MTL - The Lady in the General’s Arms is a Bigshot in Mystic Arts-Chapter 432 : Could it be that everything we did in the past was false?

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As soon as Zhao An finished speaking, he heard a "bang" outside the door, as if something had fallen over.

He suddenly changed his face and looked at Chi Ti.

Chiti got up immediately, wanting to go out to have a look.

But before he could take two steps, he saw the door was kicked open, revealing a ruined face.

It was Guo Manying.

The room was already dark, but the flickering light fell on Guo Manying's face, behind her was a dark patch, full of people.

Tears were still on the woman's face. She looked at Zhao An who was stunned in the room, and her tone was unprecedentedly sharp, "Hiding someone? Who does Your Highness want to hide?"

Zhao An shook his fingers, stood up abruptly, stepped forward and said, "Ying'er, listen to my explanation, listen to me..."

Just when he was about to meet Guo Manying, the woman took a step back and threw off him with one sleeve.

"The Guo family has connections, and Prince Qing's mansion is rich, hahahaha..." She stood there, and suddenly burst out laughing, "Your Highness's abacus is really loud!"

"It's a pity that I really believed what you said. I believed in An Le because I always wanted to, and she was the one who stalked you." Guo Manying raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and fixedly looked at Zhao An, her eyes closed. Eyes flushed, "Zhao An."

"Is that how you tell others about me?"

"Of course not, I..." Zhao An has panicked, he has reached this point now, Guo Manying and An Le can be said to be his last hope, and he can't lose one of them, especially now that An Le has no clear attitude towards him He couldn't lose Guo Manying's love.

"Did you also tell others that I was the one who backed you, it was my wishful thinking, and I was stalking you!" Guo Manying didn't listen to him at all, and interrupted him directly, "I should have thought about it a long time ago. No matter how stupid you are, if you are really pervasive like a copper wall, how could she be like this."

"Your Highness is really a good method."

Her tone became more determined.

"Yinger, listen to my explanation. You have to allow me to distinguish between two sentences. You can't just do this..." Zhao An raised his hand again, trying to pull Guo Manying, but he still couldn't.

"Distinguish between two sentences?" Guo Manying had tears in her eyes, and looked at him with a sarcasm smile, "Does Your Highness really think so?"

"Aren't you thinking in your heart that I don't know how to flatter you?"

"Of course not!" Zhao An's expression was firm, and those who didn't know thought he had really suffered some great grievances, "Ying'er, you can't think of me like that!"

"An Lexu and I thought that the snake was all for who do you think it was for?" He looked very sincere, his eyes gradually filled with pain and love, "I am all for you and for us, my mother and concubine are not high status , I don't have a grandparent with a strong background and endless money like other princes, if I don't, how can I let you live a good life..."

Mr. Guo and Mrs. Guo laughed at what he said.

"Tch." Looking at him, Guo Manying suddenly felt extremely disgusted. She didn't understand, how could she fall in love with such a person before?

"From now on, don't come to my house again." A tear fell from her smooth chin, "After all, my Guo family is too ungrateful to be worthy of His Highness."

"Father, mother, let's go!"

Zhao An pulled her back, "Yinger, I didn't mean that, I really didn't mean that, how could you do this, is everything we did before all fake?"