MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 36 a pocket watch

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The next two days, every time you take a shower, you will find some strange signs on your body. It’s not a tooth print or a red one. Printed. It is not particularly deep, it is not very painful, but it does exist.

It is even more shameful to feel that the printed ink is more than a tooth print. As soon as he thought of the sequel to his bite and swearing when he fell asleep, Le Yao felt particularly embarrassed. In the bathroom, the whole mirror is also installed, which can be seen when taking a bath.

Le Yao was angry and annoyed, and he did not care much about it for two days. Until that afternoon, he received the 3d printer.

He found that when he was a sergeant, he was really arrogant, but when he gave power, he was also true. Continued not only bought him a printer, but also bought him with the pulp and colored paper used in the printer, and this is something he did not think of before. These can be heavier than the printer, and there is no need to say anything about the shipping cost. It must be over. At that time, I didn’t mention it in order to let him buy whatever he wanted, and he didn’t have any concerns.

"Continuous brother said, you must let us use it today." Yan Jie knows a lot about smart devices and information technology problems, and he was continued to help Le Yao. Installed, guided to use, and what to move, this time he just put the printer into the living room and installed it. "Mr. Xiaole, you can try it and see if it can be used."

"Okay, I will try a small thing first." Le Yao took the light energy tablet and turned out the small template that he had previously made with the software. He tried to play a small chair. .

"Oh..." The printer made a sound of work. After a while, a small blue chair fell into the finished warehouse.

Le Yao took it out and saw that the small chair that can be lifted by a slap is simply cute and delicate. This is much more reliable than the hand-carved carton furniture. It looks like a refined model.

Yan Jie said: "This is the effect of using pulp to make it out. It is a whole. If you use colored paper, you can use it to match it. But my suggestion is to use pulp for small objects and large paper for large items."

Le Yao nodded busyly: "This is so good, thank you, Yan Jie."

Yan Jie packed up and packed up the toolbox, and laughed at the two eyebrows that were exactly the same as the crayons. "You are welcome, when you are ready to eat and then call me, then I am grateful."

Le Yao said with great enthusiasm: "No problem. When I am busy with this, I will make a pot of spicy fish stew, super spicy and super delicious. Put the **** and chopped green on the whole fresh and tender fish. The pepper section... put on the wide powder, sizzling and simmering, with a pea millet, that tastes."

Yan Jie couldn't help but talk about it: "When you still have to eat, let's talk about it. I didn't know what it was. How can it be especially embarrassing when you finish it in your mouth?" Feel hungry, and quickly shift the topic: "Yes, do you want to print this small chair?"

"Yes. Not only chairs, but also tables, sofas, bookcases, etc., all have to be done."

"After these are burned into the underworld, is it fixed in one place or can it be moved at any time like this?"

"Furniture can move, but the house can't. There is also an address in the underworld. Where is the house burned? But if you say this, can I try to print a few tents?" This way, it burns to the underworld, Ji Fengyu Can they be used wherever they are? ! Hey, he never thought of it before!

Le Yao quickly found a tent to paint the board, and after graffitiing it, he joined the team to be printed. He doesn't print much, just two tops. After all, it is shameful to waste. When he wrote the size, he wrote it a lot, and he could live in a few places. He plans to use the printer after he goes out this time, and his first priority before this is to make incense, draw characters, evoke souls, and confess to Tang Yan.

This time, the singer will take someone to Woda Pei Xing, and Tang Yan will stay in Huaxiaxing. If you can recruit the late Undead Soldiers of the Flying Wolf Division, then everything is fine. If not, Le Yao is ready to hand over the task of burning incense to the undead here. He was not sure that after Vodapé, he couldn't receive the undead here, and he promised that he would give him a good fragrance every day.

Rong Gui has already made a contract with him. They are now equated with Xuanzhu and the soul soldiers. Ronggui can't disobey his wishes, otherwise he will fly away, and he will also be a man of words and trust.

Le Yao put all the things to be printed into the queue list, and then went to work to collect the things to be used. He wants to recruit the wife and daughter of Bei Lili tonight, and is going to recruit outside.

As soon as I entered the night, Bei Lili came along with Ji Fengyu and Song He. Although the expression of Bei Lili is still very light, it can be seen from the fact that he is very concerned about everything that he puts on Le Yao. He is still very concerned about this matter.

This time, the spirit of the spirit was different from the previous one. This time, Le Yao not only placed the incense and the offerings at the seaside, but also pressed the paper with a scent of the incense as a starting point. He also let Bei Hongli stand at the center of the paper circle. Then when the child arrived, he ordered three pillars of incense, and rhythmically stood up and respected the heavens and the earth, and read: "The sky is green, the earth is green, where are the gods? The disciple Le Yao today has three fragrances. Doing hundreds of trillions of incense clouds, earth-shattering, calling for the wind and rain, blossoming colorful clouds, pleading for the power of the soul of the gods to search for the soul of the soul, a search for the year of the year, Gengwuyue, noon, noon, born in Donghai Province Lin Ruo, from the Huaijin Community in Nanshi City, was born in Beninuo, a hospital in Pingnan City, Donghai Province.

