MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 94 寤寐 twentieth 5

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For his exaggerated praise, Blue forgot to take it safely, opened the sleeves of Wei Wuwei, and poured the stolen dates into the same place, saying: "Give you. I will give you."

Wei Wuzhen cooperated with the authentic: "Thank you."

However, the Blue Forgot Machine suddenly withdrew. With a wave of sleeves, a bunch of dates fell out, and the bones rolled all over the floor. Wei Wuxi was busy bending over to squat, and smashed a few, but he couldn’t come. Blue forgets the machine: "No."

He grabbed the hen that Wei Wuzhen had under his left arm and grabbed one in his hand. Wei Wuzhen took his widowed ribbon tail and took him back. He said, "Is it still good, how is it angry again?"

Blue forgot to sweep him and said: "Don't be jealous."

It sounds like his tone is not very happy, and there is a warning. Wei Wuzhen could not help but loose his hand. Blue forgot to lower his head and moved both stunned hens to his left hand, which freed his right hand and finished his own wiping and hair. Wei Wuxi said: "I used to play his wiping. He didn't stop it. Is it really angry today?"

He felt it necessary to remedy it and pointed to the hen. He said: "If you have a date, give it to me. Didn't you say it to me?"

Blue forgot to raise his eyes and look at him in general. Wei Wuzhen sincerely said: "Please, I really want it, give it to me."

I heard the sound, and the blue forgot the machine. After a while, I handed the original hen back to him. Wei Wuzhen took it over and took out a date and rubbed it on the clothes on his chest. He bite off half of it and thought that since Lan Zhan wanted to play, he would play with him, saying: "Next What are you doing?"

The two walked to a wall, and the blue forgot to look left and right, and determined that no one would take the dust from the waist. A few dazzling blue lights flashed through the brush and left a large line on the wall. Wei Wuzhen took a look at it and wrote seven big characters: "Blue forgets to travel here."


Blue forgot to take back the dust and watched his masterpiece. Even if he is drunk, his handwriting is still extremely strict. He was very satisfied, nodded, condensed for a moment, and raised his hand. This time it was not writing, but painting. Several swordsmanships were crossed, and two portraits of the little ones who were kissing were appearing on the wall. The rigor of the brushwork, the filth of the content, seeing Wei Wuyi slap on his head.

Stealing things, destroying, and scribbling everywhere... This is what he determined: Blue forgets the machine, really repeating the things he said. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it, even the graffiti content is almost the same!

He couldn’t smile in his heart: "But these are the things I will do when I was twelve or three years old!"

The blue forgetting machine is more and more intense, and it is not enough to draw a wall. It is necessary to continue painting on the other side. Seeing that his paintings are more and more bizarre, Wei Wuyi is distressed and avoids dust, while thinking: "This will have to be painted out on the name of the blue forgetting machine on the wall, but you can't let others know who it is. Dry. No, no, don't even paint the entire wall."

It took a lot of effort, and Wei Wuzhen took the blue forgetting machine back to the inn. He threw the two hens to the proprietress, saying that he was on the road, went upstairs, closed the door, turned around. Just outside, the night is dim and not careful, but when I get to the house, I look at the lights and see the clothes, face, and hair on the blue forgetting machine, all with chicken feathers, broken leaves, and white wall ash. It is really a loss of instrumentation. Wei Wuzhen helped him to beat and smiled: "So dirty!"

Blue forgets the machine: "wash your face."

When he was drunk for the first time, Wei Wuzhen gave him a face wash, and the blue forgetting machine showed his special preference, and this time he took the initiative to ask. Wei Wuzhen originally wanted to wash him, but the whole person has tossed it like this. It is not enough to wash his face, so he said: "Will you just take a shower for you?"

Hearing the words, Blue forgot to open his eyes slightly. Wei Wuzhen carefully looked at his look and said: "Do you want it?"

Blue forgets to nod immediately: "Okay."

Wei Wuxi said: "Blue Zhan really likes to be clean. I will help him pour a bath of water, and the rest let him come."

The buddies of the inn are all women, and Wei Wuzhen naturally will not let them do too much trouble. So, he indigo forgot to sit in the room, and he went downstairs to burn the water, and brought it up in a bucket. Filled with the tub, tried to test the water temperature, turned around and asked the blue to forget the machine to undress, but turned back, but saw the blue forget the machine has consciously stripped the clothes.

Although he was two years old, he was opposite to the cold spring naked in the cloud, but at that time the two were young people with no distractions. He had no other thoughts when he bumped into the blue forgetting machine before bathing. In addition, most of the bodies of the two blue forgetting machines are buried in the water. Therefore, at this moment, I suddenly saw a frank and honest light. I have to say that Wei Wuzhen was greatly affected. In the meantime, he didn't know whether he should obey the heart and look at it well enough, or should he give the blue forgetting machine something to be a gentleman, the scalp is numb, and he can't help but retreat. But he is stepping back, but the blue forgetting machine is constantly moving forward. Wei Wuzhen had already retreated to the corner of the wall, avoiding it, and had to slap the scalp to see the blue forgetting the face and the closer and closer. The clear throat, the white skin, the smooth and graceful muscle lines forced him to sway in front of him, and he dared not look straight, his eyes were slightly dodging, and he swallowed his throat unconsciously. He felt dry and dry.

