MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 756 discipline

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When the seventeen- or eighteen-year-old girl behind her spoke again, even Chu Mo didn't react.

He originally thought that as long as he opened his mouth, no one would dare to say a word, but what made him laugh and cry was that the young lady of the Lin family behind him, who didn't know the sky and the earth, actually dared to fight with him at this time.

In just an instant, Chu Mo's mind flashed the idea of ​​​​taking action to teach the Lin family in the capital.

When Chu Mo laid out the capital before, he had investigated the major forces in the capital. The top three were the capital Yang family, one of the eight major families, and the capital Luo family, which had a market value of 3 trillion Tianxin Group. The Liu family is now a neutral force.

The assets of these three companies combined are close to three trillion, and they are the biggest forces in the entire capital. As for the next ones, there are some small forces, and there are not even a few with assets exceeding one hundred billion.

As for the Lin family, although they ranked 10th in the capital, their assets just exceeded 10 billion, and they started from manufacturing. It is no exaggeration to say that with just one word from Chu Mo, the entire Lin family could be wiped out.

A year ago, when Chu Mo was just setting out in the capital, his power was unstable, and he even needed to rely on the power of the local family Fang Family in the capital. He recruited Fang Nianhan, the eldest lady of the Fang family, as his spokesperson, just to win the Fang family into his own power. , and then in order to balance the strength of the Fang family, the great master Wu Kunpeng was called as one of the leaders of the capital. Finally, under the suppression and negotiation of Chu Mo, the strength of the capital was finally maintained. At the same time, after a period of Years of development, both Dong Xuner and Zhan Bingxue have acquired a large number of assets in Beijing.

These include Tianxin Building, the tallest building in Beijing, the Twin Towers, the third tallest building in Beijing, and several of the most famous five-star hotels in Beijing.

Now, Chu Mo has monopolized the general bodyguard business in the capital. Under the leadership of Wu Kunpeng, Chu Mo has more than 900 billion assets in the capital, far exceeding the Luo family, which was originally ranked second, and is called second only to Yang. The second largest strength in the capital of the family, and many forces in the capital represented by the Luo family have gradually taken refuge under Chu Mo's banner. It is no exaggeration to say that the current Chu Mo's influence in the capital is second only to Yang's. Family.

You must know that the Yang family is the eight major families in China. They have been operating in the entire family for hundreds of years near the capital, but the contacts and relationships accumulated by the Yang family for hundreds of years have been disintegrated by Chu Mo in just two years. Mo's current development speed, I am afraid that in a few years, the Yang family will be headed by Chu Mo.

It is precisely because of this that many top rich people in the hall, after recognizing Chu Mo's identity, even if they are so afraid of No. 2 Longevity Pill, even if they are not giving up, but no one dares to confront Chu Mo, because all Everyone knows that no matter how powerful they are, once they provoke Mr. Moduchu, they will be greeted with a devastating blow.

Just like the Lin family in this small capital, they offended Chu Mo. As long as Chu Mo said a word, countless forces in the entire capital would tear up this small family in an instant.

At this moment, a crisp slap sounded suddenly behind him. Chu Mo didn't even have to look back to know that it must be the quiet elder sister of the Lin family.

"Linger, you really disappointed me too much. I told you before to stop fooling around. This is not your home, and it's not a place for you to run wild, but you just don't listen. At home, your parents didn't discipline you well. Today, as my elder sister, I will teach you a lesson in the capacity of Lin's parent daughter, and let you know how high the sky is!"

A quiet girl with an elegant temperament is usually gentle and gentle, and her temperament is also very weak, but if such a person does not get angry, if he does get angry, it will be like a volcano eruption.

After the slap, a clear five-finger mark was immediately left on the face of the jumping girl behind Chu Mo. It can be seen that the slap of the eldest Miss Lin family has no sympathy at all, and she may have never seen her gentle sister make such a slap. With a big temper, or under the watchful eyes of so many top bosses, Lin Linger's brain couldn't respond. In short, the girl who escaped at this time was completely stunned, and her big eyes were all hard to come by. A look of confidence.

