MTL - The King’s Game-Chapter 35 Black Knight (35)

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The venue of the talks was changed to Earth. The human side accepted this change without any objection. The location was changed to its own base camp. They did not have any reason for rejection.

The size of the Zerg Guard is still a luxury configuration, but for this, StarCraft has changed from shock to adaptation.

Anyway, these zerg are afraid that their own kings will be bullied outside. If they can, the whole family will accompany the king to travel together... They think that these zerg really can do it.

The Zerg fleet landed on the earth, and the human side also showed a welcome attitude. This scene is incredible. In the past, probably humans on the earth would rather believe that the sun will not believe in the reality before coming out from the west.

An important scene that needs to be clearly identified, the eyes of the young black-haired youth among the Zerg teams are now iconic golden erects. Although it is not cold, this pair of gold enamel is still daunting to have a line of sight.

Going back to Earth is the identity of an alien race, and it is still coming to talk with the head of the Earth Federation. When the days are over, Gu Zhuang feels that he is also a bit powerful, although this is not the earth he once lived.

Both sides and even the entire StarCraft understand the importance of this talk. In order to prevent any accidents, the Earth Federation began to martial law from inside the planet, and now the entire galaxy is in a state of strict guard.

If you can prevent it from happening to such an extent, then the Earth Federation will not need to be mixed in the interstellar. Of course, the talks between the two sides can be said to be done in an absolutely safe environment.

In the new era of 217, two races that were once deadly enemies reached a settlement today, which is a very important day for both Zerg and human beings.

In the second year afterwards, the Zerg successfully joined the Star Alliance under the conditions of full vote, forming a solid alliance with the other 12 races in the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance is the largest political and military alliance between the stars, which means that unless there is a new race like a monster in the universe, the Zerg will continue to gain the greatest peace from now until the future.

"To the members of the Star Alliance, the Zerg gives a unified preferential regulation, so that everyone here should have no opinions. As for the participation in peacekeeping, we will mobilize the troops according to the situation." The young black-haired youth with the golden erect is at the Star Alliance meeting. New face, but at this time it was not passive at the meeting, and it can even be said that it has mastered the relative initiative.

It is a political and military alliance. Actually, the members of the Star Alliance are also economically mutually beneficial and seek common development. Therefore, there is a preferential regulation.

For this statement of the youth, the representatives of various ethnic groups present here do not have any opinions, and they have chosen to make mistakes.

As a newly joined member, Gu Huai was neither over-expressed nor over-silent at the Star League meeting. He grasped a good scale and sat in the high-back chair to deal with the meeting.

In the year when the Zerg joined the Star Alliance, the most popular discussion on the Star Network was the ‘Golden Age’. After the old era of frequent wars of various ethnic groups, it entered a new era of relative peace, and the golden age, which is the best development era for all races in the interstellar.

Customs clearance: 100%

finished. Already with the **** to return to Tusexing from the venue of the Star Alliance meeting, hurriedly watched the customs clearance value that has reached full value, Gu Huai will go down to view the remaining time limit of the current world.

There are still 18 years.

There is a plan that Gu Huai wanted to do from a long time ago, but this plan needs to have a peaceful and stable environment to start. Now the starting conditions are met.

This plan is about the wisdom of the lower class Zerg, the low class Zerg does not have too high wisdom, but it is not impossible to evolve, but its own evolution is very slow and lacks a comfortable environment.

Like at the beginning of the Star Age of the Old Age, when the war was frequent, the lower class Zerg would only follow the instinct to go to the battle. The time between birth and death of a low-level Zerg is often very short.

In addition to the comfortable environment, the low-level Zerg itself has a slow evolutionary rate. This requires external assistance to help solve the problem. Otherwise, there is a high probability that it will be stagnant.

For this ‘external force’ that must be there, Gu Huai thought of the spiritual link.

So in the remaining 18 years, in addition to maintaining the management of the opponent's planets, Gu Huai has been pondering the issue of the wisdom of the lower class Zerg.

"Come with me, A-Huai-" sat on the ground, Gu Huai pointed himself, and then said this again to the Tak Zerg who circled around him. At this time, Gu Huai's eyebrows have a little helpless look, because he always feels that the results will not change.

In response to the hunch of the youth, some of the Tucker worms around the youth made some head-down movements, and the most savage voice of the first body was pronounced in a very hoarse voice, "Baby."

The baby is a cub, and the two human guests who visited Thursey successfully transmitted this idea. These Tuckers are now stubbornly reluctant to change their mouths.

Although these Tak zergs now understand that the youth are actually in adulthood, they just don't want to change their previous ideas, but they want to continue to treat young people as young people.

Gu Huai: "..."

"Oh--" one of the two human guests who visited came out with a laugh. It was a prisoner who had been a prisoner on the Zerg side many years ago, but later became a blonde human general.

Hearing the laughter, Gu Huai silently moved his eyes away. The two humans in front of him were the chief culprit of his own Tucker screaming ‘baby’. However, in this small matter, he can't say anything about the other side. How to say Shen and the Nichols family also gave the Zerg a lot of good words in the federal parliament.