Wei Wuzhen bit his teeth and was about to talk. The blue forgetting machine suddenly shot and broke his belt.

His face is still a serious one, but his movements are very rude. Wei Wuzhen did not expect that he would suddenly have this move, shocked, and said: "Call and stop! I don't wash! I don't wash! Come on."

Blue forgot to frown, Wei Wu said: "You wash it first, I like it, hey, big bath. This two people in the tub are a little stubborn."

Blue forgot to take a look at the bath tub indifferently. It was confirmed that it was not big enough. Then I barely gave up, slowly touched into the tub, slowly sinking in and soaked myself in the hot water.

Wei Wuqi sighed and said: "Then you slowly soak, I will go out first." After that, they have to go out to blow the air, calm down, but listen to it, he looked back and said: "How do you Out!"

Blue forgets the machine coldly and said: "Do not wash."

Wei Wuwei said: "Why? Don't wash dirty?"

Blue forgets the machine is unhappy, not to mention why, go to the screen to wear the clothes to take off, Wei Wuxi busy folded back, roughly guessed why, said: "Do you want me to wash you?"

Blue forgets the machine and hangs his eyes, does not admit it or deny it.

Looking at him like this, Wei Wuzhen’s heart is inexplicably soft, thinking: “At most, I will help him rub a few times. Others, I will do nothing.”

So he dragged the blue machine to the side of the tub and said, "Okay, I will wash it for you, come over."

The blue forgetting machine was dragged back by him and re-infused into the water. Wei Wuzhen also rolled up his sleeves and walked to the side of the barrel.

Blue forgets the skin white, long hair black and bright, softly floating on the water, the water vapor lingering in the transpiration room, the day, a good Yaotai fairy pool like ice like a beautiful fairy. Wei Wuzhen saw it as a pity. He felt that he should give the blue forgetting machine some petals and float on the water, and the scenery is better. He picked up the wooden spoon in the tub and the fine water flowed down to the blue forgot. Because the blue forgetting machine has been staring at Wei Wuwei with a sneak peek, Wei Wuzhen worried that the water would flow into his eyes and made it uncomfortable. He said: "Close your eyes."

Blue forgot to ignore the opportunity, staring at him, like a fear of a blink of an eye, Wei Wushao ran away. Wei Wuzhen reached out and closed his eyes. He buried the lower half of his face in the water and spit a string of bubbles. Wei Wuqi haha ​​smiled and gently twisted his face and said: "Two brothers, how old?"

He picked up the acacia box and the cloth towel, rubbed it down the face of the blue forgetting machine, rubbed it, and the action suddenly stagnate.

Only then, Blue forgot to remove the amount of hair and hair band, the black hair scattered to cover the upper body. But now, he helped the blue forget the machine to put the wet black hair behind his shoulders and rubbed it into his chest. The more than 30 signs of whip marks and the brand of the chest were clearly revealed.

Wei Wuzhen took the cloth towel and turned to his back.

From the back of the blue forgetting machine, the whip marks spread to his chest, shoulders, arms, and climbed on the bright white skin. These shallow or deep, ridiculous scars have destroyed this man's body that could have been perfect.

After watching it for a while, Wei Wuzhen dipped the cloth in his hand and wiped the traces left by those whip. He started extremely soft, as if he couldn't bear to hurt the blue. However, these are old injuries, and have passed the most painful time. Moreover, even if they are all fresh scars, the character of forgetting the machine with blue, the pain will certainly endure not to make any sound, and does not show any sign of weakness.

Wei Wuzhen wanted to ask him now, what the scars are all about. In Gu Sulan, the only one who is qualified to use the quit to punish the blue forgetting machine is Lan Yuchen and Lan Qiren. What kind of thing is done to make his closest brother, or the uncle who has brought him to him and has always been proud of him.

There is also the brand of Lushan Wen, who is not impressed by him.

However, when the words are on the lips, they are always forbearing. Such a thing, Blue forgets that he does not want to say, he will not ask. And although the blue forgetting machine will remember nothing after waking up, but he rushes to drink in front of Wei Wuzhen, he is saying that he is trusting him. If he is arrogant, he will sneak out the privacy and secrets that the blue forgetting machine is not willing to know for outsiders. Not doing it very well?

It took a lot of work to get drunk, and it was worn and worn away. Wei Wuzhen did not ask anything. It’s not that he forgot. He always remembered that he had forgotten the blue forgot to drink. He wanted to ask him, including Guangjun, how did you look at me? Every time he comes to the verbal, he will find various reasons in his heart to confuse the past. What is not in a hurry, first play with him enough to ask again; what can not be so casual, to sit down and ask again... There are many excuses, dragged to the present, the real reason, probably because he is jealous.

He is afraid to hear the answer that is different from what he expected.

The blue forgot machine's arms were originally on the edge of the tub, and suddenly turned around. Wei Wuzhen was aware that he began to swim outside the world after washing and washing. He did not change places for a while, and washed the white skin on the back of the blue forgetting machine, like being beaten, and quickly stopped, saying: "Sorry, I am distracted, does it hurt?"

Behind Wei Wei’s hot, blue forgetting machine did not say anything, just shook his head. Seeing that he was sitting in the tub and quiet and obedient, Wei Wuxi was pitiful, hooked his fingers, and went to squat his knees. But this hand reached half, and Blue forgot to grab his wrist. /p