MTL - The Landlord And His Wife-Chapter 17 :problem occurs

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The brothers ate the glutinous rice cake, and Liu Xuer washed the dishes. The chickens clucked, and Liu Xuer hurried over to drive the two chickens out of the house, picked up the eggs, and mixed some of He's chopped wild vegetables with a little rice bran, and put them on the ground. In the courtyard, two chickens ran over to eat.

It was getting dark, and the chickens also went into the house and nested. The two rabbits had round stomachs, and the nests did not move. Catkins came out of the hut and looked at the sky. .

As soon as it got dark, Liu Sen was a little unhappy when he couldn't see Mrs. He, Liu Xuer climbed up to the kang and coaxed in a low voice, Liu Lin sat beside the kang with a dark face, the willow tree He has been in the courtyard listening to the movement outside.

The brothers and sisters are a little uneasy at this moment. No matter what, the parents will not put their children at home, and they will not come when it is dark.

Is something wrong?

When Liu Xuer thought of this thought, she hurriedly shook her head to shake it off, but as soon as the thought came up, it grabbed her nerves. It was getting dark, and it was very dangerous to be in a ditch.

Liu Shu came in, his face was very bad, he paused and said to Liu Lin: "Liu Lin, you are watching your younger siblings at home, I'll go look for your parents..."

Before Liu Lin could speak, Liu Xuer had already objected loudly: "No! Big brother, you can't go! It's getting dark, it's dangerous to go down the ditch during the day, let alone at night! Don't go, Wait and see."

Liu Lin also shook his head vigorously: "Yes, brother, you can't go, you better wait a while."

Willow frowned, with a serious face, and was about to speak, when the courtyard door was suddenly slapped wildly, and someone shouted loudly: "The willow tree Liu Lin! Something happened to your parents!"

The children in the house were all terrified! Liu Shu Liu Lin jumped out to open the door. Liu Sen just felt the dignified atmosphere in the room, and he was about to cry. He was startled by the sound of hitting the courtyard door, and immediately began to cry.

Liu Xuer hurriedly hugged him and coaxed him, and she was so frightened that she walked towards the door with him in her arms, when she saw Liu Shu opened the door, and a person came in from outside the door, it was dark For a while, he couldn't see who it was, and was shouting: "Willow Willow Forest! Go to your grandma and report the letter! Your parents are in the ditch! Quickly ask your uncle to find someone to look for..."

The willow tree and the willow forest all screamed in fright, and the willow tree cried out in panic and asked, "Uncle Wang!

"It was dark and I couldn't see clearly...I didn't see it either. I heard someone shouting from below on the ditch slope. It took me a long time to hear the voice of your parents...Oh, don't ask Now, hurry up and find someone! I'll find Lizheng!"

The catkins were so frightened that her legs suddenly softened!

Liu Lin shouted and ran out: "I'll find grandma!"

The willow tree followed and ran out for two steps, then turned around and shouted to the room: "Xuer! Look at Moriko, don't leave one step!" and ran out.

Liu Sen was even more frightened and cried even louder. The neighbor next door heard the movement and came out to see. From the courtyard gate, she saw Liu Xuer sitting on the ground, Liu Sen was in her arms, crying Out of breath, I was so frightened that I hurried in.

"Oh, what's the matter? Xu'er? Xu'er! I'm your Aunt Wu! What's wrong with you?! Who said what?!"

Liu Xuer was helped up, Liu Sen was also hugged by Aunt Wu to coax her, her throat choked, and she forced out a sentence: "My father and mother fell into the ditch... Aunt Wu , help us find someone to save people...Quick..."

Aunt Wu is a new neighbor living in their arms. Fortunately, they are all from the same village, and they are usually familiar with them. When they heard this, they screamed and put Liu Sen on the kang. He turned around and ran out and shouted, "Head of the house, head of the house! Come out quickly, something happened to the second child of the Liu family!"

Liu Xuer heard that many people were roaring outside, and could see some people preparing torches in the distance, and the neighbors next door were also roaring, and there were many people running around the courtyard gate, many people Shouting, another young girl ran in, and when she entered the house, she carried her on the kang: "Xu'er, don't cry."

Someone kept shouting and running outside.

"Rope! Be sure to prepare a rope to tie everyone together, it will be troublesome to lose one!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! My second brother and second sister-in-law fell!"

Liu Xuer heard the voice of the fourth uncle! She wiped the tears on her face fiercely, and went to hold Liu Sen in her arms.

The one who came in was Aunt Wu's daughter named Xiao Tian, ​​who was only thirteen or fourteen years old. She was so frightened that she was fighting. looking out the door.

