MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 020

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Susu County’s main wearer was very thin, so he walked out of the farmyard and went all the way.

In fact, even the Susu County lord did not know where she should go, but stayed in the room, but felt that even breathing was difficult. Every time she took a breath of air, she was painful and extremely painful.

There is no way, she can only go out, she can only choose to leave the place where she can't breathe.

Holding his arms, the wind and the moon, this weather is really not fake.

Lonely Sue finally stood in front of the frozen glaciers and looked at the riverbed with thick ice on it.

In fact, she really didn't think about the kind of things that would happen yesterday.

Although she is arrogant, she knows the depth.

And Lonely Sue also knows that Su Qi hates that kind of girl, so she has changed a lot!

She wants to be a woman who is capable of deserving him!

It is like a thousand snow.

But after that kind of thing happened yesterday, Lonely Su was suddenly uncertain.

She was suddenly uncertain, what was the reason for her persistence for so long. What kind of results can you finally get?

It’s not that she wants to quit halfway, but in the face of Su Shi’s icy appearance, when she sees Su’s undisguised dislike of him, her heart will hurt, and she will feel it. tired.

It is a kind of tiredness from the heart to the body.

Su Qi does not love her!

She has no position in the heart of Su Qi.

Even - even the qualification for a substitute is not!

The distance agreement, there are not many days left in the blink of an eye, solitary Su to the present, and even could not help but feel doubt, between her and Su Qi, is it really possible?

It seems that... there is no more.

"The Susu County Lord, outside the cold, it is not good to fall cold, or go back."

At this time, a voice came from behind, and Lonely Su turned his head, and he saw Zhao Fei’s hand holding a cloak and standing behind him.

not him……

He did not chase it out.

He won't have any pity for himself, even if he sees that she wears so little, she never cares.

Does he never want to see her again?

Susu buried his head in his arms like an ostrich.

Dumb and blind, Zhao Fei Lu, who is not far behind, said, "I want to stay for a while."

What can I do back?

After going back, it is not a barrier that is difficult to melt with Su Qi. Staying in that atmosphere is really not as good as it is now. Although it is cold, it does not make the chest feel uncomfortable.

The Susu County Lord thought about it, tears rained!

Zhao Fei Lu heard the words and shook his head and sighed.

Since ancient times, I have been passionate about it.

He silently put the cloak on the body of the Susu County, and then stood with her on the bedside, looking at somewhere unknown, and ecstatic.

After half a ring, Zhao Feilu opened.

"If the Susu County Lord really likes Su Qigong, why not test him? It will be a joy, no, you can really let go, and you will never be alone."

Lonely Su Suyan, a slight glimpse...


Test Su Seven?

With a bitter smile, Su Qi does not need her to experiment at all, because he is not feeling a little bit about himself. If you have to add something, then maybe the friendship on the battlefield, belong to a friend, belong to the brothers. That point of friendship.

In fact, Zhao Feilu’s suggestion, she did not think about it.

The reason why she is so stunned is that she has not dared to implement it.

In fact, the most fearful thing is that after Su Qi knew what happened, they didn’t even have friends.

"Yes!" Zhao Feilu saw the hesitation and longing in the eyes of Su County, and nodded affirmatively.

"Since the Susu County Lord is affectionate to the Seven Sons, and in the next view, the Seven Sons do not seem to have any feelings about the Susu County Lord. In this case, why should the county owner not try hard? In general, You have nothing to lose."

It is true that there is no loss. After this thing is really messed up, Su Qi and Gu Su can only become strangers.

If he really can't accept her, be a stranger... why not?

She always built a ancestral hall for herself, buried herself, and no longer met.

With such a thought, the Susu County Lord’s chest raised a solitude.

In fact, Zhao Feilu did not want to destroy the Susu County Lord to chase his beloved.

However, every time he saw the Susu County owner, he felt very uncomfortable!

Since I like it, I also bravely said it, and I have done this step, so I will take the courage to kill each other!

He will not accept it, it is his own business, and you do not work hard, but it is your own business.

In the matter of love, there is no point of contempt or despicableness.

Very simple!

Very direct.

Everything is so simple in his world. If you want, if you like it, you will not be able to break everything. He didn't understand why Susu County had made such a simple thing so complicated.


Standing up, the Susu County Lord decided to make a decision.

However, when she turned her head and went back, she hesitated.

In love, the person who is the first to be serious is the most sad and most passive.

Lonely Sue admits that her appearance is weak, and there is no longer the pride of the Susu County Lord who was told in the past.

This indecisive temper is the last thing she likes most, and she is the most despised.

Nowadays... these little drops that make me most despised are on her body.

However, what can she do?

I dare not dare to gamble on everything!

After all, there is still a trace of disrespect.

After all, I always want to stay in the line and let myself have a look.

"Does there be no other way besides this?"

This is not to ask Zhao Feilu, but rather to ask yourself, but also like to ask God.

Is there no other thing besides this radical approach?

"Counter! Offended!" Zhao Feilu really can't look down on the decadent appearance of the Susu County Lord. Without saying anything, he directly grasped the wrist of the Susu County Lord and raised the internal force. left.

