MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 74 Don't be a prodigal son 2

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After dinner, Mother Song went out and found a bottle of medicine from somewhere, and she insisted on rubbing it on Song Cun. It was refreshing and comfortable. Song Cun asked her, "Where did you get the medicine?"

Song's mother didn't raise her head, and continued to apply the medicine on him: "Your seventh uncle's family found it, and it specializes in treating bruises. You can't do it without applying medicine to your leg. I wanted to go to your seventh uncle earlier and ask him to give it to you." Look, your third aunt next door said he was not at home. When I was carrying firewood, I saw him come back, so I went to find him. Although there are not many people looking for your seventh uncle to see a doctor, he is very good. Especially The medicine for bruises was prepared by himself, it is said that it was passed down from the ancestors."

Song Cun said with a smile: "It's very comfortable to wipe, it should be useful."

Song's mother gave him a white look: "It should work, it must work. You sprained your leg when you were a child, so ask him for some medicine, and it will be fine in two days."

Song Cun said: "This medicine is very good, how much is it? Buy two bottles and keep it at home, just in case."

Mother Song showed a smug smile on her face: "I bought two bottles to keep at home. Do you think anyone can buy it? Only people in our village can get medicine from him, and he doesn't care about people from other villages. Your medicine I exchanged it with a jug of wine, and he wouldn’t have exchanged it if your leg hadn’t been really injured.”

Song Cun just asked casually, if he couldn't buy it, forget it.

After Song's mother left, he began to watch the plot of this world. The heroine of this world is reborn. She was reborn after marrying Yuan. Not reborn.

After Yuan married the heroine in his previous life, the young couple got married for two years at the beginning of their marriage. The heroine became pregnant and gave birth to a child, and her body and appearance declined. After the freshness period, Yuan discovered that the daughter-in-law, who was as beautiful as a fairy, turned out to be ordinary People, so boring, are slowly being dazzled by the colorful world outside.

Because Song Jianjun is a soldier, the two elder sisters are well married, and the situation of the Song family is better than most other families in the village. The two elders of the Song family are partial to him, and they stick to him for all good things. The original body has always been generous to women, The little daughter-in-law and the widow all like to come to him, and he is not stingy, no matter what is fragrant, he will get involved. It was also because he hit his head during a fight, and was reborn when the eldest son was born.

The heroine was reborn with golden finger spring water, which can beautify the skin and keep the body healthy. During the confinement period, because of drinking the spring water every day, her face not only did not have pregnancy spots, but also became whiter, tenderer and rosier. She looks like a little girl, and her figure is also beautiful Not out of shape, even more plump and firmer than before, the whole person exudes a dazzling maternal brilliance, and being reborn again, there is another mystery.

Such a beautiful and charming woman is still his wife, and she felt a sense of pride in her heart. She felt that those women outside were so vulgar, even a hair of his daughter-in-law's hair, so she had the nerve to come to him, and she didn't think she was inferior . After going back, I will work harder to be nice to the heroine.

So after the confinement period, the heroine who originally wanted to divorce, saw what the original body did, and for the sake of the child, she became less determined to divorce.

The child is getting older day by day, and the heroine drinks the spiritual spring water every day, making her more radiant, and her whole body seems to be shining. In addition, she has a good eye for business, which has attracted the attention of many young men. The original body is also keen, aware that his wife has been very alienated from him since she gave birth, and seeing the man who surrounds her like a fly, how can he be in the mood to hook up with the wild flowers outside, while chasing his wife, while chasing her away The flies around me are too busy to touch the ground.

The eldest grandson is white and fat because he drank the milk from Lingquan, like a fairy boy. Anyone who sees him will praise him, and the daughter-in-law is capable. After giving birth, she tries to improve the situation at home. Knowing how to behave in the world, and being generous to the two elders, Song's father and Song's mother were very satisfied with their daughter-in-law, so the family was harmonious, and the heroine was gradually moved by the original body, and three years later gave birth to a second child. And the original body has also changed from a prodigal son in the previous life to a good husband who loves his wife in the eyes of the world.

