MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1843 He is broken

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Chapter 1836: He Broken

Many viewers in Ye Fei's live room now have a doubt, that is, whether the wet guy has real power.

If you say he has it, sometimes the poems of this kind of goods are purely nonsense, and they are made up of either oil poems or donkeys. If you say he does n’t, then sometimes this guy It can also be a blockbuster. The poems made are not so good, but the level is not low.

Just like this time, the goods were said to be uninspired at the beginning, but they wrote a poem like this. I don't know if this guy pretended to be a force or a blind cat hit a mouse.

So many viewers in the live broadcast room are a little confused, this is a mysterious man.

Anyway, in the end, the wet man gave away five lotus cakes, and all the winners were convinced, and none of them jumped out and had opinions.

Seeing the owner of this small award, Ye Fei laughed, "That's it, my friends, now let the guests at the scene as representatives to help us taste it and see how these lotus seed cakes are."

With that said, Ye Fei made a please gesture.

Jia Lan and Liang Bing were so kind. They all rushed over, and everyone consciously ... grabbed one.

Well, it's just one. One is not enough.

At the entrance of the lotus seed cake like sheep fat jade, what I feel in September is real happiness.

In the old days, he begged, and sneered at his eyes and ridiculed for eating, but as long as he could fill his stomach, he felt it was a kind of happiness.

The happiness in his mind is simple, as long as he can live without starving.

But when he came to Ye Fei, he realized that happiness has another meaning, that is, not only to fill the stomach, but also to fill the stomach with good things as much as possible, because to fill the stomach with ordinary food It feels completely different from eating top food to fill your stomach.

From his point of view, it is a perceptual happiness to fill a stomach with plain tea and light rice, and a rational happiness to eat a gourmet meal.

At this point, he was deeply touched in his heart, and now he understands why some people have played their hard work and played their hard work. They just wanted to live a more rational life.

"I have to work hard, I have to work hard! I don't want to live such a turbulent life, I need a better life, a life of a man, and I want to eat the food I dreamed of before, even without Ye Shen Good, at least it must be refined! "

Ye Fei didn't even know that he had just participated in a live broadcast in September, and later he has cultivated a super super hero across countless planets for the Fifth Universe!

The sweet, fragrant, delicate and smooth lotus seed cake is like a top-level oil in the mouth. The mouth instantly turns into a liquid, and then nourishes the mouth and taste buds, giving the illusion of spiritual sublimation.

Stallone muttered as he ate, "This is the Chinese cuisine, this is the real classic Chinese cuisine!"

Windingly: "These lotus seed cakes have made my decision to settle on the earth's Huaxia much stronger."

Bald head: "... It's so delicious!"

The prodigal gun Ding Chun: "..."

There is no rumor about this item. He is now in the same mood as in September.

He was not a beggar before, he is a little better than September, but he is much more stressed than September, he has a family and parents.

At this time, Ding Chun vowed secretly while eating the refreshing lotus seed cake. Even if he became tired of the dog in the future, he would have to let his family live a good life. Money is worried.

"Wife, child, parents, I will not let you down."

Ding Chun's heart already had plans.

Jialan was slowly sipping the lotus seed cake while squinting her eyes as if thinking something. Suddenly, the guy's eyes suddenly opened, and then under everyone's attention, Jialan's body emptied. And it disappeared.

This action of this product came too suddenly, and everyone didn't respond. Even the mortals in the live broadcast room and the scene did not find Jialan disappeared. Only Liangbing and Queen Kesha and the live broadcast room and Pearl Island. The demigod felt abnormal, but Ye Fei found it too.

He looked up at the ceiling, and the goods were wondering. Jia Lan jumped up, but was it okay for Mao ceiling?

But ... but what does it mean to suddenly jump up while eating?

Both Liangbing and Queen Keisha were wondering, they didn't understand what Jia Lan was doing.

At the same time, all the demigods on Pearl Island also looked up at the endless universe, wondering where the light just went.

"What's going on?" Bingo asked for a long while.

Both Daxside and Zaya beside him shook their heads, and they really didn't know what was going on.

Jialan's full-speed sprint they really can't capture the specific trajectory, this is the gap between their sub-god and the real deity.

"Go and see." Zaya stood up and said.

Bingo and Daxside glanced at each other and nodded each other.

In fact, it ’s not just that they want to go up to see, the elven gods and the tyrant messengers all want to go up and see what is going on? Wasn't he a guest at Ye Fei's site? Why did you run away suddenly?

Everyone rose into the sky at about the same time, and everyone hovered there in mid-air, then looked around.

Rays of rays from both of the two Daxside brothers and Bingo's eyes shot out, glancing in all directions.

It took a long time for Bingo to point in one direction and said, "There."

So everyone rushed again in the direction Bingo pointed.

But the more they rushed forward, the more surprised they were, because they found that Jia Lan's direction had completely left the range of the starry sky and reached the place of the outer starry sky.

There is no life in the extraterrestrial sky, because the conditions here are too difficult. The sky does not know how many thunders are constantly swimming, like a boundless ocean of thunder, rising into the sky and not knowing how high the volcano is. The magma and heat are released, turning everything around into waste soil.

Standing on the edge of the outer space, Bingo and Dakside were afraid to go forward, because even if they went to the outer space, they were a bit troublesome. This is why many people are afraid of being exiled to the outer space. Because once you go, it means you are dead, and you can only float in the outer space and become a dust.

"What to do?" The tyrant messenger asked.

