MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3316 Test

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Chapter 3316-Contest

Volume One, Chapter 280

Zhao Fu glanced at Shui Mu and said, "You are not my opponent, no need to compare!"

Hearing such arrogant words, everyone looked at Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu's potential was indeed qualified to say so.

Shui Mu said with a cold face, "I think you underestimated me!"

Zhao Fu smiled lightly, "If you really want to compare, then I can fulfill you."

Seeing that the two are really going to compete, everyone is interested, and none of them has seen the strength of the two.

Jin Qingwan couldn't help saying, "I have to compare!"

As another stunning genius who made the crystal monument emit a colorful light, she was also the princess of a kingdom, so naturally she didn't want to lose to the other two.

Zhao Fu looked at her and chuckled lightly, "Whoever wants to take a test, come together!"

Jiao Miao and Shui glanced at each other, and wanted to try the strength of this person above the stunning genius, so they also stood up.

Zhao Fu flew to the square by himself, his feet lightly falling on the ground. The people and the water warriors who had fought in the square, as if they had encountered terrible danger, stepped back a few steps to make way for a clearing.

Others also flew to the square, standing in one position, encircling.

The whole audience also became excited.

Zhao Fu stood in the center calmly and said, "You guys do it!"

Shui Mu took out a red coral spear, came to Zhao Fu like a black stream shadow, and stabbed Zhao Fu with an astonishing force.

Facing such an attack, Zhao Fu just stretched out his fingers, flicked them lightly, and flicked the tip of the finger on the head of the gun. Shui Mu only felt a huge force hit him, and the jellyfish took a step back and immediately Take this force off your feet.


With a roar, the ground more than ten meters behind the jellyfish was completely shattered, and numerous rocks flew out.

Everyone looked at the scene with shocked faces, and their minds were filled with only the word “powerful”. Just moving their fingers would have such power. No wonder the aptitude was so high that everyone was convinced.

Many elders of the Water Purification Sect also showed a slight smile, very satisfied with Zhao Fu.

Shui Mu looked at Zhao Fu solemnly, and knew in his heart that Zhao Fu was powerful, but he would not give up easily.

Shui Mu slammed his spear into the ground, and countless sharp corals shot out from all around, stab Zhao Fu in the center very fast.

Zhao Fu released a defensive cover to block the many corals. Some coral thorns fell on the defensive cover and immediately broke apart. Although many corals did not harm Zhao Fu, many corals had trapped Zhao Fu in place.

Shui Mu leaped forward, raised the spear in his hand, and hit the defensive cover with a force of ten thousand catties. The defensive cover made a dull noise, but was not damaged.

Zhao Fu looked at Shui Mu with a confident smile. "If it's just this kind of power, then my defense can't be broken."


Shui Mu didn't hide it either. An astonishing power burst out immediately, a huge black flame ignited on his body, and a power was injected into the spear in his hand, and the spear gradually turned dark red, like a soul-eater.

Huh huh!

Shui Mu forcefully stabs the spears once, and countless coral spears stabs Zhao Fu turbulently, with a terrifying aura, as if Zhao Fu has been submerged by the countless coral spears.

After everything subsided, Zhao Fu stood there, but some cracks appeared in the defensive cover.

Shui Mu frowned, his move still didn't even break Zhao Fu's defense, and he felt a huge pressure in his heart.

Jin Qingwan also showed a surprised expression. She originally thought that Shui Mu could not hurt Zhao Fu with such a powerful blow, but it should be able to break the defense. Now she felt a little underestimated the man in front of her.

Shui Mu squatted down and made a running posture, pressing one hand on the ground and holding a spear in the other.

call out!

An extremely fast sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Shui Mu turned into a black streamer and shot at Zhao Fu, hitting Zhao Fu's defensive cover, but without breaking Zhao Fu's defensive cover, he immediately changed the direction and hit Zhao Fu again. After passing, he still couldn't break Zhao Fu's defense.

Everyone saw a black streamer with great power, hitting the defensive cover from all directions at a very fast speed, each time there was a loud noise, and the ground was constantly cracking.

Countless people were a little surprised by Shui Mu's powerful power, feeling that they could absolutely not resist a move, but they were even more surprised by Zhao Fu's power, the defensive cover had not been broken yet.


The black streamer became more intense, and rushed towards Zhao Fu with a huge momentum. This terrifying blow hit the defensive cover, a force spreading for 20 meters, and the ground instantly collapsed.


A clear voice sounded, the seemingly unbreakable defensive cover was broken, and everyone showed a surprised expression.

The spear broke the defense and continued to stab Zhao Fu in the face.

Zhao Fu hit Shui Mu’s chest with a palm like a thunder. At that moment, Shui Mu’s body flew upside down like a ball for several tens of meters, and he fell to the ground and shed blood from the corner of his mouth.

Everyone's expressions of surprise solidified in an instant, and now this is only breaking Zhao Fu's basic defense, Zhao Fu's true power has not been temporarily released, or that the battle has only really begun now, just a simple warm-up.

Shui Mu got up from the ground, stared at Zhao Fu fiercely, shouted, and rushed towards Zhao Fu, his body leaped, and his body spun in the air, bringing up a black whirlwind, like a huge black drill. general.

The black drill bit destroys everything and shoots forward. The ground is shattered by this force, dragging out a huge gully. The picture is very scary.

Seeing that the black drill bit was about to hit Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu punched out quickly, and a terrifying force thunderously blasted the black drill bit. The huge force instantly crushed the black drill bit, revealing the water and animal husbandry in the middle.


In the next second, Shui Mu’s body was knocked out by that huge force. This time Zhao Fu appeared behind Shui Mu again, punched Shui Mu’s body again, and slammed Shui Mu’s body into the sky. His body appeared in the sky again, raised his hand and pressed Shui Mu's chest.


Shui Mu's body quickly fell to the ground, and the ground instantly shattered, and a strong wind spread.

Shui Mu suffered the blow, blood was bleeding all over his body.

Zhao Fu fell to the ground, and countless people present looked at Zhao Fu with fear. The power of the man in front of him was really terrifying.

Many elders of the Water Purification Sect also showed surprised expressions.

Zhao Fu turned around and was about to leave.

Shui Mu stood up from the ground once and said, "I haven't lost yet!"

Zhao Fu turned and looked at Shui Mudao, "Do you still continue?"

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