MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 82 Heart of the stars

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Although a piece of paper can be used repeatedly means environmental protection, it is good, but the ability to continue is really scary. Le Yao has never seen such a person. With such a powerful "skill", he can't count the other's past and present. Where do you come from, where you are going, will there be any catastrophe, and it will not come out.

If this person is not just a couple of him, he will become a lemon essence if he does not do well. Continued to have all the qualities that the mysterious master dreamed of.

"Would it be that I could use it again and again?" continued to ask Le Yao. If it can be used repeatedly, then some people know that they can keep their eyes open as long as they get one, but they are afraid to weaken their fear of the undead.

"It shouldn't. The celestial eye is used on the living body, and it is different from the runes used in the undead." Le Yao said, "If you don't feel at ease, let's test it, and avoid waste or unreasonable increase. Your workload."

"Yeah." Continued to take a day eye.

This is a ready-made one. After he took the paper, he found a person who did not open his eyes in the guard team and used it to help the other person open his eyes. Then use this character for another person. It turns out that Le Yao is right. This symbol can only be used once. After one use, the color of the rune will fade.

"When you leave, give the emperor a few more fixed souls." Le Yao said, "As for the broken soul, I don't think it is possible to use it repeatedly because it will be with the attacker. explosion."

"Okay, let me think about it again." Xuan said that he wanted to say a few more words with his father. As a result, he and his old father were still there, while others were all **** except Le Yao. Moved the chair to a distant point.

Continued to feel a little funny, took the paper, and then pulled Le Yao: "Then we go back to rest, you continue."

Continued Dad twisted his neck and waved his hand.

The continued mother said at this time: "I knew that my son had this baby and let him take it out. If you don't obey, I will find a son to fix you!"

Continued Dad said: "When did I not listen to you?"

Continued mother: "I have a small basket to install my handmade materials, you are good, you have to change it into a hat! If you change it, you can wear it without saying anything, change to the bucket...唔唔!"

Continued daddy licked his wife's mouth: "Wife! You are the best wife in the world!"

Continued mother: "..."

There was a laugh behind him. Continued shook his head and took Le Yao to the house.

Le Yao said: "Mom and Dad's personality is really good, but not quite the same as you."

Continued to say: "Well. It may be because it is too early to separate."

In fact, he does not quite remember how his parents' previous personality was. After all, he was still small when they left. But he remembers that his mother is very gentle. When Dad is at home, he can always make his mother happy. He has always been very harmonious and never quarreled.

When I thought about my parents’ actions, I continued to ask Le Yao: “Is the eggs hatched?”

Le Yao said: "No! The two biggest ones have not been moving, is it broken?"

Continued said: "It should not be."

Le Yao thought about it, but decided to take a photo.

After going back, I will continue to draw two more characters. Le Yao turned on the light function on the communicator, chose the strongest light, then carefully took out one of the eggs and took photos in the dark...

He has found information on the Internet, saying that when the turtle hatches to a certain extent in the egg, it can see the red blood in the egg and the general appearance of the turtle in the dark. But he took the communicator for a long time and didn't see any red blood in the egg. There is a shadow inside, but it looks like a turtle, and it looks pretty white near the shadow.

Is it two eggs that have not been refined?

Leyao repeated the photo several times, and both eggs were photographed, and there was no turtle in it. Previously, the eggs that hatched the turtles had cracks on them, and the more the cracks became more obvious, the outer shell gradually peeled off, until the small turtle inside broke the film in the egg and successfully came to the world. But the two of them seem to look like they are still the same.

Le Yao took a picture of the turtle egg under the glare and sent it to the pet online, asking the netizens to identify it.

Netizen X: This map sent by the landlord didn't make it. It must have no turtles.

Hundreds of big coffee: According to my years of experience in turtle breeding, the eggs in these two pictures can't be hatched.

Free flying: I only think this egg... is it familiar?

Alpha harvester: I also feel like I have seen it everywhere, colorful!

Jessie: Isn't this the kind of egg that Le San had sent a few days ago? The landlord should not be...

Le Yao did not expect this to be recognized, but he did not rush to reply. Because several older members said that the eggs they sent would not hatch the turtles. So he pondered a little, and took the egg in his hand and shook it. He saw no liquid flowing inside. He simply broke his teeth and broke the egg!

Inside the fierce arch out a pile of cotton to expand into a large group!

What the hell? !

The first reaction of Le Yao was to be deceived. The store must be a real egg fake egg. But think about it, adulteration can't be so mixed, otherwise buyers will definitely complain if they see it. So he curiously peeled the cotton ball. Peeling and peeling, he suddenly glimpsed.

There is actually a necklace buried in the cotton ball.

The necklace is white and the chain is thin. Of course, the most eye-catching is the pendant. The pendant is a transparent blue stone. I don't know what the stone is. The surface is polished especially smooth and round, and it feels cool. What's even more amazing is that this thing is obviously only a small ball, but it is a little bigger than the pea grain, but naturally there is a cyclone flowing slowly, just like a meteor is turning around the miniature planet. .

Le Yao has never seen such a thing, not in the last world, nor in this world.

He is stupid and understands, what is the fake egg of this egg, it is simply smashing. He broke the other egg, and it was just like the one that had just been opened. It was wrapped in a cotton ball that would be fluffy, but there was a bracelet in the back. .

“Like?” Continued, I don’t know when I came to Le Yao, hugged him gently, and took a necklace for him to wear.

“Like.” Le Yao said, “When did you buy it?”

"I was looking for someone to order a month ago. This thing can't be bought." continued, "This is not an ordinary gem, it is an energy stone. Do you have any special feelings?"

