MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 6 cheat limit

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  Chapter 6 Cheat Limitations

  The method of beer fish is actually very simple. Change the knife to the crucian carp, and then deep-fry until golden on both sides.

  Then the ingredients, that is, onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili, soy sauce, and oyster sauce, as well as salt, sugar, and bean paste, are all put into a large bowl.

  Finally, add the 82-year-old beer that is about to expire, stir well, then pour the prepared soup into the pot and cook with the crucian carp for ten minutes.

  If you like to eat some ingredients, you can also add thousands of sheets and enoki mushrooms.

  But Chu Mingcheng only eats for one person, so he doesn’t need ingredients, two fish are enough for him.

   "Oh, our cooking skills are still so good!" Ten minutes later, he tasted the pot and boasted proudly.

  I don’t have many hobbies in my life, except for liking beautiful women, the rest is eating.

   It’s just that he also discovered a problem when he was eating it. The crucian carp caught in the reservoir had a slight earthy smell, not a strong smell.

   It’s not that it was covered by heavy ingredients. He also ate this dish occasionally before, but the fish was bought from the vegetable market.

  The bought fish has an earthy smell that cannot be covered up. Thinking about it now, it should be raised in fish ponds.

   Those crucian carps are only about ten yuan, which is very cheap.

  Thinking of this, Chu Mingcheng took out his mobile phone and inquired about the price of wild crucian carp.

  When he saw wild crucian carp cost 30 yuan a catty, he immediately slapped his thigh in grief. The cat stole at least 30 yuan from him!

   Besides, the bigger the crucian carp, the more valuable it is, so why not charge forty for a catty?

  I feel so bad that I can't breathe!

   Next time, I still have to prepare two smaller ones. It’s really distressing that the big one was stolen.

  Chu Mingcheng turned his grief and anger into appetite, and directly killed two bowls of rice.

  Tonight he deliberately cooked more rice, which can be used for scrambled egg rice tomorrow morning, not only for breakfast, but also for lunch.

  After dinner, he cleaned up, and after taking a shower, Chu Mingcheng didn't go out for a stroll, but returned to the bedroom with his notebook in his arms to continue studying some basic knowledge of fishing.

   After watching some videos, he found that with his current savings, he could actually play low-cost sea fishing.

  Chu Mingcheng thought for a while, and seeing the price of wild crucian carp today, he thought he might consider selling the liver crucian carp for money first, and picking conch to increase the number of aquatic species in the illustrated book.

  The next day I woke up naturally again, and the days without work were a bit slack.

  Chu Mingcheng fried egg fried rice, made a pot of crucian carp tofu soup, then put on waterproof boots and set off with sea pliers and two buckets.

  Today is the sixth day of the lunar new year, and the low tide here is around 12:00 noon. If you want to catch the sea, you have to go after 1:00 pm, so he went fishing in the reservoir first.

   There is still no one there, so I still choose yesterday's location.

  First sprinkle a few handfuls of wine, rice and corn. According to the guide, this is called raising a nest, but the time must be fixed.

  I dare not say that I will always come here to fish, but during this period of time, he will come to make nests and fish according to the current time.

   Make a good nest, then take out the tools, and match the bait by the way.

  With yesterday's experience, today's work seems to be in order.

  Chu Mingcheng tried the pull-down bait today, but unfortunately the production failed, and the bait did not feel like drawing when pulled.

  He is not in a hurry now, he can take his time in the future.

   Today is still a double hook, and the bait enters the water. Just as Chu Mingcheng was about to take out his mobile phone, the bait entered the water only to be calm for more than ten seconds before the float reacted, and it was still a **** float.

   Oh, just give me a big one when I come up today?

   It seems that today's luck is good, maybe selling crucian carp can earn one or two hundred.

   But when he lifted the fishing rod, it was so light and weightless.


  Chu Mingcheng is depressed, it seems that it is not a good start, but a bad start!

  But when the hook was completely out of the water, he found a very small fish hanging on it.

   Take a closer look, it is a small brown fish with a little transparency. Chu Mingcheng didn't recognize the fish for a while, it looked a bit like a jumping fish, but that lived in sea water, but this one lived in fresh water.

   And what made him even more depressed was that his hook was used to catch crucian carp. How did such a small fish eat the hook, and it just went black and white?

   With some doubts, Chu Mingcheng looked at the data panel displayed in his mind.

  【Shatang Channa, also known as Lying Tiger (Level 0)】

  【Current Experience: 1/10】

  【Body size +0%】

  【Delicious +0%】

  【Catch Chance +0%】

   "Lying ground tiger?" Chu Mingcheng suddenly remembered, didn't he often play with this kind of fish when he was a child?

   In the past, the family liked to raise some chickens and ducks, and he would often catch this kind of fish with his friends.

