MTL - The Inverted Dragon’s Scale-Chapter 850 Not worthy of fame!

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The 850th chapter, not famous!

Zhongzhou. The southern gate of the Westwind Empire.

"Zhongzhou Zhi" has a load: Zhongzhou is broken, and the west wind is dead. This shows how important the location of Zhongzhou City is.

At this time, the Zhongzhou City was surrounded by water, and the Peacock Dynasty Chen Bing hundreds of thousands of direct access to Zhongzhou, it is necessary to give this important city to the income.

Hunting for the flag in Zhongzhou City, the armored armor. The 190,000-strong army is divided into four gates. Every soldier’s eyes are filled with exhaustion and despair, and his face is a look of death.

Above the tower, Marshal Xu Da’s face was gloomy, and he looked coldly at the peacock dynasty army that was about to launch another attack.

"Winning the words and deceiving people is too much." Xu Da’s fist slammed on the wall and yelled. "Today is the sixth attack. He really thought that his peacock soldier would be omnipotent."

Above the wall, it was covered with the blood of the soldiers on both sides. The dark red blood pooled together, and then solidified in the tower, so that the entire city wall is incomparably deep and chilly. If you are not close, you can smell a **** gas.

At the foot of the West Winds, there are many bodies that are too late to move out. This was left over from the previous five wars of today.

The Peacock Dynasty has carried out five attacks today, and each time a large number of bodies are discarded and landed on the wall. Of course, it will also harvest more soldiers from the Westwind Empire.

At the beginning, the logistics unit on the west wind side will also rush to the body of the deceased or the body of the wounded during the interval of the war, to bury or treat it. After all, it cannot be left on top of the dead body. .

However, as the peacock dynasty became more and more fierce, the pace of attack became faster and faster, and even the time to bury the body to treat the wounded was gone.

A wave has not subsided, and a wave has come to attack.

Layers are stacked, such as a big wave on the shore, not endless.

"It seems that winning the Bo Yan is a must------Zhongzhou City has persisted for a long time, fearing that he has long lost patience----" General Liu Zhongyan's expression is dignified and said with a voice.

"Why does he think that he can overcome Zhongzhou today? Is it because our brothers are not a paper?" One of the generals of the fire, Wang Hao, sneered. The soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty attacked five times today, and he fought five times. It is also the courage of this fierce general, the soldiers of the city are desperately trying to kill the peacock soldiers who are not afraid of death, once and for all, to protect the tower again and again.

Wang Xizhi once served as the city owner of this Zhongzhou City. Therefore, when he heard that someone said that he would win the Zhongzhou today, he would take a fuss and immediately counterattack.

Most of his faculties will be in this Zhongzhou city. If he is defeated by the winning words, how can he have a foothold after Wang Haozhi?

Of course, if the Zhongzhou City is broken, the civil servants who are present will be afraid that there will be no place for them.

"The peacock soldiers are indeed fierce, and they can't break the attack for a long time, so that they are all screaming in their hearts today-----you have to think of a way to curb the offensive---- otherwise, fear that it is dangerous in Zhongzhou today." The inspector Li Si said aloud.


Xu Da looked around and sighed in her heart.

Even the generals know that Zhongzhou is in danger. The soldiers are afraid that they will have more hopes for defending the city.

Now they are able to stick to it because the generals above are still insisting because he is still insisting. It is supported by a group of blood and military duties, but the confidence that must win has disappeared.

There is death!

"Yan Xiangma-----" Xu Da suddenly shouted.

"Yes." A young general with a heavy helmet came out from behind the crowd and bowed to Xu Da and said, "General, are you looking for me?"

"Can there be a policy of retreating the enemy?"

"General, what I can say, I have already said it-----" Yan Xiangma raised his head and looked at Xu Da. He said with a smile: "It's just that you don't listen to the teenager."

Xu Da certainly knows that Yan Xiangma said it, but he did not do what he said, but he said to the old man who controlled the whole situation behind the scenes.

Of course, he can't say it in public in this way. It is even more difficult to reveal the secret that the old man is still alive.

"If I want you to say it again? Tell your high opinion in front of the generals -----"

"To surrender to the city." Yan Xiangma said simply and simply.


"Yan Xiangma, this is your strategy to retire the enemy? You are not afraid to humiliate you Yan's ancestors?"

"Yan Xiangma, shame and you are such a weak villain----Chen is swearing to death and not falling----"


"Yan Xiangma----" Xu Da is not angry and prestige. "Ask you before the battle, can you know sin?"

