MTL - The Female Supporting Role is So Handsome After Wearing a Book-Chapter 185 Changed again

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Chapter 185 Changed again

Then Bai Yixi kicked the water with her feet, and then stepped on several boxes.

 The man also jumped onto the box.

"Hurry up and jump on! When the submarine enters the bottom, the sea water will turn into ice." The man reminded, "You won't be able to get up even if you try to struggle later."

The people on the woman's side finally reacted and jumped on the wooden box one after another. They all looked a little embarrassed because their faces were more or less stained with blood. Bian Bi was not much better because one of her The clothes on the arms have also been torn apart by the edges, and you can see the flesh and blood inside. Fortunately, the pirates did not put the elderly and children on top. However, Hai San seems to be targeting women. These individuals can tell They are all people who have a close relationship with women.

Bai Yixi had just discussed with the little monster and didn't notice what happened between the woman and the pirate, but now it seems that they were fighting quite fiercely.

 Bai Yixi saw the woman's ending. It was not a good ending. There was blood in a valley. It felt like she could see someone's luck.

As the submarine continued to dive, Bai Yixi noticed that the seawater on the deck began to slowly form like ice crystals, as if being swept by cold air.

Then a freezing cold air came out from the ice. Although Bai Yixi stood on the box, she still felt a freezing cold air hitting her bones. This kind of cold air was not like ordinary ice. The air-conditioning that comes out does not seem to cool the skin, but it cools the bones and flesh, and then stops the blood flow, and you die.

Bai Yixi twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, what a weird thing.

 The submarine kept sinking, and the sea water kept passing by the submarine's body, rolling over like a gurgling wave.

Finally passed through a long, bottomless black hole. As the submarine continued to move, the light became more and more abundant, and then stopped. Finally, an underwater city appeared in front of Bai Yixi's eyes.

 The cover of the submarine landed, and Bai Yixi suddenly discovered that the ship had turned into an airship, then took off, and then all the cities were under her eyes.

This sense of déjà vu is like that of Peach Blossom Spring, but it doesn’t matter whether it is a peach garden or not.

The iron door opened and was thrown to the side with a bang. Hai San walked out of it with long strides, but he did not step on the ice. He just stepped to stand at the door. He saw the situation on the deck and originally had a look on his face. He was so proud that he seemed to have seen the misery of the woman. Seeing this scene, the expression on his face froze slightly, because he found that basically all of his subordinates were dead, but none of the people he wanted to die were dead. Although the woman and those people were injured, he felt that these small injuries were not enough at all.

Bai Yixi's trouser legs were wet and hanging down on her feet. Her hair was as messy as a chicken coop. His eyelids twitched slightly and his eyes fell on Bai Yixi's calves. Why did these legs feel so thin? Before he could take a closer look, he heard a sound. Scolding interrupted him.

"Haisan, let's end the grudge between you and me. Don't involve other people." Bian Bi's voice was like ice in winter, bitingly cold.

"Humph, they also share in the grudge between me and you!" Hai San looked at Bian Bi, his tone was rather cold, "It seems you are still somewhat capable, and this didn't cost you half of your life."

Hai San just looked at the woman, and then sneered: "As long as you stay here, don't even think about having an easy day."

Then he snorted and walked back.

 (End of this chapter)