MTL - The Mad Cultivator-Chapter 39 Booty

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Chapter 39

"Boy! Wait for death!" Fan Jiuzi laughed wildly, waving his hands against the hole in the vine wall, hitting ice bombs constantly.

I saw that light blue flash of light flashed into the pitcher plant like a firefly. The ice bomb hit the wall and immediately condensed into a large ice cube. The temperature in the prison cage dropped instantly.

However, Ye Kong already had a way out of the cage. He lifted his palm, and a yellow paper spell appeared in his hand.

"Haha, the fourth layer of refining gas, I am also going to the middle stage!" Fan Jiuzhe was still daydreaming, throwing ice bombs into the hole like crazy, as long as he sucked Ye Kong's aura, he would advance. In the medium term, when the instrument is manipulated, the strength will increase greatly.

"Then I would congratulate Brother Fan in advance." Suddenly, a cold voice came from his side, Fan Jiushe felt so familiar.

Turning his head to look, the moonlight had just risen, and Bai Liang's clear glow spilled into this open space in the woods. A young boy in a blue shirt stood proudly, mocking his face.

"You ...!" Fan Jiuze's eyes widened unbelievably, and his fat face seemed to see a ghost, and said in his mouth, "How come out!"

Ye Kong ignored him, seizing the favorable opportunity, holding a dagger, and stabbing at the throat of Fan Jiu Snake ... Fan Ji snake had no defense or resistance, and the blade of the dagger drawn a weird arc in the dark night. , Disappeared in Fan Jiuji's thick neck.

Fan Jiuze's eyes were full of despair, unwillingness, and doubt before his death.

"Let you understand ... there is a kind of symbol called a wall-breaking symbol ... as long as it is a solid wall ..."

Ye Kong was afraid that the fat man would not die. He pulled and stabbed and stabbed and stabbed again ... in the moonlight, the blood was black and red, terrifying, and on the small grass, a dagger pierced constantly. Human voice.

I do n’t know how many stabs, Fan Jiu ’s head was separated from his body, his head fell to the ground, and he could n’t die anymore. Ye Kong was relieved.

He panted, sitting just to relax for a while, and saw the storage bag hanging on Fan Jiuji's waist.

"In the end, it's a stranger. It's not yet proficient in killing and winning treasure." Ye Kong rushed over and pulled the storage bag over.

There are not many things in the storage bag, but it makes Ye Kong ecstatic, because it is all he needs to cultivate a fairy bird.

First of all, the most striking thing is the small sword weapon, which is a good Chinese weapon, and it is also the first time Ye Kong has obtained the weapon. The moment he held the small sword weapon, Ye Kong also realized the mood of Fan Jiujie, "If you reach the fourth floor of gas refining, you can use it!"

Then, what attracted Ye Kong's eyeballs was the remaining spirit stone, which was wasted by Fan Jiu, and only four were left in the small black cloth bag. This was Ye Kong's first time. Get the spirit stone.

He was curious to bring a piece of black water-based spirit stone, about the size of fresh dates, flat square, polyhedron, a bit like extra large rock candy.

Ye Kong clenched the spirit stone, sucked the power, and a very pure water aura passed from the palm of his hand into the Qijing Eight Veins. This water aura was much purer and thicker than the aura in the air.

Ye Kong didn't dare to **** more, and quickly put the spirit stone back into the storage bag. What attracted his attention were two square bamboo buckets the size of green Mahjong.

Ye Kong guessed that this was the spiritual card that stored the recipes of the exercises, and quickly took one, pinched it in his hands, and explored with divine knowledge.

"Destroying the Dafa to capture the Dafa" is exactly what Fan Jiujih obtained from the remains of the ancient monk monk. Ye Kong took a brief look and found that it was basically useless to himself. He has practiced the Five Elements Ascension Sutra, and it is impossible to spend time rebuilding the basic exercises, and this brutal practice is too cruel, and the furnace tripod is hard to find. Ye Kong probably looked at it and put it back in the storage bag.

I looked at another spirit, and found that what was recorded in it was what Ye Kong needed most at the moment. There are several low-level magic spells, including fireball, ice bomb, quicksand, sky eye, and exorcism.

"I will never be an immortal cultivator anymore!" Ye Kong was so excited. These spells can be said to be his best harvest this time. After learning these spells, he has really set foot on the fairy path and is basically a mortal. Is invincible.

Ye Kong held the Ling cam and couldn't bear to put it back. He looked in the storage bag and found that in addition to the dried meat, there was a charm inside.

This rune is completely different from Ye Kong's yellow paper rune. This is a magic rune. It is the same width as the rune, but shorter in length. It is white, and I do n’t know what material it is.

The front of Fu is written in the ancient text of the Cangnan continent, "Spiritual Spiritual Formation".

"This is an array of symbols!" Ye Kong was shocked. This was also one of the items he was looking for. The name was the array method used to practice meditation, so that he would not need to worry about being interrupted when he practiced at home.

"No wonder everyone in this continent likes to kill and win treasures. It's really easy to come. Everything you need is available." Ye Kong laughed and went to the storage bag to see the booty.

But this time, no other valuable things were found, that is, a pile of silver piled in the corner of the bag, and it looked like two thousand and two.

Although there is a lot of silver, Ye Kong doesn't take it at all. As an immortal, what silver is he worried about?

