MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 419 : He seems to be completely relaxed

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Xie Cheng lowered his eyes to look at his legs, and said in an extremely arrogant tone, "You can't hurt these legs if you take care of him alone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Fu and Jiu Qu went out together.

Seeing that it was him, Jiang Fu ran up with small steps, the breeze brushed her hair, she lowered her eyes, frowned, and asked with some doubts, "Who is cooking?"

"No one." Xie Cheng raised his hand with a smile, gently grabbed a small part of her sleeve, raised his head slightly and asked, "Why did you come here with the emperor?"

Jiang Fu turned his head and glanced at the child beside him.

The little guy was raising her head, floating slowly upwards, her eyes were big and bright, like black grapes.

Floating in front of Xie Cheng, I stared at him for a few seconds, "It's amazing."

Jiang Fu wanted to ask what was miraculous, but since Xie Cheng was here, he was afraid that speaking to such an empty place would frighten him, so he didn't ask, but answered seriously:

"The master said that there are evil spirits in the eighth prince's mansion, so the emperor and I will come with him to have a look."

"Evil spirit?" Xie Cheng's black eyes narrowed again, he smiled lightly, and asked, "What about the evil spirit, Mr. Jiuqu has eliminated it?"

The little soul floating in front of him shrank back slightly and hid behind Jiang Fu. Her voice was small and childish, "I have never been able to get close to this person before. I heard that he killed the enemy on the battlefield. Generals like this, we generally cannot get close to people like this."

"But today is very strange. I can get close to him by standing with my sister."

"He seems to be totally relaxed..."

Jiang Fu looked back at her.

The little soul nodded his head in a very sensible way, "Okay, I've lived for so many years, I understand, I'll go play by myself, sister talk to him~"

She twisted and twisted her little body, floating in the air, and said in a childish voice, "Sister, don't forget to burn me a small windmill, I'm leaving!"

After seeing her slowly drifting away, Jiang Fu turned his head and looked at Xie Cheng again, "Well, it's gone."

"Well." The man nodded slightly, and asked again, "Didn't you say that you came with the emperor, where is the emperor?"

"Your Majesty..." Jiang Fu and Jiu Qu turned their heads together, and Zhao Heng, who had already fainted from fright, was being carried away. She stood in the breeze, and said softly, "I fainted from fright."


Xie Cheng: "..."


The news that the eighth prince's mansion was searched and the eighth prince himself was demoted to a commoner quickly spread throughout Yandu.

As a result, the people who were discussing the Eighth Prince's love affair started discussing vigorously about his being deposed as a commoner.

Now, everyone in Yandu knows that His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince, who used to be in the limelight, is already a Shuren, and now he can't even live in the Eighth Prince's Mansion, and he is very destitute.

In the tea houses and restaurants bought by Chi Ti before, the story of the Eighth Prince began to be talked about again.

When it was getting dark, a figure wearing a hood appeared at the back door of Prince Qing's Mansion.

He looked up at the plaque on the back door of the Prince's Mansion, raised his hand and knocked.

The back door was quickly opened, "Are you making clothes for the princess, why did you come here..."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he saw the jade-like face under the hood.

Good guy, isn't this who!

He looks like a dog, but he just doesn't behave like a human being.

Fortunately, the current emperor is Mingjun, and he ordered people to return all the treasures that the princess had sent to the eighth prince's mansion in the past, and did not indulge his son.

The servants of Prince Qing's Mansion closed the back door with a "slap".