MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 53 a box is not enough

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At first, other people in Yang family did not believe it. They are all atheists, and they are all about science. But Yang Hengxi couldn’t stand up with them again and again, so they brought things to their side. Anyway, it is a small woodcarving fish, with no trouble. Besides, in the past six months, the Yang family has not been successful in all aspects. This is also true. If it can bring good luck, it is also a good thing.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if it does not bring good luck, it will not be because this fish has become more unsatisfactory than it is now.

"Heng Xi, there is a voice in this thing. Have you ever tested it?" Yang’s eldest brother Yang Hengtian is engaged in business, and he is also doing high-tech and communication industry. He is more cautious when he is doing things, and asks when he gets the fish.

"I have done it. Although it was sent by my classmates, but after all, I was in the hands of others." Yang Hengxi said, "But big brother, you can rest assured that there is a bell and a small paper bag inside, no problem."

"Yes, then you will thank your classmate on behalf of the family." Yang Hengtian lifted up and thought, this must be a simple young man, or who would believe this?

As for why he guessed that he was a male student rather than a female classmate, it was because his younger brother had only a girlfriend who had just caught up. Other girls had never been jealous, and the things they sent were even less likely to be received.

After Yang Hengxi left, Yang Hengtian’s secretary helped the glasses and smiled and said: “President, isn’t the second young master deceived?”

Yang Heng Tiantou said: "What do you deceive? The other party does not want him money or others, just give him something. The original mind is good, this is enough, and don't think everything is too complicated. You Or contact Dr. Liang to see if he has time today."

When I mentioned Dr. Liang, the secretary had a headache. They have encountered some difficulties in the process of research and development of new technologies, and Dr. Liang is an expert in this field, the person most likely to solve this problem. But they have asked for no more than five times, no, ten times. But this person is not willing to meet them. When asked about the reasons, there is no reason, that is, I don’t want to cooperate with Yang, but I also die.

If the technology is not fruitful, the research funding will be consumed every day, so it will not work. So the secretary slammed his head and contacted him.

As a result, Dr. Liang, who did not agree with this time, suddenly agreed! agreed!

When the secretary cut off the communication, he dreamed. After a while, he suddenly shouted: "Ah, ah!"

Yang Hengtian frowned: "What are you calling?"

The secretary said with excitement: "Dr. Liang has a comment with you! My goodness, is it true that this little fish really has such an effect?!"

Yang Hengtian: "..." should just be a coincidence?

When the news reached the Jiang family, the Jiang family felt that way. Jiang Xinyang, the father of Jiang Xinduo, said: "Coincidentally? Just a woodcarving, can you suddenly let Dr. Liang change his mind? Also improve the lucky value. If it is so effective, how can I not sell someone?"

Jiang Xinduo said: "It’s true, Dad, this news has been spread all over Yang’s headquarters. I have a classmate’s lover who is an executive at Yang’s. She told me personally.” This classmate used to talk to her. I don’t know, I will tell her that this is purely for her sake. "I also heard that this thing was brought by the second child of Yang’s family. It is said that now Yang family has it. It seems to be from Yang’s second child. What the classmates got, anyway, now Yang said that this thing is a transshipment spirit, especially spirit."

Jiang Hongyang indulged for a moment: "Then you will go to inquire about what is the classmate of Yang's second child. I don't know the fish you said, but the youngest son of Yang family has chased the granddaughter's granddaughter a few days ago. You said Your nephew has been chasing for so long, how did this girl choose the Yang family?"

Jiang Xin said that it is still used? Your baby grandson is a big radish.

But she can't say this, after all, is her father's favorite grandson.

Jiang Xin is still thinking about inquiring about the spirit fish. After all, if Dr. Liang really helped the Yang family to tide over the difficulties, it would not be a good thing for Jiang. If the thing of the spirit fish is true, then they must find a way to invite the person who can make the spirit fish to the Jiang family and use it for the Jiang family.

The most important manufacturer of the spirit fish is now giving lectures.

Le Yao holds a celestial eye in his hand and stands in front of the smart whiteboard. "Before we have said that most of the runes are composed of five parts, the head symbol, the main character and the belly, the daring And the forks, do you still remember what is equivalent in the belly?"

The students said in unison: "The role!"

Le Yao said: "Yes, when you see this part of a character, we should know what the role of this character is, and why the person who draws it wants to paint it. Then let's paint the sky, let me see me. The drawing and order. The most common characters on the rune are circles, spirals, lying 8, horizontal and vertical lines, etc... In fact, it is quite simple?"

Five students: "..." No!

Yan Jie and Dr. Zhao stretched their fingers in the number: "One circle, two circles, three circles, four rings, five..."

Chen Yingwei asked: "Mr. Xiaole, who are you studying with?"

Le Yao said: "Follow me. People are past and present. I was a mysterious man more than 500 years ago. I have such memories in my soul, so once my past memories are awakened, naturally I will think of a lot of things, including Ji Fengyu, who I have seen before, and my former friend. His spirit has been floating in this world for more than 500 years. Of course, this is especially mysterious. I guess I have not said much. People will believe. But in fact, believe it or not."

