originally wanted to go to Xu Yu and Sun Yao with his homework, but walked in when he passed by Xu Mu's house. Seeing him sitting cross-legged on the soft couch, frowning at the younger man in front of him, he moved his head over.

These things Lu Feng have learned, and tutoring Xu Mu is not a problem at all. She took off her shoes and sat across from Xu Mu, cross-legged, doing her homework and answering questions from Xu Mu from time to time.

In addition to reading texts, Lu Feng rarely spends so long on the book. Whenever he wants to go out patiently, Xu Mu hugs her, making her embarrassed to move her feet.

If Xu Mu was studying in the room, she ran out, and her father knew she wouldn't say she was killed.

Lu Feng sighed and lifted up her pen again.

After the fifteenth of the first month, the day ran fast. Xu Mu felt that in a few days, the first month was gone.

The academy where Lu Feng is located is called Dongcai Academy, which is named after Dongliangzhicai. That is to say, the first dean of the academy hoped to create a college that would nurture a talent for the country. It is the best academy in Beijing except for the Palace School, but most of the students' homes are rich or expensive.

On the day of enrollment, Dongcai College was as lively as ever.

Ji Ruan was already in Beijing after the year, and he came here to send Xu Mu to the school in person.

Lu Feng and the two came together. When Ji Ruan took Xu Mu to the master, she went to the second class by herself. Xu Yu saw her on the road, trot a few steps to catch up, afraid of damaging her face, and whispered with her hand against her mouth, "Will you finish your homework?"

Lu Feng raised her eyebrows and patted her schoolbag on the waist side, very proud, "Natural."

Xu Yu was surprised that Lu Feng was able to complete her homework, and she looked at her with incredible suspicion. Lu Feng reached out and knocked on her head. "What's your look?"

He took out his homework and handed it to her. Xu Yu was completely convinced and whispered, "It's rare."

When the two came over, several people from Sun Yao had already arrived. An Qingle looked up and saw her and Xu Yu. He nodded slightly toward the two and said hello.

Lu Feng did not pay much attention to the ceremony, but Xu Yu slightly moved his eyes and lowered his eyes quietly.

This scene happened to be seen by Sun Yao. When Lu Feng sat next to her, she turned her elbow and asked quietly, "Are you bothersome?"

Lu Feng was inexplicably asked, "What a mess?"

Sun Yao's chin pointed to the direction of An Qingle, and he said with a lip.

"Who said he said hello to me?" Lu Feng glanced implicitly behind him, "I came in with Xu Yu."

After hearing the words, Sun Yao widened his eyes and glanced back at Xu Yu, who pulled out a knife and wood from his schoolbag, and then shook his head, "How is that possible!"

Believe it or not, Sun Feng was too lazy to talk about this topic again.

With the sound of Ding Dong sound, the Master took the book into the room, and after saying a bunch of nonsense, he said, "Several new classmates came to our second class and studied with everyone. Let us welcome them . "

There are five newcomers, three women and two men. Female students are the most in the second class. Now when I see male students coming, the applause is warmer, especially when I see the last one.

Sun Yao looked at Xu Mu, who was slightly pursing his lips, showing a shallow pear vortex, his palms were red, and he turned around and asked Lu Feng, "Why didn't you tell us about the preserve?"

Several people went to play several times before the start of school, so many opportunities and time, Lu Feng did not mention it.

"He is my cousin, not yours, why should I say this." Regardless of Sun Yao's dissatisfaction, Lu Feng looked up at Xu Mu, who was standing in a row with the other four, and smiled at him.

Xu Mu is not a child anymore. When standing in front of the crowd, he was not more nervous than the other four. He introduced himself very much, but after looking at Lu Feng, he saw his wife and his wife watching so intently. I couldn't help but bend my eyes and smile at her, smiling as bright as a peach blossom.

There seemed to be light waves flowing in his twinkling peach blossom eyes, and two small pear vortexes came out of the corners of his mouth.

... Lu Feng couldn't laugh anymore.

Male students and female students sit separately. Lu Feng and Sun Yao are at the same table. On the right side of Sun Yao, there is an empty aisle, and next to it is a table for male students. After the master arranged this, they went out first and let them read in the morning.