Song Cun: "..."

After reading it, he just wanted to say that he deserves to be the male protagonist, he is loved by the author, and he is good at currying favor with little girls.

On the second day, after breakfast, everyone else went to the field, Song's mother urged Song Jianjun to go to the town to cut meat, Song Jianjun helplessly touched his empty pocket, and stood there hesitantly.

Mother Song saw that he was stunned and said impatiently: "Hurry up, after you come back, you can go to the field to do some work and help earn some work points. Xiaobao's leg is swollen from your beating and he can't go to the field. Work, you have to help him earn his work points."

Song Jianjun said: "Money"

Mother Song glared at him: "What money?"

Song Jianjun had a helpless face: "Didn't I give you the money and ticket for cutting the meat when I came back the day before yesterday?"

Mother Song snorted, "No money."

Song Jianjun: "How can I buy meat without money?"

Song's mother: "You find a way by yourself."

Song Jianjun frowned and stood there without moving.

Song Cun came out of the house, saw the mother and son standing there, and said: "Mother, it's the time of spring planting, and the family is very tired. Cut some meat, just cut some meat. Both adults and children in the family should eat it." OK."

Song's mother smiled, and looked at the eldest son: "Xiao Bao is still sensible and filial, unlike you who ask your mother to pay for cutting a piece of meat, which is not filial."

Song Jianjun: "..."

I didn't ask my younger brother to pay for it either.

Song Cun looked at the aggrieved and helpless elder brother, sympathized with him in his heart, and said, "Mom, elder brother gave you all the money and tickets, where did he get the money to buy meat? You can't let him borrow money to buy meat, right? If this is the case, the meat will not taste good after eating.”

Mother Song rolled her eyes at her little son, and said to herself, silly son, what do you know?

Song Jianjun glanced at his younger brother, unable to figure out what he meant, so he lowered his head and remained silent.

Song Cun hugged Mother Song's arm and said, "Mother, I want to eat meat, so hurry up and get the money and the meat ticket and let the eldest brother buy it."

Song's mother had always followed him, and glared at the eldest son, so she could only go back to the house to get the money and meat ticket, handed the money and meat ticket to Song Jianjun with a painful face, and gave him a hard look.

After Song Jianjun rode away on his bicycle, Song's mother said: "You are an idiot, your elder brother is a soldier outside, who knows how much money he has a month, and he said that if he has no money in his pocket, he has no money? He Now that I have a wife, do you really think he will give me all the money foolishly? Why don't you leave some for his wife? "

Song Cun said: "It's okay for the elder brother to leave some money for the elder sister-in-law? Shouldn't it be?"

Song's mother nodded his head: "What should I do? We have no separation, so he should give me his money."

Song Cun said: "Mother, do you know what it means not to suffer from widows but to suffer from inequality? What is flattery?"

Song's mother is not educated. Hearing this, she chuckled and patted his arm: "Your boy has only been in school for a few days, so let's take your mother for a spin. Knowing that your mother is not educated, you still tell her these things. It doesn't matter if you are ignorant or not." My mother doesn't know, and my mother doesn't know what flattery is, but it has nothing to do with your elder brother, your elder brother has selfish intentions and is unfilial."

Song Cun pulled her to sit down and said: "Mom, I know that you and Dad think that I am the youngest in the family, so you love me more, and I am also grateful for the love of my parents, but my brothers and sisters are also my parents' children. , if my parents blindly favor me, as time goes by, they will become cold-hearted and will not treat you, but will only be dissatisfied with me... The eldest brother is a soldier, the eldest sister is married to the production team leader next door, the second sister is married to the town, and the second brother-in-law is Workers, the second sister is also a temporary worker, and they are all promising, if they are dissatisfied, do you think I need to ask them for help in the future, will they be willing to help me?"

