MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 217 must be a evil woman

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(four library books)

Dr. Li is a dedicated doctor of the old lady. He has a small goatee, and most of the doctors have a thin face.

However, the strange snow did not dare to ignore him.

He may not be able to blame the old man on medical skills, but he can serve in the super family, become the exclusive doctor of the old lady, and his medical training must not be bad.

Starting the soup bowl, Dr. Li only heard a little, his face changed!

This medicine appeared in the courtyard of the old lady and appeared in the soup bowl of the lady. It is really a small feat, and he is not cut off.

Take a sip with a spoon, although this medicine is colorless and tasteless, but this colorless and odorless is just a person who does not understand medicine.

I smelled it and tasted it. Dr. Li’s face sank and he was completely sure.

Putting down the medicine bowl, Dr. Li replied to the old lady. "The old lady, the lady's soup is indeed a harmful medicine."

The old lady sat on the top, and there was nothing to look at the beads, not surprised, faintly asked, "What medicine?"

"This is... the soup!"

"There is a soup?"

The old lady dialed the hand of the beads, and some surprised to see the strange snow, this girl is really awkward! Just for this enthusiasm, she must not let her go up.

Even dare to design, and who she dare not design?

To the lateness made a look, the old lady regained her eyes and continued to dial the beads.

Late, carrying the bowl of the old lady, handed it to Dr. Li. "Dr. Li, look at this bowl again. This is the old lady."

The last few words, the bite is very heavy, and there is a big reminder.

If there is no medicine in this bowl, then it is really good.

She has been with the old lady for so many years, and naturally knows what the old lady thinks, and her thoughts are similar to those of the old lady.

It’s the people who have been with the old lady for decades, how come this kind of mistake! It must be that the young lady couldn’t help herself, and she gave herself a hand.

Dr. Li took the bowl, just like the one just now, and it smelled and tasted. Finally, he replied, "This bowl of the old lady... there are also."

The old lady slammed it up, and it was rare in the middle.

If there is only medicine in the soup of a thousand snow, she can also say that it is a thousand-know self-medication, and her own elders are framed with bitterness.

But now she also has medicine in her soup bowl, and it is still the medicine of this kind of tiger wolf, naturally it is not a strange hand. Mo's hand is not so long, she can move her things.

However, it is not her hands and feet, how does she know that there is something different in the soup?

It seems that this matter is very complicated.

Someone wants to be unfavorable to the shackles, or is there someone who wants to deal with Moh, or... she looks down on Moh!

All in all, it was a spy in her hospital.

"Who is this soup sent to?"

The old lady’s wishful thinking was wrong, although it was shocking, but the face was not obvious, and the anger was just right.

Knowing that the situation was serious, everyone in the room was stunned.

"It is the old slave who is negligent, please ask the master to punish. But also ask the master to check, this medicine has nothing to do with the old slave!"

It is the first to plead guilty, and the first one to clarify oneself.

Next, please sin and blame for each other.

"Give me shut up!"

After the old lady had drunk, it was quiet.

She put the beads on a few, and snorted softly, which was not only quiet in the house.

It is a dead silence, and it is enough to feel the sound of someone's teeth.

The air condenses.

Half-sounding, the old lady yelled at the late, "Check! Give me a check! Just start from you."

Although the old lady was excited but did not lose her sense of proportion, some people dared to play tricks under her eyes.

This thing was in her yard. The soup was also personally owned by her. She was afraid that she would fix the image of her son’s grandson’s heart.

She is afraid that Ning Shaoqing misunderstood her.

Her first check, is not to believe this confidant, but is very convinced that the first to check her is to open up their own ties.

In order to give his son a grandson an attitude.

"As long as the person who touched the soup bowl, the person who has been in the kitchen during this time, one must not let go, all of them are checked for me, I will not believe it."

The old lady gave a command, and the entire Ning House shook with three shakes.


Within the temple of the temple, the wife of Mrs. Ying, who is eating the Buddha, has received the news.

"Check it out, check it! Check it out, otherwise you will be disappointed."

In another Buddhist room, Mrs. Yu also received the news.

"Check it, check it, check it out! The cause and effect have a loop. In the past, you have to break her son. Now someone is going to break your son. It’s really uncomfortable."

The whole Ning house is boiling, of course, more is cautious, afraid of getting into the Martian.

Today, the nephew servants who pass through the big kitchen will be called to ask questions.

The woman who was responsible for seeing the soup and watching the fire was once in the past, but now it is a prisoner.

From the beginning to the end, there are no more than five people who can reach the soup. The old woman who is responsible for watching the fire, the old mother who is laughing and laughing with the woman, and the middle of the woman are convenient, and the other child in the kitchen. After seeing the fire, there are people who are late, and who are drinking.

These people have been controlled by the heat.

Late, this should be the most innocent person, but she found a paper bag from her room. Dr. Li proved that this paper bag had been coated with the powder of the soup.

It’s soft on the spot.

The old lady knew that the situation was serious. She ordered the first room to check the lateness of the room. She wanted to name herself, but she pushed herself into the abyss.

Finding this thing in a late house is like a yellow mud falling into the trousers, not licking it.

The old lady's look was a little wilful, but she did not kill on the spot.

Not because of years of love, not because of trust, because of years of experience, because she knows that she is not so stupid, she knows that the courage of being late is not so big.

She stayed in the deep house courtyard and went from Yuwen to Ningjia. After finishing the sister fight, she fought for half a lifetime, knowing that there are more things in this deep house.

On the surface, it is like this, but inside is like that.

It seems that someone wants to give her the next set.

If someone really gave her a set, this is not a matter of time. I was afraid that there was a problem above the source, and when the chicken soup was taken, it was taken.

