MTL - The Human Emperor-Chapter 2379 Three years later!

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At that moment, the space shook, and the bright electric light emitted by the sky's eyes even turned the entire sealed space into a day.

"An Lushan, aren't you trying to kill Wang Chong? I'm here to help you!"

The sky suddenly lowered his head, facing the two Anlu Mountain Road.


The next moment, before An Lushan answered, a huge force burst out from the body of the sky like a tsunami, and drowned the soul of An Lushan instantly.

However, unexpectedly, the devour of the sky did not encounter any struggle and resistance.

"Come on! I only have one condition, and he must die anyway!"

Just as the sky swallowed up, one who was somewhat similar to An Lushan, but with a few hoarse voices filled with endless hatred, shouted sternly.

As soon as the voice fell, "Two Anlu Mountains" seemed like milk birds throwing themselves into the forest, and Qi Qi took the initiative to plunge into the soul of the sky.

If there is another person in this world who can help them kill Wang Chong, it is undoubtedly heaven.


The process of fusion this time is much faster than imagined. It only takes a moment, and a ray of light that is dazzling many times faster than the sun bursts out of the body of the sky, and quickly turns into a rainbow that penetrates the world , Shaking the entire seal space.

That huge force even shocked Tai Su's soul fragments directly from the body of Tian, ​​and more than that, in Tai Su's perception, he absorbed the soul of Mount Anlu, and the whole breath of Tian changed dramatically.

His soul was originally backfired because of the fall of Tiangong, and the immortal soul in the back of his mind also appeared many cracks. But at this moment, the soul of Tian suddenly improved, and he recovered two moments. Although there is no way to recover immediately, the speed of recovery is several times faster than before.

And in the body of heaven, he actually noticed a special breath that appeared only on Anlu Mountain.

That is the will of the world!

Tai Su immediately understood that the sky had completely devoured Mount Anlu, and at the same time had gained the power of the son of the world of Mount Anlu.

At this moment, heaven is the "son of the new world"!

"He doesn't need me anymore, and he no longer fears any betrayal!"

The whole space storm was raging, but there was a kind of enlightenment in Taisu's heart. It was not an accident just now, but it was Tian's initiative to shake out his own soul fragments.

Tai Su didn't know what Tian got from the soul of Anlu Mountain and what he saw, but there is no doubt that this moment is full of confidence!

For a long time, all the storms finally subsided


In Taisu's perception, a crack appeared suddenly on the edge of the entire space with a crisp sound, and at the same time, an outside breath came in .

"how is this possible?!"

At that moment, Tai Su was shocked.

However, he hadn't waited for him to think about it. On the other side, Tian slowly opened his eyes.

"His Majesty!"

Tai Su quickly bowed his head, his tone was unprecedentedly humble.

At that moment, Tai Su suddenly realized that the moment they had waited for a long time may have really arrived.

"Too vegetarian."

There was silence all around, and for a long time, the sky finally spoke. At that moment, the whole void was shaking:

"I waited for countless epochs to finally arrive!"

A simple sentence from the sky, I heard Taisu's heart shake.

"But there is one more thing. Remember the woman who brought you back before?"

God said.

"Yes, her subordinates have arranged her properly."

Too bowed.

"Very good, there is something you need to do now."


Just a few days later, Datang Jingshi.

The wind blew through, and countless leaves fluttered across the sky, spilling over the ground.

"Master, someone sent a letter outside!"

When Wang Chong was checking the news in the study, a Wangfu guard suddenly appeared in a hurry and came in with a letter.

"I see, take it."

Wang Chong nodded slightly to the desktop and didn't care.


The Wangfu guard quickly left in a hurry. After reading the last letter in his hand for a moment, Wang Chong finally raised his hand and took the stationery, opened the envelope, and only looked at it, and Wang Chong changed his face slightly.

There was no text in the envelope, only a wooden phoenix and a blank letterhead.

Feng Qi was given to Xu Qiqin by Wang Chong a long time ago, and the blank letterhead was a pattern of a heavenly palace.


Wang Chong looked cold, and suddenly understood something.

And just as Wang Chong spoke, the envelope on the table suddenly flew without a wind and flew off the ground. At the same time, a familiar voice was majestic and loud, and it sounded throughout the void:

"Wang Chong, I have known all your secrets. The grudges between us will never end like this. Three years later, I will lead all the heavenly soldiers to come back and destroy the whole world. Then you will not have Any chance! "

"Treasure your last time!"

The voice of the sky was extremely cold, and the sound did not fall. A black flame burst out from the inside of the stationery, instantly burning the entire stationery to ashes and floating in the void.

The ashes spilled and the breath of heaven disappeared completely. Heaven simply attached this consciousness to it, and his body was not here.

