MTL - The Landlord And His Wife-Chapter 18 : rescued

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Liu Xuer's restless heart was calmed down by Shi Cheng slowly, she is not really a five-year-old child, she can control her emotions.

I don't know how long it took, but Liu Xuer felt that it was several hours long when she heard a sudden noise in the distance, and someone was shouting: "Pull the flatbed! Little donkey! Pull your flatbed over here! Lizheng, Lizheng, pick a few people to follow!"

The willows and willows are going down! Liu Xuer stood up and looked out, even Liu Sen leaned over and squeezed into Shicheng's arms to look out.

Liu Hong and Xiao Tian tried desperately to hold Liu Shu Liu Lin. Aunt Wu had already run out of the wind, and Liu Gao also panicked and shouted: "Give me all the babies. I'm watching!" Then he rushed out!

The people in the room were all nervous and wide-eyed, and the catkins stood on tiptoe and looked out, only to see a bunch of torches in the distance, and the light was bright! There are too many figures to count.

Shi Cheng shouted to Uncle Quan: "Uncle Quan, go and see how people are! Come back and tell us what news!"

Uncle Quan hesitated.

Shi Cheng slapped the kang: "I won't leave here!"

Uncle Quan quickly agreed and ran out.

My sister-in-law... where is my sister-in-law! Oh, what are these people..."

After a while, a young offspring ran in and shouted, "Liu Hong is here?!"

Liu Hong hurriedly agreed: "Yes! What?"

"Come out quickly! You and Mrs. Wang will accompany you!" After shouting, the young man ran away, Liu Hong panicked in the room, just about to run out, but worried about the room, came back Turned half a circle, like a headless fly.

Xiao Tian hurriedly said: "Sister Hong, hurry up! I'm watching here."

Liu Hong agreed in a panic, and then shouted to Liu Shu in her busy schedule: "Shu'er! You have to be obedient, watch your younger siblings, and must not run out!"

Said to go out in a hurry.

Although Liu Xuer's heart was beating like a drum, she wished she could rush out to see what was going on, but she also knew that she must not go out now, once she ran out, Shicheng and her brothers It must be unable to stay still, and I have to run out. It is so chaotic outside, and if it gets lost or falls into the ditch, it will be troublesome! Besides, it would be dangerous to leave Moriko alone. What these children can do now is to wait honestly and not make trouble!

Shi Cheng also murmured to persuade in a low voice: "Calm down, you must calm down, don't go out to cause trouble..."

My parents both injured their legs, and they are looking for a car to deliver them to the county seat at the moment!"

Shi Cheng immediately said loudly: "It's fine!" He looked down at Liu Sen: "Senzi, your parents are all right!"

Liu Sen looked outside blankly.

Shi Cheng looked up at Liu Xuer, and Liu Xuer also looked relieved. He reached out and patted her arm, and said softly, "It's fine if you're okay."

The willow tree called: "What about us? We don't have to follow?"

Without waiting for others to speak, Uncle Quan hurriedly said: "What are you little girls doing?! It's not messy enough! Besides, it's dangerous to walk into the city in the dark! "

He is the eldest in the house now, so naturally he has the consciousness to take care of these babies.

Liu Shu was not running out. As soon as Liu Hong left, he immediately had the responsibility of watching over his younger siblings and could no longer run out.

Liu Xuer was still looking out and heard the clamor of many people, and the voice gradually moved towards the village entrance, that is, she had already left the village, and after a while, Liu Gao’s family was in Wu With the help of my aunt, I came back out of breath.

Liu Lin hurried up and grabbed the front of her clothes: "Milk! How are my father and my mother?"

Liu Gao breathed a sigh of relief: "Everyone is fine, your leg is broken... You are all staying at home! Your uncle and aunt have followed, so you stay at home and have a good time. , just wait."

"Milk! Did my mother and my father fall seriously?" Liu Xuer asked.

Liu Gao paused: "I didn't see anyone either. From one end to the other, everyone was sent out."

Aunt Wu hurriedly said: "A lot of people are shouting, anyway, your parents are awake and can talk! That is no big deal, auntie, you can relax too!" The last sentence It was to appease Liu Gao.

Liu Gao wiped his nose and nodded.

After a while, people kept coming to their yard, all to see the children, and everyone who came had to say that Liu Xuer's parents were all right, Legs are broken, but people are awake!

In the end, even Li Zheng came to see them, comforted them, and told everyone to leave.

The children have been panicked from the beginning, and now they have all quieted down, even Liu Sen is the first, almost falling asleep in Shicheng's arms.

some time.

