MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 19

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Zhao Zhuoyue turned to look at Ji Mingxia: "Is it her?"

Ji Mingxia frowned: "It's a bit like."

"There are not many beauties with good looks, good body, and such a temperament, not to mention the similar looks, the same hairstyle, and the same style of clothing... I think it is 80%." Zhao Excellent judgment, "She is in box 14, why don't you go up and ask for an autograph?"

"No, no." Ji Mingxia hurriedly waved, "I'm going to find Yu Ning."

"What is Yu Ning looking for when you see Li Youzi?" Zhao Zhuoyue suddenly didn't understand, "It's you who is chasing stars or Yu Ning is chasing stars, every time Li Youzi is mentioned, you have to look for it Yuning."

Since Zhao Zhuoyue knew Ji Mingxia, Ji Mingxia said he was gay, but he had never seen him flirt with any boy.

But Yu Ning was isolated and excluded by everyone, and Ji Mingxia was their good buddy.

Zhao Zhuoyue couldn't get used to it for a long time.

How to like same-sex things is relatively rare in a small county, Zhao Zhuoyue has no experience, and I don't know how to help Ji Mingxia.

And this is Ji Mingxia's private affairs, he doesn't always interfere like a mother.

After so long, they finally saw that Ji Mingxia was interested in a person. He even told everyone clearly that he was a fan of Li Youzi.

Although the other party is a girl and an internet celebrity with many fans, I always feel that it is strange to be paired with Ji Mingxia.

But it's always a good thing for Ji Mingxia, who is emotionally closed.

"If you are too shy to go, I will help you." Zhao Zhuozhuo took the initiative, pulling Ji Mingxia to the front.

Under the persuasion of Zhao Zhuoyue, Ji Mingxia finally followed him.

It's not that she really wants to sign, but Li You clearly stated on Weibo that her mobile phone will be temporarily turned off for a few days.

In other words, in the past few days, other than the friends who are with Li You, no one else can contact her.

The hotel is so big, encountering Li You is purely a random luck problem, if you miss this time, you may not be able to find someone next time.

Since Ji Mingxia met, at least after finding a chance to confirm that the girl is Li You, he and Yu Ning have a target action.

The box that Li You entered is right across from Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning. It doesn't look far, but because the building is on the lake, you need to turn a corner.

The further you go, the fewer people around you.


The door of the box is an antique design, and the antique paper is replaced by a special glass between the doors and windows. Although you can't see the inside scene, it can transmit light.

Although there are many boxes around here, not every room has people, and maybe because of the good sound insulation, there is no sound at all.

On the aisle, in addition to the sound of water, only the footsteps of Zhao Zhuozhuo and Ji Mingxia were clattering back and forth.

Ji Mingxia looked around and felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He unconsciously slowed down, and just wanted to hold Zhao Zhuoyue.

Suddenly I heard Zhao Zhuozhuo say, "Box 14 is here, the door is still open."


A few seconds ago, Ji Mingxia just passed by a box, and saw the number 9 written on it. It was only a few steps away, but it was the 14th?

However, Ji Mingxia's attention was quickly diverted by other things.

At this time, there was indeed an open door in front of them. The door gap was wide, and standing outside the door could completely see the scene inside the door.

It stands to reason that there are lights on the aisles, and the glass of the box is transparent. Even if the lights are not turned on in the box, the outside lights reflect, and the scene inside can be vaguely seen.

However, at this moment, this box seems to be able to absorb light, and it is actually dark inside.

No sound, no lights, it doesn't look like someone has come in at all.

"It looks like she's not inside." Ji Mingxia said.

"Yes, it's there." Zhao Zhuozhuo said, pointing to the dark place inside the door, "Look, is she dancing with a wine glass?"

"Dancing??" Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he had an illusion.

He widened his eyes and looked inside a few more times, confirming that it was dark inside and could not see anything at all: "Excellent, there is no light inside, no one, nothing."

"How is it possible, Ming Xia, your eyes are too difficult to use, you are a fan, you can't even see idols." Zhao Zhuoyue laughed.

At this moment, in Zhao Zhuozhuo's eyes, a dim yellow candle was lit in the box, and a long-haired girl in a black cheongsam swayed slightly while drinking.

Candlelight, fine wine, and a beautiful woman, even the shadow under her looks charming and beautiful.

