MTL - The Legendary Mechanic (Transcendental Mechanic)-Chapter 1371 Suspicion and reaction

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A few hours after Han Xiao entered the sanctuary, members of the anti-war sect were called by Dilron to gather in a secret meeting room.

"Black Star finally entered the sanctuary again...what do you think?"

Dilron chewed on a fluorescent grass blade, rubbed his fingertips lightly, and scanned the Transcendent A Grade on the table with scrutinizing eyes.

Everyone remained silent and glanced at their companions with the same eyes. No one wanted to speak first.

Upon seeing this, Dilron took off the blade of grass in his mouth, tapped his fist twice on the table, and slowly said:

"Since everyone doesn't speak, then for me, the last time Black Star went to the sanctuary, it took about two months. This time it is estimated to be similar. I think this is a good opportunity to leave."

Everyone paused, turned their heads to look at him, their eyes were unclear.

Dilron didn't care and spread his hands.

"Everyone understands me, what I always say, I wanted to make this suggestion when Black Star entered the sanctuary last time, but I didn’t know how long the Black Star would disappear at the time, and everyone was watching whether the interception circle was true. Can stop foreign enemies, so I did not initiate a proposal. Now the battle situation has changed, the foreign enemy has broken the interception circle, and sooner or later arrives at the three major civilizations. At the same time, we also understand how long the vacuum period for Black Star to enter the sanctuary, so this is a Leave the main universe and avoid the chance of war."

Hearing that, everyone's expressions changed, some were dissatisfied, some were moved, and some were watching.

"Don't forget, Black Star has resuscitated us, and we all owe others to others, so we can leave without saying goodbye.

Someone frowned against it.

The members of the War Avoidance Association present were all covenant revivalists who came out of the mountain. They cherished the hard-earned second life, so they did not participate in the war. Because Dilron was good at mouth-heavy, everyone temporarily let him be a representative, but Not their leader, there are also differences within.

Dilron played with the glowing blades of grass and said lightly:

"I don't deny that Black Star is kind to us, but he can't allow us to leave freely, and the purpose of resuscitating us is just to use our power.

Now he tolerates us to avoid the war, but only temporarily. As those who participate in the war become more and more dissatisfied with us, Black Star will pressure us sooner or later, just like he forced the third group of resurgents to participate in the war this time, the future will also be We do the same thing, so we might as well leave the main universe before this event happens, or we will become more and more passive.

Although I am a little sorry for Black Star, we have to take responsibility for our own lives. Even if he resuscitates us, it does not mean that we must accept their drive and sacrifice our lives for him. "

Everyone frowned and groaned. These words also touched the heart of many people. Many people are not easy to disobey Black Star face to face because of their affection, but they are not willing to risk participating in the war.

"Where is the covenant?" someone asked again.

Dilron snorted coldly: "Vower and Black Star wear a pair of pants. We must act secretly if we want to leave. We cannot notify them."

"If we do this, I am afraid that Black Star will be chased and killed. I don't think we can make a hasty decision." Another person said cautiously.

Hearing this, Dilron retorted: "Black Star is not in the main universe, so we have the chance to slip away quietly. Every minute and every second wasted now is the time for us to escape. If we wait for him to come back, we will leave. Come on? No matter what you say, I will leave!"

Many people suddenly became tangled.

The oppression that Black Star gave them was too strong, only if he was not there, these people dared to conspire around the corner, thinking that this period of vacuum was a rare opportunity to escape.

If Black Star hadn't entered the sanctuary, they wouldn't dare to make a mistake, for fear of being taught by Han Xiao as soon as he moved.

After discussing for a while, the evading parties on the scene could barely reach a consensus. Those who are willing to leave make plans for themselves, and those who are unwilling to leave are not allowed to disclose secrets and make two-handed preparations.

Seeing everyone arguing, Dilron was a little distracted, playing with the grass blades in his hands, and flashing past scenes of beautiful memories in his mind.

He also remembered the glorious holy kingdom of elves he had created for a while, and he couldn't help but miss the scenes of himself playing with many princesses in the white royal court. The charming, cold, or pure faces flashed before his eyes.

It is a pity that after his death at the peak, the Holy Kingdom of Elves lost its blessing. These princesses could not control their own destiny, and the identity of the widow of Transcendent A Grade, like the emperor’s harem, was enough to arouse many powerful gray figures. Interests become exotic...

By now, although he has survived, his deceased has already passed away with time. There is power in space, but nothing can be saved.

Dilron's face tightened and he subconsciously pressed his fingers to crush the grass blades into powder.

"The three major civilizations...If you don't get rid of you at this time, it is already the bottom line, how could I help you!"


On the other side, somewhere in the training base.

A group of Transcendent A Grade gathered in the room and looked at each other.

This group of people are part of the members of the third recovery, except for most of the civilized direct lines, the remaining neutral Super A Grade.

