MTL - The Global Reshuffle of Space-Chapter 377 find the truth

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   You exposed your whereabouts last time, and the people sent over there lost contact, you must think that we did it.

   Aren't you throwing yourself into a trap?

I disagree! "

  Li Kun categorically refused, Xiao Yueling can exchange such a huge amount of supplies with him, there must still be stock.

  If it falls into the hands of others, she will have no way out.

   "I have a way to change my appearance, and Grandpa will go with me.

  I have a reason to go, what I need now is your help!

  Maybe, I can exchange with you on condition. "

  Li Kun was so angry that he ground his teeth, stood up and propped himself on the desk, and looked at the idiot opposite him with a fierce look in his eyes.

   "Xiao Yueling, do you really think that everything I do is to exchange with you?

  Why don't you feel it with your heart, am I really a person who is obsessed with interests in your heart? "

  Xiao Yueling was surprised, isn't it like this?

  In addition to the superior-subordinate relationship between them, there is another layer of transaction!

  She was right!

   "Instructor, did you get it wrong!

  I have no other intentions, I am here for personal matters.

  I suddenly want to check what happened three years ago. I don't believe they died like that. "

  Xiao’s parents have been struggling in the wild for many years, and their ability to survive in the wild is not built.

  She didn't believe that they would not be aware of the danger and just die like that.

  Xiao Yueling pulled out the ring buried deep in his memory, and found that it was indeed exactly the same as the space device he exchanged for.

  If that's the case, Xiao Yueling has more reason to believe that the death of his parents is not that simple.

  Can send their own daughter back to space, it is impossible for them to not have the ability to protect themselves.

  If Xiao Yueling died because of other things, then Xiao Yueling would definitely not be kind, even if he ruined the world.

  She wants to find people out...

   "Xiao Yueling, it's been more than three years since the incident happened, and now the communication has been cut off. Where can you check it?"

  When Li Kun heard her talk about what happened three years ago, she thought that Xiao Yueling should have found some clues.

   But where can I check?

  Kyoto, what clues can it give.

   "I want to go because my mom has an exact ring and I suspect it's a spacer.

   Besides, I never heard my mother talk about grandma's house, these are all myths.

  Although Dad is not good at martial arts, he has practiced martial arts with his grandfather since he was a child, so self-protection is no problem.

  I want to know whether they are dead or alive, even if they are dead, there must be a truth.

  Three years ago, I was unable to find out the truth, and only wanted to escape from Kyoto.

  But now that I have the ability, as a child, I should find out the truth..."

  Big eyes were red like rabbit eyes, tears kept falling down, Xiao Yueling thought of the life experience of the family, and the pain of losing her parents.

  Tears are like broken pearls...

  Li Kun panicked, he had never seen her cry before, even if she was physically punished by him during military training, she would stubbornly stare at him with her head raised.

  The eyes look like they want to eat him, why are they crying like this now...

  Li Kun stepped forward to wipe Xiao Yueling's tears frantically, but wiped more and more.

  He sighed helplessly, hugged him into his arms, and patted his back.

   "Don't cry, I promise you, can't you?

   But you have to promise, don't be impulsive, and think twice before acting.

  Let me go with you! "

  Li Kun is really worried about letting Xiao Yueling go to the capital alone, and to investigate her parents.

  If there is something really hidden in the matter, the mastermind behind the scenes is by no means simple, and how can she alone be able to fight against it.

   "Don't go back on your word!"

  A muffled voice came from Li Kun's chest, Li Kun couldn't laugh or cry, this girl was crying like this, and she still remembered what he promised.

   "Yes, no regrets!"

  The head of the Lida base, who said what he said, will definitely not regret it in person.

   "I will investigate with you, I know the power distribution in Kyoto better than you."

   "You are gone, what about the base?"

   "Guan Ming and Cheng are here, the development of the base is on the right track, and I don't need to worry about many things."

  Li Kun has long wanted to go out for a stroll, if not for his poor health, he would not be willing to stay here.

   "Instructor, I appreciate your kindness.

   The matter of the base is more important, you just need to give me two false identities and enough ammunition. "

  Crying red-eyed Xiao Yueling withdrew from Li Kun's embrace, and finally rejected his kindness.

   This is a private matter for her, and even the date of return is undecided. How could it be possible for a base commander to accompany her to run around.

   There are some secrets that cannot be known by this person, and they still have **** revenge to avenge, so it must be extremely dangerous.

   "I just haven't been back to Kyoto for a while, so it's just right to go back with you.

   It’s just that Han Honghua has to get the identity. He needs a photo of you and grandpa transformed.

   As for how to let you enter the Kyoto underground city, I will arrange this matter.

  Don't refuse, or you can find a way to get in by yourself. "

  Seeing that Xiao Yueling was about to refuse again, Li Kun said with a dark face and displeasure.

   "The dungeon is not as easy to enter as you think, even if you have no one to guide you after entering, it is impossible to reach the core area.

  You can't even see Grandpa's face.

  Power is a good thing, it can help you achieve what you want as soon as possible.

  I only have one request, come back alive and not accept other men.

   Did you understand me? "

  The head of the Li base had scorching eyes. He was really afraid that other wolves would **** him away when he went out. He was at a disadvantage.

   "What do you mean by accepting other men? I'm a bachelor, why do I want a man!

   The dull Xiao Yueling reacted suddenly, looked at the instructor in front of him in surprise, opened his mouth wide and pointed at him.

  【It's not what she understands, is it? 】

   "Instructor, don't you have a crush on me?" Xiao Yueling said stupidly.

   "Remove the word "will not."

  Li Kun, whose mind was exposed, looked a little unnatural, and later thought about why he was uncomfortable.

   There is nothing shameful about a man and a woman being in love with each other.

   "No, my...


  Xiao Yueling was completely baffled, because she didn't know how to answer those words...

  She just felt so embarrassed...

  I want to find a crack in the ground to get in.

   This is the first time someone has confessed his love face-to-face. This is a confession, right?

  Xiao Yueling herself didn't understand what was going on.

  Hold your heart, close your eyes, and stand upright.

   "I'm still a flower, I don't understand what the instructor means.

  Maybe, you can find someone else to try..."

  For the first time, the head of the Lida base expressed his intentions, and he was ready to be rejected.

  But what he didn't expect was that he would be asked to find someone else to try.


  Why are your brain circuits so different? Girls should nod shyly in agreement, and then throw themselves into the arms of their boyfriends to act like a baby! "

   "Instructor, just because you love to do things, you can't find a girlfriend.

   Also, look who confesses as casually as you.

   No wonder you have been single for many years, it turns out there is a reason. "

  Xiao Yueling didn't take it seriously at all, as long as she didn't think about it.