Mother Song's eyes sharpened: "They dare."

Song Cun said slowly: "When you are still alive, they naturally dare not. Then I can only pray for my parents to live a long life, no, a hundred years is not enough, at least one hundred and fifty years old, so You can still press them to help your little grandchildren."

Song's mother felt blocked, and glared at him angrily: "Are you sincerely embarrassing me? Who am I all for?"

Song Cun put his arms around her shoulders: "Mother, I know that you are all for me, I am really satisfied, but I don't want my brothers and sisters to be nice to me because of you, I want to make them willing Help me, so that they will not be dissatisfied with your partiality, let alone me, and you can enjoy your old age in peace, how good is it?"

Song's mother didn't say a word, but her heart was a little loose. She didn't have much education, but she had to admit that her son's words made sense. She knew in her heart that the elders, including the two daughters-in-law, were dissatisfied with the old couple's preference for Xiaobao, but this was their What's wrong with their youngest son? Besides, Xiaobao is their younger brother, and they should take care of him. She never thought there was anything wrong with it. Now that she heard her son's words, could it be that she was really wrong?

Thinking of the quarrels and quarrels among the villagers because of the partiality of the elderly, and even the beatings of her own brothers, she was not sure again.

Seeing that she was touched, Song Cun said, "Mother, do you think I can only live on other people's charity?"

Song's mother immediately said: "Of course not. You are so smart and sweet, how can you live on others' charity? Nonsense."

Any mother wants her son to be capable, and Song's mother certainly thinks so.

Song Cun said: "Look, if you have any good things, you want to bring them to me, and you will give me whatever I want. This way, it is easy to develop a bad habit of indolence and indolence. I think that as long as my brothers and sisters are around, even if I don’t do anything, my mother will let them take care of me, and I can eat and drink well. What do I still work hard to earn work points? At that time, I will definitely be with the village Like your little **** or bastard, doing nothing but causing trouble, mother, do you really want me to become such a person?"

Song's mother was taken aback, no one had ever said this to her, whether it was relatives or family members, they would only tell her, you can't spoil Song Cun like this, you will spoil him.

She didn't take it seriously, she just gave him something to eat and drink, and let him suffer less from the suffering they suffered when they were young. That was good for him, how could they spoil him? Besides, his older brothers and sisters are all good-for-nothing, so it's okay to be spoiled. For these words, she was not happy to hear them, and after hearing them, she would forget them.

Now hearing her little son who has been spoiled by her and has been hurting her so much told her so hard that if she favors him and protects him like this, she will turn him into a little bastard. I have to say that she feels wronged in her heart. She loved him so much, the younger son didn't understand her, but she knew in her heart that what the younger son said had some truth, and her views over the years were broken, which made her a little embarrassed.

Song Cun saw that she was uncomfortable, and said again: "Mother, I am your son, you are right to love me and love me, I didn't say you were wrong."

Song's mother was not very happy, she looked at her youngest son expressionlessly, sometimes he was right, sometimes he was wrong, and now she doesn't know what is right and what is wrong.

Song Cun said to her seriously: "But the way you love me is wrong, you should teach me how to rely on myself to survive in this society, instead of always thinking about relying on others, relying on others, relying on everyone Run, brothers and sisters all have their own small families, and they cannot always rely on me, so only I can be my own backer, and I can also be your backer when you are too old to move."

Song's mother's eyes were sore, a little wet, and other words could not affect her, even if her son said that he loved him and favored him and would make him a little bastard, she would be unhappy at best, and she would not feel deeply. After all, a son has parents and brothers, so how could he become a gangster?

But her son said that when they were old and would be their backer, for some reason, she couldn't bear it. In fact, she might not be ignorant of the shortcomings of the younger son. Subconsciously, she didn't think about relying on the younger son for the elderly. When he was still alive, he pressed the elders to take care of the younger son, hoping that they would also be able to take care of the younger son after a hundred years in the future.