Because of the common interests, the third batch of resurrected Transcendent A Grades all held a group privately. The resurrected direct descendants were in one group, and the Free Transcendent A Grade was in one group. Although the three major civilizations have put everyone under house arrest, everyone can still communicate privately. After all, they are a group of important combat forces, and they cannot really restrict all freedom like going to jail.

After a while, a Transcendent A Grade spoke to break the silence.

"Black Star has gone to the sanctuary. What are your plans to summon us at this time?"

Everyone turned their heads to look at the initiator of this rally, a high-level Super A Grade named Stein.

Stein is a male demon with transparent wings. His appearance resembles a moth. Except for the wings and tentacles, the other body structures are humanoid. At this moment, the two tentacles flicked and looked quite nervous, and he whispered. :

"I've heard some news. The infinite number of sanctuary recovery mentioned by Black Star may be a lie specifically to lie to us..."


Hearing this, everyone's complexion changed.

The three major civilizations have always controlled the channels and prevented the third group of resuscitators from accessing relevant information, so they never knew that Han Xiao once said that the sanctuary was revived only once, and was always "in the dark".

"What the **** is going on?" everyone hurriedly asked.

Stein hurriedly explained: "In terms of the sanctuary recovery, Black Star told us differently from other Transcendent A Grades. He used to claim that the sanctuary recovery was limited to one time, but he said it unlimited times to us...I happened to I only came into contact with this information in time, there must be a problem in it!"

"Is the news reliable?!"

"I can't guarantee it, but the probability is true." Stein said hurriedly.

Everyone's face suddenly became gloomy, and their thoughts flew.

If Black Star has two theories, then other Transcendent A Grades must know it, but until now, no one has opened it, no one has reported... Everyone shuddered immediately, and subconsciously gave birth to conspiracy theories.

Perhaps, Black Star's statement to them is a deliberate lie, in order to fool them, and other Transcendent A Grades are vested interests, so they acquiesced to this behavior, not only did not reveal, but also cooperated tacitly and deceived them together. The third group of resuscitators... this is everyone who wants to use them as cannon fodder!

In fact, the idea of ​​this speculation is correct, nine out of ten correct guesses. Based on their perspective, this possibility is totally plausible and very convincing... But because of the misunderstanding of key information, the conclusion is just right. Contrary to the facts.

The more they thought about it, the more they were frightened, and their anger continued to surge.

"Then what should I do now?" Someone took a deep breath to calm the resentment in his chest, and asked in a deep voice.

"If the recovery is limited to one time, then this is our last life, and we have to consider a way out." Stein pondered.

"Are we going to take the opportunity to escape? Although the Black Star is not there, we are under house arrest in this area, and those later Super A Grades are not easy to deal with."

After a heated argument, someone suddenly made a suggestion:

"The situation is still unclear. Let's stop and wait for Black Star to come back to recover the sanctuary. 80% of us will watch together. At that time, we will see if he has recovered the second dead.

If not, then no matter what reason Black Star finds, we will initiate a face-to-face questioning and take reason. In this way, we can shake the new resuscitator this time, as well as the direct descendants of the same group of resuscitators, to unite and break The house arrest of the three major civilizations against the fate of cannon fodder! "

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up.

It is difficult for people like them to resist, and the scene of the next recovery may be an opportunity to seek a temporary alliance.

"Then it's settled, we'll have trouble together at that time!"

Stein agreed.


Old Star River, the territory of the Tool Race.

In the mechanical palace, Manison's dominant clone is sitting opposite to Kesuye's remote projection, playing cards at will.

"I really envy you. I don't need to manage the affairs of the association, and I can spend all my time digesting the war feelings. I want to do this too..."

Kesuye murmured while watching the game.

Manison didn't care and said casually: "The Black Star is not here. Someone is always needed to supervise the association. I have retired from the position of president a long time ago, not even the vice president. This job belongs to you."

"Oh, no way, Black Star asked me when he was leaving, saying that some members of the association and resuscitators might not be at ease during the time he was leaving. Let me be careful of variables. I can only do what he wants. ."

Kesuye shook his head, his tone helpless.

Just like the previous exploratory calendar, war has always been a catalyst for the strong. Many Transcendent A Grades have been stationed in the interception circle for a year, have experienced large and small battles, and have some new insights. Both Manison and Kesuye discovered With a broader space for improvement, as long as the retreat is for a period of time, the strength can be improved.

It's a pity that Black Star went to the sanctuary and asked him to be careful. Kesuye could only suppress the wormhole that digested the war experience and turned to manage the association, so he was very envious that Manison could concentrate on practicing behind closed doors.

"Thinking too much, I also encountered some chores here." Manison said indifferently, "Nifogadi has been restless recently. He is unwilling to be controlled by the Black Star and the Mechanical Cult and the Tool Race. He feels these benefits. It was originally his, so he tried to regain his former leadership position."

"Oh? What did he do?" Kesuye was curious.