Putting the array of symbols into the storage bag, Ye Kong could not wait to learn the fireball technique. With the spiritual mechanics, it didn't take much effort at all. In the time of a column of incense, he could send out a small fireball smoothly.

A few small fireballs were dropped on the body of Fan Jiu snake, and the body was immediately burned clean.

After Ye Kong cleaned the battlefield, he suddenly saw the pitcher plant still standing in the middle of the grass. He suddenly lighted up. "Since it is a low-grade spirit grass, isn't the juice in it just enough to make a magic charm?"

With this idea, Ye Kong took out the small sword again, and chopped into the pitcher plant for a while. It's just that Ye Kong can't chop the whole cage grass, so I have to chop as much as possible.

After chopping for a while, the side wall of the pitcher plant was cut down and divided into three pieces before it could be stuffed into the storage bag.

After finishing all this work, the moon is already empty, Ye Kong is worried about Nandu City, and dare not delay, hurry back!

At night, the woods were dark and there was no reference. It was easy to get lost, but fortunately, the horse of Fan Jiuji knew the way, Ye Kong rode on the horse and let the old horse go out of the wood.

He didn't know how long he had gone, and finally saw the red mangrove forest, and he was completely relieved.

The Cangnan continent is different from the earth. The plants here are not all grown by photosynthesis. For example, this mangrove tree is grown by aura. This tree is red throughout, and at night, it emits red dark light. , The whole forest looked as if it were on fire, looking at it, magnificent and brilliant.

"It looks like the color is fire aura. I don't know if it can be absorbed by the immortal?" Sitting on the horse Yekong, he folded a section of red branches and found that he couldn't absorb the aura at all. It's dim.

"It doesn't seem to work, otherwise those cultivators will be rushing to cut down the trees."

The woods are very big. It took two hours when I came in the morning, and it took about the same time to go out, until the moon went down, the sky was bright, and Ye Kong went to the edge of the mangrove.

Before leaving the woods, I saw a lot of people walking slowly in the woods. Ye Kongning looked at it, and it turned out to be Ye Family soldiers.

"Liu Changqing!" Ye Kong shouted, welcoming him up.

When the relatives saw Ye Kong, they cheered. "Master eight is back!" The sound of waves passed out.

On the prairie, the girl standing in the middle of thousands of candle grass heard the news and suddenly shouted "Brother Ye Kong!" Rushed in the direction of the voice.

Ye Kong stepped off the horse and stepped out with Liu Changqing side by side, listening to him telling the situation of the South Capital.

In the morning, Ye Kongang and Fan Jiushe left the city. Someone came back to report there. The Lu family brothers joined Liu Changqing and his soldiers immediately surrounded the family's residence. They had already made it clear that Fan Jiulong did not go to Zangchun Tower this day, but there were many masters of martial arts in the Fan family's courtyard. If they attacked, they would be killed or injured, and they might have the involvement of Chengshoufu during the day.

Although Nandu Chengshou is the one arranged by Ye Haoran, it can't be too much, and he is not familiar with Ye Kong at all, they may not give face.

However, Ye Kong had already thought of this, and let Lu Qin sneak in with an invisibility, opened the back door of Fanfu, and everyone killed him.

Lu Qin's little girl was also daring, and took advantage of the invisibility and wall penetrator to enter the hall where Fan Jiulong was located, trying to rob him. But who knows that Fan Jiulong has been more mindful since the last assassination attempt by Ye Kong, and has set up an organ behind his seat. As soon as he steps on it, there will be a net bag to catch people.

Lu Qin's little girl didn't pay attention ~ ~ stepped on it, but fortunately, she followed Ye Kong to learn a lot of shadow dance martial arts, and turned over and popped out before the net bag closed.

The frightened Fan Jiulong and his subordinates knew that they were coming. They slashed in the house with swords and slashed. The little girl was almost injured, but in the end, she stuck a deity rune on Fan Jiulong's forehead and ended the battle.

"Very capable." Ye Kong said with a smile.

"Yes, the little girl did a great job this time." Liu Changqing nodded, and then whispered to Ye Kong, "Master Eight, her charms are really amazing, is she a fairy, can you let the little Bailu girl Where is the teacher? "

"Worship her as a teacher?" Ye Kong laughed. As soon as he looked up, he saw Lu Qin stepping on his calf, and Xiao Lu ran at the same time. He laughed. "Then you should tell her yourself."

"Brother Ye Kong ~" The little girl was worried all night. At this moment, when she saw Ye Kong, she was so excited that she rushed over without shyness. She rushed to the front and found Liu Changqing and others standing next to her. Lu Qin stopped the car again. .

Looking at the pretty face of the little girl, there were still a few teardrops of excitement, and she even determined that she would not provoke her, and there was an unending ripple in her heart.

"Liu Changqing obeys orders! Turn backwards!" Ye Kong yelled.

Liu Changqing laughed. "Back to the generals, the enemy is fierce. The young people are not a general. They are simply left for the general to attack. I will go back to camp and cook."

"That's not going yet."

"Haha, brothers, go to Zangchun Tower, Master Eight treats."

The soldiers heard that Zangchun Tower ran away in a blink of an eye. Ye Kong opened his sleeves and made a hug gesture to Lu Qin.

The little girl blushed, lowered her head for a while, and finally resisted the temptation of her sweetheart's chest. She stepped forward and gently hugged Ye Kong.

"Well, sin, I've fallen in love too."