  The ground tiger swims slowly and is very easy to catch.

  After he caught it, he used it to feed the chickens and ducks, and the chickens and ducks especially like to eat it.

   This stuff is delicious if it’s made well. It seems that some people will buy it to eat it, but there are not many people who know the product, so it’s not easy to sell.

   But this happened more than ten years ago, and I don't know what happened now.

  Chu Mingcheng took out his mobile phone and checked it. When he saw that the price was more expensive than wild crucian carp, his eyes lit up.

   But the next moment, he was not interested in this fish.

  The main ground tiger is hard to sell here, and this kind of fish is not seen at all in the vegetable market here.

  Secondly, this fish is too small. Although the price can be sold for more than 60 at the moment, but with the effort of catching a catty, crucian carp may be caught in a bucket, which is obviously not worthwhile.

  Currently fishing, he still focuses on making money, followed by entertainment. The efficiency of fishing for ground tigers is too low.

  However, he did not let it go, but threw the ground tiger into the bucket.

  There is a fish thief at home now, I don’t know if he will come over today. When the time comes, this ground tiger will give it a snack, and if it doesn't come, it will be given to the neighbor's duck.

  Then continue to fish, the second time the bait is finally no longer a ground tiger, but a crucian carp in its early half catty.

  Having gained something, Chu Mingcheng was full of energy.

  The awakened golden finger is related to the liver. This week, he will at least get the crucian carp liver to level ten.

  Judging from the experience of catching Pipi shrimp, he estimated that when the attribute is 2% of the attribute, it will not have much effect, and the effect of the cheat will not be noticed until it reaches 10%.

  In the short morning, Chu Mingcheng put away his fishing rod after fishing for two hours.

  In the past two hours, I only caught four crucian carp, three white stripes and five ground tigers. The fish mouth is average, and the efficiency is not as high as yesterday.

  To catch so many ground tigers today, he suspects that it has something to do with the fact that he poured bait into this fishing spot last night.

  Fortunately, there are not too many ground tigers here, otherwise he would definitely be paralyzed by attracting a nest of ground tigers.

   Take out your own thermos to eat, and after eating, drive to find a suitable place to catch the sea.

  It is difficult for gods to catch fish at noon. This truth is understood by people who don’t fish, let alone novices. There is no need to continue wasting time here, and it will not be too late to come after the high tide in the afternoon.

  The southeast of Yanmen Island is currently trying to develop tourism because of the sea-crossing bridge and the beach.

  There was nothing to catch on the rocky beach area over there, so Chu Mingcheng drove to the northwest.

   There is no beach on this side, but there are many reefs. Because the distance is too far, almost no one will come here even during the holiday on October 1st.

  After Chuming City arrived, there was no one in the vast reef area, maybe they ran out to play during the National Day holiday.

  Carrying another bucket, he began to search for all the creatures he could catch in the cracks of the rock.

  As soon as he found a puddle, he found a few hand crabs hiding in it. This kind of crab is so small that no one eats it, and it has flooded the seaside.

  Chu Mingcheng pressed down quickly with his eyes and hands, and successfully pressed two of them, and the other two were so startled that they ran away in an instant.

   Grabbing the two Xiangshou crabs and throwing them into the bucket, he looked at the aquatic product guide.


  There is no response at all in the aquatic products illustrated book. The unlocked capture tools include hands, which makes no sense!

   Didn't give an explanation, which made Chu Mingcheng a little confused.

   There were some spicy snails by the puddle, so he picked up a few and threw them into the bucket to see the situation.

   At this moment, the aquatic illustrated book finally responded.

  【Aquatic Products Illustrated Book (Level 0)】

  【Current Experience: (6/50)】

  【Unlock capture tools: hand, fishing tackle】

  【Aquaculture level up to 50】

  【Unlock fish: prawns, crucian carp, white stripes, carp, ground tiger, spicy snails】

  【Special Ability: None】

  【Varth snail, also known as spicy snail, bitter snail (level 0)】

  【Current Experience: 3/10】

  【Body size +0%】

  【Delicious +0%】

  【Catch Chance +0%】

   "Hey, this spicy conch works again, what's the matter?" Chu Mingcheng was a little confused about what was going on with his golden finger.

   Xiangshou crab is not good, but spicy snails are.

  If you compare the difference between the two, that is, no one wants one, and the other can sell for more than 30 yuan in the market.

   "So it's like this!" Chu Mingcheng suddenly understood.

  The Aquatic Illustrated Book, not the Aquatic Illustrated Book, which means that the aquatic creatures he caught must have economic value. If there is no economic value, then the Aquatic Illustrated Book will not be unlocked and included.

  In this case, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the difficulty of upgrading the aquatic illustrated book.

  (end of this chapter)