Xu Mu wanted to sit in the same row with Lu Feng, but the male student on the right hand side of Sun Yao already had the same table, but could only sit in the back of the male student with some loss, and became the same person as Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's table at the same time is called Zhang Dingtuo, who is twelve years old this year. He is already familiar with it. The dad at home is afraid that she will only know how to read and do not understand other things like her mother in the future. A fourteen-year-old through the house.

But the appearance of the fourteen-year-old through the house was not equal to one-tenth of the young Xu Mu's face that had not fully opened. Such a charming peach eye, after another two or three years, I am afraid that when I lift my eyes, even my eyelashes will have a hook, which can hook the human soul.

Especially those two pear vortexes, they should have been coquettish when they laughed, but they grew on his face, with those flowing eyes, and his charming face was alive, adding a bit of flattering Playful color. Seeing her tickling, she couldn't help but want to talk to him.

Xu Yu was lowering her head to sculpt her woodcarving under the table, and tossed her mouth gently against the cat in the palm of her hand, blowing off the wood chips, and touching the kitten's ears after repairing it, bending slightly. He closed his eyes, and touched the soft fingertips on those not so sharp ears.

The cat in her hand is proud and cold, like the king of beasts, with pride, and the limbs and claws under her body are sharp, but at this time, she shrinks in the meat pad and closes her eyes to rest. Even so, there is a tendency to be close to others. Only the ears on the head are a bit out of sync, and there are no pointed ears. Instead, they are rounded and not scratching their hands, as if they are left to be touched by those he wants.

I carefully sculpted things for two months. Today is almost finished. Xu Yu is a little happy. He habitually looked up to see the little tiger's prototype An Qingle, but Yu Guang just happened to see the same table and wanted to talk to Xu Mu. Suddenly wrinkled.

What kind of virtue she had at the table, they all knew that she had always been anxious about the beauty of Qingle, and she wanted to talk to someone with a dead face, but the other person's eyes glanced at her. Now Xu Mu enters school, and she puts her eyes on him again. .

Xu Yu pursed his lips, clenched the tiger in his hand, and shouted at the person sitting in front, "Lu Feng."

Zhang Dingtuo is the daughter of the granddaughter's granddaughter, the minister of the Ministry of Ritual. Taifu Zhang, the former grandfather Tao Liman, has returned to his hometown to teach after retirement. Her poems and etiquette were taught to other students, but she failed to teach her granddaughter. She started playing with men at a young age, and she was proud to show off among the world's girls.

Her affair was talked about by a few people in Sun Yao as a joke, but if Zhang Lintuo's goal is on Xu Mu, they can't just sit and watch the joke.

An Qing Le Kung Fu, and his mother is Shang Shu Shangshu, so when I heard that Zhang Diaotuo liked him, everyone laughed and laughed at her. But Xu Mu has just arrived today, and no one knows his identity, and the preserved chicken has no power to bind the chicken. If it is entangled by Zhang Lintuo, it may be annoying.

Seeing Lu Feng look back at herself, Xu Yu gestured her with a look, lest her little cousin would not be bullied.

Lu Feng saw Zhang Lintuo talk to Xu Mu with a dead face, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and he broke a pen in his hand and broke it into two sections of writing brushes. Before the extension.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Lintuo was startled, looking back at Lu Feng dissatisfied.

"Changing seats." Lu Feng lifted his bag out of the table belly, raised his chin as he stretched out his lining.

"I—" Zhang Bingtuo was reluctant to be a little beauty, and he just raised his breath. When he saw Lu Feng clucking his fist, he stunned and murmured, "Well, I have to change something seat……"

Does Lu Feng also like Little Beauty?

Zhang Bingtuo reluctantly held the book and sat on Lu Feng's seat, carrying a schoolbag, gritting his teeth and glancing at Xu Yu behind him.

Sun Yao raised his eyebrows at Zhang Dingtuo, and then turned to glance at Xu Mu, who was smiling at Landing Maple. Then he reminded Xintong of the kindness of the table, "I advise you not to make his idea, otherwise you don't expect It's too relaxing. "

Lu Feng is so stingy and short-guarded. If Zhang Dingtuo dares to make Xu Mu's idea, Lu Feng can make her better off.

Zhang Bingtuo heard a bad snorting cry, and his fist in his sleeve was raised. Lu Feng is just a warrior who only knows how to raise his fist. Is there anything worth following for these people.

The more you don't let her touch, the more she wants to touch!

Together with this idea, Zhang Bingtuo gave birth to a strange feeling of happiness. 2k novel reading network

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