"It was the second daughter-in-law who twisted her foot first, and the other slipped and slipped. Your second child rushed over and tried to hold her, but the branch he was holding didn't hold up, and the two The people rolled down together, the second child was protecting his wife on top, and he broke his leg. The wife's ankle was twisted, and it seemed that it was still cut. It didn't seem to be a big deal. Talking and looking at the spirit head is fine, you all can rest assured!"

Aunt Wu hurriedly said, "This is good, this is good!"

Liu Gao’s old face was wrinkled when he heard his son’s broken leg, but it was lighter than what he thought when he heard the news, he could only thank him without stopping : "Thank you, thank you uncle! This big night... Thanks to the folks..."

"What are the neighbors talking about? By the way, auntie, you should go back. Your family will follow you to the city. There can be no one over there. The children are here today. Just ask my family and Xiaotian to accompany you at night, it's alright."

Uncle Wu said, Aunt Wu also nodded and persuaded for a while, Liu Shu also asked Liu Gao to go back, Liu Gao was also worried about the old house, so he told the children a few words, to Wu Aunt Wu thanked him again and again, and then left.

Uncle Quan looked at Shicheng eagerly, Liu Xuer hurriedly whispered to Shicheng: "You go back quickly."

Shicheng also felt that he should go back, so he nodded and agreed, got off the kang and followed Uncle Quan back.

Aunt Wu tidied up the kang, and the children all slept in this room. Although Liu Xuer was very worried, she couldn't stand the system of a five-year-old child. The tossing that night was enough for her, and she fell asleep after lying down for a while.

When the catkins got up the next day, it was already bright outside. Aunt Wu was sitting on the edge of the kang, not knowing who she was talking to, and her voice came faintly.

"I'm not talking about the old Liu family. It was so chaotic last night that she didn't even know she came to see these children? These are her nephews and nieces!"

"Hey, not only the elders, but also the third family didn't show up! I heard that even the third child didn't go down the ditch! Just waiting by the ditch... What kind of brother do you call this? !"

"Really?! The third child didn't go down the ditch yesterday?!"

"No, it's worse than that child! It's far from the ditch. Speaking of this, although the Liu family's eldest daughter-in-law is not very good, he is still pretty good. The fourth one almost jumped down the ditch to find someone..."

"He's the boss! Of course that's how it should be!" Aunt Wu said angrily, then quickly looked back at the few sleeping on the kang, her voice was a little lower: "You say this old man The two families were already poor enough, so they separated, and both adults were injured... What can I do..."

Liu Xuer moved her body, and the people by the kang stopped talking immediately, and Liu Xuer slowly opened her eyes, pretending that she just woke up, rubbed her eyes and asked: "Aunt Wu, are my parents back?"

Aunt Wu hurriedly smiled and said: "No, maybe you will be in the city these days? Don't worry about it, Aunt Wu has been with you these days!"

It was another aunt who was sitting beside the kang and talking to Aunt Wu. Seeing Liushu Liulin, who was also staring, she said something at home and left first.

The children got up and went to wash their faces, Liu Shu said to Aunt Wu: "Aunt Wu, you and little sweet sister go back first, it's fine during the day, I watched my younger brother and sister not tell them to go out!"

Aunt Wu also thought about her own home, so she nodded: "That's fine! It's next door anyway, just call if anything happens!" She went back to her house, and Xiaotian had already gone back to cook went.

Liu Xuer sees that Liu Sen is still asleep, and then it is almost noon of.

After turning over for a while, he turned out the noodles that He's rolled out the day before. When several uncles were there the day before yesterday, Mr. He rolled out some more buckwheat noodles, and put the uneaten ones in the cupboard. It didn't go bad that day, and it was fine for ten or eight days.

The catkins burned the water below.

Although she is a little younger, the bottom line is not difficult for her. She can't reach the stove, so she put a small bench under her feet.

"Big brother! You and the second brother go to pick some grass for the rabbits, and some chickens, so prepare more!" Liu Xuer shouted to the willow trees in the yard.

Willow agreed, and after a while, Willow went in by himself.

Liu Xuer asked in surprise: "Second brother, why didn't you go to pick grass with the eldest brother?"

Liu Lin shook his head: "Big brother told me to watch you at home, he can go by himself."

Liu Xuer nodded, and was a little worried: "Brother, won't you go back to the ditch?"

"No, even if you go, now it's daylight, no one will yell at anyone who sees it!" Liu Lin shook his head and said.

This is also true, Catkins is relieved, waiting for the water in the pot to boil.