"It's very cool." Le Yao said, "But it's not cold. It's amazing."

"The temperature here is not high, the wear should not be obvious. When you get to Huaxia, you know how powerful it is." continued, "I wanted to make a ring for you, but the designer said that the size of the stone is not suitable." The ring, so I made a necklace and bracelet for you."

"Can I say that I am right? I don't like the ring very much. I feel that it is inconvenient to wear things." Le Yao looked at the ball with his hand. "Is it natural? There is a circle of light outside." ”

"Yes. And this aperture will change with the angle. Don't believe you try to scroll gently."

Le Yao tried it and found it really. No matter how he changes the direction of the pendant, the floating light above the sinker will remain at the angle that he first saw, as if the ball is movable, but the trajectory of the cyclone has remained the same, and the novelty is very impressive.

The ball on the bracelet is the same, but it is smaller than the one on the necklace. Le Yao raises his wrist: "Why don't you make two, do you have one?"

Continued to pull Le Yao to go to his study, took a flannel box out of the drawer and said: "Open this look."

Le Yao is not clear, guessing whether it will be the same thing as his neck. Then he opened the lid and found that there was indeed a necklace and a bracelet inside, but the pendant of the two items was completely different from his.

The pendant on his necklace and bracelet is a small ball, and the continued pendant is more accurately said to be two hangtags, two rectangular hangtags of different sizes. The tag looks like a natural gemstone, one side is very flat, and the other side is uneven, from the flat side to the uneven side is the gradually light blue. On the uneven side, there is a semicircle that is sunken. In terms of size, there should be a bead on the top.

The original bead worn on my neck and the ball on the bracelet are exactly where it came from. The answer is obvious.

"I really thought about buying ready-made for you, or picking some other rough stones for you. But if you choose not to choose the desired one, you just give it a split and make two sets." "Continuously said, "This piece of stone is called 'Heart of the Stars'. It is a very rare energy stone. Don't look at it small, the energy contained in it cannot be underestimated. And the two beads you wear are this one." The most abundant energy on the original stone, the most clear part of the color. Give the best to my favorite people, isn't it?"

"Well~ I like it very much. Thank you." Le Yao smiled and bent at the end of his eyes. Because there is that circle of light, let the stone look like it is alive. Le Yao took it up and said, "But such a valuable thing you put in the egg, I am not afraid that I thought they were the bad guys throwing?"

"If this is the case, Lesley will naturally remind him in time."

"Yes." Le Yao touched it, then put his little ball on the two hanging cards. He saw that the two **** just fell in the groove and sighed. : "Awesome craftsmanship, just cut out the shape of the ball."

"Is it wrong? I should give you the tag, and I will keep the pendant." Continued and snorted and said in the ear of Le Yao, "It is obvious that you are tolerant of me."

Le Yao: "...not giving!"

An old rogue! At this time, you can open the yellow cavity!

Continued to see Le Yao half turned and made a precautionary action, and he hugged him: "If you don't give it, don't give it, anyway, you are mine."

Le Yao pointed to himself: "This can be given." 拎拎 Necklace: "This can't be done."

Continued: "This is what you said."

Le Yao: "..."

What is called lifting a rock, your feet, Le Yao is understood.

The next day was a little late, but Le Yao’s mental state was not bad. And continued, it was as before, not at home. This is also a bit of a habit for Le Yao. After he got up, he took a shower and had a meal. After that, he said that he continued to check for missing vacancies and see what he didn't buy.

The book that I bought for the undead brothers of the Flying Wolf Division has already been bought. This is done by Yan Jie. As for cinnabar and pulp, everything related to the characters and practices is also completed. There are also things that children have to use, all seasons, and the old couple’s clothes and handmade items are also bought. It seems that I will bring some gifts to the brothers of the Flying Wolf Division.

Le Yao doesn't know what everyone likes, so many people, he can't just buy the undead, just buy some ingredients to make snacks, think about going back and discuss with the kitchen to make some snacks for the soldiers. eat. Anyway, I don’t always do it, and I don’t have to pay for military expenses. There should be no problem.

"What do you want to eat in Yangong? If I have bought it, I will buy it together," said Le Yao.

Yan Jie did not say anything.

"Yangong?" Le Yao approached the point, still did not call people back to God.

"Yan Jie!" Le Yao shouted.

“Hey!” Yan Jie was shocked and excited. “What happened to Mr. Xiaole?”

"Are you okay?" These days, the man always ran outside and he didn't pay much attention. When he looked at it, it seemed like he didn't sleep well. The eyes were a bit dark.

"Nothing." Yan Jie said, "Do you call me something?"

"Don't always be yours, don't be so polite. I just ask you, is there any snack that I like to eat, I am buying raw materials."

"Ah... all right." After Yan Jie finished, he began to walk away again.

Le Yao was a little bit wrong. When he came across Han Mo, he asked: "I am a long guard, Yan Gong is all right? How do you always go to God?"

Han Mo said: "It's okay, it's probably a bit guilty."

Le Yao: "What are you guilty?"

Han Moxiao said: "Yang Hengtian Yang will go to Huaxiaxing with us for a preliminary inspection. Yangong was arranged by the head of the army this morning to give assistant Yang a assistant. Yangong seems to be a little afraid of Yang, although I don't know. why."

Le Yao: "..."

The author has something to say: Yan Jie: Don't ask, ask is that I don't want to say QQ.

Yesterday, I finished fg, and today I got guilty of gastroenteritis. In the future, I will not say more and more, more and more, I will be more, and I will not be anxious. Wow wow~~~