MTL - The Mage Behind the Scenes From the Twin Cities-Chapter 538 You are so hidden...

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After coming up with a high-potential conjecture, Ryan took Seraphine to the Trifali Chamber.

"A seat?"

Seraphine blinked, looking at a seat behind the chairperson's seat, with a stage-like pattern on her face.

Seeing Orianna nodding, Seraphine smiled and sat down politely.

It was also the first time since becoming a member of the Trifali Assembly Hall. After so many years, I have also become a member of the Council.


Orianna looked suspiciously at Ryan, who was seated in the seat. Only Seraphine returned, and the appearance of Ryan's body also made him feel unusual.

Combined with the search order issued by Ryan, it always makes a good association.

"I haven't seen the teacher for a long time, see you again dear teacher!" Seraphine's face was full of smiles. "Of course, I will also report some important things by the way."

"Heavy things..."

Orianna keenly felt that things were not ordinary.

"How's the preparation on Blitz's side?" Ryan asked.

"Theoretically, the pheromone has been collected, and the accumulated amount is 105%," Orianna replied.

100% of the empire believes that the threshold of true god-level energy makes Blitz super-level, and the minimum limit is 105%. It is best to collect about 110% according to the original plan.

"What about the physical construction?" Ryan asked again.

"Because Councilor Ezreal Katarina's mission has been completed very well, the core project has been built." Orianna.

The core of Blitz, combined with countless shell crystals and empty magic crystals, finally constructed a giant energy core.

As far as the amount of energy it can store, it far exceeds the limit of the true **** level.

Even in order to stabilize the energy transmission between each other, the world rune-green is also fixed at the core as a temporary fusion agent.

"Call its members and the vice president, and the plan is officially launched!" Ryan said solemnly.

Orianna's eyes flashed in surprise, and now she started planning an adventure, but Ryan said so, obviously something changed.

Even, it has come to the point where the empire must immediately embrace the true god.


Orianna didn't ask any questions, but instead passed all the information about the call.

After a while, a phantom appeared in the parliamentary hall.

First, the seat of the vice president, Swaindraius appeared.

Followed by Camille, Morgana, LeBlanc, Vlakilmi, Katerina, Delevingne...

A figure appeared in the parliamentary hall and instantly filled the empty parliamentary hall.

Facing Su's gaze, Ryan said plainly:

"The plan is launched, and you need to dedicate your strength to protect Noxus during the turmoil of the magic net!"

Everyone in the seat didn't say a word of nonsense, and they all knew what was going on.

Except for Xerath Acacia, who is in charge of monitoring the void, all the tasks that he is responsible for.


The rotten fortress was empty, and at the center of the black gate of Noxus, a seven-colored light suddenly burst out.

"The plan starts, and Victor is responsible for the normal docking of the core."

The moment Orianna's voice fell, the two souls and spiritual power were attached to the Noxus Black Gate, stabilizing the burst of energy.

The colorful light emitted by the black gate, like a rainbow bridge, began to connect with the floating islands.

The energy core made for Blitz was placed inside the Black Gate Floating Island.

The pheromone from all directions was stored on a floating island, and the normal operation of the magic net was maintained with the help of the energy source of Ryan's residence.

click! click!

In the sky, energy and pheromones converged wildly, and began to absorb the energy of the entire Runeterra by itself.

This level of energy change easily attracted the attention of the demigod.

The demigod of the Freljord maintained his usual three-pipe style, and withdrew his gaze after only one glance.

On the side of Ionia, the ancient demigods fighting at the intersection of the spiritual and material planes felt the energy fluctuations from the heart of Runeterra, and they all exuded a feeling of joy.

And Noxus exudes the most impact of fluctuations, but the plane of Protoss.

Judgment Protoss suddenly raised his head and stared in Noxus's direction:

"Damn! Power... Noxus promotion!"

Many demigods are aware of the fact that Noxian creatures are promoted to true gods.

As the enemy of Noxus, the Protoss realized at this moment that Noxus was confused.

There was no time to care about Shurima's Ascension God, and Yi's perception attack rushed towards Noxus.

If Noxus' actions are stopped, then it's all over.

The Ascension God, who originally fought with the Protoss, also opened the distance in an instant, allowing the Protoss to get out of the battle and switch targets.

The pressure has been very high recently, and it is almost impossible to lose.

Now the Protoss is aiming at Noxus, happy to sit and watch the fights on both sides.

And by heart, Aatrox did not want a true **** in Noxus.


Inland Valoran.

Suddenly, the aura of at least a dozen demigods bloomed, directly facing the attack of the Protoss.

"Justice! Why betrayed the Protoss!"

"Justice exercised is always in Rune Land, what about betrayal!"

In the sky, a tyrannical breath intertwined with each other, accompanied by some space-to-space dialogues.

The sea between Shurima and Valoran has undergone drastic changes because of the demigod-level hedging.

The sky and the ocean were completely torn apart, the energies of various colors were intertwined, and the space was even broken.

And because of the collision, the space crack of the void underworld was torn open again, and a tyrannical breath burst out from it.

But at the same time, Swaindraius was oppressed by two earth-shaking auras.

Darius sits in the northern part of using his own void ability, forcibly suppressed the cracks opened by the void monitor, and suppressed the entire north alone.

In the eastern part of Noxus, the empty space of Lane Harbor showed the ghost of Swain's giant demon, and the black and red energy filled the air of Ionia and even Bilgewater.

Any space cracks that dare to appear in the area will be smoothed out in the first room.

"Two pinnacle a promoted one...Noxus, it's so hidden..."

Aatrox stared in the direction of Noxus with deep fear in his eyes.

The strength that Noxus is showing now, although the number is still as high as that of the peak Shurima, but the real peak combat power is already stronger than the peak Shurima.

Even at the peak of Shurima, there was only one peak demigod and several high-level demigods.

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Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Eighth You Are Really Hidden... Free Read. https://