"You all go back! Go back! Liu Hong, keep an eye on the child for me, no one is allowed to go to the ditch!" A clear shout suddenly came from the gate of the courtyard, and Xiao Tian rubbed it Jumped off the kang, ran out to see, Liu Xuer had already heard it, the voice was Uncle Liu Changqi.

Liu Hong dragged one in with one hand, Liu Shu and Liu Lin were struggling to get out, Liu Hong pulled them in and shouted loudly: "You are all in the house! If you go out again What's the matter..." He couldn't say anything, his throat choked, and then he started to cry.

When my aunt cried, Liulin and Liushu couldn't hold it anymore, they all started to cry, Liu Xuer wiped her tears and looked at Liu Hong. My aunt was only fourteen years old, so she panicked.

Aunt Wu also swept in like the wind. When she came in and saw that everyone in the room was crying, she first pulled Liu Hong to persuade: "Oh, you are still the child's aunt! I'll call you Why are you still crying when you come to see the children? When you cry, don’t the children panic even more? Stop crying, look, it’s all made to cry.”

As he spoke, he put the willow tree and the willow forest on the kang, and took off his shoes: "Don't cry! I haven't said anything yet! Maybe it slipped into a deeper place, There's nothing wrong, just go and rescue so many people! Didn't you say that you were shouting from below? That means people are still fine!"

It really is an adult, as soon as these words were said, the hearts of all the children were calmer, Liu Hong quickly wiped away the tears, nodded and said: "Yeah , I'm sure it's fine... At least I'm still awake, I'm fine." She was a little embarrassed, and turned to look at Aunt Wu: "Sister Wu..."

Aunt Wu patted her on the shoulder: "It's okay, it's important to see a few babies. Willow, don't cry! You are the boss, you can't scare your younger siblings like this."

Liu Shu tried her best to wipe away her tears, but when she heard this, she lowered her head deeply and wiped away her tears.


Liu Xuer didn't have the heart to listen to what they had to say, she just put up her ears and listened to the movement outside. I rolled down in a panic... That's unimaginable! Therefore, Liu Hong and Xiaotian were blocked by the kang, not even letting them get off the kang. Liu Xuer opened the window and leaned on the window to look out.

Far and near, there are torches everywhere. This is how people in the countryside are. Looking at the courtyard gate, people from time to time put their heads in and shout, "Is there anything wrong with the baby?"

At this time, Liu Gao and Aunt Wu will quickly answer: "It's okay! What's going on under the ditch? How are people..."

Before the question was finished, the person ran away.

Liu Xuer listened hard, hoping to hear good news in these voices.

A villain ran in like a fly from outside the courtyard, and even Aunt Wu and Liu Gao outside the courtyard did not respond, and the person rushed into the room and called: "Xuer! Xuer, you are all right Bar?"

When Liu Xuer heard that she was Shicheng, she turned to look, and sure enough Shicheng climbed up the kang with a look of anxiety, Liu Hong helped him, and he came up, came over and looked at her first, Seeing that her eyes were red and swollen, she quickly said, "When I ran over, I heard someone shouting, saying that they had found it, and I was trying to find a way to come up."

Liu Xuer grabbed his arm in surprise: "Really?!"

Several other people in the room came over in surprise and disbelief: "Really? Did you really find it?!"

Shicheng nodded: "Really, it's easy to find. The first person heard it and shouted under the fir woods. Everyone in the village knows about that road. Not much is just to see how to get up." He Looking at Liu Xu'er, she comforted again: "Your parents are here, if you say they are awake, maybe they twisted their feet or something."

Liu Gao and Aunt Wu came in to listen, and when they heard this, they recited together: "Amitabha!"

Someone at the gate of the courtyard ran in in panic and called: "Shicheng! Aunt Wu, is my Shicheng here?!"

Aunt Wu saw that it was a servant of the Shicheng family, one called Uncle Quan, and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, just here!"

Uncle Quan ran in and saw Shicheng who was lying by the window looking out with Liu Xuer. He breathed a sigh of relief and complained: "Shicheng, why are you disobedient? Just ran out like this. , scares your parents... the **** is so long, why did you run down at night..."

Shi Cheng turned his head and glanced at him impatiently: "Uncle Quan, there is something to do with others, is it inappropriate for you to be so long-winded?!"

Uncle Quan suffocated.

Aunt Wu listened to Shi Cheng's words, widened her eyes in surprise and glanced at Shi Cheng. Liu Gao hurriedly walked around the room over there, not paying attention to what they said at all, and Aunt Wu went over to persuade them.

Shi Cheng was still comforting Liu Xuer in a low voice, no one in the room made a loud noise for a while, all of them were whispering voices, Liu Sen crying, Liu Hong hugging his coaxing voice.