But raising a son to look after their old age, they don't want their youngest son to be capable and be a backer for them.

After trying to understand some things, Song's mother felt very uncomfortable. After living a long time, her beloved son suddenly told her that she would not love children, even though she was partial to Xiaobao in her heart. Panicked, on the one hand felt that she had missed Xiaobao, on the other hand felt that being ripped off by Xiaobao made him uncomfortable as an elder, so he stood up and went back to the house silently without saying anything.

Song Cun looked at her lonely back, knowing that what he said hurt her, but he had to say it. He was not the original owner, and his parents' preference made him very embarrassed when facing the original body's brothers, sisters-in-law and nephews. Everyone has selfish intentions, the original brothers and sisters-in-law are already pretty good, if the parents go on like this, it will only cause family conflicts, which is not what he wants to see.

Song Jianjun came back from the fair with pork and snacks in his hands, saw Song Cun, and asked, "Does your leg still hurt?"

By the way, hand him snacks or something.

"Yesterday it didn't hurt very much, but it started to hurt when I woke up early this morning." Song Cun looked up at the snacks in his hand, but didn't pick them up, and said, "I really think I'm Song Dong and the others? Save these snacks for me. Let some nephews eat."

Song Jianjun raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that it is useful to be beaten down."

Song Cun curled his lips. If beating was useful, there would not be so many disobedient children. Some children become more rebellious the more they are beaten.

Seeing him roll his eyes, Song Jianjun said, "A little girl who stays away from her parents and comes to the village to become an educated youth is already uneasy. How can you make people live if you still tease him?"

Song Cunbai glanced at him: "What are you molesting a little girl? You didn't understand the specific situation at all, you are wronging me."

Song Jianjun let out an "oh", magnified the things in his hand on the table, sat down, and said in a leisurely way: "Then tell me, why did I wrong you?"

Song Cun snorted: "I have been with that girl for a while, I like eating meat so much, I gave her the meat ticket, and she accepted it, and later I gave her something, and she accepted it, we are talking about a partner , just pull her hand, so what?"

Song Jianjun frowned and asked him, "Is it true?"

Song Cun snorted: "Of course it's true. I want to look good, and my family's conditions are not bad, and I don't want to molest little girls. If I want to see someone, I must chase them with real skills."

I want to emphasize that I have never forced others.

Song Jianjun felt a little guilty when he heard what he said. He touched his nose: "Then I wronged you?"

Song Cun glanced at him sideways: "You must have wronged me."

Song Jianjun coughed: "Then, what are you going to do with that girl?"

"What else can I do?" Song Cun said angrily, "Yesterday I was beaten so badly by you, and she didn't say a word, didn't explain to me, and just ran away. Such a girl, even if she looks like a fairy, I will It’s not rare, but it’s a pity that I still have snacks for my meat ticket.”

Not to mention that he didn't intend to do anything to that girl at all, judging from that girl's character, he didn't intend to have anything to do with her anymore, not to mention that she wasn't the heroine, and he planned to let her go even if she was the heroine. It hurt people so badly, why should we be together again in this life.

It was rare for Song Jianjun to sympathize with the younger brother. Although the younger brother was not as tall and strong as he was, he was handsome.

That girl is the same, if you say you don't like your little brother, don't accept his things, you accept his things, he can't think that you are willing to talk to him, and the talker holds a small hand or something, just as he sees It was normal, but the educated youth girl resisted there, making him think that his younger brother was playing hooligans to moles the little girl, and kicked him, and the swelling in his leg has not subsided yet.

Thinking of this, his impression of the little girl dropped to zero. He glanced at his younger brother and saw that his face was immature, his eyes were clear, and he had a naivety that didn't know the world. What can I do if the girl cheats money and sex? Don't think that a man is not deceived, he is a soldier outside, and he knows the complexity of the human heart too well.