"Hmph, as soon as Black Star left, he sent someone to the Mechanical God Cult to promote his return. He wanted to use the identity of the founder to harvest the main beliefs of the believers and made it clear that he wanted to take advantage of the void."

"How was the result?" Kesuye was interested.

"What else? He was a founder who was eliminated by history, and he was resurrected after being exposed to the light of Black Star. He wanted to shake the status of Black Star? Just dreaming." Manison scoffed.

"It's true that Nifogadi's prestige has long been wiped out by time, and he does not yet have the capital to compete with Black Star."

Kesuye nodded, paused, and joked:

"Moreover, even you can't grab Black Star, let alone him."

"...Huh, ridiculous."

Manison glanced at him and snorted.

This person doesn't open the pot or mention which pot, if we haven't known each other for many years, I would ignore you!

Kesuye shrugged and asked, "How about that weapon clan? Emperor Nifoga returns as an ancestor. It should be troublesome for you, right?"

"Who do you think I am? I have run the Tool Race for many years. He wants me to hand over the base camp just because of his ancestor status. Is it possible?" Manison said calmly.

"So what did you do to him?"

"In the past, I made him a prisoner, but I haven't done this for a long time. After all, Nifogadi is the ancestor of the Tool Race. I want to be justified and I can't do anything to him, so I A group of members of the Weapon Clan were assigned to him so that he could stand on his own and create a new Weapon Clan.

"So, the Tool Race has split?" Kesuye raised an eyebrow.

Manison didn't care, and said lightly: "It's not that serious. The people can give him some. Anyway, it can be regenerated, but the wealth I have accumulated for so many years...he can't get a screw."

"Hehe, you are still the same, except for Black Star, no one can get anything from you."

Kesuye shook his head and laughed.

"Hmph, even Black Star has never taken me much advantage."

Manison was wrong.

Kesuye just laughed, did not reveal Manison’s hard mouth, moved away from the subject, blinked and said: "By the way, Black Star left me with the contact information of a stranger before he left, telling me if those recover If you have any changes, you can find this person to solve it."

"Black Star will not aimlessly, what is the name of that stranger."

"I don't know the name. Black Star just asked me to call him the swearer. I haven't contacted him yet. I don't know what it is. Even Black Star values ​​it so much."

Kesuye was very interested.

"It seems that Black Star still hides a lot of secrets." Manison hummed softly.


The territory of the world tree, the palace of the tree king.

Vigorous green brilliance surged along the veins of the roots into a giant cocoon made of leaves, which looked like cabbage, and underneath was a luxurious pedestal, which looked like an altar.

After a while, the leaves that make up the giant cocoon suddenly opened in layers, and a figure radiating a dazzling green light came out, step by step down the steps, and the green light slowly converged, revealing the appearance of the tree king. appearance.

"You finally came back to life!"

Below the altar, a touch of joy flashed in the eyes of King Dingshu who had been waiting for a long time, and he greeted him two steps forward.

After pouring water for so long, the tree king finally matured, so that I can finally fish!

"Huh, still not used to it."

King Tree King exhaled and moved stiffly, awakening the sense of sleep.

Although the World Tree could bring him back to the seed state and rebirth, the process of seed germination and maturity was uncomfortable. When he thought of the Black Star that had caused him a lot of pain, the King Tree King couldn't help but become annoyed.

"It actually made me die once, and the outsider must pay the price next time!"

"You will have a chance."

King Dingshu suddenly joined the stubble.

King Tree King turned his head and looked at him, revealing a look of surprise.

"Why are you, Heart Tree King?"

"He was planted and sealed by that outsider." King Dingshu said in contempt.

King Tree King suddenly frowned and said in a deep voice:

"What happened when I died?"

Hearing that, King Dingshu did not force him, directly through the spiritual network, and told the King of Zhenshu about the future of the dragon.

After learning the whole story, King Tree King's expression eased, and he nodded slowly:

"It turns out that this is the same thing. The Heart Tree King restrained the restorer abilities, which led to the success of the exchange strategy. That hostile civilization killed many high-level combat powers. Although the Heart Tree King was later planted, the strategic results he created have already It has laid a good foundation for us, and the numerical advantage has gradually slipped to us. The advanced combat power of the hostile civilization will only become smaller and smaller in the future, and it will do well."

"But the ancestral tree king is not satisfied, the heart tree king has been arrested, and the tree crown cannot be recovered." Dingshu king said lightly.

"It's okay, but it's just a seal. We will find a chance to rescue the King of the Heart Tree and we will be done. With temporary losses in exchange for the enemy's permanent losses, we will undoubtedly earn."

King Tree King waved his hand in disbelief.

"All right, since you are resurrected, the affairs here are left to you. I will return to the mother body first."

After finishing speaking, Dingshu King did not wait for the Zhenshu King to react, and immediately dismissed the entity, returned to the World Tree, and disappeared.

"Huh, you still have to rely on me."

King Tree King snorted and had no idea of ​​rejection. As a martial artist, he was used to doing these tiring tasks.