MTL - The Identity of the Real Rich Man Can’t Be Hidden-Chapter 503 come to the river

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   Chapter 503 Come to the river

"Her ability surpasses men and women, and her courage and ability to do things also surpass men and women." Mei Die praised a little proudly. Anyway, she admires An Yan, no wonder Li Rongsen is so committed to her, she is also Heartbroken.

   Sad wind frowned, he still couldn't understand these words.

  Suddenly, the teahouse seemed to collapse and shook from side to side.

   Beifeng's first reaction was to get up and hug Meidie, signaling her to squat down.

This made Mei Die's heart lose its normal frequency, as if it was about to jump out. She shrank in the warm embrace of the sad wind and lost her mind. She felt a sense of security she had never had before, and slowly and unconsciously relying on on his chest.

  Bei Feng lowered his eyes to look at Mei Die, and his heart trembled a little, and hugged her even tighter, as if she already belonged to her.

   Meidie said, "It's An Yan who is here."

   "How did you know?" Bei Feng didn't quite understand.

  Medie was right, it was indeed An Yan who came. When she saw that the city gate was not open, she wanted to cross the city tower and enter the city, but found that the city had been hit by nearly ten enchantments, and she had to come back.

   The vibrations like the earth shaking just now were the barrier being touched.

  An Yan flew back and stood on the carriage. Li Rongsen, who was beside her, said, "I will solve the barrier. I have the most experience with this."

  Yan Qingqiu took up his words and said, "So many enchantments, what year and where will they be solved?"

   "Let's solve it together." An Yan started waving her hands, first forming a purple energy sphere between her hands, and then pushing it towards the tower.

  I saw that the purple energy sphere spread out as soon as it touched those enchantments, and penetrated like water.

  Yan Qingqiu laughed and said to An Yan, "You are so boring, you can think of it like this."

   Li Rongsen also had to admire.

  An Yan formed a golden energy sphere between her hands, and pushed it towards the tower. Just like before, it also melted into the enchantment, converging with the purple energy just now.

  Li Rongsen has always thought that her operation of energy is pure and pure, but she sees that An Yan is the real pinnacle, and her consciousness is strong enough, because the ability to transform is also strong at any time.

  Yan Qingqiu said: "When you open the barrier, it won't cause damage to the surrounding area. There will definitely be energy waves that will bounce out."

  An Yan had an idea after he mentioned it. She said to Li Rongsen, "Bring over the medicine powder we brought."

  Li Rongsen didn't hesitate, he immediately took a box from the carriage, opened it and placed it in front of An Yan. This was the herbal powder that he had just prepared in Xicheng.

  An Yan waved her palms, wrapped all the medicine foam with energy, and then pushed it into the barrier on the tower.

   "You are really capable. It's really interesting to sprinkle all these medicine foams in the city when the barrier is broken." Yan Qingqiu thought this idea was very good.

   "This doesn't require me to exert any more effort. I believe that every corner can be sprinkled with medicine foam."

  The medicine foam is green energy, and it also melts into the enchantment, forming an interweaving of green, purple and gold.

   "Li Rongsen, you just need to project your purest energy and help." An Yan explained to him.

  Li Rongsen immediately understood what An Yan meant, and raised his hand to wave energy towards Loucheng.

An Yan jumped up, hung in mid-air, and pushed her hands forward, only to see those enchantments exploded in an instant, purple and gold restrained the threatening energy, while green was filled with medicine foam. The rain swayed all over the city.

A burst of herbal smell wafted out, and Mei Die smelled it. She stood up and walked to the terrace outside the tea house to see, and saw a lot of green energy rippling in the air, like fireflies, slowly, slowly. Slowly, a little bit fell in every corner.

   This is a rain of medicine, dreamlike beauty.

  I don't know why, but there seems to be a sense of security shrouded in the city, and it quietly falls into the hearts of the city people.

   Beifeng and the owner of the teahouse also walked to Meidie's side, and they looked out the same way as she did.

  The owner of the teahouse said, "I feel so relieved, what is this?" He reached out and took it, and what fell on the palm of his hand was the medicine foam.

   "This is a great gift from the city lord of Xicheng, and the normal order will be restored soon." Mei Die said.

The owner of the   tea house was very happy and said, "It's great, no one will suffer anymore."

   Xicheng's carriage team has slowly entered the city, swimming in like a long dragon. The first man riding a handsome horse is Li Rongsen, and the one standing on the top of the carriage and wearing a black robe is An Yan.

   Meidie waved at her and shouted: "City Lord! Long live the city owner of Xicheng!"

   These words made everyone stunned at first, and then they heard the city residents of Xicheng who came with the motorcade shout: "Long live the city lord of Xicheng."

  An Yan used a lot of her inner strength to make the medicine spray all over the city, and the people in the city who touched the medicine started to feel less pain, and even the water in the rivers and lakes became normal.

  The people who were about to die of illness in the past have their spirits, which makes the people in the city very happy, and they also shouted along with those Xicheng city residents: "Long live the city lord of Xicheng."

The    sound came and went, which made An Yan feel a little embarrassed. She signaled the carriage to stop, and then extended a hand to stop the sound immediately.

  An Yan said: "Everyone, I have not done enough exams recently, and I made you suffer needlessly. Since Qu He handed over this place to me, you are my citizens of Xicheng, and you should treat them equally."

   "Why should we be convinced by you?" Finally someone jumped out to object.

   "Can you beat Qu He?" Yan Qingqiu got out of the carriage and asked the objector.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's not interesting, I just want to tell those who are not convinced. If you want to oppose it, think about it carefully. If you can beat Qu He in the past, if you can't beat it, shut up. If you can beat it, come forward and try it." Yan Qingqiu's tone is quite provocative, but he thinks that he should be sincere with those people.

One of them jumped out, he was a middle-aged man, dressed in black, also standing on top of a carriage, only a carriage separated from An Yan, he said, "I would like to learn about the city lord of Xicheng. ability."

   "He Xucheng takes the initiative, I'll just do it." Li Rongsen jumped to the middle-aged man's side, indicating that he could make a move first.

  The middle-aged man disdained to fight him and said, "You are not the city lord of Xicheng, I am too lazy to fight with you, I just have to fight with her." After speaking, he rushed towards An Yan.

   Li Rongsen had already transformed into a burst of energy, immobilizing the middle-aged man, no matter how hard he tried, he was powerless and could only stand in place.

  The middle-aged man began to curse and said, "The City Lord of Xicheng is a mascot that is held up by others. She can only rely on the people around her to work for her. She has no ability."

   "How did the city lord of Xicheng defeat Hequ, are you blind?" Mei Die scolded him.

   "I won't be convinced until she beats me." The middle-aged man was stubborn.

  An Yan only wanted to save people at the moment, and didn't want to entangle with him. With a wave of his sleeves, he threw the man out of the city, and then said, "Go forward."

  I saw that the long team of carriages began to move forward slowly again, found an open space, and stopped there, and the guards of Xicheng carried down the supplies and things in order.

   (end of this chapter)