MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 95 寤寐 twentieth 6

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Tonight, Wei Wuzhen has made countless such small and light moves on the Blue Forgetting Machine. He has long been accustomed to the "reverse acceptance" of the Blue Forgetting Machine. It was suddenly caught and stopped at this moment, and Wei Wuzhen had not reacted for a while. Blue forgets the machine but sighs: "Don't move."

Above his handsome face, even the eyelashes are still covered with a little transparent waterdrops. The look looks cold and his eyes are hot and hot.

It is probably that the wine brought tonight is really too strong, Wei Wuzhen feels that the mind is starting to heat up.

He said: "Don't move? Why? Don't you let me move for so long?"

Blue forgot to close the lips, did not say a word, the hand holding his wrist is not loose, it seems to insist.

He evoked a corner of his mouth and whispered softly: "If I want to move, do you think you are like this, how can you take me?"

Blue forgot to stare at him, and there seemed to be a spark in his eyes.

This face, this look, this kind of gaze, this situation, this person, makes Wei Wuzhen as if the whole person is lit by a sensible fire and burned.

Suddenly he was crazy, and he rushed out to pour another hand into the water. He grabbed a handful of parts of the blue forgetting machine and gasped: "With the light, don't tell me. You don't like me to move you like this!"

Like being bitten by a poisonous snake, or being irritated by his actions, Blue forgot to slam, and Wei Wuzhen felt a horrible attack, and he was dragged to the blue forgetting machine. go with.

The splash of water splashed out of control.

I don't know who started first. When Wei Wuzhen was a little awake, he was already sitting on the blue forgetting machine legs and holding his lips in this position for a while. The two of them were closely attached, and they were all wet, but now he only had a dry fire that was full of brains. He was sober and only barely maintained for a moment. There was a voice in his heart that said the indigo had been drunk and did not distinguish between right and wrong. The ability to do this kind of thing is very inappropriate, it should not be. However, this voice was immediately annihilated in the insane kiss of the gas.

Wei Wuzhen's two arms entangled in the blue forgetting machine neck, and he kissed him hard, how to feel comfortable, before those "I only asked him a few words", "I only help him wipe", The repeated guarantee of "I don't do anything else" has already been thrown into the clouds.

Suddenly, he screamed, separated his lips and shouted: "Blue Zhan! How do you bite like a dog?!"

A slight dissatisfaction with his untimely, Blue’s answer was to bite his chin. Wei Wuzhen was most afraid of this, and his eyebrows were slightly stunned. In retaliation, he stretched out a hand and took another hand on the part he had just licked.

Blue forgot to change his face suddenly, Wei Wuxi smiled and gasped a few breaths, licked the corner of the blue forget machine, said: "How, hurt, not angry?"

He took off his shirt that had been completely soaked and said: "Blue Zhan, do you know, I like you how angry you are..."

His tone was full of excitement, and the blue forgot the skin was like the whole person was on fire, one hand firmly hugged his waist and the other hand on the edge of the barrel. The tub was broken and the room was in a mess, and it was terrible.

The two did not care about these irrelevant things. The Blue Forgot Machine almost threw him to the couch with Wei Wuzhen. Wei Wuzhen only raised a little upper body, and he was immediately pressed back by him. The action was fierce, and it was not like the glory of being praised and elegant. Wei Wuzhen was hit by a pain in his back, and he screamed, and the blue forgetting machine was slightly stagnation. Wei Wuzhen said in his ear: "I can't see it, you are so fierce in bed..."

The ear lobe of the lip was white as jade, and Wei Wu couldn't help but bite a small mouth on it. After the bite was finished, it was gently sucked, and the blue fingers that forgot his shoulders suddenly tightened. The strength of his hand was extremely great. When Wei Wuzhen was on the scene, he was pinched and screamed. He looked at his shoulder and left five bright red fingerprints. And the blue forgetting machine's hand has reached the waist of Wei Wuzhen.

Wei Wuzhen deliberately teased him, took a shot and smiled: "So urgent?"

Said to put a knee into the middle of the person's legs in the middle of the top. Blue forgets the eyes of the machine seems to be full of bloodshot, faint redness. Wei Wuwei said: "I don't want to take it off, I will come by myself."

After that, I was so refreshed that I tore the two lower body clothes, and slid the blue back to the strong shoulders and let him press on himself.

