MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2889 came back

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The change of heaven and earth originated in the original world.

This is a prophecy made many years ago, and now this prophecy seems to be fulfilled.

The land of the original world ushered in a great change in the world, and the continent of the relics of the gods appeared.

In the land of the original world, an extraordinary figure emerged and became the current emperor of the world.

Now, this prophecy is spreading again in the land of the seven realms, and there is even the ultimate point of the prophecy.

According to the rumors, the original realm Ye Futian ascended the position of the emperor, he will cultivate to the supreme realm, change this sky, and become the supreme being in the world.

In this way, it is the complete language of the prophecy.

The change of heaven and earth originated in the original world.

This prophecy circulates extremely widely, and its influence is stronger than any time in the past, because the world has seen that the prophecy is being realized little by little.

Everyone is paying attention to the reaction of the various imperial palaces.

However, the imperial palaces were surprisingly quiet and did not take any action, as if they were caught in a dilemma.

The battle of the six emperors not long ago, many people would think that it was the end of the world pattern, which would determine the future pattern, the ultimate era, but what they did not expect, the era has not ended, but it has moved towards another change. Unexpected changes.

Today, Shenzhou and Buddhism have joined forces, plus Ye Futian, who inherited the position of Emperor, is unprecedentedly powerful, even stronger than in the time of Emperor Ye Qing.

But this time, there were cracks in the human world and other forces. The Demon Realm, the Dark World, and the Kong God Realm also saw that the human world was deeply hidden, and they would no longer trust or dare to act rashly. The threat of human ancestors was not lower than that of Emperor East Phoenix.

Therefore, no one dared to act rashly, so a very strange situation appeared, and all parties were surprisingly quiet.

At the same time, the Ninety-Nine Heavenly Emperor Palace began to rebuild order.

Emperor East Phoenix led the power of Shenzhou Imperial Palace, opened up the passage between Donghuang Emperor Palace and Tiandi Palace, and ordered people to rebuild the Ninety-Nine Heaven, quietly doing things for Ye Futian behind, so that Ye Futian can practice with peace of mind.

It was the first time that the practitioners of the East Phoenix Emperor Palace in Shenzhou saw the great East Phoenix doing these things personally, and couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

The emperor obviously feels guilty to Ye Futian, so he wants to make up for it. After all, Ye Futian has been abandoned since he was born, and it has gone through hardships before he has come to this point. The shot of Ye Futian in the East Phoenix Palace was also to make up for some guilt. .

At the same time, the Great Emperor East Phoenix forged an Apocalypse Divine Array in the Ninety-Nineth Heaven. In this way, the Ninety-Nineth Heaven also had a certain degree of defensive power.

In addition, he also sent the practitioners of Ye Di Palace here, allowing them to practice on the Ninety-Nine Heaven.

The people in the Ye Emperor Palace are all practitioners who follow Ye Futian all the way. Now Ye Futian is called the Emperor of Heaven in the heavens, and they naturally follow this. In addition, he intends to open up the passage between the heavens and the Ziwei Star Territory to allow practitioners in the Ziwei Star Territory. You can enter the heavens and continue to follow in the footsteps of Ye Futian.

Time passed day by day, and it didn't take long for the ninety-nine heaven to take on a new look, the fairy palace attic towers, and the immortal palace practice dojos stand in different places on the ninety-nine heaven.

In the heyday of the heavens, the heavenly emperor was in charge of the heavenly emperor's palace, and the strong in the heavenly emperor's palace were like clouds.

But after the fall of the heavens, the number of people in the Heavenly Emperor Palace shrank sharply, and the Ninety-Nine Heavens also appeared to be very empty. Until this heaven appeared, the Ninety-Nine Heavens did not appear countless practitioners, but they were all just people who came to practice. Not a practitioner of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, so naturally it doesn't count.

Now, everything has to start from the beginning.


In the ninety-nine layer of heaven, the Heavenly Emperor Palace has also been rebuilt, extremely magnificent and magnificent.

At the same time, the core people of Ye Di Palace are all here, comprehending the practice of Heavenly Dao.

The Great Emperor Donghuang looked up and saw that Ye Futian was still practicing high above the sky without interruption. He came here to do this to allow Ye Futian to practice with peace of mind. For today's Ye Futian, practice is better than everything.

"Your Majesty." At this moment, a voice came from behind Emperor Donghuang.

"Qin!" The Great Emperor Donghuang shouted.

"Which step will the young master take when he merges with the princess's heavenly path?" Qin asked.

"I don't know." Emperor Donghuang shook his head.

Hearing his answer, Qin frowned slightly and said: "Your Majesty, the Young Master has been exposed now. Although all circles are very quiet, they may have been brewing behind them. It is very dangerous. What happened back then, the Devil Emperor, the Dark Lord and the Evil Emperor Some things are not so clear, can they be made public now?"

Back then, they were both concerned about not speaking, and worried that the other party would destroy China at any cost, but now the enemy is clear and there is no turning back. In the end, only one party can exist in the world. At this time, it would be best to win over allies.

"As the Six Emperors, in charge of the order of the world, how can they not know it at all, but they all have concerns. They are very clear about who can provoke and who can not touch." The Great Emperor Donghuang responded.

"Your Majesty meant that they always knew?" Qin said.

"I don't fully know it, but it won't be so insensitive." Donghuang Great replied: "What's more, hundreds of years of calm, UU reading, have they been working hard to improve their strength, but, This time Renzu was a little impatient."

"Your Majesty said he took action against the Dark Lord?" Qin asked.

"En." Emperor Donghuang nodded: "The six emperors in the world have formed a balance, and they are all willing to maintain this balance, but if there is a threat to everyone, they will erase it without hesitation. This time The actions are not so simple. They all have their own calculations, but when the human ancestor kills the dark god, the dark **** will realize that the human ancestor wants to put him to death. In this way, the human ancestor will It's the real enemy."

Qin nodded slightly, each of the six emperors had an abacus, none of them were kind.

"However, I really should go out." The Great Emperor East Phoenix opened his mouth, and then saw him sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes, and phantom shadows separated from him, turning into three Great Emperor East Phoenix, and leaving at the same time. Ninety-nine heaven.

He was going to visit the Demon Realm, the Dark World and the Evil Emperor Realm at the same time to meet the three great emperors.

Emperor Donghuang knew very well that human ancestors were the greatest threat and the real enemy.

At the same time, the world of humans, the palace of humans, and the land beyond heaven.

A figure sitting cross-legged, in the boundless world, there is only one person, who is indeed the ancestor.

At this time, above the sky, the sky seemed to be moving, and strands of terror fell down. Above that sky, a pair of eyes appeared, which was breathtaking.

Along with the opening of this eye, a beam of light shot out from the sky. It was actually a shadow of a person, falling from the sky, standing in this area of ​​heaven and earth, with unparalleled aura, and all of them were extraordinary emperors.

After they came into this world, they looked towards the vast world.

They are back!


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