MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3377 The Sea (Part 2 of the Lord’s Killing the World)

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   Volume One Chapter 341

   The handsome man turned pale when he thought of something, and immediately turned and ran away.

   Zhao Fu smiled and stretched out his hand to grab it. A powerful force turned into an invisible big hand and grabbed the handsome man.

  The beautiful woman looked at Zhao Fu with a pale face. She also understood that Zhao Fu's identity was terrifying, and she did not dare to escape.

   Zhao Fu caught the handsome man in front of him and asked, "What method did you use to leave the palace?"

   The handsome man said coldly, "I won't tell you!"

   Zhao Fu chuckled, "I ask for trouble!"

   A force began to erode the handsome man. The handsome man felt a sharp pain, and soon begged for mercy, "I said, I said, don't continue."

   Zhao Fu smiled and stopped.

   The handsome man took out a token and said, "I just leave through it!"

   Zhao Fu took the token and took a look, and then knocked the handsome man to the ground. Zhao Fu looked at the beautiful woman.

   The beautiful woman said pitifully, "My lord, please don't kill me, I can do everything."

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then you can't hurry up."

   Upon hearing this, the beautiful woman looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, and immediately came to serve Zhao Fu on her own initiative.

   Two hours later, Zhao Fu stopped and looked at the beautiful woman and said, "What's your name?"

  The beautiful woman said charmingly, "My name is Haizhu. I really like you, my lord, so I don’t need anything."

   Zhao Fu chuckled, "Well, I know, but I'm here for today, I still have things to deal with."

   Haizhu said, "My lord! Is there a place I can help you?"

   Zhao Fu said with a smile, "No, you wait here obediently until I kill that Sea King and take control of this territory."

   Haizhu nodded, "I believe that the adults will be successful!"

   Zhao Fu smiled at the clothes on the bed and left the area.

   Haizhu also put on his clothes, looked at the handsome man lying on the side, smiled slightly, did not look at it, and felt obsessed with Zhao Fu in his heart. The handsome man could not compare with Zhao Fu at all.

   Coming to the vicinity of the palace, Zhao Fu tried with the token, and found that the surrounding restrictions and formations did not respond to the token. Zhao Fu took this token and turned into nothingness without encountering any obstacles to enter it.

   finally came in, Zhao Fu showed a slight smile and flew directly inside the palace.

   The sea king in the palace is lying on the bed, his breath is a little weak, and there are many soldiers guarding him at the door.

   Zhao Fu sneaked into the room silently, and everyone at the door didn't notice anything.

   Coming to the sea king's bed, Zhao Fu took out the sword and slashed towards the sea king on the bed. At this moment, the sea king was surprised, stretched out his hand, the arm was chopped by a sword, blood flowed out, and the sea king let out a scream.

   Zhao Fu stabbed the Sea King with a sword.

   Sea King hurriedly avoided.

   The people outside the door still had no one to judge, because Zhao Fu had already shielded his voice and things before he did it.

   Sea King looked ugly, "How did you break in?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Does it make sense for you to ask?"

   Sea King exudes a wave of power, hitting it hard with one palm, and a huge palm hit Zhao Fu with a strong wind.

   Zhao Fu forcefully slashed with a sword horizontally, and a black sword light cut open the palm of his hand.

   Sea King immediately ran into the window, trying to break the window and escape.

   Zhao Fu stretched out his hand, a force surged out, blocking the front of the sea king, and the sea king rammed Zhao Fu's power wall, unable to break this wall of force.

   Sea King yelled, exuding a stronger force.

  Zhao Fu came to Sea King's side and stabbed Sea King with a sword. Sea King rolled to the ground in a awkward manner, avoiding Zhao Fu's attack. The current Sea King does not have the kind of prestige that he had on the ship before.


   A sword sounded, Zhao Fu's sword waved, and a black crescent cut the Sea King flying out.

   Sea King stood up and wanted to run.

   Zhao Fu caught up with him, a sword pierced the heart of the sea king, and a generation of sea kings fell.

   Solved the Sea King, Zhao Fu picked up his storage ring, looked briefly at it, then put it away, and left this place.

   To solve the most important Sea King, then only need to control a few generals, then Zhao Fu can control this area.

   However, to Zhao Fu's surprise, news of the death of Sea King spread soon after he left. The reason was that the queen went to see Sea King and opened the door to see Sea King's body.

   Territory is also in chaos.

   Zhao Fu thought for a while, returned to the palace again, and found the queen. The queen was tall, with a beautiful face, and she was wearing a blue and white palace dress. She looked very watery and her name was Hailing.

At this time, Hai Ling's heart was in a mess, and she felt a lot of pressure. Hailing died, her son was gone, and her territory was in chaos. She wanted to stabilize the situation, but everyone did not follow her orders. Hailing has a kind of everything to be done. feel.

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Queen, I can solve this matter!"

   Hailing looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, "Who are you?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I am the one who killed Aquaman."

   Hailing said angrily, "You killed my man, and you dare to show up in front of me?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Queen, don't you think about the status quo? And your son is also in my hands. If you don't want him to die, be honest."

   Hailing snorted coldly, "What do you want to do?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "It's very simple, you let the people in the territory surrender me, and I don't bother to go to them one by one. If you don't want to surrender, then let me solve it."

   Hailing thought. Did not reply directly to Zhao Fu.

   Zhao Fu stepped forward and hugged her bluntly, and said with a smile, "Hurry up and give orders. After this time, I will not give you a chance."

   Hailing said coldly, UU reading www. uukā "I know, let me do it now."

   Zhao Fu turned around with satisfaction and pressed Hai Ling under him.

After hearing the Queen’s order, everyone knew that it was Zhao Fu’s hand. Zhao Fu could still kill the Sea King under such precautions. Everyone was very surprised, thinking that several territories were surrendered to him. Then they would resist. Meaning, I will lose in the end.

   Most of the people chose to surrender, but a small group were unwilling and planned to flee here.

   Hailing's face was ruddy, and she sat in Zhao Fu's arms and said, "I have done what you said, and where is my son now?"

   Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Someone will send your son back later."

   Hailing said, "There are things you promised me, I hope you can do it."

   Zhao Fu hugged Hai Ling and said with a smile, "Well, I know, I will not slaughter people in your territory, and I don't have that need. As for you, you are still a queen, and you will manage the territory in the future, okay?"

   Hailing leaned on Zhao Fu's shoulder, his expression softened.

Afterwards, many people who were willing to surrender to Zhao Fu came to the palace to visit Zhao Fu. After Zhao Fu accepted their abundance, he took some people to hunt down those who were not willing to surrender. Now they are the elements of instability. To resolve them quickly.


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