MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 425 : The wall falls and everyone pushes

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Where does Zhao An remember this? He killed countless people in the past, not to mention an imperial doctor who was expelled from the imperial hospital.

Seeing his pale face, the imperial doctor raised his chin slightly, and said contemptuously, "Your Highness is busy with other affairs, so it's right that you don't remember me."

"It's okay, it's okay,"

When he spoke, his voice was extremely slow, but Zhao Anxin trembled when he heard it.

I always feel that this person can reach out and strangle him in the next second.

"Your Highness was carried in because of fainting yesterday, now you can leave after paying the consultation fee and medicine money."

"The consultation fee and medicine fee add up to one hundred taels, Your Highness will pay for it."

"One hundred taels?" Even if Zhao An didn't see a doctor in a medical clinic outside, he knew that the price he charged was too high, and he didn't suffer from any terminal illness. He just passed out and lay here for a while. I want so much.

And this hospital is still so broken.

"Your Highness thinks it's expensive?" The doctor in front of him was still smiling slightly, "There is no way, you were already dying when you were brought in yesterday, if I hadn't pulled you back from the gate of hell, I'm afraid you would have gone to meet with me a long time ago." Hades bargained."

"Nonsense!" Zhao An said, "It's just that I fainted in a hurry, what's going to die soon, presumptuous!"


The person in front of him looked at him fixedly, his expression suddenly became strange.

"Presumptuous?" He stood in front of the sick bed and sneered, "Do you still think you are His Highness the Eighth Highness?"

After all, without waiting for Zhao An to say anything, he turned around and ran out.

Zhao An was stunned, and before he had time to react, he heard someone shouting outside:

"God, you have to be the master for Xiaomin. Xiaomin has been a doctor for many years and has always done his best, but he doesn't want to. Someone bullies others and refuses to pay the consultation fee..."

Zhao An's expression changed, and it was too late to turn over and get out of bed.


The rumors that were already on the verge of fading were inadvertently fueled.

In one morning, the eighth prince, Zhao An'en, spread the news of revenge and refusal to pay the consultation fee all over Yandu.

Everyone said that the imperial doctor was wronged by the Eighth Prince and expelled from the Imperial Hospital, but he was still a benevolent doctor and treated the Eighth Prince, but he didn't expect that the Eighth Prince would avenge his kindness by not only refusing to pay the consultation fee, but also beating people in the street. Smashing people's signboards is full of evil.

When he heard the news, Jiang Fu had just walked out of the women's courtyard.

Cong Yin said in a low voice beside her: "Zhao An has done a lot of crimes in normal times, the wall fell down and everyone pushed it down."

With the breeze blowing, Jiang Fu lowered his eyes and said softly, "Look back, this is just the beginning."

An Le did not come to the women's hospital today, saying that she was unwell, so she asked for leave.

"Let's go, let's go and see An Le."



Yandu, Prince Qing's Mansion.

After Jiang Fu was canonized as the princess of the county, Zhao Heng specially asked someone to make a golden carriage for her, which was extremely luxurious.

The golden carriage stopped in front of Prince Qing's Mansion, very eye-catching.

Everyone in Prince Qing's Mansion knew that this was the most popular guest in Prince Qing's Mansion. Seeing the carriage stop, they immediately went forward to greet him happily.

"Meet the county princess."

"The princess is here, please come inside."

Jiang Fu stooped down, saw several carriages, and asked curiously, "Is there any guest coming to the house today? Is there a happy event?"

Several gatekeepers were grinning, and they scrambled to answer:

"Where is there any happy event? It's just that the guests of the princess and the prince and concubine have gathered together, and it seems that there are many people."

"That's the Guo family's carriage, Mr. Guo and his wife came to have tea with the prince and concubine."

"That is the carriage of Miss Liu, Miss Chen and Miss Zhou, they are here to visit the Princess."

Jiang Fu raised his eyebrows slightly, Guo's, Guo Manying's?