MTL - The Mage Behind the Scenes From the Twin Cities-Chapter 536 Both sides reach a consensus

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The Asgarth sailed into Bilgewater as scheduled.

In addition to the usual practice, Bilgewater arranged the pirate cultural experience activities, and did not cause too much waves in peacetime.

The Asgarth has sailed several times, and this arrival didn't make much of a splash in Bilgewater.

Speaking of the only movement, which was Sivir's visit, Sarah's pressure increased a little more.

When Seraphine lost contact, Sarah had a discussion with Ziben who was far away in Ionia overnight, and only then did she analyze a feasible plan to deal with Sivir.

At the top of Bilgewater Bay, at the refurbished Doom Hotel, a special treat is unfolding.

Sarah raised the wine glass in her hand, facing Sivir on the opposite side of the table:

"Captain Sivir, welcome back to Bilgewater once again!"

She did not refer to Sivir's current identity, but instead mentioned the identity of the other party's ascension pirate group before Bilgewater.

"Queen Sarah, it is an honor to meet you in a different capacity."

Sivir smiled slightly, but did not react too radically, but drank the wine after toasting.

For her, everything except money is empty.

Sarah, who knew this, just smiled and drank the wine.

Sivir is highly profitable, this is a fact that everyone knows.

And it just so happened that after getting Ziben's advice, Sarah could better understand what Seraphine and Bilgewater needed more.

For Seraphine, as long as she is a good manager, it doesn't matter how she becomes, as long as she can help Seraphine with some trivial matters.

And Bilgewater, as Seraphine said, has never been more important than how many Trefary coins you earn each year.

"I wonder if Captain Sivir got what he wanted in Piltover?" Sarah smiled slightly.

"I talked to them about the dispatch of demigod-level combat power, but unfortunately we didn't talk about it." Sivir had a pity on his face.

She didn't care at all that the other party knew what she had talked to Piltover.

According to Sivir's knowledge of Noxus, as long as the authority is high enough, all information is transparent.

It is a coincidence that neither she nor Piltover's speaker, Mel, can only hide it from Sarah at most, and it is almost transparent in front of Seraphine.

In this case, it is better to open up the words:

"Demigod-level combat power, empires generally limit battles at this level, you know... you guys have caused a lot of trouble in Runeterra recently." Sarah replied casually.

"Yeah, so I'm here for another thing."

Sivir smiled and said unhurriedly:

"Piltover is supporting the Vastayas, and you are supporting the Shadow Stream and the Equilibrium Sect. In this case, how about letting me take part?"

"Are you trying to give them labor, or do you want to give them force?"

Sarah raised her brows slightly and asked the people below to entertain the people brought by Sivir, while she took them to a quiet room.

"Force? Labor? I can't provide any of these." Sivir spread his hands.

She said it very bluntly, and it made Sarah think that the other party was joking.

But looking at Sivir's serious face, Sarah looked at each other suspiciously:

"Captain Sivir, do you want to take this interest in vain?"

"How could that be."

Sivir grinned and said in a relaxed tone:

"According to my understanding, the magic cube as an energy source is the bulk of the consumption of both parties, and it is also the main source of your interests."


Sarah raised her eyebrows slightly, motioning Sivir to continue.

Sivir picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured himself a glass, and said in a hurry:

"So, I'm responsible for providing you with cheap magic cubes, and you let my people eat a share of other goods in Ionia."

"Cheap magic cubes."

Sarah looked at Sivir in surprise.

She and Ziben both expected Sivir's words before, but this one thing was completely beyond her expectations.

"If I remember correctly, magic cubes are forbidden items in the empire, not as many as you want."

"Contraband indeed, but the crystals that make the blocks are really prohibited, not the magic blocks themselves."

Sivir said calmly, then replied:

"I made an agreement with the Empire through the Kekao family, Shurima will provide free mages for the Empire, they will be responsible for the production of magic cubes, and I will get a discounted price for buying magic cubes."

"Making the wealth of the empire?"

Sarah looked at Sivir with a half-smile.

Although it's hard to say who will make a profit and who will lose in the event of offering mages and discounts to buy magic cubes, ordinary people would not dare to do such behaviors as Sivir.

"The Empire never cares about these things, everything depends on strength." Sivir said bluntly.

"That's true, but Lord Seraphine wouldn't want such a stain." Sarah shook her head.

Sivir's plan can indeed save them a lot of benefits, which is much better than her initial idea of ​​using strength to force cooperation.

But that's the problem. A little money isn't what Seraphine and Bilgewater really need.

"So the cooperation can't be done?" Sivir frowned slightly.

She did not necessarily want to reach a cooperation, and the main purpose of this trip was just to express her position to Piltover and Bilgewater.

The meaning is very simple, she Sivir, for the greater good, wants to get involved in Ionia.

"The essence of cooperation is win-win for both parties. Compared with a simple magic cube, I think another solution is better."

Sarah shook the glass in her hand, but instead came up with another idea.

"What plan?"

As long as he has the money, Sivir doesn't mind other plans.

The previous magic cube was just a reason to make money.

Sarah took a sip of the red wine in the glass, UU reading www.uukanshu. com replied with a chuckle:

"Airway transportation along the coast of Shurima, and stewardship of the seas around Shurima, in exchange for all of Bilgewater in Ionia."

"All, are you sure?"

Sivir stopped what he was holding, raised his head, and looked at Sarah in surprise.

Based on what she knew about Ionia, this amount was not low. The monthly expenditures for the war were at least equal to half the sailing of the Asgarth.

As for Shurima's air transportation and sea area management, there is nothing and is worthless at all.

As far as Shurima's current situation is concerned, when it develops to shipping and oceans, I don't know what year it will be.

Sivir didn't care at all about the benefits.

As far as she is concerned, only what she gets is what really belongs to her.

"Deal! Everything at sea belongs to Bilgewater. Not only that, but if you want to build a port, I can help you for free."

Sivir smiled slightly and stretched out his hand.

It was said to be free help, but after the port was built, the additional income brought by Bilgewater was enough for Shurima to earn it back.

"No problem! The affairs of Ionia will depend on the strength of Captain Sivir."

Sarah smiled, reached out to hold Sivir, and the two sides reached a consensus.

For Bilgewater, the core industry has always been the ocean!

Having mastered the ocean, Bigilwater's status will be irreplaceable!

It seems that Bilgewater has given up the benefits that he has obtained, but Bilgewater is really not short of money now, but what is lacking is investment projects for the future.

And now, Sarah has found a new project...

Build the largest maritime transport network in Runeterra!


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