Both of them are naked, their skin is close to the skin, and they kiss each other intimately. Wei Wuzhen left his hand and pressed the back neck of the blue forgetting machine, not letting him separate even a little gap, tearing his lips on his lips, swallowing his breath and body fluid, and his right hand followed the graceful muscles of the back of the blue machine. The lines touched all the way, touching the whispering whip marks and gently stroking them.

The action of the blue forgetting machine is even more exposed. The bones, the knuckles with distinct knuckles and long and white hands swam a few rounds back and forth in Wei Wuzhen, and finally greedily linger in the waist and hip area. Wei Wuzhen was overturned and bounced under the hands of the two hands, but the person who could play him did not leave the elegant and quiet of the seven-string guqin. Wei Wuzhen’s is not a high-pitched sound, but an unscrupulous 呻|吟.

Wei Wuzhen was able to enjoy it for the first time. After a while, I felt that the delicate skin near the thigh root was kneaded by the blue forgetting machine. This is a sensitive area. The blue forgetting machine is too big and terrible. In a short time, he is twisted and itchy and painful, and it is crisp and numb. He took a small breath and removed the already red lips. He took a few breaths and faked. I took this hand that was not a gentleman, and I was so angry that I didn’t want to be so wild after I took off my clothes. It’s really nicknamed Yazheng...ah!

Blue forgets to screw a note on his chest, and Wei Wu’s body shrinks and evades. Blue forgets the sound that sounds very dangerous. Wei Wuxi is busy: "Well, don't do this, let you screw." He said that he took the blue forget the machine and sent it to himself, laughing. : "How do you want to screw it?"

Fluttering, Wei Wuzhen feels that there is a kind of inferiority in this kind of thing.

[A small river crab climbed]

Blue forgot the warm body of the body covered in Wei Wuzhen, buried in his chest. Wei Wu's body is off force, as if from the fingertips to the top of his head, lazy and even his fingers do not want to huddle. For a long while, the turbulent tidal heat has faded slightly, and the breathing has gradually calmed down.

He was pressed down, but his heart was incomparably quiet and lame, bowing his head and kissing in the blue forgetting machine. In the breath of the two, in addition to the faint sandalwood, there is a fresh soapy taste just after bathing. The scent of scent is not obvious.

Wei Wuzhen originally had something to ask about the blue forgetting machine, but at this moment, he felt that there is no need to ask again, and he said it would be fine.

Wei Wuzhen whispered: "Blue Zhan... Are you listening?"

Speaking, Blue forgot the machine "Hmm".

Wei Wuwei said: "I have something to say to you."

After a pause, he gently said in a slightly unspeakable voice: "Thank you, Lan Zhan. I..."

If he returns, he has not encountered the blue forgetting machine in his life, Wei Wuzhen does not know what he will be like now.

But in any case, he felt that it would not be better than now.

However, after hearing this sentence, Blue forgot the whole person to be stiff in an instant.

Wei Wuzhen was still unaware of it. He was ready to kiss him and continue to say that the blue forgetting machine pushed him away and sat up.

Unable to be pushed to the other side of the wooden couch, Wei Wuqi hit a muffled back, sitting quietly and widening his eyes. Blue forgets the machine with his head down, his chest gently undulating, and his breathing is a little short.

The two men sat silently for a long while, and the first to act, it was the blue forgetting machine.

His face was very pale, but his eyes were so clear. Picking up a piece of white clothes on the ground, first cover Wei Wei, and then go to find what you wear.

Wei Wuzhen can't believe everything that happened.

He seemed to have a nightmare in a beautiful dream of rejoicing, facing a cold water, splashing him from head to toe, as if he had a slap in the face and hit him with tinnitus. The heart is twitching and turning around, and I can't give any reaction for a long time. It’s easy to open your mouth, and even the scorpion is dumb.

Wei Wuwei said: "...Blue Zhan, are you waking up?"

The blue forgetting machine has been worn, sitting far from the edge of the wooden collapse, his right hand wiped his forehead, turned around, facing the room in the room, and facing Wei Wei. After a while, I whispered: "... um."

Although I don't know when he was awake, there is one point that Wei Wuzhen can be sure.

Since the waking up, the Blue Forgetting Machine is now this reaction, which shows that he was not willing to continue the matter just now.

Suddenly, Wei Wuzhen woke up.

He finally found out how badly he had done.

The author has something to say: There is no such thing, and he has a hand. /p