In the study, Wang Chong saw this scene, still sitting still, but his eyes became colder and colder.

Know all the secrets?

What does it mean?

And what does three years represent? Does this mean that after three years, the sky will break out?

At this moment, Wang Chong's mind flashed countless thoughts. After the Tiangong incident, Tian and the entire Tianshen organization seemed to evaporate. This was the first time he received a letter from Tian.

"Is this a war book?"

Wang Chong stood up slowly from his seat. At the same time, a huge momentum slowly erupted from him.

"No matter what plot you have, I will take it all."

"This time, I will never give you another chance to ruin this world!"

The last sentence was decisive.


Except for a few people in that letter of Heaven, no one knows, and the entire Jingshi is still calm, but in private, everything has changed.

Dominated by Wang Chong, Yuan Gai Suwen, Wusumi Shikhan, Uzbekistan and other national leaders jointly negotiated with Prince Shaobao Wang Zhongxuan, Ministry of War Shang Shu Zhang Qiu Jianqiong, and General Luo Luo With the strong support of Si et al. And the seal stamped by the new emperor Li Heng, the entire land world began an unprecedented large-scale military expansion.

Starting from the Middle-earth Divine Kingdom in the east, and the Eclipse Empire in the west, the entire terrestrial world, regardless of race, regardless of country, will expand its forces, cannibals, hus, han, and turks ... all troops will expand at an alarming rate, and a large number of troops will be opened at the same time. camp.

It's just that this time it is no longer a war between nations, but to deal with an unprecedented threat one day in the future, but also for the fate of humanity as a whole.

Three years!

This is the time mentioned by Tian in that letter, and it is also the memory of Wang Chong's last life. When those huge alien invaders appeared, whether it was to deal with the huge number of heaven soldiers, or the alien invaders that might come in the future. Army, the entire human world needs a powerful, unprecedentedly large army.

To a certain extent, it is relatively fortunate that in the past decades, the entire land world has gone east and west, and has been in continuous wars. Although all countries have suffered heavy casualties, they have also trained a large number The real masters and iron soldiers who have experienced blood and fire are huge resources that Wang Chong has never owned.

Bahram, Tiechi Leli, Zhang Qiu and Qiong, Zhang Shouxi, lost five crossbows ..., countless celebrities and iron soldiers filled each training camp, tens of thousands of barracks, each in Trained a large number of soldiers.

For the first time, the entire terrestrial world formed a huge empire, working like a huge machine.

Soon after all this was completed, Wang Chong also announced the retreat and began to hit a higher level.

No one knows how long this retreat will last, but everyone knows that this is Wang Chong preparing for the final battle:

The big battle between him and heaven!


Time shuttle, three years later.


Near dawn, on a distant ocean far from the land world, with a wave of rolling waves, a dark shadow suddenly floated from the depths of the sea to the surface. Looking closely, it was a creature similar to a giant octopus, but with some Unlike it, there are many artificial traces on it, which are obviously marine creatures created by the fusion of monsters.

"Is this right?"

Just then, a whisper came from the head of this octopus-like creature.

"Yes, everyone be careful, don't alarm them."

Along with these whispers, several figures of octopus-like creatures jumped out quickly and silently, appearing on the shore, just a few breaths, and everyone quickly took off their shark skin, which was convenient for moving in the sea. Looked forward.

This is a strange rocky cliff. I chose to log in from here because it is more difficult to alarm those on the island.


Several people used their hands and feet together. They moved fast on the cliff like apes, and their movements were extremely agile. At this time, the day was unknown, and it was the darkest time before dawn, and their actions were not discovered by anyone.

Just a few breaths, everyone quickly reached the top of the cliff, stood on the top of the cliff, and the whole situation was unobstructed.

However, after only a few glances, the people's looks changed drastically, and they had no time to think about it. They could not hide their whereabouts and quickly flew towards the center of the island.

The island in front of it is empty, and no half figure can be seen, but just in front of them, there are scattered tents, wooden houses, and some burning fires, which are emitting a ray of residual sun. Many finished fish bones and bowls.

"They're gone. It should have been a while ago that we were late."

One of the men in black looked around the road, looking dignified.

"Look at what this is!"

At this time, another voice came from not far away.

The crowd looked around and saw another man in black coming out of one of the cabins. He was holding a huge bronze ancient book in his hand with countless fine patterns on the writing and a striking golden vertical pupil. .

Tenjin organization!

When they saw the golden erect pupil, everyone was slightly shaken, and they could recognize it at a glance.

The eye of the **** of heaven was first found by the prince (Wang Chong) in the underground monuments of the Sasanian dynasty.