He stared at his younger brother for a few times, and Song Cun saw that his expression was complicated and difficult to distinguish, so he said impatiently: "Why do you keep staring at me?"

Song Jianjun returned to his senses and hurriedly said, "I didn't see anything."

It seems that I still want to find a way to find something for my younger brother to do. So as not to be deceived by women outside.

Song Cun glanced at him, but didn't pursue it. He glanced at the meat on the table, stood up, carried the meat, and limped to the kitchen.

Song Jianjun asked him, "What are you doing?"

Song Cun said without turning his head: "It's noon soon, it's time to cook."

Song Jianjun chased after him: "Do you know how to cook?"

Song Cun threw the meat on the chopping board, began to wash the pot, played with the pot, cooked the rice, and looked at Song Jianjun: "What are you doing standing there? Light up the fire!"

Song Jianjun glanced at him and smiled: "You kid called your brother?"

Song Cun didn't pay attention to him, he just beat the pork, cut it into pieces, picked up some potatoes, peeled them, washed them, and cut them into pieces. Although his movements were not swift, they looked decent.

Song Jianjun was sitting behind the stove lighting the fire, and was a little surprised when he saw his movements. He smiled and said, "Looking at your posture, you really know how to cook?"

Song Cun immersed himself in peeling the garlic: "That's for sure."

After peeling the garlic, he poured water into another pot and said, "The small pot is also on fire."

He just saw that on the table next to him, there was a bundle of sweet potato vermicelli, and he planned to mix it with hot and sour vermicelli.

This day, there were no small green vegetables. He saw carrots and lettuce next to him. He took the carrots and lettuce, washed them and shredded them, and boiled the water. For the potatoes, change the water and boil again, put in the vermicelli, cook the vermicelli, take it out and dry it, and then start frying the meat, the meat is almost cooked, pour in the potatoes, and put the seasoning.

A large bowl of Potato Roasted Pork was ready. Song Jianjun lit the fire, and smelling the aroma, he couldn't help drooling.

Others are also roasted pork with potatoes, and my younger brother is also roasted pork with potatoes. Why is it so delicious? He asked, "What seasoning did you put? Spices?"

Song Cun continued to mix hot and sour vermicelli, and he didn't raise his head when he heard his words: "Do we have that at home?"

I don't have that at home.

Song Jianjun sniffled: "Why is it so fragrant?"

Song Cun glanced at him: "Xiang shows that I am good at cooking, so why doubt it?"

Song Jianjun thought about it, and when he looked at the younger brother, his eyes changed. He always thought that the younger brother had no skills. He didn't think he was good at cooking, but he was mistaken. "When did you learn to cook?"

Song Cun glanced at him: "It still takes learning? Watch other people cook more, won't you be able to do it?"

Of course, he was fooling his elder brother by saying this. But he can cook, and can't find the source, that's all he can say.

Song Jianjun: "..."

The two brothers were talking, and the people working in the field came back. When they saw the two brothers in the kitchen, their eyes widened.

Song Jianjun's daughter-in-law Zhang Yuemei glanced at her man, and asked, "Why are you lighting a fire, Song Cun is cooking?"


Song Jianjun said: "Why can't I burn the fire? It's not burnt either."

Zhang Yuemei said in her heart, I didn't mean that either.

Li Juan, Song Huaimin's daughter-in-law, entered the kitchen with a smile, took a look, looked at the two dishes on the pot table, and asked, "Did you cook today? It looks pretty good, and there is meat, I didn't know before." Little brother still has this ability."

After entering the Song family, she always knew that her parents-in-law favored her brother-in-law, and that her work points were not as much as that of a woman, so she had opinions in her heart and dared not say anything. But I don't know that the uncle who is pampered by his parents, the uncle who just lays there and waits for food as long as he comes home from the field and does nothing, can cook? I have to say that this surprised her very much. She took another look at the dish and it looked good. Can I eat it? Will you have diarrhea?

