MTL - The Head of My Family is Number One In the World-Chapter 12 An emperor is imprisoned in the well!

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  Chapter 12 An emperor is imprisoned underground!



   Surrounded by the sound of air currents from the rapid fall.

  Chen Sha felt that he had dropped at least a hundred meters.


   At such a high height, he didn't get hurt at all when he landed. Instead, he felt a soft infuriating energy, as if clouds and cotton were holding him up.

   is obviously the reason why Xiao Shishu communicated on Wednesday.

   came to the bottom of the well.

   He looked up again, only to see a small spot of light less than the size of the mouth of the bowl left on the top of his head, and he was shocked:

   "A hundred meters deep well, falling straight down, if it weren't for the protection of my little uncle's true energy, even if my grandmaster was pushed down, I'm afraid I would fall and be disabled..."

   So in my heart, I admired the martial arts that Little Shishu said was comparable to the top ten in the world.

   "The bottom of this well is where my father imprisoned that person?"

  Chen Sha withdrew his gaze from the top of his head, looked around, and said:

   "Where is that person?"

   What level of martial arts cultivation is the subject who can be imprisoned by Chen Canxuan, the number one master in the world?

   We even had to build a thatched hut on it himself, and guard the yard.

   Chen Sha opened his mouth.

   The dull bottom of the well suddenly had airflow!

  Hula la~~

On the walls around   , the light of torches appeared directly, and it seemed that they would light up as long as the airflow from above poured in.

  The torches lit up the bottom of the well, revealing the truth at the bottom of the well.

  This is a sinkhole-like underground.

  Chen Sha's eyes were immediately attracted by the scene at the end of the stone wall dozens of meters away. He saw that there were piles of white bones, sheep bones, cattle bones, and even tiger bones and leopard bones, piled up into a large...

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   There was a terrifying laughter from the bottom of the well, as terrifying as a monster:

   "Wednesday Tong, have you come down to accompany me again?!"

  Chen Sha immediately looked at the man.

  The man was chained with sixteen chains, which passed through the ribs, sternum, shoulders and elbows, arms, thighs and other key skeletal parts. The other end of the chain was tied to the wall of the pit at the bottom of the well.

   So that from a distance, this person seems to be stuck in the air by a cobweb.

   Sixteen chains, made of unknown materials, penetrated him from all directions.


  The mysterious devil who was trapped in chains noticed Chen Sha and shouted:

   "Who is this kid, such a familiar face!"

   Even at a distance of tens of meters, Chen Sha could still feel the terrifying pressure of the person trapped by the chains.

   How could he be frightened, saying:

   "Pin Dao, the head of the contemporary Dao sect, Chen Sha."

   "Chen Sha, your surname is Chen... Hahaha, that means Chen Canxuan is your father, no wonder he looks so similar!"

   The mysterious devil laughed lowly.


   He seemed to have been hit on the head by someone, and his body stiffened slightly.

and many more,

   He looked at Chen Sha again:

   "What did you just say, you are the head of the Taoist sect, what about the old thing Chen Canxuan?!"

   "Old Stone, my senior brother has passed away."

  Wednesday Tong said solemnly: "But even if he dies, this infuriating cage he built for you during his lifetime can still trap you until you die under my auspices!"

   "Chen Canxuan is dead!?"

  The mysterious devil can't believe it:

   "Chen Canxuan actually died, I didn't die, he actually died!"

"I do not believe!"

   "He took me here and was trapped for 30 years, not because he wanted to give me a Qi-snatching Dafa cultivation base and give it to one of his apprentices, but now he died first!"

   "What trick is he playing??!"

  clang clang~~~

  The mysterious devil was extremely excited, causing the sixteen chains at the bottom of the well to shake like a wild dragon.

   The air at the bottom of the well roared.

   The tyrannical and greedy infuriating energy that filled the entire space here shot in all directions.

   "Something's wrong, there's something wrong with this person's infuriating qi!"

  Chen Sha felt the horror of the infuriating energy that spread out from the mysterious devil's body.

   Don't touch it!

   It was when Chen Sha was in a bad mood.

