MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 356 : Yes, yes, the princess is right

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So, Jiang Yingxiu nodded lightly, and said in agreement, "Yes, yes, the princess is right!"

"Regardless of whether something will happen or not, a woman should choose her husband carefully."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhao Heng who was on the side.

Zhao Heng was a little stunned, with a little curiosity in his eyes, but after seeing Jiang Yingxiu's eyes, he still nodded reluctantly, with a look of approval.

Guo Manying and the others stood there, seeing all three of them's actions, and felt that the emperor was too kind to Jiang Fu.

Everyone knows that this is not a normal person, he hardly cares about his own princesses, and has never heard of any princess or prince who is extremely favored.

He treated Jiang Fu better than his own daughter.

Not only should the princess of the county be conferred, but a place as good as Jingzhou should also be entrusted to her.

Hearing people gossip about her and summoning people into the palace to help her out...

Now, Jiang Fu is still sitting here and standing beside her.

This kind of grace is not even comparable to Shen Rulan, the national teacher who was at the height of his power back then.

At least, Shen Rulan is respectful and respectful in front of His Majesty.

But this Jiang Fu doesn't appear to be respectful at all.

The emperor looks more respectful than her... Huh, respectful?

Jiang Fu sat there and said softly, "It's almost time, the emperor should continue writing."

"I also rested for a while, shouldn't that be enough?"

Zhao Heng froze slightly, and immediately turned his head to look at Guo Manying and the others, the meaning was obvious.

These people have not been dealt with yet.

Jiang Yingxiu hurriedly said: "Princess County, these people haven't been dealt with yet, or let the emperor deal with them before writing?"

Zhao Heng nodded heavily, looking serious.

Jiang Fu: "...?"

He can't even speak, is there anything he needs to deal with?

She pondered for two seconds before saying: "It's just a few casual words after hearing the rumors, it's not a big deal, let them think about it in the mansion for a few days, and ask a few nuns to teach them, it doesn't need to be punished too much."

In the past of those women, Jiang Fu could even clearly see how they were knocked out by Gu Yunfu and An Le after gossiping about her in Yunzhi Pavilion.

Most of them just joined in the fun and made casual remarks after hearing the rumors. If there was any malice towards her, then they really didn't have much malice towards her.

At most, it is to look at a low-ranking person with the attitude of a high-ranking person.

This bit of malice meant nothing to her.

Moreover, not all of them are malicious to her, don't there be some who think she is good-looking!

The women standing behind Guo Manying raised their heads in disbelief, thinking how many days?

that is it?

Did she really only let them spend a few days in the mansion?

The emperor had summoned them into the palace, and the intention to stand up for her couldn't be more obvious. It was clear that he wanted to punish them severely and kill others as an example.

but now…

Zhao Heng's face changed slightly, and he turned to look at Guo Manying and the others with sharp eyes.

Jiang Yingxiu was also taken aback, is she planning to just let them go?

This is something he never expected.

After all, this Jiang Fu poisoned the emperor the first time he saw him, and such a cruel person heard others talking about her, so he just let it go?

Jiang Yingxiu hesitated for a moment, then said, "How can this be done, you are the princess of the county, so they can talk about it casually."

"When they were discussing, I was not a county princess." Jiang Fu turned his head and glanced at the window, seeing that the sky had already darkened, he got up and said, "It's not a big deal to join in the fun and discuss a few words, think about it for a few days That's it."

"The ladies are all rich and famous. I believe that after this incident, they will no longer follow the crowd and talk about others at will."