MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 70 New undead

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When Ji Fengyu came out from the music house, the whole person was mad. If you don't think that Le Yao will not let them do anything, he will definitely kill Aldrich by the hands of Le Feishan. A bastard! Actually dare to have such a shameful idea for his brother!

Ronggui listened to Ji Fengyu and said that he was angry. He even wanted to turn around Lefeishan and Aldridge for a few laps and entangle his grievances on these two people. But they just came. If they did, the Lefei Mountain and Aldridge were unlucky together. I was afraid that it was easy to associate with Le Yao and Xuan, so the two held back.

About an hour and a half away from dawn, Le Yao recalled them to the villa. At this time, several people have adjusted their expressions and did not reveal any unpleasant look. To put it bluntly, after all, it’s all the old ghosts that have been floating for at least a few hundred years, and the expression management is still in place. The main reason is that I don’t want to let Le Yao see what it is. Le Yao is pregnant with children, and it’s always wrong to get angry.

“Just like this?” Le Yao looked at Ji Fengyu with a disappointment. “Isn’t you said anything else?” Ji Fengyu told him that from the side of Jiang Xinduo, she really thought that Lotte Jade was dead, and Lefeishan’s side, Aldridge came to help find the news of Lotte.

"No. The last time Lefushan sent to find someone back to you may have said something. I think Lefeishan is still very careful." Ji Fengyu said, "Of course, it may be because Lefe Mountain started. I didn't intend to tell the truth to Aldridge."

"Okay. Then I will give you some incense, and you will rest."

Le Yao said that he ignited the incense, and then yawned again. He has been easily tired recently. After returning to the villa, he still has no peace of mind. Therefore, he does not sleep well, and with the early summoning, he feels sleepy.

Ji Fengyu did not say anything, smelling the fragrance, and when he was not paying attention to Le Yao, he gave a look to him.

Continued to know that Ji Fengyu had another words to tell him, he accompanied Le Yao into the bedroom, and after he lay down, he excused a bit of things to deal with.

Le Yao is fascinated at this moment, naturally, she will not go to think more, and soon she will completely sleep.

"When I got home, Le Yao didn't worry about you, I didn't sleep. It was estimated that he couldn't wake up when he was not bright." Continued to slam the table and chair opposite his sofa, "Sit down and say, these tables are happy." Yao returned to the new one."

"There is no hurry to rest." Ji Fengyu said, "Continue the teacher, how can you mark the omega can be washed off?"

"Really. How did Fengyu brother suddenly ask this?"

"The Aldridge actually said that he wanted to wash away the mark on Le Yao!" Ji Fengyu pressed his voice and thought that the conversation between the two people would not be a hit. "I have never heard him and Le Fei after I arrived." Shanti’s story about Lotte Jade, both of them are basically talking about Le Yao. Aldrich already knows that Le Yao has special abilities and wants to take Le Yao as his own. He also proposed to let Lefei Mountain Feishan helped him. I was worried that Le Yao would be angry when he heard it.

"Washing the mark, oh, he would dare to say this." The face of the simmering face suddenly became cold, and there was a murderous murder in the eyes. "What attitude does Lefei Mountain have?"

"I didn't agree but I didn't object." Ji Fengyu said, "We were afraid of causing suspicion and didn't do anything. Do you want to scare the Aldrich first?"

"Frighten?" Continued to stare at Ji Fengyu laughing, but the smile is not half-pointed. "Wind brother, do you see me as a good speaker?"

Ji Fengyu: "..."

Continued straight up: "The sky is bright, you go to rest first, and the rest will naturally handle it."

Ji Fengyu still wants to ask two more questions, but the words went around for three laps and finally did not say it. There is no wind in the house, but Ji Fengyu feels a little cold involuntarily. He always feels a cold air coming in from his heavenly spirit and directly hits the sole of the foot. So after he hesitated, he took the expensive and went out with Beili.

They saw it when they came back, and there was a yin house in the yard where Le Yao burned them.

Continue to return to the bedroom and sit by the bed. When he saw that Le Yao didn't sleep very well, he gently held Le Yao's hand and whispered a few words in Le Yao's ear. Le Yao magically relaxed, as if he knew it was his general, arched into his arms.

Such a person who needs him, who is so dependent on him, how could he be willing to let someone else move a finger?

Continued to look at the sky outside, it will not shine. He whispered: "Lesley."

Leslie also whispered: "General."

Continued to say: "Help me check the specific birth time of a person, and then use the software written by Yan Jie to generate the eight characters to tell me."

Leslie asked: "A good general, who is it?"

Continued to say a name, slowly caress Le Yao's face to close his eyes, in front of him is the set of runes he has ever turned over, Le Yao painted. One page, one road, clearly displayed in front of his eyes.