The old lady’s brain flashed, and the life was quickly sealed.

I have to say that the old lady, although older, is more flexible than the average person.

The old lady’s brain turned fast, and the stranger’s brain turned fast.

It’s definitely not accidental to use the broth for two times. Who is behind this person, is she related to Gui Xiaoyu?

If she drank medicine, and God did not know it, no child would be born. She has no children, she thinks that no one will care, all people care about it is that Ning Shaoqing has no scorpion!

If she found the medicine, she pointed her finger at the old lady, and she made a red ear thorn with the old lady, so I would argue with each other and the fisherman would benefit!

In any case, she can be invincible.

Who is the fisherman?

Before the two men analyzed, Dr. Li was in the kitchen and found new clues.

Sure enough, this medicine is at the source.

The unfinished chicken soup is usually kept for the taste of the big dish, and today is no exception.

However, after Dr. Li reported the matter, the old lady then passed on the woman who specialized in chicken soup. The woman was suddenly poisoned and died. She was already ill and had a regular attack.

A ring of deduction, it seems that the arrangement of this person, a lot of effort.

This is noisy, the weather is not early. Although the old lady did not wait to see the strange snow, but she waved her hand and let the thousands of snow go back first.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary misunderstandings, she was given a promise, and she would be given a confession within three days.

After the departure of the thousands of snow, the old lady who calmed down was analyzed in detail. It can also be said that she analyzed the people in the mansion one by one.

Instead of looking for evidence, she is now looking for motivation.

Evidence of this thing, how much she wants.

It’s not difficult to launch a black pot with the next person.

Many facts are in front of me, and the old lady hates the strange snow again, and also removes her from the list of doubts.

Is it Yingying?

Because she had a useless son, she has been in the temple for several decades. In addition to the last time she went into the door, she appeared last time last year, and she was still a jealous day.

Is it a feather man? More unlikely, she has let her children and grandchildren full of fun, what is she dissatisfied with?

Quiet? Meier? These two out of stock, I am afraid of their bad things, have not called them over for several days, they do not have that brain.

The emperor? More unlikely, his hand is still not growing in the backyard of Ning's family.

Meng Qianhui returned to Zizhuyuan, and Ning Shaoqing pulled her into her arms.

With such a big movement, he naturally received the news long ago. He was back at the moment he received the message and was waiting for her.

If he was not a man, it would be inconvenient to intervene in these things in the back house. If he didn't know that his grandmother is now very good for Qianxue, he would have rushed to the Cishengyuan to pick her up and support her.

This is too bad!

If it weren't for his snowy police, if it wasn't for the time when Gui Xiaoyu used this medicine to try to harm the thousands of snow...

He did not dare to think about the consequences of drinking this medicine.

The two were so stupid in the door, as if they had not seen it for a long time.

The scorpion of one room has a nose, a nose, and a visionless retreat.

Before retiring, of course, I did not forget to close the door.

Caressing the Huaizhong people, Ning Shaoqing whispered, "You are fine!"

Mo Qianxue looked up from his arms. "Shaoqing, who do you think will be?"

Ning Shaoqing was slightly indulged, but outside was the voice of Sun Hao. "The owner, my wife, Wan Xiiang came over and said that it was the wife who was shocked today. She came over and asked her lady! Please say hello to the owner!"

Only after that kind of thing happened, some people want her to break the grandchildren.

This time, someone came over and added to the block, and the strange snow was not a fight.

After that morning, Mo Qianying left Wan Ziying to talk about it.

She didn't turn the corner, she said, she didn't need her to come over and give her rules, and she didn't need her to ask for peace.

She even hinted at her, she has her own bottom line, don't come over and touch her, and fight with her.

She is not a big opinion on Wan Ziying. In the past, she still quite admired Wan Ziying.

Quiet, beautiful, knowing, knowing!

However, when she arrived in Ningfu, they could not be friends again. Her heart was small and she could not be a sister with her. They could only be enemies.

What's more, she has already seen from the eyes of Wan Ziying, her love for Ning Shaoqing.

Although the light was flashing, it was quickly hidden, but it could not escape her eyes.

When the stranger was in a cold, Ning Shaoqing had already found out, and Yang Sheng told Sun Hao, "Let her go back first, and say that the wife is lacking to rest."


After Sun Hao retired, he would go back and forth after a while, saying that Wan Xiiang had already returned, and the mood of a thousand snows could never be better.

Because, the words brought by Wan Ziying not only greet her, but also greet Ning Shaoqing.

She can understand Wan Ziying's approach.

Wan Ziying is also a dilemma. If it is not disputed, there will be no day in his life.

If she has something, she will not come to ask for a greeting, and the outsider will only say that she does not know the number of gifts.

She can also take this opportunity to let Ning Shaoqing know her and know her sensibility.

If Wan Ziying can't get the sympathy of Ning Shaoqing in her life, then she can only clear the shadow of her life and be an old virgin.

Who wants the youth to not fully bloom, it is unfair in the old dead house!

In fact, Mo Qian Xue also knows that she is so cruel!

Why does a woman suffer a woman, but she can't make a sympathy for another woman, but she will send her husband out and share it with others, she can't do it!

Some guilty feelings in my heart, a thousand snows and heavy thoughts, pushed Ning Shaoqing, went to one side alone.

She really didn't want to be a bad woman, but the facts made her have to be a bad woman.

Wan Ziying is one, Xu Yuanyuan is one, maybe there are more women behind...

Sorry, I want to be more and more, but the courtiers can't do it recently!

This book is from the start, please do not reprint! L3l4

(four library books)