MTL - The Holy Lord In the Comic World-Chapter 318 : This makes me appear to have a low IQ

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Mr. Lu was caught off guard by this sudden change.

"What? What happened? What happened?"

A series of questions emerged from Mr. Lu's mind until he lowered his head. "This is... me?" Mr. Lu didn't seem to have recovered, looking at the... dead body lying at his feet with a blank expression?

"Let me get straight to the point, your soul is separated from your body, which is the so-called out-of-body experience." Ren Yi said bluntly.

"Huh? Are you out of your mind or am I dreaming? You are telling me such weird things in broad daylight." Mr. Lu replied with a look of disdain, and at the same time took a step closer to Ren Yi viciously.

Renyi stood there without moving, a smile appeared on his plain face.

"Hehehe, although I don't know what tricks you are playing, I advise you to stop immediately, otherwise..." Mr. Lu said with a soft smile.

"Otherwise? What will happen?" Ren Yi's smiling expression did not change, and he asked lightly.

"Look at how pretty you two are... how about it? I can give you a way to survive as my lover, otherwise~ heh~ you have to throw it to my subordinates after playing~" Mr. Lu laughed and licked licked his lips.

"Oh? Not bad~ You are so considerate of your subordinates?" Ren Yi also opened up the chatterbox and continued.

"That is, sacrificing two women in exchange for the trust of his subordinates, what a good deal." Mr. Lu's mentality is also good, until now he has not realized his situation, and still thinks that everything is under control .

"Okay~ But I'm afraid you won't have a chance..." After finishing speaking, Ren Yi took a step forward and came to Mr. Lu's side.

When Renyi was face to face with Mr. Lu, he turned his back to Morgana and gestured an OK gesture.

"It's settled?" Morgana on the side noticed this and thought everything was going well, so she patted Renyi on the shoulder and asked.

"Yes, it's settled." Ren Yi replied with a smile.

Although there was a smile on her face, Morgana could clearly feel that this was obviously a so-called superficial smile.

"Believe it or not, it went smoothly...we can start the next step directly." Ren Yi added, looking at Morgana's disbelieving eyes.

"Hey, hey! I'll give you one last chance. I promise...or...heh, I advise you to be smart, or you will end up in a terrible situation...I don't want to count on the law here, I am the law..." Mr. Lu on the side I don't know where the self-confidence comes from, and I keep yelling.

However, before Mr. Lu finished speaking, Ren Yi grabbed his neck.

"Since you don't believe me, then I have no choice but to let your soul out of your body..." Ren Yi whispered in Mr. Lu's ear.

A light blue light enveloped Ren Yi's right palm, and the body of Mr. Lu who was lying motionless on the ground exuded a blue-white light, which slowly rose upwards, condensed, shaped, and gradually turned into a human form ...Then, Mr. Lu's soul began to manifest.

Morgana, who could not see the soul clearly at this moment, could clearly see Mr. Lu's soul.

"Is this the so-called soul? It's very similar to Carl's research~" Morgana muttered with interest.

Afterwards, Mr. Lu's soul turned into green smoke little by little in front of Morgana, and flowed into Renyi's right hand, while Renyi's palm greedily absorbed the blue-white color like a black hole. The essence of... ah bah, what a fart essence.

In about three or four seconds, all the souls of the height of 1.7 meters have been sucked out.

"Oh? This information is good." Ren Yi clapped his hands, as if he wanted to pat off the dirt on his hands.

Even the soul, the soul of such a person is dirty.

"Information?" Morgana walked to Renyi's side and kicked Mr. Lu who was lying on the ground.

"Stop kicking, he's already dead." Ren Yi didn't rush to answer.

"That's right... But I show that all his physiological indicators are normal... According to the records of soul science, if the soul wants to escape the control of the body, then the carrier of the soul - the body's only end is paralysis, that is, death." Morgana was serious of analysis.

"As far as I know, what you're talking about is the research of Death God Karl..." Ren Yi came to the window and asked looking at the scenery outside the window.

"That's right, he has thoroughly studied the study of soul science thousands of years ago, and I occasionally ask him to borrow a few books." Morgana turned around and replied.

"He is him, I am me, who told you that there is only such a conclusion in soul science?" Ren Yi said mysteriously.

"Oh? Then your reasoning..." Morgana seemed to be very interested in this topic, and asked.

"I'm not obliged to explain this to you." Ren Yi turned [Sui Meng] half of his face, and said lightly.

I can't explain it even if I want to explain it. Could it be that I have a magical power called a charm? Not only can the soul go out of the body, but also live forever? Even splitting a person in two?

Who believes it? No... Maybe I will believe it, but why should I say it?

"Okay~ I won't make it difficult for you, let me talk about the...information you just mentioned?" Morgana spread her hands and changed the subject.

"Information... First of all, what is certain is that this person is indeed a high-level reactionary, and... the mastermind behind it is actually the FBI of the United States..." Ren Yi said seriously.

"Oh~" Morgana nodded cooperatively.

"Huh? You guessed it a long time ago?" Ren Yi scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"Otherwise? Don't you just need to check the communication and data on the earth for this kind of thing? I have already checked it on the way we came said that I have already prepared look, said.

That's true, after all, before starting to act, Morgana told herself that this person is a high-level reactionary.

"So... isn't our action this time completely meaningless?" Ren Yi slowed down, and then asked.

"No, I planned to control this person at the beginning, and take over the jurisdiction of this place in his name, seems that I was killed by you, but it's okay, I can find a subordinate to look like him , can still control the jurisdiction." Morgana smiled and said.

"Uh... Forget it, I'll go and have a quiet time, you can do your own work, I want to stay away from you, otherwise it will appear that I have a low IQ." Ren Yi stroked his forehead and said helplessly.

"It's just that there is a task for you..." Morgana laughed even harder when she heard this.

"Go and help me get the jurisdiction over there in the United States, let me think about it... let's start with the FBI organization first."