MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 13

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On the way back, a group of educated youths had relaxed smiles on their faces. Some of them said that Song Cun was easy to talk to, some said that Song Cun was easy to get along with, and some said that the Song family was pretty nice.

Zheng Boyuan added with a smile: "Most people in Songjia Village are pretty good. We are lucky to be educated youths in Songjia Village."

As far as he knew, several female educated youths in several nearby villages had been abused, but nothing like this happened in Songjia Village.

"Yes, they are all good."

One of the older male educated youths said that the male educated youth is Xu Changming, the oldest of the group of educated youths. For ten years, he could not endure the long and lonely days, so he married a wife in the village. When the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination came, he was very disturbed. Anxious wife or daughter-in-law's family members prevent him from taking the college entrance examination.

Until I heard my daughter-in-law say to my father-in-law and mother-in-law: "Going back to the city is his desire, and getting into college is his only hope to go back to the city. I don't have much education, but I know that I can't ruin a person's hope. He is a man, and he is gone." Hope, what's the difference between ruining him? I can't ruin him just because I marry him. Even if he doesn't want me in the future, I can't do it. "

After so many years of living in the countryside, no matter how hard and tired he gritted his teeth and endured, he didn't let him shed a single tear, but at that moment he cried.

He saw a male educated youth in the next village who married a girl from the village. To prevent him from taking the college entrance examination, the girl's family and his family tore up his ID card. At that time, the male educated youth's shoulders suddenly collapsed. He is not a white-eyed wolf, such a good wife, a daughter-in-law who thinks of him in everything, a daughter-in-law who has shared hardships with him but has not enjoyed a day of happiness, how could he be willing to give up.

Song Cun caught up with them and handed the egg to Zheng Boyuan: "This is the egg you dropped."

Zheng Boyuan didn't answer, Zhou Jinglian stood up and said, "The eggs are for you."

Seeing that they didn't answer, Song Cun put a basket of eggs on the ground and said with a smile: "No need to send eggs, I will definitely get the materials for you."

He left after speaking.

Zhou Jinglian picked up the basket on the ground: "Shall I send it to him?"

Zheng Boyuan shook his head and said, "He won't accept it."

Zhou Jinglian looked at the egg in her hand and asked, "What about the egg?"

Zheng Boyuan sighed: "Whoever owns the egg, take it back."

When Song Cun returned home, Mrs. Song asked, "Did you return the eggs?"

Song Cun hummed, "They don't want it, I put the basket on the ground."

Mrs. Song nodded: "That's good. It's just helping to buy some review materials, how can I ask for other people's eggs."

Song Cun smiled and said nothing. Grandma didn't know the importance of the review materials to them. As long as they could get the review materials, let alone a basket of eggs, it would be two baskets. I believe those educated youths would also give them.

Back at school, Song Cun asked the teacher about replying the materials. The school did, but there were so many students in the school, it was impossible to divide the materials. After a lot of effort, Song Cun used the school's mimeograph machine to mimeograph a few copies of the materials and books. It happened that the production team leader came to the county to do business, so he helped him take them back. As for how they distributed the materials, Song Cun Can't manage that much.

The educated youths received the information like a treasure, and their gratitude to Song Cun cannot be expressed in words. They thought that even if Song Cun could help them get the materials, they would have to wait until the weekend to get them. They didn't expect that he would ask the captain to help them bring the materials back. The time for the college entrance examination is on December 11th and 12th, but it will take more than a month to take the college entrance examination. If I get the materials a week later, I don’t know how much progress will be delayed. They are even more grateful for Song Cun’s thoughtfulness. This is a major event related to their lives. With these books and materials, their chances of being admitted to college have increased by a few percent.

Song Cun's participation in the college entrance examination was not publicized. Only Grandpa Song and his grandparents knew about it. Even Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua didn't know about it, and they didn't deliberately hide it. If I haven't finished my studies, even if I want to go to university in the future, I will wait until next year. Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua didn't know that Song Cun not only took the college entrance examination, but also entered the university until Song Cun received the admission letter from the Provincial Agricultural University.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, there was no work in the fields, and they were all squatting at home. When they heard the news, the couple ran to the next door.