Song Cun glanced at her: "Take the bowl, it's time to eat."

Li Juan came back to his senses: "Okay!"

Can I eat it? It’s all meat. I have to eat it even if I have diarrhea. I haven’t eaten meat for a long time. I’m so hungry.

After the bowls and chopsticks were brought to the dining table, Song Cun went to Mother Song's room, saw her lying on the bed, and shouted, "Mom, it's time to eat."

Song's mother lay still on the bed, and said: "You can eat, mother is not feeling well."

Song Cun said with a smile: "Mother, the eldest brother cut the meat. If you don't get up to eat the rice I cooked, the meat will be gone."

Song's mother had already smelled the smell of meat, but she still felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of her youngest son's words. She said, "I don't feel well, and I don't want to eat."

Song Cun smiled slightly: "Since my mother is not feeling well, I won't keep it for you. Anyway, my brother doesn't buy much meat. Alas, there are not many meat tickets at home, and I don't know when the next time I will eat meat. No, I'm drooling, I'm going to eat meat before they finish it all."

Mother Song thought angrily when her son left as soon as he said he would, this boy would be angry with her, but the dining table at home was in the main room, and her room was next to the main room, and bursts of meat smell rushed into her nose. I was hungry, smelling the smell of this meat, I couldn’t help swallowing, and after waiting for a while, I heard the old man asking his younger son: "Did you call your mother?" Then I heard Xiaobao say: "Yes, mother said she was not feeling well." , don’t want to eat.”

Song's mother was in a hurry, you **** boy, she was not feeling well, it was because you were angry, I didn't know how to yell a few more times, and then heard the old man say: "Since she is not feeling well, I won't keep this meat for her. It's hot now, so we don't want to spoil things."

Song's mother couldn't help kicking her feet, sat up all of a sudden, pulled on her slippers, and walked out. Seeing her, Song Cun immediately asked, "Mother, are you feeling better?"

Mother Song glared at him: "I'm going to the toilet."

After speaking, he strode out of the house and went to the back of the yard.

The people in the main room looked at each other in blank dismay, their mother wasn't there, they didn't go to the table, even the little nephews and nieces were obediently waiting in the yard.

Mother Song came back from the latrine, washed her hands, saw that they were all standing there without eating, and asked with a dark face, "What's wrong, don't you feel hungry without eating?"

Song Cun said with a smile: "Our family finally ate meat, but mother won't eat it. As children, how can we eat it?"

As he said that, he took her arm, pressed her on the stool, and stuffed the chopsticks into her hand before yelling at others to come to the table to eat.

When the little nephew and niece heard that it was time to eat, they rushed over and sat at their own small table.

Song's mother coughed: "If I feel uncomfortable after eating, I will come to you."

Song Cun put a piece of meat into Mother Song's bowl, and said with a smile, "Mother, try my cooking. If you feel uncomfortable after eating, you must come to me."

Thinking of the youngest son cooking for the first time, Song's mother didn't save his face, picked up the meat, and ate it. After eating, she said: "Mmm, it's delicious."

As for the others, whether it tastes good or not is all about meat. They haven't eaten meat for a long time, and they are not picky at all, so they eat it without being asked.

After eating the meat in her mouth, Song's mother glanced at a plate of meat on the table of her grandsons, opened her mouth to say something, thought of her son's words, she stopped again, and thought of a sentence her mother often said when she was alive. If you are deaf or dumb, you will not be a family member. She couldn't understand why Mother said that before, but now she understands a little bit. In order not to be annoying, let's say less.

Others ate the meat and couldn't help giving Song Cun a thumbs up, especially Song Huaimin. He swallowed the meat in his mouth and said regretfully: "I knew that Xiaobao's cooking is so delicious. I should have let Xiaobao eat it before." Bao cooks, after eating the meat cooked by Xiaobao, I really don’t want to eat the dishes made by Nizi again, what are those things?”

