MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1524 Horrible

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The red round mirror of the Immaculate Palace is like a red sun. Unlike the red sun, the light from the mirror directly transforms the void, but it does not feel a little temperature.

At this time, there was a lot of distorted embarrassment on the face of the innocent palace, and she had never dealt with a person so fully. Under her mirror, don't say that life is a void rule. Any time space, under the mirror of Nirvana is a joke.

Ning Cheng is in the middle of the mirror of Nirvana, and the endless breath of Nirvana comes. At this moment, Ning Cheng feels that his own flesh and even the soul will be melted by this mirror. His rhythm and bodyguards are also in a frenzied retreat.

Ning Cheng’s heart is awkward, and his emphasis on the magic weapon is far less important than the repair. In his view, even the best magic weapon, in the face of strong strength, is also illusory.

But now the mirror of the Immaculate Palace has subverted his view. This mirror is like an unsolved existence. He is covered in a mirror, as if he was trapped by the stove of Tai Shang Laojun. The endless amount of horrible heat melted him, and in fact he could not feel any temperature.

This mirror is really too strange to feel the melting of the body of the whole body. Ning Cheng did not hesitate to gather the Seven Bridges. With the support of the Seven Bridges, his body rhythm rules melted at a slower rate and could still melt.

In the face of the rifle, the rules and rhymes have not yet reached the condensed, and they dissipated under this mirror. There is no rhyme rule around, and his gun is even on the body of the Immaculate Palace, and it is no different from tickling.

"Oh..." The first bridge was broken, and Ningcheng’s field of protection also cracked a gap.

Ning Cheng clenched his fist and felt a weakness for the first time.

Obviously, I felt the horror of melting the void under the mirror. He couldn’t catch anything. The whole person seemed to be in a dream, and he could not resist because of the opponent’s suppression.

The violent temperature infiltrated from the depths of Ningcheng and the meridians, and Ningcheng was powerless. Because he can't see where the temperature comes from, or even the temperature change of the body surface.

Nirvana mirrors may not be treasures of creation, but they are in no way inferior to any treasures of creation. At the same time as the Lord of the Immaculate Conception sacrificed the mirror of the Nirvana, even the strongest who competed for the gate of creation also subconsciously strengthened the perimeter of the whole body.

The Qufu Holy Buddha, the Five Elements of the Holy Lord, and the Styx of the River, these powerful people who know the Nirvana mirror, have exposed their taboo eyes, and the subconsciously shifted some positions.

Under the cover of the Nirvana mirror, there was finally a violent temper in Ning Cheng’s eyes. He was burned from the inside out by a temperature he couldn't catch, but there was no way to stop it. An ice-flavored medicinal herb swallows it, and it only brings a little bit of coolness, and then returns to its original state.

"Ning brother, I will help you..." In the distance, Kong Zai also saw the badness of Ning Cheng. He immediately rushed over.

"Don't come over." Ning Cheng screamed, but the speed of Kong Zai was too fast. He was just close to the scope of the Nirvana mirror, and the whole person was pinned.

If Ning Cheng is under the mirror of Nirvana, there is still the possibility of moving, and the hole is too small to move.

At this time, the hole outside the hole indicates that there is no half-point damage, and there is no half-temperature fluctuation, but his body-protection domain is broken wildly. His face was transformed in a mad twist, as if there was a horrible flame burning in his body.

"Infinite Palace Lord..." Ning Chengxiao screamed, and if he could, he would not want to tear this woman directly. Because of the cultivation of Kong Zhan in the avenue of Wangshan for a period of time, Kong Zai’s strength increased sharply. Otherwise, the rules of the void and the void were generally turned into nothingness.

"Ning brother, I can't stop it. If I can reincarnate, we will see you next time..." Kong Zaijiao wants to show a smile, but the smile is extremely terrible.

The infinite lord of the palace said, "Under my mirror, I want to reincarnate? Don't dream..."

Ning Cheng raised his hand and wanted to grab another ice-based medicinal herb from Xuan Huangzhu and threw it to Kong Zai. His thoughts suddenly swept to the infinite hoist.

An aura rises from the mind of Ning Cheng. At this moment, he has not hesitated without any hesitation, and he will grab the infinite amount of gourd. Immediately, an ice flower was taken from Ningcheng by the mass hoist. The ice flower was only held in the hands of Ning Cheng, and the horrible temperature of the Nirvana disappeared without a trace. A breath of coolness to the extreme came, and the rhythm of the whole body of Ning Cheng was condensed again. Ning Cheng had no time to think about the rest, raising his hand and waving to Kong Zai.

Originally trapped by the Nirvana mirror, the hole that almost collapsed suddenly felt that the atmosphere of Nirvana disappeared, and a cool rhyme was swept away by Ning Cheng. The hole load returned to normal in a very short period of time, and the destruction caused by the Nirvana mirror disappeared.

The mighty emperor's breath rose from Kong Zai's body, and Kong Zai's strength climbed again at this moment.

Ning Cheng was ecstatic, and he did not expect that a piece of ice that was inadvertently obtained in the past would be such a magic weapon against the sky. It seemed to restrain the invisible temperature of the horror.