Song Cun was admitted to university?

Song Zhiwen was full of astonishment, how could Song Cun be admitted to university? He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe that Song Cun could be admitted to university. He grabbed Song Xiaomi's arm next to him: "Second brother really got admitted to university?"

Song Xiaomi pulled his arm away and looked at him with disdain: "Do you think that the second brother has such poor grades in your studies? For him, it is not easy to enter the university. With your grades, you will be the only one in your life. I have no hope of going to university."

Ever since she entered junior high school, there were many places to spend money. Song Zhiwen didn't like her, thinking that she robbed his things, and felt that all the money in the family should belong to him. It's beautiful to think about, and his parents are not his parents alone, so why should he only spend the money earned by his parents?

Song Zhiwen's face was gloomy: "I can't pass the college entrance examination, can you pass the entrance examination?"

In his heart, he didn't want his brothers and sisters to get into trouble, but these brothers and sisters opposed him everywhere, even the gods couldn't bear it.

Song Xiaomi said contemptuously, "It's better than you."

Song Zhiwen snorted, "Let's talk about it after you pass the high school entrance examination!"

Song Xiaomi retorted: "I'm sure I can get into high school, but I don't know if you can get into high school. It took three years to get into junior high school, but I don't know how many years it will take you to get into high school? I don't know if Dad wants to." Willing to let you take the exam?"

Song Zhiwen was as gloomy as water, "Even if you are admitted to high school, you may not be able to."

Song Xiaomi curled her lips: "As long as I can pass the exam, I can go to school. If my mother doesn't support it, my father will." After she finished speaking, she ignored Song Zhiwen, but turned around and went to her grandparents' house to get into college. I'm also happy, I don't know how many people envy me when I tell it.

Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua arrived at their parents-in-law's house. Song Dazhuang stepped forward, looked at Song Cun and said happily, "Show me your admission notice."

Mr. Song glared at him and said, "What are you looking at? What if it is torn?"

Song Dazhuang faltered, and said awkwardly: "Then I haven't read the university admission letter, is it rare?"

Song Cun took out the admission notice and handed it to Song Dazhuang, saying, "Look!"

Song Dazhuang took the admission notice carefully, held it and read it again and again, before he finished it, Zhang Xiaohua came over and said, "Let me see, let me see!"

Song Dazhuang didn't give it to her, "What's the rush, I haven't finished watching it yet!"

Zhang Xiaohua glared at him: "You should hurry up and see!"

After the couple finished collecting Song Cun's university admission letter, they carefully handed it to Song Cun reluctantly.

Song Dazhuang looked at Song Cun, his heart was full of pride, all the face lost by the younger son was recovered by the second son. He was so proud, thinking triumphantly, his son is the only college student in the village, who wouldn't envy him?

Song Dazhuang turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaohua: "After the New Year's Eve, Ercunzi is going to go to college. This year's cloth ticket is not yet used. Hurry up and make him new clothes. He will wear them when he goes to college. I'm a college student, so I can't wear clothes that are too shabby."

The cloth ticket Zhang Xiaohua at home was originally reserved for Zhiwen. She hesitated for a while, thinking that now Song Cun was admitted to university and needed cloth tickets even more, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's time to make new clothes, it's time to make new clothes."

She never dreamed that she, Zhang Xiaohua, could give birth to a college student. Waking up with a smile in a dream. Although this son is not close to her, he is too proud of her. As for cloth tickets, Zhiwen makes new clothes every year, so it's okay if he doesn't make them this year, since the clothes are enough to wear.

Song Cun smiled and said nothing. It was the first time his parents offered to make him new clothes, and he would never refuse no matter what the reason was.

The old man looked at his son with satisfaction and said, "You are still a father today."

It is rare for Song Dazhuang to be praised by his father, but why is he so unhappy in his heart? What does it mean that he is still a father today? Wasn't he a father before?

There are so many educated youths in the village, and only two college students, Zheng Boyuan and Xu Changming, were admitted. The rest failed the exam. The heroine Zhou Jinglian also failed the exam.

After all, there is only more than a month of review time, so it is not surprising that they did not pass the exam. They believe that they will be more confident when they take the exam next year.