Chen Yingwei: "..." The more I say, the more I am.

The people present here have already seen Ji Fengyu, just on the day of the whole army gathering, so they are still the words of Xinle Yao. Mainly because of the recent performance of Le Yao, the gods (sin) and the heart (sickness) are big (mad), and they are not allowed to believe.

Le Yao said: "I will draw another one. Everyone will follow the order of me and draw it on the light energy tablet. Let the tablet remember this order. After going back, everyone has time to practice repeatedly. Because we are paying attention to one stroke, if it is medium Intermittent, even if it only breaks once, it will have no effect. So it can't be broken, hesitating will not work."

Le Yao said after painting on the smart whiteboard, the following people followed. He painted slowly so that everyone can't keep up. However, it turns out that it is very beneficial to teach elites in various fields. First of all, these people have intelligence online, and secondly, they are very organized, and they are very focused on learning, so they are very efficient.

After painting again, Le Yao said: "Let's fight for these two days to draw this celestial eye, and then we will enter the most important stage, that is, please God. Can you draw useful characters, this? One step is the key. Please don't come to God. It will be useless to draw 10,000 characters."

Han Mo learned the most seriously. He asked: "Mr. Xiaole, how can you improve your chances of coming to God?"

Le Yao said: "He sincere, quiet, empty everything, and natural integration into the world without me. But this is easy to say, but some people can't do it for decades. So I decided to start tomorrow, let's Going up the mountain in the morning, when the day is just shining, let's go to the nature. Then read the scriptures at night. I have sent the textbooks for me to read the scriptures that I read, you can listen first, then follow them. In order, Once you read it, you can read it back and change it."

Yan Jie asked: "How many words?"

Le Yao said: "The first book is more than 5,000 words. If you have no doubt, let's get here first."

It’s time to have dinner. I didn’t have any experience at the beginning, so I didn’t have a good grasp of everything during class. However, after a few days, Le Yao was probably looking for a feeling. At the same time, I also knew which time people were busy, so now they are all in the afternoon. Everyone is busy in the morning.

Continued to listen to it for a while, then push the door open and stand at the door and say, "Mrs, don't you think about accepting another student?"

Le Yao said with a smile: "Do not accept you!"

Chen Yingwei asked: "Why don't you accept the head of the sir, Mr. Xiaole?"

Yan Jie: "I know! Mr. Xiaole is a fairy, and the head is the one who is a fairy... ah!"

Yan Jie hurriedly squatted back: "Continue the brother, do you want to be so embarrassed!"

It’s hard to reveal a little sly look: “It’s not good to kill you, eat your meal.”

Dean Liu said that they are all elders.

A few people laughed and went out, and Le Yao squinted and packed his head. Continued to habitually smashed his white neck: "Is it really going to take them up the mountain in the morning?"

Le Yao "hmm" said: "In fact, the theory is still very good to learn. After all, many things are one, two and two. As long as you remember the basics, there is no problem. But the actual operation is really difficult. I am a bit worried about the one. What can I do if I can't teach them?"

Continued said: "It doesn't matter, you teach first. If you don't, we will recruit more students."

Le Yao nodded: "Go to the cold shed together?"

Continued to say: "Go to the cafeteria. You have been too tired recently. After two days of rest, let's do it at home. Anyway, Don Juan will come back tomorrow afternoon. I will have a lot of time to accompany you. I can go back to Hua Xia Xing, I will take you wherever you want to buy."

Le Yao said with a smile: "Oh, now the undead brothers have all moved into the dormitory. When I burn the library tonight, there is nothing particularly urgent to do in a short time."

The books were taken by the people who read the paper books in the teacher. Some of them didn't read books, so they couldn't get them out, but those who watched really took out almost all the books, except for those that were actually used, and none of them left. Le Yao statistics, probably can have a look of more than 2,000. Less than expected, but there are no problems with a few bookshelves. Anyway, you can add it later.

Le Yao habitually took a small set meal and said while eating: "This time I will return to Tarot Star to buy more books. Or we can print some useful information or something. Maybe you can open a supermarket. It sells some non-military standard configurations, but you can choose the items you want to buy, such as musical instruments, albums, wigs, decorations... Anyway, let everyone list a list, see what needs...” Wei Wei: "Why are you looking at me like this? What is wrong with me?"

Yan Jie said: "Mr. Xiaole, have you forgotten to eat at noon today?"

Le Yao quickly chewed and swallowed the food that had just been delivered to his mouth: "No, what happened?"

Chen Yingwei said: "You eat very much, it looks like you have been hungry for a long time..."

Le Yao grabbed his face: "Do you not think that today's food is delicious?"

The people present here said in unison: "No."

It’s all made by smart chefs. It’s always the taste, there’s no change!

Le Yao said with a puzzled voice: "Is it? I feel that today's food seems to be particularly delicious."

Continued to silently get up and give Le Yao another small package to come over: " Eat more, not enough for me to get."

If it is normal, Le Yao estimates that "Don't! I have arrived!" But this time he just bite the chopsticks, and then unknowingly took the second box and ate half of it.

Continued: "..."

Other officers: "..."