MTL - The Growth of the Richest Man-Chapter 189 Sad agents

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The agents of Area 51 are having a hard time these days. Originally, the instruments they used to record the state of the aliens worked very well. But suddenly there was a time when all the instruments sounded alarmingly at the same time. The monitoring personnel saw that the monitoring data of all instruments turned into an amazing horizontal horizontal line. Horizontal line? Can't record physiological fluctuations? That is to say, the aliens are dead. They quickly reported the situation to their superiors.

In order to ensure that the aliens absolutely cannot escape, there are many hard barriers in the room where they imprisoned the aliens. to punch the card. But when all of them expired and opened the doors, they found that the alien they had been monitoring had disappeared! Not only the people are gone, but even the instruments they used to monitor are all gone!

All the people present were extremely dumbfounded. Under the command of the superior, the bells of the entire base in Area 51 all buzzed loudly. The agents of all Area 51 carried out a carpet search of the entire Area 51.

Area 51 is very large, covering more than 100 square kilometers. Although these agents used helicopters, detectors, and even excavators to dig three feet into the ground, they searched for several hours without finding any trace of the target. Originally, they were going to continue their search, but at this time, a higher-level order was issued:

Zhang Yong, a famous Hollywood director, the richest man in China, and a famous investor, went missing while traveling with a woman in Clark Wetland Park! From leaving the company to Clark Park, Zhang Yong has been out of contact for more than 36 hours in a row. The "Teddy Bear" crew has called the police, and the Chinese embassy has also been aware of the situation and has stepped in, so the police are forced to attach great importance to it. . But because the Clark Park area was too large for local police to search, they asked the federal government for help.

The best force nearby that can help is naturally the spy team in Area 51. Although they are busy searching for another thing, and the meaning of this search is also very important, after all, they can't search for several hours. Even they themselves didn't have much hope, so they ended the original search and started a new "Zhang Yong rescue plan".

Less than an hour after launching the search, the search has made significant progress - a tourist bag and a rope tied to a tree were found on a tidal flat! According to the surveillance records at the entrance of the park, this travel bag was the one that Zhang Yong's little girl was carrying when he entered the venue! I observed the surrounding environment. One end of the rope was firmly tied to the tree, but the other end of the rope was deeply buried in the ground. Moreover, the soil where the rope was buried was very soft, and the small mounds protruding nearby had traces of new soil sliding down.

The situation is not optimistic, all signs show that Zhang Yong and his little female companion are likely to be buried in the ground!

Visitors have been temporarily banned, but journalists are still around. The reporters onlookers have quickly posted this situation, and soon, everyone who pays attention will know that a major landslide has occurred here!

Although buried alive in the ground, there is little hope of survival. But after all, the time has not been too long, maybe, can it be rescued? So, the excavator started to work to dig out all the buried soil. Moreover, the digging speed was not very fast. After all, people might still be buried underneath. Bolognese, what to do?

However, although the progress was not fast, after a few hours, the soil was still dug clean. It was already dark, but the excavation site was still as bright as day, and many large lights turned the site into daytime.

Under the illumination of these lights, after digging out the soil, a tunnel of unknown depth was finally revealed. Haven't seen a dead body? It is estimated that Zhang Yong and Xu Lili should have been hiding inside this corridor. It seems that there is still hope for life. The reporter saw the corridor and quickly reported the situation again.

A team of rescuers was excluded from entering the corridor to search. After ten minutes, Zhang Yong and Xu Lili were rescued in ragged clothes. The reporters' flashlights flashed frantically immediately, slamming the two of them. But before there was time to interview, the two of them, under the **** of the agents, quickly got into the ambulance that had been parked nearby for nearly half a day, the emergency lights blared, and they went straight to the nearby hospital.

The reporters followed the ambulance and went to the hospital, where the news topics came from. However, the agents of Area 51 continued to seal the, and sent personnel to continue exploring inside, because it is too strange for such a cave to appear in such a place. What treasure was found under this cave.

However, their expedition ended in tragedy. That corridor was just a passage dug by alien spacecraft. At that time, the alien Armani came out of this corridor, found their area 51, and asked them for help. When the dying Armani saw his enemies and entered the corridor he created, he was very worried that he would be caught again, and anyway, his benefactors Zhang Yong and Xu Lili had also been rescued, so he closed it immediately. In order to maintain the energy system of the passageway - in fact, in order to save him, the energy of the spaceship is about to be exhausted. After a while, even if Armani does not close it, the passageway will be closed on its own due to the exhaustion of energy.

The collapse of this corridor triggered a small earthquake close to magnitude 6, and all the people inside the corridor were buried. This time, although more people will come to rescue, these buried people have no chance of survival.

Originally, there was only a small amount of energy left, and even high-energy repair fluid could not be produced. Armani's highly damaged body could not last for too long. After a long time, he could only truly die. It's just that some resentment appeared in his heart. I have no bad thoughts at all, why are these people treated so cruelly?

Now, many of those who had cruelly treated him at that time were either killed or injured in this small earthquake. It was considered a funeral for Armani to leave this world and he could rest his eyes.