MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 170 Negotiations, retreating

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The upstart house is generally in the west of the city, and the house of the family is in the east of the city. The two houses are far apart, and it is noon until the government office.

When a thousand snow jumped out of the carriage, Ning Shaoqing did not accompany her.

Instead, I left a few people to help her clean up, and then drove the carriage away.

This is the meaning of a thousand snow, she has to deal with a lot of things are very messy, and there is inconvenience that Ning Shaoqing is with him.

Let the super family's homeowner help to clean up the demolition and remnants. It is not overkill. It is a self-deprecating identity that makes people laugh.

Besides, for a while she was going to bury Mo Zhen, Ning Shaoqing, the head of a super family, and also to bury an old slave?

What's more, under the daytime, under the imperial city, no one will dare to harm her.

Ning Shaoqing sent a team of people yesterday to fight for the stranger.

The wind and dust not only let the people in the government come to help clean up, but they are also on-site command.

The housekeeper is loyal, and he is also a Ma Li. Although he is a 60-year-old, he is hard to support and take care of it overnight.

This will work, the government office up and down, although most of the places have been burned, but it still looks a bit.

Although it is a bit like, it refers to the outer court, referring to some relatively remote places in the government office. The snow in the inner courtyard was burned to the ground by the fire.

A thousand snow patrols his own territory, then stands in the garden's cloister, condensing the lotus pond.

In this place, there is no building, and naturally it is the place where the disaster is the least. After a while, I can barely sit still.

Can only be sensed, things change, things are human. At this time yesterday, the little garden was full of smiles.

At this time yesterday, she was also happily taking a group of noble women to see the play in Zhulin...

In the meantime, Feng Yuchen also came to look for her, comforted her, and proposed to pick her up to go to the wind home's other hospital, she refused.

If she really went, she was afraid that Ning Shaoqing would go crazy.

Mrs. Jia also personally visited the strange snow, and said she would pick her up to live in Jiafu.

She also refused.

Not for anything else, the name is not right, and it is also afraid of bringing disaster to Jia.

At the invitation of Jia Lao, she went to the National College to talk about one day of study, Jia Lao’s person, and Jia Da Ge’s person, she is very clear.

They are all honest people, she does not want them to follow her to blame this innocent disaster. The Susu County Lord had also come, and would have liked to stay with her for a day, and she was sent away.

There isn’t even a place to drink tea here, why bother to leave, and increase sadness.

During the gaze, the stranger had already concentrated on the remaining guards in the government as she ordered.

Mo Qianxue did not speak in the past, just let the stranger take the money and distribute twenty-two silver to each person.

Tell the stranger, who is willing to stay, and later will be the people of the National Government.

If you don't want to stay, take the twenty-two silver, let the stranger go to the government to cancel the slave, and then it is a good book.

It’s not that a fire will be sold, and they will no longer be slaves. If there is no cancellation of the main house, it will not be in the government. As long as the main house cares, it can be taken back and sold at any time.

With this opportunity, she can also clean up some people.

Unfaithful people, even if they stay barely, will only waste her rice.

People, all of a sudden divided into two.

There are only two or three who took the money and asked for it. Those who want to stay in the government account for the vast majority.

Yun Yao stood in the middle, some swinging, hesitating for a while or heading for the one left in the government.

A thousand people smiled in the snow.

At the beginning, she sold her body just to bury her in-laws, and she was filthy and sympathetic.

When she is a trustworthy person, she will be entrusted to her account. She always treats her not thin, but she has to put herself to death. It is really knowing that she is not aware of it!

Nowadays, I am willing to stay in the government as a slave, I am afraid that I do not want to be loyal to myself, but to seek other schemes.

In addition to Yun Yao, who is willing to stay in the government, the stranger has already said clearly in her ear, basically all the elderly and some family members who have stayed in the government for a decade or two.

Their roots are already tied to the government office, that is, they are out of the government, not slaves, and there is no way to live.

Moreover, the third-class official in front of the prime minister. It is well mixed in the government office. It is always a hundred times stronger than the cockerel and dog thieves outside.

Xue Wan’s four-headed scorpion burned three, and only one bamboo was left. Seeing that she did not hesitate to stand among the people who left behind, because of the death of Yunyao and the death of the cockroaches, there was some warmth in the heart of the depression.

In the words of the housekeeper, a thousand snows are heard in the ears, and the origins of these people are also recorded in the heart.

Sweeping the clouds in the crowd, just quietly looking at the people who are willing to stay.

To praise the loyalty of these people, and to make sure that they will treat them in the future, let these people disperse together.

At this time, those who can stay in the government should be trustworthy people.

Those two or three who did not want to stay in the government were not embarrassed. They only said that they had been busy these days, and they let the strangers go to the government to eliminate their slaves.

After a few people looked at each other, they bowed their heads and walked away with great gratitude. Suddenly, there were several ladies who had met at the banquet with the strangers, and sent people to greet her. She also thanked them one by one.