No one can answer what he should do, because to this extent is beyond their ability, even if they are loyal to Jia Lan, they dare not rush forward.


Just when everyone didn't know what to do next, suddenly they heard a loud sound coming from the depths of the alien sky, and then the thunder that roamed in the alien space was disturbed by the roar and the vibration, Like scrambling around like a mess.

哧哧 哧 ~~

Kakaka ~~

The thunder was intertwined, making a harsh, scalp sound.

Boom ~

Countless huge volcanoes were shaken and shaken, and the magma pillars rising from the sky began to shake as if they were blown by a hurricane.

"This is ... the voice of the gods?" Yan Huang asked pale.

In fact, everyone knows that this is Jia Lan's voice, but I don't know what trouble he has encountered, and he will make such a terrible roar, shaking the sky-thunder and the magma pillar.

"Look! What's that?" Redshift screamed suddenly, then pointed his finger in one direction.

Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing, and when they saw the situation ahead, they all got dumbfounded.

Seeing that the stout thunder that was still swimming suddenly gathered together quickly, and then began to intertwin with each other, and soon formed a large number of lightning lightning spheres. These huge lightning lightning spheres have just formed , Rushed in the direction of Jia Lan's roar.

At the same time, countless red magmas also began to gather together over the sky, forming a huge magma pillar of unknown thickness, and then banged in the direction of the lightning ball.

Seeing this scene, a group of elven gods almost fell from the sky in a scary way. This is definitely a devastating attack.

Let ’s not talk about the energy of these things. It ’s enough to drink a pot of energy without smashing it. What kind of plane does Jia Lan engage in? How could such sudden movements suddenly occur?

"I ... I seem to know why." Skywalker's voice was a little uneasy when he spoke.

In fact, not only did he know why, but everyone else knew.

There is only one possibility that can cause such an astonishing vision, and that is the advanced product of Jialan!

Thinking of this possibility, everyone's back began to sweat. You must know that Jialan is already a god. Where can I go when I am advanced? How strong can he be?

Really let these people guess right. At this moment, in the deepest outer space, a huge and incomparable mechanical worm is tossing and tossing in the starry sky, countless huge and incomparable metal claws are waving at random around, it seems I want to get rid of something.

However, the huge lightning ball that rushed from all directions hurriedly fell on it.

Boom boom ~~

The huge explosion sound almost connected, and with each explosion, a huge lightning ball turned into endless lightning spots, and quickly disappeared into the dark starry sky.

After each lightning ball was broken by Jialan, one of Jialan's claws was torn apart, and then quickly grew out.

At this moment, Jia Lan's heart had a feeling of excitement and despair.

The excitement was because he finally understood what Ka's own for many years. After he ate the lotus cake made by Ye Fei, he felt a sense of thoroughness.

He actually knows things like lotus seeds here in Ye Fei. This is a very strange thing. Its flesh is sweet, but its core is extremely bitter. But as long as the bitter core is removed, this is A very popular ingredient.

He has been at this level for many thousands of years, not because he cannot advance, but because he is not willing to advance.

Because he is not willing to throw away the things that hold him at the level of the gods, that is the true heart!

The original heart is the most primitive and important thing of a person or thing. Without the original heart, the person or thing is no longer the original, and he will become another person or thing.

Jia Lan used to be cruel and devouring other planets without feelings, but he hasn't hated losing himself in the endless confusion. He knows that if he really reaches that point, he will no longer be himself.

He does not lose his heart because he is not willing to lose himself.

But after watching Ye Fei's steps to make lotus seed cake, Jia Lan understands one thing. In order to eat good food, sometimes you have to give up something.

But rounding does not mean loss, when this ingredient changes form, it is still it, and it is a more perfect form of it.

Like the lotus seed cake, the lotus seed turns away from the lotus heart and becomes the lotus seed cake, but the lotus seed is still the main body, and adding other things in it will only make it more perfect.

If you want to advance, you can give up your heart, but only if you can control your heart.

And if you want to control it without losing your heart, it depends on how firm your mind is.

Jia Lan believes she can do this perfectly.

It was also because he believed in himself that he chose to advance immediately!

"All die for Lao Tzu! Your group of lightning **** that can only tickle me!" Jia Lan roared, and all his claws stabbed at the same time.

Countless lightning **** were directly broken by it, but the next blink of an eye rushed over again.

Jia Lan still underestimated these lightning **** in the outer sky, one by one, it was too scary, the energy was too great, even if he was slowly struggling.

But at this moment, suddenly he felt a muffled sound above his head. Jia Lan hurriedly looked up, and saw a huge and extremely incomparable red magma pillar that didn't know how thick it was and smashed at him severely.

"Sleep !!!"

Jia Lan scolded directly, he did not expect that he would not only have to withstand the Thunder attack, but also be smashed.

Huh ~

The huge magma pillar almost passed the lightning ~ ~ just after Jia Lan had scolded him, the pillar hit him severely.

Click! !! !! !!

This pillar was obviously formed by magma, but when it was broken, it was fragmented like a solid, turning into countless bright fragments scattered everywhere.


Jia Lan screamed in pain, and then he was afraid to find that his body had cracks. Before he recovered, countless lightning bolts rushed over and hit him hard.

After the lightning ball, another huge magma pillar fell down, as if a universe fell on his body, Jia Lan heard a broken sound from his body, and then he Seeing my body flew in all directions.

He is broken.

(End of this chapter)