  Wednesday Tong had been prepared for a long time, the infuriating energy in his body like a sea of ​​water automatically came out to protect the body, forming a Qi wall outside the two people's bodies, resisting the infuriating qi of the mysterious devil.

  He coldly scolds the mysterious devil:

"Don't be shameless, my senior brother is number one in the world, and he will take a fancy to your so-called 'gas-snatching Dafa'. If you hadn't used the name of the emperor of the Yuan kingdom, you invited 108 masters from all over the world to enter the university. The internal competition is actually setting a trap, devouring the skills of a hundred and eight first-class masters and masters with the method of stealing qi, and is deeply hated by the whole world."

   "That's why my senior brother personally stepped on your Dayuan Palace and imprisoned you here."

   Chen Sha finally heard the identities of some mysterious people.

   He looked at Wednesday Tong:

   "This man is actually an emperor?"

   Shenzhou under the mountain is now three dynasties.




   Among them, the Yuan Kingdom is the most powerful,

   Thirty years ago, father Chen Canxuan even imprisoned the most powerful emperor in the back mountain!

  Daddy, the number one in the world, is so terrifying?

   And the dynasty under the mountain didn't come to rescue at all?

  Wednesday pass the next words, but explained all the problems clearly.

   He folded his arms around his chest, his beard twitched and looked at the emperor who was bound by chains, saying:

"This old thing is the hero of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty in the previous generation, and the ancient dragon. I don't know where I got one of the most evil martial arts in the world, the 'Suppressing Qi Dafa'. As the name suggests, it can be taken without any scruple The real anger of others!"

"First of all, it was designed to capture the true qi power of 108 grandmasters and first-class masters, and he became a first-grade 'Great Innate' series powerhouse. , and even the true anger of the children in the harem devoured him."

   "Until one day, your father personally went to Yuanting and took him back to Daoyishan with one hand, and sealed it here."

"Because this old man has made himself angry and resentful, so that even if he is caught by your father and taken to the mountain, the emperor who takes office later has no plans to save him at all, plus, your father is overwhelming the world, that little emperor. And I don't even have the guts."

  Chen Sha finally understood.

   Looking at the unkempt, burly old man who was bound by Suo Lin, it was hard to imagine that this old man was actually an emperor from the bottom of the mountain, drawing the power of 108 masters in a row.

   Thirty years ago, he was a first-rank congenital.

   Thirty years later, although he was trapped here and no one could capture his true qi, even if he meditated and practiced the exercises every day, his diligence would not be much higher.

  Wednesday Tong stroked the beard on his chin and said, "Thirty years ago, this aged stone was the ninth in the world. Now, I'm afraid it will be even more powerful."

  The old devil on the chain laughed wildly:

   "Wednesday Tong, what you said is high-sounding, but there is still no way to explain to your nephew why Chen Canxuan didn't kill me, and we must grasp the reason for being trapped here."

   He Huo De looked at Chen Sha:

"Your father, of course, doesn't look down on my method of stealing qi, but there are at least 300 or 400 masters who have captured qi in my life. If people in the world talk about true qi, few of them can compare with me. , he only had ten moves with me, and he couldn't bear to kill me."

"You don't know what he did to trap me here for 30 years. It took him ten years to finally figure out how to reverse my Qi-snatching Dafa on me. The purpose is to make me reverse. After practicing, you can give this skill to one of his disciples."

"So, Zhou Tong, don't treat your senior brother like a god. He didn't go to the Yuan Palace to capture me for the sake of subduing demons and eliminating demons. He just wanted to treat me as a 'human figure in your way'. Dan' that's all."

  Ancient Hualong's voice shook in all directions, full of resentment.

  Wednesday Tong said angrily: "You said that my senior brother wanted to give your skill to the disciple. Who did he give it to? His old man is dead now, but you are still alive. What farts are you putting on, can you make sense?"

  Gu Hualong sneered: "This is what I can't figure out the most, I don't believe he died like this at all!"

   "Shut up you!"

  Wednesday Tong shouted:

   "Old man, I came to fight with you today, so that my little Chen Sha can enjoy the scenery above the master!"

   (end of this chapter)