"It's still the most beautiful cheongsam in my country." Zhao Zhuoyue sighed, and suddenly his eyes froze on the girl's shadow.

This shadow...why does the proportions feel wrong?

Although the cheongsam girl is very thin, she has bumps, but the shadow under her is like a skeleton, not only the limbs are thin and twisted, but even the head seems... Only the skull can be seen, and there is no hair at all?

At this moment, the dancing female body suddenly stopped moving.

As soon as Zhao Zhuoyue raised his head, he saw that the girl had turned her head unknowingly and was standing there, staring at him coldly.


Zhao Zhuoyue only felt cold all over his body, the hairs on his body stood up, and he unconsciously took a step back.

As soon as he backed away, the girl's movements changed, and her eyes moved with Zhao Zhuozhuo's figure.

However, her body did not change at all, and she still kept her back to Zhao Zhuoyue. Only her head turned 180°, but her face was completely twisted to her back, and her eyes were completely locked on Zhao Zhuoyue.

The moment she saw her true appearance, Zhao Zhuoyue was taken aback, couldn't help screaming, pulled Ji Mingxia around and ran away!

"Fuck! This is not a human, it is a ghost!" Zhao Zhuoyue shouted as he ran, "She only has half of her face normal, the other half of her face and body are all's scary Well, why are there ghosts here!"

Zhao Zhuoyue was obviously frightened, he screamed and dragged Ji Mingxia to trot all the way.

Zhao Zhuoyue was so frightened that his legs were weak, and he was still struggling to pull Ji Mingxia, who was completely motionless.

Running and running, Zhao Zhuoyue was really unable to pull anyone, he couldn't help turning his head, just wanted Ji Mingxia to run faster, but in the next moment, Zhao Zhuoyue froze, blood all over his body It's about to stop.

The arm he was holding was slender, pale and stiff.

"Hee hee." A girl's light laughter came from behind Zhao Zhuoyue.

Zhao Zhuoyue looked up along his arm, and saw the person he was dragging and running along the way, where was Ji Mingxia, it was clearly the cheongsam woman with a rotten face!

A huge panic instantly enveloped Zhao Zhuoyue, his pupils shrank, and he couldn't move.

This level of fright has obviously completely exceeded the limit of his psychological endurance.

Zhao Zhuoyue's chest heaved violently, and finally his feet softened and his whole body fell backwards.

He was standing on the walkway by the lake, with a lake behind him, Zhao Zhuoyue fell directly towards the lake...

"—Excellence!" Seeing Zhao Zhuoyue falling into the lake, Ji Mingxia quickly reached out and grabbed him.

However, Zhao Zhuoyue has completely lost his center of gravity. He has no physical strength at all. Although Ji Mingxia grabbed Zhao Zhuoyue's arm, he couldn't stop his body from falling.

In the end, not only did he fail to stop him, but even Ji Mingxia was dragged into the water by Zhao Zhuoyue.

Before going down, Ji Mingxia only had time to pull the rope on the stake by the lake.

Only hearing a "pop", two adult boys fell into the lake together.

Although it is summer, the lake is particularly cold.

Zhao Zhuoyue has completely lost consciousness and his body keeps falling.

Ji Mingxia pulled the rope with one arm and Zhao Zhuo with the other.

He can't swim, he relies on this rope to stabilize his body. Since Zhao Zhuoyue entered the water, he has been falling to the bottom of the lake like a heavy sandbag. Ji Mingxia has been extremely difficult to stabilize himself, almost already Zhao Zhuozhuo can't be dragged.

"Excellent, Zhao Zhuoyue, wake up!" Ji Mingxia shouted while gritting his teeth.

Until now, he didn't understand what was going on.

In Ji Mingxia's eyes, Box No. 14 was pitch-dark, let alone people, even the lights couldn't see through, so I couldn't see the scene inside.

But Zhao Zhuoyue stared at the darkness and admired the beautiful dance.

Ji Mingxia was still wondering, the next moment, Zhao Zhuoyue seemed to see some terrifying sight, and the whole person was taken a step back.

Ji Mingxia was about to ask him what was going on, but Zhao Zhuoyue dragged him away without saying a word.

And the direction of running is not towards the restaurant, but the other side of the lake, a darker and darker place.

On the way, Ji Mingxia tried to hold him several times, but Zhao Zhuoyue turned a deaf ear.