He said that the person had just turned around in the circle and returned to the incense case. He ignited a scented column on the incense case with his incense on his hand, and then picked up the little dinosaur and rattled the bell, and the bell swayed rhythmically.

After a while, the sea breeze became stronger and brought the incense to the sky more quickly. It is clear that the southwest wind is blowing, and as a result, cigarettes are always rising, and they are not affected by the wind.

Continued to open the eyes of the day, he saw Beilili standing in the middle of the circle, but it felt nothing new. It was Le Yao, where he wore half of the panda's sleeves and black plaid pajamas on his chest. He always felt a little bit laughing and couldn't smile.

Every time, when Le Yao didn't do it, he looked like he was going to be a family, but once he remembered those spells in his mouth, Le Yao seemed to change his personality instantly. Don't look at the small dinosaurs in your hand, the whole body is a scent of fluttering. And he really likes Le Yao at this time.

Serious and warm.

"Lin Ruo, Benono, come back, come back soon..." Le Yao slowly screamed with a more ethereal voice than before, and continued to circle around the circle. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry, but every once in a while he will go to see how much the incense stick is burned. He calculated it before the spell was cast, and calculated that the soul of this girl should still be in the underworld. This girl is harmed by her loved ones, so there must be complaints in her heart. There is no resentment, and naturally you can't go to reincarnation.

"Lin Ruo, Benono, come back, come back soon..."

The call of Le Yao is still going on, and the incense has burned to one-half.

The eyes of Bei Lili clearly brought out some anxious emotions, and at this time, Le Yao’s mouth overflowed with a very light and light sigh.

The sigh was too light, and the success was covered up by the sea breeze. I didn’t hear it in a row. But Bei Lili heard it clearly. Just when he wanted to ask if Le Yao was not calling by his wife and daughter, the sea suddenly turned up a huge wave, and there were two large and two blue-grey figures floating in the spray.

Bei Hongli suddenly changed his face and shouted: "If Ruo!"

The slightly larger master of the Qingying heard the words, "Hey!" and the sound came over, and Le Yao saw it, neither asked for merits nor said anything. He just waited quietly before going to the incense case and waited for the line to burn. After receiving the recovered things, he received the bag and then whispered, "Let's go back."

"The house is not burning?" Continued to ask. When I came, I brought the house, and Le Yao said that I would burn it to the Beilili family.

"Don't burn first." Le Yao said, "Let them reunite first. They must have a lot of words to say, when the house burns anyway."

"Alright." continued, said, "It's a bit late." In order to summon when the yin is at its fullest, deliberately wait until the child. Recently, Le Yao slept too little.

When Le Yao and Xu continued on the aircraft, Bei Hongli looked over and gave him a slight nod to thank him, but he did not catch up. Le Yao saw that their family was holding together and watched for a long time.

Continued to see his gaze, suddenly thought of the first night with Ji Fengyu, they told him that Ji Fengyu told him that Le Yao was abandoned by his biological parents because he had a disability in his feet. Although Le Yao never said anything about this matter, every time he saw someone who was happy together, he couldn’t help but look at it.

Perhaps subconsciously envious.

Continued to hold people in their arms: "Don't you say you have fun doing good things?"

Le Yao said: "Oh, I am very happy."

Continued said: "Is it happy? How do I feel like envy? Honestly, are you envious of having such a lovely daughter?"

Le Yao said: "No, I am envious of Mrs. Bay, who has such a deep-hearted husband. After hundreds of years passed, did you hear when Mr. Bay had called his wife? So loud, especially excited."

Continued said: "I heard it. But how do I remember that you seem to prefer me to whisper you?"

Le Yao thought for a long time: "Do I have it?"

Continued to laugh and didn't talk. After returning, he took Le Yao and did not take medicine to put Le Yao under his body. The warm lips seemed to wipe the ear of Le Yao gently, and yelled at Le Yao: "Le Yao, Le Yao... my little baby..."

Le Yao is lying flat on the bed, the bones are soft! Then he felt that he was so unpromising, he looked up and took a bite on his face!

"Hey!" Continued and hurriedly retired, "What?"

"You bite me every day, change me to bite you today." Le Yao licked his lips, in exchange for almost kissing him.

"Don't be jealous, go to sleep." Continued hoarse and said.

"Yeah." Le Yao took the medicine and slept. Then the next day he got up and suddenly shouted: "I finished my husband!"

"What's wrong?" continued to smile.

"You have a pocket watch on your face!" Le Yao said with a round of hands: "So big!"

"..." Continued to take a photo of the light energy tablet, suddenly speechless.

“It’s okay, husband?” said Le Yao. “It’s just a bit funny, and it’s going to disappear in a day.”

"But less than a day, my old leader is coming to inspect."

Le Yao: "...啥?"