"The teenager will convict." Yan Xiangma looked up. The handsome face was full of sorrow and heartache. He pointed to the numerous incomplete bodies under his feet and said, "But if I don't say this, I am afraid that there will be more westerly soldiers." Fill in this war----this war is a huge ground meat machine, the west wind sergeant on the wall is like a farm animal that will be sent to the machine----"

"It’s all living and living with a mouthful of mouth. For an unrealistic hope, a city that is hard to hold, it’s so lost. It’s not worth it. I don’t think it’s worth it. They What is it for? This world----not their world. This Zhongzhou is not their Zhongzhou."

After listening to Yan Xiangma, the soldiers around have watched. This remark is only a few words when they secretly gather for drinks. "The sky is falling, there is a tall top," "The world is not the world of Laozi, Laozi keeps the ball." "Why are the kings of Tiandu City not coming to defend the city?" -----

However, this is the first time that a senior general has said these words in front of them.

This kind of straight pokes their words.

This makes them both surprised and scared.

Is this going to be lost?

"Yan Xiangma-----" Xu Da eyes staring at Yan Xiangma, like watching a dead person. "So, do you think that everyone's sacrifice is meaningless? Everyone's persistence is stupid? You, me, the generals present, and the brothers who have sacrificed and are about to sacrifice - everyone Is it an idiot with a low IQ?"

"If someone pushes us, we will fall. If someone raises the knife, we will kneel down. In that case, what is the dignity of the Westwind Empire? Where is the backbone? Such a country can also protect its own people from living and working for a long time?" The empire---can still survive in this world of the jungle? If every soldier is like this, can the Westwind Empire----can still be a country for thousands of years without losing?"

"Yan Xiangma, you tell me -----" Xu Da's eyes are **** red, and his voice is low. "Everyone is a stupid joke in your eyes, isn't it?"

"No!" Yan Xiangma looked at Xu Da's eyes. No guilty conscience, no escape. Even his eyes looked more fierce and aggressive, and he was aggressive. It's like a little leopard that is crazy. "It is precisely because we have such a group of soldiers who are fearlessly sacrificed, precisely because we have a marshal like a general ----- so I feel that it is worthless. Because these people's blood can not flow in vain, these people can not live White, these people---not just the Westwind Empire, but also the spirit and backbone of the entire Terran."

"We don't just have this peacock dynasty enemy, but more powerful and more ferocious enemies are coming soon. It is a pity that you waste your life here. It's a pity that the same family is broken, even if it is victorious, How can you fight against those more powerful enemies?"

"I know that General Xu Da asked me to answer the question in public. I also know that General Xu Da has never liked this general who came from a wealthy background. But I still stood up and answered this question. I also know that since then, my Yan Xiang Ma will become a small person who is greedy and fearful of death. Whether it is the long mouth of this world, or the brilliant man of the scholars, I am a ridiculously ridiculous Guy."

"But, for the upcoming war----General General Xu Da will save some excellent seeds for humanity." Yan Xiangma once again screamed at Xu Da, and said with a strong voice: "The teenager will die." regret."

Xu Da’s eyes stared at Yan Xiangma without hesitation, staring at the younger family who did not like it now, and stared at the young general who could not understand now and could not understand.

This Yan Xiangma----Is it really the rumored Yan Xiangma who does not learn to practice?

This Yan Xiangma, is really relying on the background of the gate valve to step into the sky Yan Yanma?

This Yan Xiangma, is really the one who knows that he is uneasy and has no hesitation, and he does not hesitate to let himself become a shame of the military.

This Yan Xiangma----

a long time.

a long time.

Xu Da’s eyes gradually softened and his expressions moved. The strong hand lifted up, but it fell gently.

Xu Da patted on the shoulder of Yan Xiangma, and said in a deep voice: "General Yan - not worthy of the "Imperial Show". ”

This battle for a few years, relying on one victory after another to accumulate military strength, the veteran of the battlefield feels that he likes this young general who has a rare skin and tender meat.

At this moment, the entire Zhongzhou City suddenly swayed violently.


The earth shakes the mountain, and the heavens and the earth seem to burst.

Above the sky, a large expanse of clouds suddenly burned, as if to burn the entire sky.

Everyone looked up and looked at this ad with incredulity.

"This is -----" someone exclaimed.

"The invasion of the Mozu." Yan Yan said that if the horse face is gray, he murmured.

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