It's just, if it's normal, or anything else, the eldest Lin family, Lin Weier, may not punish her sister. Even if this naughty sister makes a big mistake, as a sister, she will stand up and come forward to protect it, but Only this time, Lin Weier knew where she was, and she also understood who had offended her lawless sister.

Just a few months ago, a group of young masters in the northwest were rude in front of Mr. Chu, the capital of magic, and finally dozens of young masters were locked up by Mr. Chu. For half a month, no one of the dozens of young masters was able to leave. go out.

You must know that these young masters include all the forces in the entire northwest. Among them, there are even the three young masters of the Wu family in the northwest. The Wu family is a member of the eight major families. When these forces join forces, their total assets are even more than several trillions. Even if the forces in the entire capital join forces, They have to be weighed and measured, but even so, Mr. Chu still locked these young men for half a month, until dozens of forces bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes, and finally released them.

And it is this matter that lets everyone know that in China, anyone can offend anyone, and even the eight major families don't have to worry too much, but only this Mr. Chu, the devil, everyone should be careful.

The most naughty second and third generations, the heirs of the wealthy family, have all been solemnly warned by the family that if anyone provokes this Mr. Chu, regardless of the reason, the position of the family heir will be directly deprived of, or even serious, and it may even be directly cut off from the family. relationship, in order to avoid being punished by Mr. Chu.

Because the two sisters of the Lin family are girls, and their status is too far from that of Mr. Chu, the family thinks that they are unlikely to have an intersection with Mr. Modu Chu, so they do not have too much warning, but even if In this way, Lin Weier still heard Mr. Chu's horror from the mouths of some other companions.

And just today, what Lin Weier never expected was that the two of her sisters would meet the mysterious and terrifying Mr. Chu in this way, and even worse, her usual naughty sister , actually provoked the other party.

If you don't handle it properly today, not only your two sisters, but even your entire Lin family will be destroyed because of a word from your sister, but at that point, your two sisters are the sinners of the entire Lin family.

Thinking of this, Lin Weier, who originally loved her quirky little sister so much, suddenly felt a feeling of hating iron.

She looked at the tearful sister in front of her. Although she was full of pity, at this moment, she knew that if she really softened her heart, she would miss the last chance to make up for it, and the Lin family might be in danger of destruction in the future.

Therefore, this time, Lin Weier did not stop, she directly ignored the pleading in her sister's eyes, stretched out her right hand again, and then slammed it onto the cheek of Lin Ling'er's right face.


The second slap was equally powerful, and the crisp sound even echoed throughout the hall.

Lin Weier had studied taekwondo for a few years, but because she was a girl, her family did not require her to achieve any grades, as long as she could protect herself in the face of danger, so she even had the lowest D grade. Not even a warrior.

But even so, the foundation of Taekwondo is still there in the past few years. If she really fights with ordinary people, she can still beat one or two adults on the other side by surprise.

Officially, because she had exercised on purpose, Lin Weier's strength was not as soft as it seemed on the surface, and even stronger than that of ordinary boys. When she slapped her, a blood-red handprint appeared on her younger sister Lin Linger's face. Even the corners of his mouth were cracked.

But this didn't end. When Lin Weier saw that the mysterious man in front of her was unmoved from the corner of her eyes, even though she felt extremely distressed, she did not stop at all. Then, the third slap, the fourth slap, a series of crisp His voice echoed continuously in the hall, and even after a dozen slaps, the sobbing cry of his sister Lin Linger could be heard behind him.

"Mr. Chu, if you continue like this, I'm afraid it will not affect your reputation...!"

Beside him, when Lei Ting's slight reminder sounded in his ears, Chu Mo, who sighed softly, finally stood up, and following his movements, the eyes of everyone in the hall fell on him again. For a moment, the elder sister Lin Weier behind her finally stopped the movements of her hands, and the younger sister Lin Linger's originally delicate cheeks were already stained with blood.

Chu Mo is not a ruthless executioner who destroys flowers with ruthless hands. Originally, he did have the intention to punish the Lin family in the capital, but since his elder sister Lin Weier had already taken action on his behalf, he naturally did not have the need to pursue and kill them as much as possible. .