Perhaps he should also try to draw a rune other than the eye. His little daughter-in-law suspected that he was a god, then he came to see if he was. Although he always felt that this was impossible, but after the arrival of Le Yao, the impossible things were possible in one piece, so now he does not dare to say too much.

Le Yao sleeps relatively late, and wakes up until noon. When he woke up, he was a little bit stunned, and it took a while to remember that it was back to Tarot Star.

“Lesley?” Le Yao shouted at the air. “Where is the head?” The bed next to him was empty, and Le Yao was really a little unaccustomed. In the last few days on the spaceship, continued to accompany him to blink in order to get out of bed.

"Mrs. Early, the head is in the study." Leslie’s voice came out of the communicator. "The commander-in-chief is connected. It should be for you and the head to see the emperor and the emperor. The emperor and the emperor must see each other." See you and learn about the undead army."

“The squad leader woke up?” Blinking, the holographic image of the sequel appeared opposite Le Yao.

"What? Do you still play this at home?" Le Yao laughed. "And, how do I become a small captain?"

"You have a three-person squad in your stomach. You said that you are a small captain?" continued smirk and said, "Get up, I will accompany you to dinner."

The area of ​​the home has grown more than ten times, and unlike the previous one, the rest of the room can be put into the eyes. Le Yao let Leslie guide the road to be accurate and continue to merge. When the two sat in the restaurant, the smart chef began to set the breakfast on the table.

Le Yao asked casually: "Does Uncle Shu find you to see the emperor and the emperor?"

Continued “Well”: “We went to the Great Moon Hall at night to hear what the Emperor said. This time the Emperor will call the four marshals and a high-ranking general to talk about the undead.”

Le Yao listened to the four marshals, his mind was a bit awkward, but think about it, anyway, there is nothing to worry about, he has nothing to worry about.

The couple ate the meal. In the afternoon, they continued to paint the sky in the study room, while Le Yao was quietly watching the newborn supplies in the online store. It’s not good to go shopping now, so he bought a bunch of small things online for kids. I didn't think that there was anything that attracted him, but now I can't take it at a glance.

Continued is very focused, although he does not have to borrow the power of God, but when he painted, it was just like Le Yao.

He painted almost one hundred and fifty eyes, and Le Yao felt that this speed could be called a "human printer."

"Baby, remember, no matter who asks in the future, you tell them that the undead army of Huaxia Star can't bring it here. At least not at the moment." Continued said, "Otherwise, the undead army of the Flying Wolf Division may be diverted. ”

"I know." Le Yao said, "But this time Feng Yuyu followed them, and many of the undead soldiers on the side of Huaxia Star knew it. Then it will definitely not be able to stop it."

"So I said for the time being." continued, "Nothing, you just have to do what I said."

Le Yao nodded and looked at the thick stack of sky-eyes. He sighed with a small sigh: "Too cows, this is also true! But why are you painting so much? Since they want to tell the emperor that they can’t take Hua Xia Xing The undead army brought here, then they can't see the undead. Or do you want to give them a bright eye, and then let Ji Fengyu show them?"

Continued to laugh, said: "Secret."

Le Yao “嘁~”, continue to buy things online.

In a blink of an eye, the time passed and the sky gradually darkened. Continued to replace the military uniform, while Le Yao wore a clean sky blue short-sleeved shirt with a pair of pure white long trousers. There is no bow tie on his shirt, but the collars are buckled on both collars. The two small diamond collars have a dazzling luster on the neckline, but because they are small, they don't look too eye-catching.

Le Yao is now looking at a clean, delicate and very awkward student.

Continued, couldn't help but look at his eyes, and then took two on Le Yao's lips before taking him on the plane. But he did not fly directly to the palace, but flew to the Le Feishan home.

Lefe Mountain is also invited. He had just finished packing up and was ready to go to the aircraft, and he saw that Xu and Le Yao had come to their house.

"How come you?" Le Feishan said, "Is this time not going to the palace?" He did not forget that his son and daughter-in-law are the key figures today.

"Going is definitely going, but before I go, I want to ask you a favor." Continued, said, took Zhang Tianyan, "You may not know this thing, but you can see it with it." Things in the underworld, such as the state after death."

"Do you want me to see it first?" Lefe Mountain has long heard of it, and then it will naturally be curious to listen to it.

"Yes. Let you see first." continued, "I want to ask you for a favor after reading."

"What busy?"

"You don't worry, I will tell you naturally after reading it." Continued to say, I took the eye of the eye to the forehead of Lefei Mountain without warning, and then "squeaky, oh, oh!" Three palms.

Le Feishan didn't understand what he was going to do, but he suddenly felt that the surroundings seemed to be getting cold. Then, a gray transparent person wearing a sick suit flew to him from a distance!

When he saw who it was, he was scared to go back two big steps, and his eyes almost didn't get rid of it!

Le Yao also stunned because he had never seen this undead.

The author has something to say: Packing Aldridge is tomorrow. . .

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