MTL - The Great Merchant in the Cataclysm-v2 Chapter 497 On the thief boat

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Genius 壹 second remember "』,.

Seeing that Zhang Wei slowly disappeared into the shadows, the eyes of Qing Yan from the beginning were taken for granted, and gradually filled with incredible and a little excitement.

After disappearing for ten seconds, Zhang Hao slowly emerged from the corner.

It seems to hide the figure, but in fact, Zhang Huan used illusion to change the vision of the green, let her mistakenly believe that she is hidden in the shadow.

However, Zhang Wei found that the appearance of the green scorpion was somewhat wrong, and the gaze of his own eyes was actually burning.

"Green, green, green!"

Zhang Hao stretched out his hand and shook in front of the green scorpion. The latter reacted and revealed a playful smile. The two little pear vortexes were very charming.

"Zhang Mu, do you know the identity of our vines in the entire plant camp?"

Zhang Wei shook his head subconsciously.

"Our vines, because of the nature of the ontology, most have hidden abilities, the Scouts in the plant camp."

The young man rushed and smiled.

"So it is not surprising that my ability to awaken you is hidden, but I later discovered that your hiding ability can actually overcome my perception, and you are not a fourth-order powerhouse, you are so powerful!

How did you do Zhang Mu? ”

"I don't know that, talent, haha, haha."

The one he arrived was actually the Scouting Corps that he most wanted to infiltrate. This was what Zhang Hao never imagined. In the face of the doubts of the Qing Dynasty, he had to laugh and bring her. I can’t tell her that this is her illusion.

Qing Lan did not find that Zhang Wei was shamelessly made up, but also nodded thoughtfully.

"Zhangmu, your talent is really strong. Well, let you enter the first team. What do you think? On the battlefield, you can find intelligence to distribute warfare according to value. The battle can be exchanged for cultivation resources. What, there are some treasures unique to our plant family, all of which can be exchanged, and the outstanding performance will be reused above."

All of a sudden is the first team?

It sounded like a strong look. Zhang Hao suddenly had some sneak peeks. It was so easy to break into the enemy's core team. It seems that it is necessary to show one hand.

Zhang Hao, the reward for the exchange of military merits, was not in the heart, but the last sentence will be reused but it will deeply attract Zhang Wei’s attention.

Intelligence, at the same time as high risk, can also bring high returns.

With his real strength in the early third stage, even if you really go to the front to kill the enemy, it is good to keep your own life.

With this opportunity, Zhang Hao quickly nodded and said, "Yes, let it be, where should I report?"

"Then I will promise you, I have not forced you."

Zhang Hao suddenly stopped, and did not understand the meaning of Qinglan.

At this time, the youthful singer did not have the look of being pure and silly and ignorant. Just like a little fox, he said with a smile, "Dangdang Dangdang!

I am the captain of the first team of the Vine Scouts.

Zhang Mu, I am now informing you that you are now officially called by the captain! ”

A jade arm was vigorously photographed on Zhang's shoulder, but Zhang Xiaoran did not react to this fact.

This young man in front of him is actually the captain of the first team, she directly became her own boss!

"Green 柃..."

Zhang Wei was interrupted by Qing Biao before he finished speaking. He said with a serious face, "Now you are my soldier, call the captain!"

It seems that I was scared by the sudden change of the style of the Qing dynasty. Zhang Wei suddenly noticed something wrong and asked weakly.

"You are the captain.

That, captain, our team, how many people?

If there is a task in the afternoon, should I meet with other players and get to know each other. ”

At this time, Qing Lan revealed a sinister smile.

It’s hard to meet an interesting newcomer. The strength is still very strong. It can be said that she will be fooled. I have to know that the selection team is also obeying the opinions of the newcomers.

Who made this guy's eyes unfair, thought she didn't find out, and counted herself.

Her scouting team was established late, and she did not get a good teammate at all. She didn't want to eat the dishes because her identity was ulterior and wanted to be close, and she refused one by one.

This piece of wood in front of you, all conditions are in line!

I am finally accompanied!

"Then, at the moment, our first team, I am bother with you, I would rather be indiscriminate!"

Looking at the crickets who talked there, Zhang Wei’s first reaction was to be pitted and the brain directly crashed.

What is the first team, a total of two people!

Pit people!

In the same way that I was young and ignorant, I was all dressed up!

Looking at Zhang Wei’s silence, Qing Yan felt that he was a bit overplayed and looked at Zhang Wei pitifully.

Now Zhang Huan will not be deceived by her appearance of seeing me, and waved her hand and said impatiently, "If you don’t bring you such a pit, you are not playing me, two people have to If you don't have any military exploits, can you go on a battlefield sightseeing tour? You can't keep your life.

Hurry and change my team! ”

Because of his urgency, Zhang Wei naturally brought some anger. If there is really only a team of two people, his goal of breaking into the core of the high level is almost impossible.

No matter which family, you have to rely on your achievements, what can two people do?

Seeing Zhang Wei seems to be really a little angry, there is a apology on the face of Qing Yan, and quickly explained, "If you want merits, I promise you that it is definitely more cost-effective for me to enter a team than you." ""

"What do you mean?"

Seeing the look on Zhang’s face, there was a slight relief. Qing Yan quickly added, “I didn’t lie to you. My compilation is really the first team. It’s my father’s position, but I want to join. There is no permission, and this has not been accepted yet."

Actually, there is really the first team?

Zhang Wei said with a puzzled voice, "Although I didn't really go to the battlefield, the war between the ethnic groups was not a small matter. When two people went up, the energy bombed by the bombs would be dead, and there was no support. Take the battle?"

Qing Lan heard that Zhang Wei was worried about this and his face was a little relaxed.

"Where are the scouts, how can we do so many people, even if they get intelligence, there will be no more points in the battle. If you do, there are still quite a few points."

Zhang Wei’s eyes are bright, so it makes sense. Too many people divide the cake, and the last one is left.

This is not what he wants for quick success. He is now eager to fight!

Qingyan said with a hot iron, "And I have mastered the clues of a foreign creature. If I follow up, I can't make a big message. I just need someone to answer me. I can't do it alone, so I give up.

If you agree, we can leave in the afternoon. ”

The condition of the green scorpion was to overwhelm the last straw in Zhang Xin’s heart. He bit his teeth and should be down.

"Well, I am mixing with you, but you have to make sure the clues are true."

Seeing that Zhang Wei finally promised to stay in his own team, Qing Xin finally gave a sigh of relief. She didn't want to be a light pole commander. I don't want to know that no one can meet it. It is really bad to have fat in front of me. .

"Well, you are waiting for me here, I will go back home first, I will pick you up in the afternoon."

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Looking at the green scorpion that lightly left his tree house, Zhang Wei had the feeling of being turned into a thief boat.

How does this 19-year-old age be like the old goblin who has lived for hundreds of years!

But looking at the direction of the back of the green scorpion, Zhang Hao suddenly took a breath.

Her straight position is actually the tree house of the most core giant tree!

The father mentioned by the Qing dynasty is the patriarch of the vines!

This green scorpion turned out to be the princess of the vines!

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