MTL - The Landlord And His Wife-Chapter 16 :Sticky rice cake

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The willow tree took the catkin by the hand and walked out, facing a man in his thirties and wearing a long gown who came in. It was Shi Qian who had met in the county that day, and the two stopped again. Qi Qi bowed: "Hello Uncle Shi!"

Father Shi Cheng smiled and nodded again and again: "Good willow, good Xuer, what are you going to leave at this hour? Let's eat here!"

Liu Shu and Catkin shook their heads together: "Thank you Uncle Shi, no need, we're going back." The brother and sister left hand in hand.

Father Shi Cheng turned his head and watched the two little people go down the **** holding hands, and said in surprise: "Where are these two children going if they don't go home?"

Shi Chengniang smiled and said, "You don't know yet?

Father Shi Cheng said in surprise: "The family has been separated? Why is there no movement at all?"

Shi Chengniang said: "The brothers in the family are in harmony, and it's not because they can't make it through the noise before they split up. Of course, it won't make the whole village know about it."

Dad Shicheng nodded when he heard the words.

Shi Cheng hurriedly said: "Dad, I went to see them when they moved the day before yesterday, Xu'er's house is so pitiful, they don't even have any meat! I took a few pounds of meat and eggs and said it was you and Mother asked me to send it."

Shi Chengniang turned to him and said, "I was about to tell you..."

Father Shi Cheng has already nodded: "Well, it should be like this, you are quite sensible, neighbors and neighbors, it is right to take care of each other."

He said to Shicheng Niang who had not finished talking: "That's how the village is, take care of each other, now we take care of others a little more, how can we know that Shicheng will not need help from others in the future? Let's now Just stretching out your hand can help people a lot, it won't take much effort, and it won't cost a lot of money, but the relationship between Wei Xia and Shi Cheng can be used in the future."

Shi Chengniang has been a businessman with her husband for nearly ten years. She naturally understands the relationship between people. She is just a little arrogant in her own temperament, but it does not affect her peace of mind and want to have a good relationship with people. So after hearing her husband say this, she said, "I don't think Shicheng took something, what's the value of it..." She turned her head and instructed Shicheng: "Go to the kitchen and have a look at the meal, and help Aunt Cui to give it to your grandfather. Milk to go."

Shi Cheng agreed, Xin Zhi Niang wanted to push him away, turned to go to the kitchen, turned a corner but stood down again, hiding in the corner to eavesdrop.

Shi Chengniang really said: "It's just that you don't think Shicheng is too close to the Liu family's baby? Especially that Xuer..."

"Hey! What are you talking about?! The two dolls are the same age, so it's natural to be close. Did you ask Shicheng to play with those big dolls in the village? Maybe they will fight! You are really, playing with the male dolls in the village, and you think you have taken Shicheng into the wild, and playing with the female dolls, you have a lot of things! What is the name of Shicheng? After all, he is still a five-year-old doll."

Shi Chengniang was speechless.

Father Shi Cheng shook his head again: "Don't hate iron too much, it's a helper, Shi Cheng is only five years old now, don't stare at him all day long to read and write, in the future you will become a Nerd! I still have to go out and play with children of the same age, especially the third girl from the Liu family. I think she is a little clever. Shicheng needs to learn from others! Otherwise, what will you do in the future? Business people should be smarter. ."

Shi Chengniang felt that Xianggong was right, so she nodded: "You are right, since I taught Xuer to tie the knot, I found that this baby is indeed very smart! There is no small The child is clumsy, he learns quickly, and he remembers it clearly. You said this child...why was he born in the countryside?"

Shicheng laughed secretly when she heard her mother say this, and hurried to the kitchen to help serve the meal.

Willow and Catkins went home, washed their hands and ate, and Catkins went to take care of their two rabbits and two chickens, He wrapped his head in a blue handkerchief, and wanted to go down the ditch with Liu Changgeng I went to pick up firewood for winter, and ordered a few children to close the door and take care of Liu Sen.

It's too dangerous to roll down accidentally. Therefore, in other places, some things that children can do, such as collecting firewood, hunting hogweed, etc., are all done by adults.

Liu Shu waited for his parents to leave, so he bolted the courtyard door from the inside, and went to the main room to see Liu Sen, Liu Sen was sleepy after eating, and his head was little by little, lying on the willow forest on the back. Willow whispered to him to put the baby to sleep, and he came out to see Willow again.

"Xu Er, when did the chicken lay the eggs yesterday?"

"Next time." Willow Xuer said.

Liu Xuer agreed: "I see, the eggs were clucked and screamed yesterday, scaring the rabbits."

Willow sneered, imitating her mother's tone: "Just take good care of your two precious rabbits!"

The brothers and sisters giggled when they finished talking.

Liu Shu is only a seven-year-old child, full of curiosity, she leaned over and asked: "Xuer, tell me, why do you have to have this rabbit? You know five hundred wen How many good things can money buy?"

