MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3353 Emperor Fire

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Chapter 3353 Emperor Fire (for subscription)

Volume One, Chapter Three Hundred and Seventeen

Looking at Xueyu who was still crying in his arms, Zhao Fu said, "The matter must be resolved, don't cry!"

Xueyu looked at Zhao Fu in front of him and cried and said, "I'm sorry Yuan Dao!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, the child Yuandao took away, do you plan to let him raise it?"

Xueyu said embarrassedly, "I want to keep my child by my side, but I don't want him to have a father."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I don't mind him."

Xueyu explained, "I didn't mean that. I wanted the child to be with Yuandao, but I couldn't bear the child myself."

Zhao Fu said, "Then you can go back to see him often!"

Xueyu said with a bit of discomfort, "Yuan Dao took the child away. It may be difficult to see the child in the future, and Yuan Dao may not see me either."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then I will grab the child back!"

Xueyu shook his head, "Don't!"

Zhao Fu looked at Xueyu and said, "Then what do you want to do?"

Xueyu put his arms around Zhao Fu, "I'm just a little uncomfortable, and I don't want to do anything!"

Zhao Fu showed a smirk and said a few words in Xueyu's ear, and Xueyu's face immediately blushed.

The Emperor Dragon returned to the room and was about to fuse his essence and blood, but he could feel what Zhao Fu and Xueyu were doing on her throne, and his cheeks also turned red.

Emperor Long shook his head, kept calm and melted the drop of blood into his eyebrows. In an instant, his body and soul shook suddenly, and he felt a great pressure. What makes the emperor dragon tremble is that this kind of supreme dragon blood is also contained in this essence and blood.

As the dragon was naturally suppressed by this supreme dragon's blood, the emperor dragon wanted to resist and burst out a huge dragon power, but it was still controlled by the refined blood pressure.

Her cultivation base is very high, but regardless of whether the emperor's blood or dragon's blood is far lower than Zhao Fu, she couldn't merge at this time.

No loss is the emperor's blood on the Son of Apocalypse, the emperor dragon did not give up, and continued to merge and refine. There is no dragon blood on the others, and the situation is relatively better.

Two hours later.

Emperor Long was a little helpless, there was no way to take Zhao Fu's blood, and Zhao Fu was still doing that with Xueyu in the hall.

Seeing Xueyu's happy face, Emperor Long muttered to himself, "This son of apocalypse looks very powerful."

After another two hours, the Emperor Dragon still couldn't fuse the Emperor's blood. He looked at Xueyu had fainted, thought for a while, came to the door of the main hall, and pushed open the door of the palace.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Anything?"

The Emperor Long looked at Zhao Fu without any shame and said, "I can't fuse your emperor's blood, I want you to help me,"

Zhao Fu asked strangely, "With your strength, you can't integrate?"

The Emperor Dragon nodded, "If I use a powerful cultivation base to merge, there will be serious consequences, so I think you can help me merge."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Yes!"

Emperor Long said, "I'll go and wash, I'll wait for you in the room."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu took a bath and came to the direction of the Emperor Dragon. The Emperor Dragon also freshened up and changed into a golden gauze.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I'm here!"

Emperor Long said, "Come and lie down!"

Zhao Fu lay on one bed according to the words of Emperor Long.

"Why do you still have Supreme Dragon Blood on your body?" Emperor Long looked at Zhao Fu below him and asked.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "My monster emperor star is awakened. Is it strange to have Supreme Dragon Blood?"

Emperor Longdao said, "Of course, I have never felt such a powerful dragon blood, but unfortunately I can't integrate it with my personal strength, otherwise I don't need your help."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I'm not happy when you say that!"

Emperor Long blushed.

I don't know how long it took, the Emperor Long fell into Zhao Fu's arms, looking at Zhao Fu with both eyes, "You still have the power of the water world in all directions?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, this time I came to the waters to use the power of the water world in all directions to awaken the last aquatic emperor star."

Emperor Long said, "I also want the power of the water world in all directions!"

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, "Imperial power, dragon blood power, and the power of the water world in all directions, you also want it, isn't it a bit too greedy?"

The emperor Long said, "Hurry up and see if you don't!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Got it!"

Zhao Fu thought of something and asked, "Have you heard about the news of Bafang Water World? Originally I thought it was here, but I ran for nothing."

Emperor Long said, "I have no news in this regard, I can help you find out."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Thanks!"

After another hour, Zhao Fu looked at the cultivating Emperor Long, left her room and returned to the previous hall.

Xueyu was also freshened up, and Meisou looked at Zhao Fu, "Where did you go?"

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Zhao Fu explained, "Leave a while if something happens!"

Xueyu said, "When shall we go back?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "After staying for a few more days, Emperor Long said to help me inquire about the Bafang Water World."

Xueyu nodded and stepped forward to hug Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Xue Yu cried out shyly, "Msang Gong!"

Zhao Fu chuckled, knowing that Xueyu had completely accepted him, holding Xueyu in both hands, and let out a small hum.

The sky was getting dark, Yuan Dao was holding the child, sitting on the side with a cold face, UU reading Yue Duo several people did not know how to persuade, they could only sigh.

The child burst into tears, Yuan Dao didn't know why. A little panicked.

Xia Xi said, "The child should be hungry!"

Yuan Dao said, "You help me take care of the child, and I will catch a beast and come back."

Xia Xi looked at Yuan Dao and asked, "Are you really planning to raise the child by yourself?"

Yuan Dao nodded.

He Luo asked, "I feel that the child should be by his mother's side!"

Yuan Dao frowned and said, "This is my child. She is another man's woman now. I don't want to drag her down. In the future, she can live with that man at ease."

Xia Xi asked, "What if the child grows up and asks his mother?"

Yuan Dao said, "I will say that his mother is dead, and I also hope that you can keep it secret, and this time I have merged the mighty Emperor Orb, and I will give you a part when I go back, which will be of great benefit to you. ."

Yue Duo smiled, "Thank you Brother Yuan!"

He Luo said embarrassedly, "Big Brother Yuan, we didn't help you at all!"

Yuan Dao smiled and looked at the crowd and said, "This time you can risk your lives to save me. That's enough. I may have to trouble you to help me raise children in the future."

Shi Wu smiled and said, "He is your child, we will definitely treat him well."

Yuan Dao is in a better mood, "The child is already very hungry, I will go to find the fierce beast, you are here waiting for me to come back."

Several smiled and nodded.

Yuan Dao gave the child to Xia Xi, and Xia Xi smiled and hugged the child, and a few people also came around, showing a smile. This child will also be their child in the future.

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