What is the feeling of Susu at this time?


Very calm.

She didn't even struggle to struggle.

Because she always knew in her heart that Zhao Feilu would not hurt her. When she closed her eyes, she left with Zhao Feilu.

Let him make this determination for himself.

Su Qi felt an inexplicable heartbeat this day, not knowing what it was.

In the afternoon, Azhao came back.

Yesterday, he was taken away by the master. He and Zhao Feilu did not dare to go far. They went directly to other people in the village to stay overnight, only to return.

Although he was finally Su Qi, he was also the secret guard of Su Qi, but he was also a man with a brain. He knew that Su Qigong had given them away. It must have happened, but this kind of thing is not his next person. Can be left and right, so quiet and do not care.

However, Su Qi was a little surprised when he only saw A call to a person.

"Zhao Fei deer?"

Su Qi remembers that they walked together yesterday, but why didn't they come back together?

A call was awkward.

Zhao Feilu has not returned yet?

"Dongzi, Zhao Feilu has not come back yet?" He remembered that Zhao Feilu had left in the morning?

I thought he was back, but looking at the doubts of the master, it means that Zhao Feilu did not come back!

"What's the matter!" Su Qi finally felt a little uneasy.

Zhao Feilu did not come back with Azhao, and Susu went out in the morning and did not return until now.

Everything is connected in series, and Su Su feels inexplicable pressure!

He was thinking, would it be what happened to Susu?


But at this time, the door was pushed away from the outside!

"Su Qi Gongzi!"

Su Qi and A Zhao both looked out together and saw the people who had just discussed them. This time they stood in front of them magically!

Su Qi was cold-eyed and did not speak. He looked at Zhao Fei’s eyes with a look.

However, Zhao Feilu did not care about this. He went straight to the front of Su Qi, and he squatted in front of Su Qi.

"Suqi Gongzi! The county owner is missing!"

At that moment, Zhao Feilu clearly felt the chill of Su Shiqi’s body!

a happy heart...


Another loud noise!

The next moment, Zhao Feilu was directly sent out by Su Qi to a kick! Directly penetrated the door panel that had not been closed, and was smashed on the snowdrift in the yard!

Su Qi walked up against the light and stood in front of Zhao Feilu's eyes. He looked down and looked at him.

"Don't play such a ridiculous measure with Xiaoye! If Lonely Su doesn't want to come back, then she should go straight back to Beijing!"

After that, Su Qi took a look at his sleeve and went straight back to the room.

A stunned look at Zhao Feilu in the snow. Turned around and glanced at the back of the son, and then swallowed a mouthful of water.

What happened to the master?

Too scary!

With Zhao Feilu for so many days, Azhao and his, more or less have some brother friendship, extended a hand, a force to Zhao Fei deer.

It is also a concern and a warning. "How can you use this kind of words to make jokes with the son? You don't know, the most hated thing for the son is that someone else lied to him."

Wen Yan, Zhao Feilu helplessly smiled a bit.

Yeah, he doesn't know that Su Qi hates being deceived, so this touches his counter-scale, isn't it?


He would rather touch the scales of Su Qigong, and he must also help the Susu County Lord.

Not only because of the benefits of receiving the world...

"The Susu County Lord really disappeared. I found a day and didn't find her." Speaking of this, Zhao Feilu has endless regrets!

He just went to the cave on the mountain with the Susu County Lord. Just after he went out to chop the firewood for a while, but when Zhao Feilu came back with the firewood, he found that the Susu County Lord had disappeared!

Let me talk about good play first, but this time it has become true. He did not deceive anyone, the Susu County Lord is really missing!

But in this case, others do not believe it.

The savvy people like Su Qigong are especially unbelievable.

"Okay you!" A Zhao gently gave Zhao Feilu a fist, with a smile on the face and Zhao Feilu said: "You still pick up the county owner, otherwise my master is really angry, not yet Know what will happen."

Thinking of this, Azhao also sighed a little.

Was this Susu County master and the son not very good before? How do you feel the atmosphere is different now?

What is wrong with these two people?

But no matter what the problem is, the Susu County Lord can't make such a naive thing to run away from home?

Zhao Feilu listened to Azhao’s words and suddenly the whole person was speechless!

This is no one believes what he said!

He said that the Susu County Lord was gone, but they did not believe it!

Helpless, decadent, this time Zhao Feilu really do not know to use such a language to express their anger in the heart!

"Good!" He nodded helplessly, looked at A Zhao deeply, turned and walked outside!

"Since you don't believe me, then I will find it myself!"

Finished, don't hesitate to go!

A call Zhang Zhang mouth wants to call him, but he heard the cold voice of the young master coming from the house.

"Let him go!"

Ah Zhao did not speak, and he could only quietly watch Zhao Feilu's figure slowly become smaller, and then finally disappeared.

Into the house, A Zhao is a little anxious.

"Young Master, do you want to look for it? Maybe the Susu County Lord really had something unexpected?"

But in the cold eyes of Su Qi, slowly close your mouth...

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