He glanced sideways at the girl behind him, and Lin Linger, who was still beautiful, had already been swollen up by the beating of his sister, and even because the corners of his mouth had been broken and blood stained his cheeks, if If not treated in time, this beautiful little face is in danger of disfigurement.

Chu Mo's eyes finally settled on Lin Weier, the eldest young lady of the Lin family. Although this young girl with two decades of beauty is young, she is very decisive and ruthless in her actions. She can be regarded as a strange woman.

Under the protection of the two great masters, Tianya and Lei Ting, Chu Mo stepped forward. At the same time, he said in a flat voice:

"Let's leave this No. 2 Longevity Pill to Miss Lin's Second Lady as compensation."

Chu Mo's words fell, and the whole hall immediately raised a breath of cold air!

The No. 2 Longevity Pill, which had no way to be measured by money, was obtained by the two Lin family sisters at an extremely ridiculous price following Chu Mo's understatement?

However, following Chu Mo's indifferent words, in the entire hall, apart from being amazed and envious, no one was talking indiscriminately.

The lesson of the Lin family sisters is still in front of you. Lin Weier opened her mouth a little because she was young and ignorant, and her delicate face was beaten into a pig's head. In the end, Chu Mo didn't want to care about a little girl, so she let them go. And under this circumstance, if there are still people who dare to go against Mr. Chu's inverse scale and continue to increase the price at this time, then the other party must face the angry wrath of Mr. Chu, the devil.

When Chu Mo's figure gradually disappeared in the auction hall, a commotion broke out in the originally silent hall. At this time, everyone's eyes were turned to the unfortunate but extremely lucky Lin sisters in the back row of the hall. body.

At this time, her little sister Lin Weier's face was already swollen, and even her teeth were loosened by the beating, and Douda's tears kept lingering.

On the other hand, Lin Weier, her elder sister, had a resolute and ruthless look under her soft and weak expression. This expression made the top bigwigs in the hall look up a bit.

At this time, in the front row of the hall, a gray-haired old man suddenly said:

"Since Mr. Chu has spoken, I think this pill will be given to the little baby of the Lin family. Do you have any comments?"

The old man sat in the center of the front row, and his identity was naturally extraordinary. When his words fell, others in the hall nodded at the same time. At this time, the auctioneer in Tang suit on the booth finally dropped the hammer with the permission of the big boss behind the scenes. :

"I announce that the No. 2 Longevity Pill was auctioned by Miss Lin Linger at the price of 110,001 cents. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for their participation. This auction has ended successfully...!"

With the end of the auction, it seems that they are afraid that if something happens, the organizer of the big world is also afraid of taking responsibility, so before everyone in the hall got up and left, the old man in Tang suit as the auctioneer personally held the No. 2 longevity pill. The exquisite wooden box, walked to the office in the back row of the hall, and then solemnly handed the wooden box to Lin Weier, the eldest lady of the Lin family.

"This is the No. 2 Longevity Pill, Miss Lin, please confirm in person!"

Although the No. 2 Longevity Pill, which was the finale, sold for 110,000 yuan, no one could think that this pill was really worthless.

You know, even the less effective No. 1 longevity pill is worth one billion yuan, and this more precious No. 2 longevity pill, if you let a few billionaires in the front row bid, I am afraid it will not be low in the end At the price of 5 billion, it is not impossible even to auction the sky-high price of 10 billion.

And such an almost priceless treasure is obviously not something that a big world auction house can afford, so when the buyer is determined, without even going through the background process, the auctioneer immediately gave the medicinal pill to the Lin family sisters, in order to make peace with This elixir has nothing to do with it, and only what will happen after that has nothing to do with their Great World Auction House.

"Miss Lin, please confirm in public."

When the auctioneer in Tang suit opened his mouth carefully, Lin Weier, whose hands and feet were trembling slightly, finally opened the delicate wooden box in his hand. Suddenly, a strange medicinal fragrance swept the entire hall.

The No. 2 Longevity Pill No. 014 is lying quietly in Lin Weier's hands.