MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 146 data processing

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Gong Min thought, nearly 100,000 tons of information? If all the processing is done manually, the amount of processing one person per day is 1G, which is already very high. If 100 employees work together, it will take about 2,700 years!

Then change it to the computer to complete the main work. Humans only assist in completing the content that the computer cannot judge, and make manual judgments. If the computer is the most efficient server in Meditation Technology, it can process 10T of data a day. There is nothing too much. It's a big problem, but even with the most efficient server in Meditation Technology, it takes more than 20 years to complete so much data!

There are only three such high-level servers in Meditation Technology, and the price of one is around 5 million. Higher-level servers are not something that money can solve, and that kind of equipment is banned. And even the high-level servers they are using now cannot be bought with money. They are custom-made by foreign companies. If you trust the relationship, then, buy 20 servers, and then use 20 servers together, all the materials can be calculated in one year, which may be the best method Gong Min can think of.

However, it will take at least half a year to customize the server, and it will take another year to calculate the results. In total, it will take almost two years! At this time, not only Zhang Yong felt too much, but Gong Min himself was too embarrassed to say it.

"I heard that the meteorological department has a super computer with very powerful computing power. Can we borrow their computer to use it?" Zhang Yong thought for a while and thought that this method might be feasible, so he said to Gong Min.

"I know this. Our company has business dealings with them. Their computer security system is developed by us. We contact them to borrow supercomputers. As long as we pay according to the procedures, it is still possible." Gong Min said, but after thinking about it, I also felt that it was unrealistic. "The billing standard on their side is 500,000 per hour, but we are not only simply processing data, there is very little data in it, and it is still data that is difficult to quantify by computer and needs manual verification, so in In the calculation process, a lot of manual verification time is needed, so it is difficult to complete it in a short time. Even if it is conservatively estimated that it will be completed in one month, the price will be nearly 400 million yuan, and they lent us the supercomputer for a short time. Yes, it is unrealistic to borrow us for a long time. If you lend us a month in a row, will the country still have to do weather forecasting!"

Indeed, just like some shopping reviews in Renren Mall, whether the reviews are truly valid or not is often impossible for computers to determine, and requires manual intervention. But if the meteorological supercomputer is completely given to Zhang Yong for use, even if others are willing, the price is too high, and there is no economic benefit at all. What's more, this kind of special computer can only be rented out for a few hours for a short time at most. It can be lent to a company for a long time.

When Zhang Yong was at a loss, suddenly he thought of a person. It seems that Chen Tianshi is an expert in this field. The Cambrian company he founded is the one who solves this big data computing problem. Remember, he seems to have joined his own company before.

Zhang Yong checked through the internal personnel network and found that Chen Tianshi, who has not graduated for a while, although he has not joined his own Meditation Technology Company, he also followed his mentor Chen Guoliang and accepted the research and development task of Meditation Technology Company and is now there. Doing research and development of lithography machine light source control circuit. However, Chen Tianshi's strength is not in this aspect. His specialty is computer architecture and computational intelligence. He is very capable in algorithm theory, algorithm design, algorithm implementation, and algorithm application. Now let him do light source control circuits. R&D is a complete waste of talent.

Although Chen Tianshi has not yet graduated, he is only in the doctoral study stage. There are very few doctoral programs in China, mainly doing experiments in the laboratory, and then writing the thesis, or being sent out by the supervisor to do some work. Chen Tianshi's main job now is the "research and development of lithography machine light source control circuit" assigned to him by his mentor Chen Guoliang, and this work was entrusted to them by Zhang Yong's company. Due to the high pressure of the experiment and the fact that this work is not consistent with what he had learned before and his specialties, Chen Tianshi is now a bitter face all day long, working hard.

Chen Tianshi's school is not in the capital, but during this time, he happened to be in the capital to attend a national computer software design, so it is relatively easy to see. When Zhang Yong and Gong Min sent an invitation to Chen Tianshi, they were after all the first parties of Chen Tianshi's current project, so he accepted it immediately. When Zhang Yong consulted Chen Tianshi about this big data processing job, Chen Tianshi looked at the questions carefully, thought about it a little, and gave the answer just like the usual exam:

"Hundreds of thousands of terabytes of data are processed, and a small part of the data needs to be processed manually, which is almost impossible for other companies! But for your company, you have very good resources, and there is no problem in solving it. I I believe that with my method, all the 100,000 terabytes of data can be processed in at most half a month, and there is no need to purchase new servers to strengthen the calculation!" Chen Tianshi vowed.

"This is impossible! The computing power of all the computers of our Meditation Technology combined cannot complete such a large computing task! Besides, we still have a lot of other work to do, and it is impossible to transfer all the computers to use. , Do you want to use the computers of other subsidiaries of Yongchang Group Company? I can tell you this clearly, it is impossible! Because in addition to Renren Technology, which also has more than ten high-level servers, the servers of other subsidiaries are not very fast. Moreover, the data processing pressure that Renren Technology’s servers need to accept is even greater than that of Meditation Technology’s servers, and it is absolutely impossible to misappropriate the servers.” Gong Min expressed his complete disbelief in Chen Tianshi’s statement. .

"Who said I want to use the server of Renren Technology? My girlfriend is shopping in Renren Mall every day and browsing Renren Blog every day. If I use the server of Renren Technology, it will cause Renren Mall or Renren Blog to go down. If the machine is over, then I'll be dead!" Chen Tianshi said giggling, "What I want to borrow is Panda TV."