MTL - The Great Conqueror-Chapter 548 beyond imagination

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548 is beyond imagination

"Tricky, let me see if your sword is so good"


A golden light passed by, Zou Liang's hair flew, Aoriya had vacated, a sword was in his hand, Aoriya was not closing it, Jin Yao Intermediate had an overwhelming advantage in animal spirit.


With a block of death and strength pouring in, Zou Liang felt the real pressure at this moment. Jin Yao Intermediate was not slammed, but he has to say that although Jin Yao Intermediate was at the same time, the power difference was too great.

Ioria's sword is not particularly fast, but each one is domineering. There seems to be strange power on the sword, which cannot be avoided, but it must resist the power of the emergency lion.

There was a difference in strength, and Zou Liang, who had just drawn a tie through combat skills, began to retreat.

In fact, I was shocked while fighting. Ioria did not expect that the opponent was so stubborn. His sword skills were real magic swordsmanship. In the battle with the kingdom of the wind, he had killed three opponents with a peak of Jin Yao. Lieying, the country of a mighty wind, although it did not use all its strength, but it is not a priest who has just entered the Jin Yao class can resist.

However, Ioria did try to resist Arthur's Warsong. The last time it was lost to Warsong. Although Warsong's lethality to the orcs was relatively small, this outrageous outbreak could not be predicted by normal killing.

Therefore, Ioria has always mastered the rhythm of suppression and does not give the other party a chance to emotionally break out. As long as the victory comes out, the other party can be killed without surprise.

On the one side, Lolita jumped in shock, she could feel that Aoriya's sword was like a nightmare, and could attract human souls. With a little stun, her life was gone, but Arthur could still withstand.

But how long can it resist?

Zou Liang has more in mind. Ioria's swordsmanship is not only able to make people stunned. Each contact is beastly and then the sword inflows bō and bō. This is the most terrible.

If he is not careful, he will suffer a dark loss. Zou Liang must now stand firm and wait for the opportunity. The opponent has a time limit by virtue of the suppression of the animal power.

This is also the first time that Zou Liang has fought against Jin Yao's true master, or that Ioria is better than many of Yao Tian's Jin Yao.

Once in the Jin Yao class, the so-called Jin Yao's invincible aura of invincibility disappears. The same is true of Jin Yao. This is no different from the bronze silver light, but most people are scared by Jin Yao's momentum. Already.

But the magic lion is different. To put it simply, he and Zou Liang are a kind of people, both have a solid foundation, a very delicate use of animal power, coupled with different talents, and even adventures, only to create the magic lion Ai The prestige of Oria.

The army of the wind country came under pressure, and such a return without power was definitely due to the discovery of the wild terrorist force.

In front of the army, the country of the wind is really not afraid. In terms of military quality, the country of the country of the wind is much stronger, but they can't resist the barbaric masters, sneak attacks, assassinations, or in other words, they ca n’t afford it and face the barbarity. What else do you need to deal with Hannibal, Méng Chia, and even the Saron Empire?

Everyone is afraid that the clams are competing for the benefit of the fishermen. The richer the family, the more sacrifice they can't afford.

This is exactly the same as Zou Liang's path from the wild desert to Snow Wolf Town.

It's just that the same trick was used by the magic lion. Before he was proud of himself, he was used the same trick, how to swallow up the proud Aoria.

Relying on his realm advantage, Ioria crushed Zou Liang desperately and gave no chance at all. Zou Liang did not want to let go, but any force-making move, even if it was his sword, took time. Accumulate, and his thoughts are like being worn by Ioria dòng, pressed hard, Ioria does not ask for a sword to win, but he definitely does not let Zou Liang play.

It was easy to say, but Ioria had already regarded Zou Liang as a rival.

After all, Lolita's eyesight is there, and she can feel the fierce danger of this battle. She is shocked by the strength of Zou Liang, but the more she can feel the horror of Ioria.

On the continent of the beast **** today, four people are known as the powerful world that will dominate the future, Méng Jia Nebero, the wind country's wind, and Hannibal's Xuan Zang, which is the wild Aeolian.

Among the four, Ioria is the least famous, but if you think about it, the other three have huge backgrounds, but I do n’t know when I will be with the other three.

This was before Ioria went to the wild, he had been to the country of the wind, to Hannibal, to the Saron Empire, and there were other places. It is said that he even went to the other side, except méng Jia, He's been almost everywhere, and the wildness is just a cornerstone.

Ioria's strength was really played out. He arrived in the wild alive and found that the wild is the best place for him to gain power.

If it wasn't for Zou Liang's troubles twice and three times, he would have gone well.

Lolita had forgotten to escape at this time, holding the dagger tightly, she wanted to help Arthur, and she could see that Ioria was controlling the rhythm, but somehow Tu stomped her feet, she thought Moving, but only an idea, the body cannot move.