After finally stopping, Ji Mingxia was panting, and before she could speak, the next second, Zhao Zhuoyue looked frightened again.

The two of them are clearly standing together, but just like facing a completely different time and space, what they see is completely different.

I don't know what Zhao Zhuoyue saw, and the whole person was frightened.

Not waiting for Ji Mingxia to react, his body softened, and he fell towards the lake.

Although Ji Mingxia held the man at the last minute, but in a hurry, he couldn't bear Zhao Zhuoyue's weight at all.

"Zhao Zhuoyue, Zhao Zhuoyue!" Ji Mingxia shouted through gritted teeth.

Drowning can kill a person in minutes.

At this time, if he let go, it would be equivalent to giving up Zhao Zhuozhuo's life.

Zhao Zhuoyue can swim, as long as he wakes up, the two can quickly get out of trouble.

Unfortunately, no matter how Ji Mingxia shouted, Zhao Zhuoyue did not move.

The ice-cold lake water quickly lowered Ji Mingxia's body temperature. As time passed, Ji Mingxia gradually lost her strength.

In desperation, he had no choice but to let go of Zhao Zhuoyue first, intending to climb ashore to find someone for help.

However this time, no matter how he let go, Zhao Zhuoyue's body was clinging to him, dragging Ji Mingxia down together.

When people are in the water, it's hard to exert their strength, let alone a dry duck like Ji Mingxia.

His hand pulling the rope gradually lost his strength. Seeing that he was also pulled into the lake by Zhao Zhuoyue, at the juncture of life and death, the only thing that came to Ji Mingxia's mind was Yu Ning's face in the end .

Since the time of crossing, he has been worried every day that he will fall into death because he lives by Yu Ning's side and follows the wrong plot.

Unexpectedly, they eventually sank to the bottom of the lake together with Zhao Zhuoyue.

Sure enough, it is a world of horror, and if you are not careful, the death script will be triggered.

Ji Mingxia thought so, unconsciously exhausted her last strength, and called for help: "Yu Ning..."

The lake water quickly submerged overhead, submerging Zhao Zhuoyue and Ji Mingxia together.

When he first entered the water, Ji Mingxia was still conscious. He opened his eyes underwater and saw all kinds of black shadows swimming in the dark lake water, resembling humans but not ghosts.

But the underwater temperature is too low, Ji Mingxia just dragged Zhao Zhuoyue and consumed too much physical strength. In the case of hypoxia, he quickly exhausted his physical strength and gradually lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, there was a "pop", and another sound of falling into the water.

Ji Mingxia heard the sound and moved his fingers conditioned reflexively, but he had no strength to respond, and he couldn't even think with his brain. Seeing a figure swimming in front of him, Ji Mingxia's eyes Once closed, he fell softly on the man's body.

In the sound of "rushing", Yu Ning broke the water and fished out Zhao Zhuozhuo and Ji Mingxia together to the shore.

Although Zhao Zhuoyue fell into a semi-coma, but because he can swim, the situation is not too bad, and he started coughing water staggeringly as soon as he got ashore.

Yu Ning took Ji Mingxia out of the water and put it on the wooden bridge beside him.

Ji Mingxia had lost consciousness, and lay down softly in Yu Ning's arms. After Yu Ning laid him flat, he looked at his pale face, and hurriedly followed the contents of the textbook. A series of first aid measures were taken.

The golden four minutes after drowning, every minute and every second is precious.

Although Yu Ning had no first aid, his movements were stiff and jerky, but he was quick and steady without any hesitation.

He first checked Ji Mingxia's physical condition, the heartbeat was still there, and although there was breathing, it was extremely weak.

He hurriedly cleaned the lake water in Ji Mingxia's mouth and nose, and tried to pour out the water in Ji Mingxia's abdomen.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia still hadn't woken up, Yu Ning didn't have time to think about it, and quickly pulled Ji Mingxia's collar off to keep her breathing easy.

Ji Mingxia looks lively and active on weekdays, but she still looks like a teenager, and her body shape maintains the thinness of an adolescent male.

At this moment, the collar was pulled open, and under the light, his skin soaked in lake water shone with a delicate and moist light.

Yu Ning didn't dare to look more, he quickly leaned down, ready to give Ji Mingxia artificial respiration.

Just as Yu Ning was about to touch Ji Mingxia's lips, Ji Mingxia suddenly coughed and slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at each other's faces, both of them were stunned.