MTL - The Mage Behind the Scenes From the Twin Cities-Chapter 537 Teacher, I have business!

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Immortal fortress, floating castle.

Seraphine, who was listening to the discussion between the two teachers, suddenly moved her eyes slightly.

As if receiving some information, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ryan, who was discussing how to use magic to break through the true **** level, also glanced at Seraphine with slightly smiling eyes.

Instead, only Syndra was still thinking about the feasibility of Ryan's plan:

"Soul, magic, and flesh are the cornerstones, and the world's runes are the keys to break the bottleneck, which is theoretically feasible."

"But the premise is that all three have to reach their peak, and the world rune has a glimmer of hope to break the bottleneck." Ryan shook his head.

This is the plan he wants to do, and it is what he has been preparing for these days.

But for now, both he and Syndra only have the magic power up to the standard, and the other two are a little worse.

It is for this reason that numerous proposals have been discussed.

How to strengthen the effect of the world runes, or how to strengthen one's body and soul, or how to have no tricks, this is the focus of their discussion.

"Teacher, didn't you say before that as long as you reach the extreme, you can break through the true god?" Seraphine asked ignorantly.

"This is the road that all the predecessors have traveled."

Ryan smiled and explained:

"But there is a difficulty in this road. Either the magic power is as vast as Orion, or the soul devours billions of tenacity like Morde Caesar, otherwise it is impossible to break through."

"As for the physical body... Even if it is as hard as Aoun, the **** of casting, it is still a little short of that realm."

"Onn, the **** of forging, is the oldest demigod of the Freljord." Seraphine asked curiously.

Ryan nodded lightly: "The Anivia you met before has a certain relationship with him."

"This way... That teacher's three-in-one way is essentially another trick." Seraphine was stunned.

Hearing this, Ryan glanced at her dumbly:

"It's not a coincidence. Reaching the peak in all aspects may be more difficult than a unilateral breakthrough. It's just two different paths."

"It's all complicated." Seraphine looked away and muttered softly.

Although she can reach the strength of a demigod at any time with the help of the will of life, but in essence, she has just touched the road to the advanced demigod, and she is still very far away from the true god.

"This matter has nothing to do with you for the time being."

With a smile on his face, Ryan reached out and tapped Seraphine's forehead:

"It's not that you want to hide things, or you won't come to me."

"No way!"

Seraphine turned her head in embarrassment, but she seemed to think of something later, and turned around with her head held high:

"Teacher! I'm here for business this time!"

"Things that can't be passed through the magic net?" Ryan came to some interest.


Seraphine nodded earnestly.

Ryan raised his brows slightly, motioning for Seraphine to continue.

On the boundaries of the Immortal Bastion, not even Auririan could spy on it.

"When I went to Shadow Island to deal with the space crack, I received news from the underworld!" Seraphine's face was solemn.

"Oh? It seems that the past idle chess has paid off."

Hearing the word underworld, Ryan's eyes opened slightly.

Even Syndra, who was next to him, was looking at him with interest at this moment.

The underworld is equivalent to Mordekaiser, and it is equivalent to something related to the true God.

"When I was in Shadow Island, I received news from Foyego. It was an undead under his command who passed through the space crack and transmitted pheromones through his soul," Seraphine said.

"Foyego said... he joined Mordekaiser's command." Seraphine looked ugly.

"Why?" Ryan asked.

Foyego and Mordekaiser have hatred, even if the strength of the two sides is not equal, but with Foyego's belief, there is no reason to join at all.

What's more, if they really joined, they wouldn't have sent news to Seraphine.

"The first time Isurde entered the underworld, he was already under the control of Mordekaiser." Seraphine said truthfully.

Hearing this, Ryan burst into laughter:

"Foyego should be about to be tortured insane."

This kind of feeling that the enemy controls the lover, can't take revenge and still wants to be aggrieved, is enough to torture Foyego every day.

Moreover, this style of behavior is very similar to the image of Morde Caesar in LeBlanc's mouth.

For thousands of years, LeBlanc's fear is not only Mordekaiser's power, but also his violent and tormenting character.

"Foyego's mental state is not bad. Judging from his soul, he seems to have a high fighting spirit." Seraphine looked strange.

"It seems that he thinks that he has a good chance of success. He should not only talk to you about the current situation."

Ryan knew that such a trivial matter was not worth a trip by Foyego himself.


Seraphine nodded and said with a sad face:

"There is another very important thing. Due to the battle between Protoss and Shurima, the space wall is getting weaker and weaker, and Mordekaiser has found the most vulnerable point in space."

Saying that, she looked at her teacher with hopeful eyes:

"Teacher, can you find that spot?"

"The most vulnerable point connected to the underworld..."

Ryan frowned slightly, his eyes turned dark blue, and at the same time mobilized the computing power of the empire's large database, UU reading www. begins a scan of the entire Runeterra.

It's just a rough scan, and he's fast.

In just a few tens of minutes, he had already scanned Runeterra thoroughly.

But helplessly, he didn't know which vulnerable point Seraphine was talking about.

It's not that he can't find it, but that the outer wall of the current Runeterra space is already riddled with holes, and in his eyes, almost all of them are loopholes.

If he was in Mordekaiser's place, he shouldn't be in the underworld right now, but...

Ryan's face was strange, his eyes moved slightly, and he closed his eyes suddenly.

The big map of the entire Rune Land was spread out like a plane in his mind.

Valoran in the center, Demacia in the west, Freljord in the far north, and Noxus in the east.

Shurima Continent in the south, Targon in the west, Shurima Empire in the middle, Zuan Piltover in the northeast, Ixtar in the east, Icathia in the southeast.

The Ionian mainland in the east, the island of Feilor, Port Lane, Navoli, and Baloo in the west, Kuzan, Shangzan, Lalin, Ulin and Kuilin in the east, and Zhiyun and Turin in the south.

South of Ionia, first the Bilgewater Islands, then the Shadow Isles...

There are dozens of places in Runeterra that he can't explore.

Some are special environments, while others are artificially shielded like Frostguard Fortress...

"There are many suspicious places, and it is impossible to determine where they are in a short time." Ryan shook his head slightly, "The possible places have been placed on the magic net, and people have been ordered to investigate."

"Hope to find out..."

Seraphine looked worried.

Even Ryan had no way of knowing the exact location, which made her understand how tricky it was.


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