Liu Xuer paused for a while, thinking about talking to her brother first, it's okay, this eldest brother is young, but he is sensible, and the children of the poor are in charge early, and his responsibility as an eldest brother has long been realized arrive.

So he said: "I'm not eating meat, big brother, you didn't listen to the rabbit seller, this rabbit grows up, the hair will grow very long, and cut it off. I can sell it for money! I raise rabbits for the purpose of shearing, selling money, and buying delicious food for my second brother and Moriko, so that our family can eat meat every day."

Liu Shu didn't quite believe it: "The guy who sells rabbits wants you to buy his rabbits, of course he has nothing to say."

Liu Xuer thought to herself, "Okay, big brother, this cleverness is also very powerful!" He nodded hurriedly: "I heard Shicheng say that he has seen long-haired rabbits before, and rabbit fur can really sell for money, and his mother used to wear clothes made of rabbit hair, and he also wore rabbit hair. Hat!"

When Liu Shu heard the evidence from Shicheng, he believed it: "Really? It's good to be brave..." He looked at the two rabbits: "It would be good if they could sell for money."

"Well, really! Brother, do you want to be able to eat meat every day? Anyway, I do, so let's do more work and help father and mother earn more money!"

Liu Shu laughed: "You are very loud! It's right to help father and mother more, and you can make more money? Do you know what making money is?"

"Isn't the sale of rabbit hair just to make money?" Liu Xuer took his arm and said solemnly: "By the way, brother, I eavesdropped on my uncle and mother yesterday, and my uncle said to grow apples. Trees can make money! Let's plant trees too, shall we?"

Willow's brain couldn't keep up, so he was stunned and said, "Where did you get the apple sapling? I heard that the apple sapling is more expensive than meat! Maybe it is more expensive than your two rabbits. Gui... Besides, neither of us can do it, what should we do if we die?"

"The apple tree saplings are called by Shicheng to get them for us. He has an apple grove in his house. It seems easy to hear from him. Will it be possible... Shicheng has a book, and the book on how to plant trees is written! "

The willow tree is strange: "The book still says how to plant trees? Really?"

"Of course it's true, Shicheng saw it and told me." Liu Xuer glanced at him: "Brother, if you know the words, just ask Shicheng to find a book, let's If you plant trees according to the book, you will be able to grow and live, and your second brother and Mori will be able to eat meat every day, and your father and mother will be able to live a good life."

Willow was stunned by what she said, and hung her head for a long time.

Liu Xuer sticks her tongue out, knowing that the eldest brother is starting to think about this issue, so I won't say more. The brothers and sisters watched that the chicken and the rabbit were doing well, and went back to the main room.

Liu Lin and Liu Sen all fell asleep, and Liu Xuer also climbed onto the kang to sleep for a while, and woke up to Moriko's humming.

It turned out that Liu Sen fell asleep and didn't see his mother, so he was a little reluctant, humming. Liu Lin and Liu Shu had been coaxing around for a long time.

Liu Xuer got up and said to Liu Sen: "Senzi, my sister will cook you something delicious!"

Liu Sen stopped humming immediately, put his finger in his mouth and asked, "What is delicious? Sister, you are not allowed to lie, I want to eat delicious food."

Liu Xuer smiled: "Sister is never partial to Mori." After saying that, she got off the kang and washed her hands, took out the glutinous rice cake that she took at Shicheng in the morning, and put it into the hot water in the stove. It was warm inside, and then the sugar given by Shi Chengniang was crushed with a spoon and sprinkled on the glutinous rice cake.

It warmed for a while and felt that it was almost the same. She took it out and scooped Moriko with a spoon: "Open your mouth."

Liu Sen opened his mouth and ate it, and sure enough, he immediately smiled: "It's delicious! It's so sweet."

"What is this, Xu'er? Where did you come from?" Liu Lin asked.

Liu Sen immediately shook his head: "No." He reached out and wanted to grab the bowl.

Liu Xuer looked at him and shook her head: "That's not right, Moriko, look at what my sister has delicious food for Moriko, if Moriko has something delicious, she should also give Sister and brother eat separately. Otherwise, Moriko is full, and sister and brother are still hungry, do you think this is right?"

Liu Sen was stunned and said, "Then you can eat." In fact, he is not a child who eats alone, like egg custard or something. Screaming. Today I was specifically asked by Liu Xuer. The nature of a child tells him to disagree, of course, but when my sister explained the truth, although he didn't quite understand it, he also knew that it was not good for him to eat alone.

Liu Xuer was happy when she heard this, and gave Liu Lin a big mouthful to eat, and another big mouthful for Liu Shu, Liu Shu shook his head and whispered: "Tell Moriko to eat."

Liu Xu'er also said softly: "Shicheng said that this sticky rice is very sticky, it is not good for children to eat too much, and the stomach will hurt, so it is better to divide the food."

Willow listened to this before eating.