MTL - The Jilted Male Lead Hires a Mother for the Cute Shapeshifters-Chapter 16

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Ye Qing recitation was over, and the entire recording scene was silent.

This completely silent silence, except for Shen Luo's dance, is Ye Qing's poem.

Just one is stunning, the other is speechless.

Ye Qing saw these in his eyes, and he was very satisfied with everyone ’s response. With a smile on his face, he bowed slightly to everyone and said softly, "Thank you ~"

With a short bang, a very famous singer on the instructor's seat couldn't help but laughed out first.

Then, as if being infected, he laughed instantly, and even the barrage burst into laughter.


[I can't do it. This lady and her sister are serious in reading poems. It's so funny. I'm a mom. Ha ha ha ha]

[I was watching a funny show]

[Before Miss Sister spoke, she was a gentle girl in my heart; after Miss Sister spoke, I saw the breath of sand sculptures from her. 】

It's just that Lin Su's expression is not very good.

With a charming face and a cold glow on her smile, she felt a little anger, aggravating her voice: "Miss Ye Qing, this is a draft show!"

As soon as this word came out, the laughter in the contestant's seat was all put away. The boys and girls were afraid of angering the mentor, forcing their faces taut, and silently lighting candles for Ye.

[Lin Su is angry. He is the first time I've seen Lin Su angry. 】

[Me too, the player who just performed badly, Lin Xu is also appeasing, is Lin Xu targeting this player? 】

[I also feel that as soon as Ye Qing came up, Lin Xu seemed a bit cold. 】

[Whoever becomes a mentor is angry? Is this player neurotic? She chanted poetry on the run show, did she hit the scene? !! Sister Xu has been very restrained, and Sister Xu has always been relatively cold. Don't be embarrassed! 】

[That is, you ca n’t do it, but you blame the mentor for being angry? In other words, I am a mentor, and I have already bombarded people! 】

[This man wants to recite poetry for his daughter. Isn't it good to change the show? Must I come to Debut? Quickly eliminated! 】


Because of this scene, the barrage began to quarrel.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is a quarrel, it should be a unilateral abuse by Lin Xu fans.

In the beginning, Lin Xu was targeting Ye Qing, but it was just a group of people who were simply eating fun.

When they saw Lin Xu's fans coming out, they disappeared in silence and did not mean to help Ye Qing and Lin Xu's fans to talk to each other.

After all, Ye Qing is not their goddess, not even the wall, but just watching the scene just fun, made them laugh, so that they have a little affection for Ye Qing.

This kind of favor will not let them help Ye Qing provoke the fans of Lin Su.

Lin Su's fans are notoriously fierce in the entertainment industry.

It may be that one sentence is not enough, and Lin Xu added another sentence: "Do you think you can be promoted and debut when you back up a poem? If so, is it not for those hard-working practitioners? fair?"

Faced with the aggressiveness of this high forest stalk, Ye Qing was not upset.

An embarrassed look appeared on her face: "Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry. I know it's not good, but I really don't have any talents. When I come to this show, I just want to fulfill my wish for many years. If I do Is disrespect for this show, then I'm really sorry ... "

Listening to Ye Qing's words, Lin Su was even more angry.

Others couldn't hear Ye Qing's insidious words, but Lin Su had been immersed in the entertainment industry for many years and instantly heard it.

Ye Qing's words, equated himself with most talented but idol dreams, tied himself and the audience in front of the screen to a stand, and opposed her as a mentor!

It is really a white lotus flower!

Lin Su was so angry, but his expression on the face couldn't collapse. He took a deep breath, and just wanted to say something of encouragement to save it, and when Ye Qing was eliminated, a mentor beside him rarely spoke.

"I believe the original intention of our show is to welcome all people who love the stage to participate. No matter how old you are this year, whether you have children, or whether you are young. Teachers Lin Su and I have different views. Ye Qingneng can stand on this stage and read that The first poem requires a lot of courage. And I can hear that Ye Qing's voice is very good. Have you never tried singing? The next opportunity is, you can try to develop it, maybe there is a surprise? Therefore, I am willing to let you live, but your performance program does not meet the standard of the program. I can only give you an F. "The tutor, a talented singer, talked a lot and gave Ye Qing a ticket.

The rule this time is that the instructors will have a promotion ticket of ABCDEF and a elimination ticket.

Seven mentors, which has the most votes, means the final result of your primary election.

Ye Qing felt that with his own performance, he would definitely get seven elimination tickets, but looking at the F given by the mentor, he was a little bit puzzled.

Why don't you play cards according to common sense?

However, a grateful smile appeared on her face: "Thank you teacher!" Then she looked at the next six mentors with anticipation.

It doesn't matter, six elimination tickets are also ok.


Instructor 2: "Let me give F, too. Hope you can surprise us later."

Ye Qing: "... Thank you teacher, I will definitely work hard!"

Instructor 3: "F, come on."

Ye Qing: "... Thank you teacher, I will work hard ..."

Instructor 4: "F, optimistic about you."

Ye Qing: "Thank you teacher."

Instructor 5: "F."

Ye Qing: "Thank you."

Lin Su said nothing, and held out a sign with a cold face.

Ye Qing didn't want to speak anymore, because the result had been set.

Yang Teng voted last. Naturally, he also saw the current results and the message sent by the director of the show group to let Ye Qingguo pass.

To be able to meet this woman in the Fengshan Villa area shows that this woman's background is not simple.

But he is still chasing the forest cats recently, which obviously does not like Ye Qing.

Even if he offends the person behind Ye Qing, he will not hesitate to stand on the side of Lin Su!

Yang Teng stated his position: "I voted for a knockout."

Lin Xu, who looked very bad, glanced at him.

He smiled slightly.

In short, five F, two eliminated, Ye Qing was left.

In the player's seat, Shen Luo was always worried, fearing that the old mother was eliminated, Shen Luo finally settled down.

It was because he didn't think about it properly. He thought his mother was really ready, so he didn't care much. Where can I know that my mother can't dance or sing? Next, he will definitely help her!

In the lounge, the child Shen Mian, who had been holding Zhang's face all the time, smiled and jumped up.

The person in charge waiting nearby quickly reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, fortunately, I stayed.

God bless, fortunately the other five guests are reliable!

While at the scene, Ye Qing showed an incredible expression on the road.

To outsiders, she couldn't believe it because she could live.

But in fact, she really couldn't believe it because she could live.

Well, she can do this too. I'm afraid the show crew wants to go out of business, right? ,, everyone remember the collection URL or keep in mind the URL, URL m .. Free and fastest update without anti-theft, no anti-theft.