Zou Liang was finally injured, and Ioria's magic sword cut through his body. At this time, even if he wanted to summon the armor, it was useless to summon the armor, but it only extended the death time.

Zou Liang was not distracted by the injury, and even did not change his emotions. Ioria also admired it. If this person can use it for himself, only real soldiers will not be distracted by any foreign objects. The injuries are all foreign objects.

Ioria ’s magic sword opened wide and continued to force and suppress. Zou Liang was gradually unable to resist. It seems that he is difficult to wait for a turn that can not be attacked for a long time. Ioria ’s tenacity is better than Imagine more powerful.

Zou Liang was fully absorbed, the whole mind has been fully integrated into the battle. Although he has been passively beaten, Zou Liang's heart is like a fire burning. He has long been eager for such an opponent, strong, and has no regrets. Zou Liang even Did not try any huā sentry sword idea, in the presence of such masters, even the extra half moves will be killed.

While Ioria was suppressing him, why didn't Zou Liang look for the flaws in Aoria? The opponent's swordsmanship was too weird. On the surface, he was so impassioned and imposing, but he had a secret feeling.

This contrast will cause great oppression in the opponent's heart.

If it wasn't for Zou Liang's knowledge, he would be dead.


It was another epee, but unfortunately it was not issued by Zou Liang. When the advantages accumulated to a certain time, Ioria had enough time to release the epee. When the magic sword was pressed down, the light of death became dim.

The death was directly blocked, and Ioria felt strange because her opponent's resistance was too small, but Ioria's backhand had killed Zou Liang's ōng mouth because Ioria could not see There is no way out of the opponent, even Warsong cannot save his life.

When Ioria's sword came, Zou Liang turned to her side almost at the same time, just to avoid the key points. He was very clear that in this way, she would be crushed to death. This is not Zou Liang's style, even if she died, Also in the offense.

Alas ... Ioria's sword just entered Zou Liang's ōng mouth, and Zou Liang's right fist passed.

Ioria was very cautious. Although he didn't have many hands with Arthur, he never met a special opponent like Arthur. The magic lion gave Zou Liang enough attention.

The sword slowed a bit, knowing that the opponent's punch could not attack himself, but Ioria did not believe it was a false move.

This is the intuition of a warrior, which is better than experience.

Slay-Yuanli bō action fist

The faces of the two changed almost at the same time, blood spewed out of Zou Liang's mouth, and Aoriya's face sank, and at the same time, backed up, a spurt of blood spurted out.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely dignified. This was not a match between the two. They were fighting for their lives.

Zou Liang knew for a moment that his injury was still heavier than that of the devil lion. With the same consumption, he would come to an end faster, and for the first time he encountered a monster that could block Yuanli bō's fist.

And the same Ioria was even more shocked. In this way, he did not flash a punch in the air, and caused damage to his arrogant body. You must know that after his exercises have been completed, few attacks can hurt him. .

If he is unprepared, he will be seriously injured, but Arthur's injury will be more serious, but this is the current situation, both of them can not afford to hurt, and both think they can solve each other.

Ioria's great sword was erected at ōng. "Arthur Hebrew, you are a human being. You will become a great figure in time. In order to show my excitement now, let you see what I am proud of. "

The lion's right fingers were attached to the sword, and an electric light appeared instantly. The sword issued a whistling sound of thunder, and the sword trembled violently. At this time, the sky began to dim, and there was a thundering suddenly, silent A thunderbolt hit the magic lion ... the big sword in his hand.

The magic lion that attracted the power of the thunder seemed to be more excited and fanatical. The power of the thunderstorm was completely condensed on the big sword, and it did not hurt Ioria at all.

Lolita was shocked to find it impossible to recover, and she could borrow Tianli, this ...

At this moment, the spirit of the lion seemed to make him look like a giant giant. This sword waved out, and it was not that the orcs of the ròu body could resist ...

The power that Ioria has brought out is beyond the imagination of ordinary people ~ ~ This is borrowing the power of heaven and earth, and Ioria also seems extremely wild, and any strong person is gaining strength How to use it, always can not help but show off in front of his opponents.

The magic lion is no exception. Unlike Feng Tuo, Ioria always has a very special feeling for Arthur, probably because of the tenacity of the other person. Sometimes, tenacity is more impressive than strong. .

No kid has ever been able to give him so much pressure. In less than a year, he jumped from bronze to Jin Yao, from a trainee priest to a great red priest. To be honest, this gave Aoriya a kind of Inexplicable fear, this is absolutely incredible for a powerful as Ioria, because he is now far better than his opponent.

Even in the face of a stronger enemy, Ioria would only be excited.

It was probably a guilty conscience that Ioria used such a winning strategy.

Zou Liang didn't expect that the other party would have such a power. This method can only be used at the level of Xuenv and Pope. Ioria is also Jin Yao's intermediate power. It can be used.