The body is huge, the light looks at the shape and the horrible low-level Tak worms are shouting 'baby' around a young black-haired man. This scene is very strange, but after accepting it, there will be a kind of An indescribable sense of harmony.

After forgetting it, I didn't correct it... I saw that the surrounding Tektronians liked to call themselves so much, and Gu Huai accepted this title.

If the lower class Zerg is studying hard under the guidance, it is actually able to use the language normally, and it is not only a single buzz.

The guidance can be completed with spiritual links. So far, the low-level Zerg in the Zerg has mastered the basic language ability under the guidance of his own king, and the level of wisdom has also improved accordingly. Although there is still a long way to go before there is a high degree of wisdom, it has undoubtedly achieved considerable results.

In the remaining customs clearance time, this plan can be carried out here, and Gu Huai is actually quite satisfied. The beginning of the spiritual link guidance is a must, but to the extent of this wisdom, the remaining distance even if he is not there, the lower class Zerg in the family can explore the road by themselves, and gain high wisdom from then on.

At the same time, the research team responsible for the soil improvement of Tusestar also made new progress, and the soil test in the test site approached benign, which is good news for all Zerg on the Thur Star. It should be a little longer, this test area will be able to produce good-looking flowers, and the gift they want to give to their own king will be able to be completed smoothly.

"Hey?" The tail was very smooth and natural, and suddenly circled to the middle of the young man's waist. Yalves circled the young black man who took the initiative to enter his arms and lowered his head to gently rub the other's cheek.

He noticed that his partner's mood did not seem to be very good. At this time, the youth should just end the spiritual link of the day...

"If I suddenly disappeared or what happened, you don't have to wait until you know." Gu Huai stretched out his index finger to poke the cheeks of his silver worms, this cold and beautiful face was also stamped. Very soft.

For the young man, Yalves only slightly turned his head. He reached out and pulled the hand of the young man who poked his cheek, and then gently kissed the fingertip of the white finger. "You have to wait."

"You have to wait for Ah Huai." There is no intention to sing against the partner. In general, Yalves is obedient to the young people in the arms, but this is not the case.

If you can't wait, you can find the entire interstellar, or even the alien space outside the star gate, until you find it.

The young man who did not let the circle hold more thoughts, and Arvis carefully kissed him on the young lips, stretched his tongue across the gap between the young lips, and then sneaked into the deep kiss.

The practice knowledge of the silver worms is obviously much richer than the initial understanding of the lower lip.

The days went by, and it seemed that there was not much difference every day. One day, a new good news came from the research team.

"It's a flower bud." It's small and very young, like if you accidentally break it. Looking at the small flower pots that are holding young flower buds, the zergs in the field show an outward delight.

This result was handed over by Alger to his own head. Yalves was slightly unnatural when holding the flower pot, but it was good to hold the flower pot. If he was to take such a small flower bud, he was very May not control your strength.

The young black-haired man who was curling up on the side of his body was sleeping quietly. Because he didn't want to disturb the youth to sleep, Arvis sat down on the edge of the bed and carefully held the flower pot in his hand while waiting for the youth to wake up quietly.

Sending flowers, the youth will be happy... I thought of this in my heart, and the silver-haired worms that looked very cold looked slightly erected, and suddenly looked like a large cat that was scratched by the lower jaw.

The flower buds in the pots are very young, and probably only grow a small flower afterwards, but as the first flower to survive on the Tuse star, Yalves believes that the existence of this flower makes sense. .

But from noon to near evening, there was no sign that the young man had to wake up. The small flower pot on the hand of Yalves was put down on the bedside table, and the young circle lying on the side of the curled up was held in his arms with his tail.

"Ahuai?" Still only thought that the young people in the arms were just sleepy, the silver-haired worms kissed the young people's cheeks and whispered the names of the youth.

Too loud a voice will awaken the youth, and he does not want to see a panic expression from the youth face.

In such a low voice for a while, the young man in the circle still quietly picked up his eyes, and Yalves felt uneasy.


Still no response.

The sudden disappearance of the king, the spread of the Zerg quickly, the zerg of other planets rushed to the Tuse star, for a time, Tuse star became quite crowded.

Breathing is gentle and steady, my heartbeat is normal, and the young black-haired youth lying in bed looks like just a normal sleep, but she can't wake up for some unknown reason.

The young flower buds of the past have now grown into a goose yellow flower, which is now placed on the window sill of the youth bedroom.

"Flower." On the map of Thur, a new flower was successfully planted again. Arvis kept the flower branch close to the bed of the youth, and pushed the flowers in front of the youth to advance a little.

The same was not received as usual, but the silver worms did not have the emotion of disappointment. He just waited for a few seconds after so quietly, bowed his head and kissed the young man's lips.

To wait for.

While waiting, all the Zerg on the Thur Star are now working hard.

My king will undoubtedly wake up, just need some time, so they have to work harder during this time.

When you wake up from your own king, you will see a flower-filled planet -