Since ancient times, it has been easy to add flowers, and there are many rocks in the downfall. There are several people who can really send charcoal in the snow.

Among these people, whether it is really concerned or not, to inquire about the false meaning of the news, anyway, the feelings of today, the strange snow will remember in the heart.

The first and fifteen red eyes came over and said to Mo Qianxue that Mo Zhen’s behind-the-scenes things were ready.

It was only after the thousands of snows that he got up, and people carried the shackles of Mo Zhen and went to the cemetery where the town and his wife were buried.

A thin mouth, a deep pit, this is the final ending of a loyal servant who is a slave.

But even so, the strange snow still sees envy from the eyes of some blind people.

The slave is not qualified to stop the spirit, nor is it qualified to do the funeral.

Being able to be buried beside the master, you will be able to enjoy some incense, and you will not be too lonely after death. This is for the slaves, the ultimate glory!


It’s already afternoon, this is the time when people are most likely to be sleepy.

The emperor had finished the business in the morning, had used lunch, and was preparing to go to Yugui to take a break.

Someone outside has sent a message to the confidant.

The confidant **** opened his brow and took a small step.

"Opening the Longevity, Mo Qianxue claimed that he did not protect the government office given by the emperor. He came to the palace and asked for sin. This is going to be seen outside the palace."

The eunuch’s general manager knows clearly that as long as it is about the thousands of snow, in the heart of the emperor, it is not a trivial matter. Naturally, if it is sent outside, it will return to the emperor without any leakage.

The average minister has no right to seek the emperor.

Yes, a thousand snow is not an ordinary minister.

She is the emperor nodded, the heir to the town Guogong, in a sense, her status is equivalent to the position of the country, she asked to see the emperor, naturally qualified.

Therefore, the guards will help pass.

The tiredness of the emperor's face was swept away, with a smile of interest.

"Well? She is an image, and she knows she is afraid of death."

After the smile, it was cold. "I thought that I would ask for a sin, would you let her live? The reason why she is not allowed to die now is that the news of the investigation in the West has not yet been transmitted."

The **** looked flattering and squinted. "The emperor is wise! you pass her?"

The emperor’s face is unpredictable, “pass!”

How can you not pass it, since you can't find that thing, then you can ask directly, I think a little woman is scared, as long as it can save lives, everything will be handed over.

The palace of the brick and tile green tile, the aisle of Xiaosuo.

A thousand people look at the nose with a snowy eye, and the **** who follows the path with the nose walks inside the palace wall of the palace. Occasionally, the palace people from two to three have walked from the side.

Here, the eunuch's female guards and high-ranking officials are arrogant... The gathering is an unpredictable place, a casino with alternate royal powers, and a battlefield where many people die of blood.

Today, here is her battlefield.

Whether we can reverse the situation depends on today’s negotiations.

Yes. negotiation!

She wants to talk to the emperor of the ninety-five.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Qianxue told himself that she must win this day.

This is the first time that a thousand snows entered the study room. The first two times I saw the emperor was on the Golden Jubilee Hall.

Said to be a study, in fact, the study is very big. It is not a normal study, but the place where the emperor usually meets with the courtiers.

The desk is still elevated by one step to show the identity of the descendants of the desk.

When the stranger went in, the emperor sat on the chair behind the desk and held the fold in his hand, which seemed to be very busy.

At the entrance, a big Ding is burning the incense of the dragon.

On the one hand, the mountains and rivers are good, the screen of the dragon and the tiger jumps...

All in one, the honor of the identity of the person in the house gives a psychological hint and pressure.

Mo Qiang Xueyi squatted, "The minister gave the emperor peace, the emperor was long lived."

Seeing the thousands of snow on the ground, please, Ann, the mouth of the emperor reveals a smug smile.

However, it is partial to the sinister tone, "flat."

The strange snow did not get up, but fell to the ground, "the minister did not dare to get up, the minister had a negative emperor. Let the government office lose fire under the care of the minister, the woman is guilty of sin. Save it!"

We will show weakness first, then retreat to the enemy, let the enemy take it lightly, in order to chaos the loopholes and get the best interests of the negotiations.

Mo Qianxue said that he was sincere and fearful. The emperor’s face had the kind of Ming Jun’s color, and his tone was very gentle.

"There is nothing wrong with the weather, people have a good fortune! The national government has suffered this great disaster, and it is not a generation of people who are not human. How can you blame you?"

The strange snow is still on the ground. "The emperor's mercy is the emperor's chest, but the minister does not dare to know that she is guilty. The emperor's daily work is very hard. If someone else takes this little thing tomorrow to disturb the emperor, it will be impeached. Let the emperor be difficult, the sins of the ministers can be great."

The emperor smiled and did not answer the words.

He is still satisfied with the attitude of the stranger.

It made a look, let the confidant eunuchs around him help the snow.

Greetings, "Is the loss in the government?"

Although the thousands of snow were disgusting that these eunuchs touched, they had to bear it and stood up.

Looking back, "There is nothing left in the Fuzhong. The first woman is here to plead guilty. Secondly, the second is also to ask the emperor for grace."