Ning Cheng did not manage Kong Jian, whose strength was climbing. The magical guns in his hands condensed the infinite rhythm rules, tearing open all the space and rushing to the infinite palace.

"Boom!" The void once again collapsed. This time it was not caused by the annihilation mirror of the Immaculate Palace, but the Ningcheng's weapon of creation.

The magical guns cut through all the space and time, and at the same time as the sacrifice, they came to the eyebrows of the Immaculate Palace.

Is this possible? Until this time, the infinite palace master was shocked to see that the Nirvana in his mirror was broken by Ning Cheng.

The facts made it impossible for her to continue thinking about it. The magical gun would tear her eyebrows and kill her in the void.

The same fate of the same destiny shines from the eyebrows of the Immaculate Palace, and the magical guns are at the center of this vast destiny. The exuberant scent of the fate of the light faded down, and the sacred gun that Ning Cheng would kill was also blocked by the light of this fate, slipping on the left chest of the Immaculate Palace.

"Hey!" The **** fog exploded, and the body of the insignificant half of the palace disappeared as her left chest exploded.

The sharp voice that broke through the void exploded, and the infinite palace owner had retreated from the gunfire range of Ning Cheng when the small half of the body exploded.

Only one breathing time, Ning Cheng went to the small half of the body of the body of the infinite palace to restore again, although the body recovered in the breathing time, but the body of the infinite half of the main body is still seen by many powerful.

At the moment, the innumerable palace owner did not have the anger of the half-dress that had been taken away by the guns of Ningcheng, but looked at Ningcheng with a pale face.

Ning Cheng is very strong, she knew when she came out of the Seven Bridges. However, she still did not put Ning Cheng in her eyes. The real opponents in her eyes were the Qufu Holy Buddha and the Five Elements of the Lord. Because these talents know the horror of her Nirvana mirror, only these people will not be trapped by her Nirvana mirror like Ning Cheng.

Now that her Nirvana mirror is exposed, more people know that she has this mirror. In fact, this is not a big deal. The most terrible thing is that Ning Cheng has a way to crack her Nirvana mirror. It was not until this moment that she realized that the strength of Ning Cheng was far beyond her estimate.

If she knew that Ningcheng was so powerful, she would not be offended by Ning Cheng for killing an insignificant woman. Even if it is stronger than her strong, there is no such thing.

The Immaculate Palace Lord did not go to the door of creation, nor dared to go forward and continue to fight against Ningcheng. Even if she had the best treasure in the universe, her strength dropped after the meat was destroyed by Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng turned over and the ice was embedded in the gun. The infinite palace owner did not dare to continue to work with him, does not mean that he will let the infinite palace master.

"Dear friends, everyone understands people. Is it useful to continue this kind of melee? The position of the door of creation is not one. I suggest that everyone join hands together..." Wuliang Gongzhu did not wait for Ningcheng to come to her, and cried out. .

Everyone understands the meaning of the pro-palace of the Immaculate Palace, and the infinitely powerful master of the palace was hit hard by Ning Cheng. Now the strength is declining and I want to pull allies.

However, no one objected, and everyone understands that the words of the Infinite Palace Lord are correct. Only a strong alliance can have the opportunity to seize the opportunity to enter the door of creation. The strength of the infinite palace is still falling, and it is still one of the strongest here.

"There is no right to say, my brother agrees." Ninghe Tianzun did not continue to work on Ye Mo. After he made a move with Ye Mo, he knew that he would not form an alliance with others, even if he brought more Shura. Come over I am afraid I can't get what I want.

The strength of the infinite palace master is clear to him. Don't look at the infinite palace master who seems to be wounded. In fact, he knows that the strength of the infinite palace has not lost much. As for Ning Cheng, he did not want to form an alliance with Ning Cheng, but he knew that once Ning Cheng knew his backhand, he would never form an alliance with him. Even if it is an alliance, it will turn against it.

"If the two don't mind, they will add one to the old monk." After seeing the alliance between the Supreme Court and the Immaculate Palace, Qufu Shengfo said without hesitation. He wouldn't be naive to think that with the power of the Western universe alone, he could enter the door of creation alone.

The strength of Qufu Shengfo, the sacred Tianzun and the Immaculate Palace Lord are too familiar. Now that Qu Bo wants to join their alliance, they will naturally refuse.

"The younger generations are awesome. In this case, a few of our old guys will first join the alliance, and then solve these unspeakable and honest young people, and then discuss the creation." The five elements of the Lord saw the situation and knew that they must first form an alliance. It is a dream to destroy the competitors around you by your own strength and to enter the door of creation.

"This Taoist friend has heard that there are five great saints in the gate of creation. If you are willing to join us, no matter the first of the five ranks, you will definitely get one." Styx and Zimmer met once, he Deeply aware of the power of Ye Mo, after Qu Bo and the Five Elements of the Lord joined, he began to draw Ye Mo. As for the hatred between Ye Mo and Qu Bo, he is not clear, even if it is clear, in his opinion, it is also a trivial matter.

(Come here today, good night friends!).



〖Unfinished to be continued〗 []