A thousand miles of snow stood on one side, like a sad tear, sobbing like it can not say.

The emperor was in a good mood. He seemed to see the straight figure of the waist that year and then surrendered to him.

"You don't have to sin, you are not guilty. As for grace, seeing what is going on in the heavens, what can help you, you will definitely be accurate."

This is the sentence!

There is no joke.

Since the emperor has already sinned this sin, he will no longer dare to take the matter to the bright side to make it difficult for her to play.

If there is no such sentence, even if the emperor does not have a hard time today, it is difficult to protect the emperor from the day when he is not serious. He took this incident to attack her and attack Ning Shaoqing.

Since the ancient emperor gave, can not be damaged, loss is disrespectful!

The plan of the matter is moving in the direction of his own plan. The thousands of snow and lips are smiling and the voice is slightly stunned. "The minister is shaking, and the emperor is invited to resign - rebuild the government."

The emperor chuckled. "This is natural. Although the government office is burned, the title of the king of the country can not be dismissed. How can there be no government? If you are young and have no support, you will give this grace, you are still in the same place. Rebuilding the government office is."

A thousand miles of snow fell on the ground again, "Thanks to the emperor's grace. The emperor is long live!"

"Well, get up." The emperor raised his hand.

The mind is calculating, has given grace, is the good time to ask that black wooden card.

Unexpectedly, between the thousands of snow and getting up, and again, "The emperor does not lose money for the people of the world, the Ming Junren Jun! A woman who retired from the church, took the emperor's mouth, went to the capital to build the government's funds. Only I don’t know which official will be sent to supervise the matter when the emperor arrives. Can you tell the minister first, and the daughter-in-law will first meet one or two, the pattern of Yu Jianfu...”

Mo Qianxue said joy and joy, naturally.

The emperor listened to the previous sentence and was still very relieved. The more he listened to his face, the more he was blacker, and he was three points darker than the black silk thread used by his embroidered dragon.

He snorted heavily.

Seeing this, the eunuch’s face is also a glimpse, “Bold!”

The emperor's mind, he knows clearly, in the morning there is someone on the government office, impeaching a thousand thousands of snow, saying that she is a female flow of the generation, how can the Duke of the country undertake this kind of responsibility.

It is recommended that the emperor take back the previous proposal and enjoy some silver to appease it.

The emperor was obstructed by Ningjia, Sujia, Fengjia, Jiajia, and this was released. He said that the former national public had a record. The prostitute was in a dilemma. After the matter was reconsidered, the matter was suppressed. .

Unexpectedly, in this moment, the emperor was sinned under the sin of thousands of snow, not only saved her sin, but also had to promise her to rebuild the government.

Yes, the reconstruction of the emperor pointed out that it was clear that she was rebuilt by herself.

She did not loyal to the emperor, presented a black wooden card, and dared to ask the emperor for money, but also people!

It’s really a shameless face.

The **** supervisor took a step forward and pointed to the strange snow. He was so sad that he was holding the scorpion and carrying the accusation of teaching her.

"It’s a thousand snow, you are too disfigured. The sin of the emperor who has not ruled you is extrajudicial, and it is a great grace for you to rebuild in situ. You are not satisfied but you have to ask the emperor for funds, and let The emperor sent people to rebuild the government office for you. You, you, you are despising the emperor, the big rebellion, the sin and the evil..."

The emperor did not hear the eunuch’s general manager’s loud reprimand and drank a cup of tea.

He was waiting, waiting for a thousand snow to hit him again on the ground, he was shocked.

No one dares to challenge the power of the Son of Heaven.

However, the strange snow was not intimidated by a large number of charges of the eunuch's chief executive, but turned a blind eye.

"But, since the emperor promised to rebuild the government, is it to let a lonely woman stand in the wind and build a house with her own hands and bricks?"

Ning Jia palms the world's wealth, this will rebuild the money of the government, will there be?

Rebuilding a house like the government office, there will be no use of money, and now the state treasury is tight, how can he go to be a big man.

However, the weak appearance of the strange snow, the emperor suddenly remembered a person, wants to lose his temper, but can not be released for a while.

Of course, the emperor's heart is soft, just a flash of thought. This is a good opportunity!

The emperor never let go of any chances that would help him consolidate the throne.

The old **** is, "I want you to rebuild the funds for the house, and you want to let the people in the subordinates rebuild the government for you."

"Please express the emperor."

The emperor was shackled, and he naturally would not ask the minister what he wanted.

This will raise the side of the props teacup, what is the role of the confidant eunuch, that is, the emperor wants to say something that is difficult to say.

The dust was swaying and the scorpion was sharp. "When you heard your father in the West, you got a black wooden sign. The emperor heard that the wooden sign was very strange and wanted to observe it."

I was sneer in the heart of a thousand snow, can't help it?

"Is this one?"

As he spoke, the right hand raised and pulled a red line from the neckline, and along the red line, he pulled out a black-like wood-like jade.