Song Nizi glanced at the second brother unhappily, no wonder her parents favored Xiaobao, as long as the stuffy temper of the elder brother, and the straight temper of the second brother, whoever it is, would choose the sweet-mouthed younger brother, she snorted: "If you think my cooking is not tasty, I will make it myself next time."

It's not that she didn't do the field work. She earns work points and cooks for the whole family when she comes back. The result is not good enough. She deserves it?

Song Huaimin frowned: "Why can't you tell the truth? The food you cook is not delicious."

Li Juan saw that his sister-in-law's expression was not right, and kicked his feet under the dining table. He frowned and said nothing. He wanted to say that the younger sister's cooking was not good, so he changed it so that he would not go to his in-law's house in the future and be disgusted by others. Why not? Let people tell the truth?

Song's mother also felt that the second son was a bit short-mouthed, so she shouted: "Eat as soon as you eat, what are you doing blindly? Xiaobao is a boy, can he cook for you all day long? Why is he so beautiful?"

After finishing speaking, she subconsciously looked at Xiaobao, and seeing that he didn't respond, she breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that her son would say that he favored him, would spoil him, cause dissatisfaction with her brothers and sisters, and make him a little bastard. These words made me feel very uneasy.

Song Cun didn't say anything. He felt that what the third sister said was quite right. They worked hard to cook for the whole family. No matter whether it was delicious or not, you should not talk too much when you cook the food waiting for food. You think other people's cooking is not good Eat, do it yourself.

Song Huaimin made a gesture of shutting up, not daring to say anything, eating meat is important.

Father Song squinted his eyes, ate the meat, glanced at his children and daughter-in-law, and said nothing.

Song Cun's leg was injured, and Song's mother didn't let him go to work in the field. She said: "Xiaobao's leg is injured, so don't go to work, do you have any opinions?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at the two daughters-in-law.

Zhang Yuemei and Li Juan shook their heads. Although my brother-in-law didn't work in the field at home, his cooking was delicious. To be honest, even if my brother-in-law went to work in the field, he wouldn't be able to earn much work points. His legs were indeed injured. Now, even if they feel that their parents are biased, they can't let the injured brother-in-law go to work in the field, they are not so cruel.

As for Song Jianjun, because he misunderstood his younger brother and injured his leg by kicking him again, it was too late for guilt and guilt, so he didn't dare to have any opinions, and he helped him work in the fields for several days to earn work points.

Although Song Cun stayed at home, he was not idle. He tried his best to do what he could, cooking, carrying firewood, sweeping the floor, cleaning and so on. After two days, his legs were almost healed. Well, now that his legs are healed, a young man must not be idle at home, he must go to work in the field.

Now I'm planting spring peanuts, raising cotton seedlings, raising sweet potato seedlings, and weeding the wheat fields. The work is casual, but I can't relax.

Song Cun is familiar with farm work and can do it, even better than the original body. On the first day of working in the field, he earned more work points than the original body.

After returning home, the house was cold and the stove was cold. Li Juan looked at Song Cun. These two days, her brother-in-law was cooking. She really didn't want to eat the food made by her sister-in-law. After all, it was really not good.

Mother Song noticed her gaze and snorted, "What are you looking at? Go back to your mother's house and ask your parents if there is any sister-in-law who asks your uncle to cook?"

Li Juan's face turned red, and she moved her feet uncomfortably. She also knew that what she did was wrong. Who told my uncle to cook so delicious food?

Although Song Cun can cook, he is not very strong. He has been working non-stop for a whole morning, and he is very tired. He just wants to rest when he returns home, and he doesn't want to go into the kitchen to cook. He said: "People It’s a lot of power, but it’s just a meal, you are responsible for washing and cutting vegetables, and I will cook them.”

When the others heard him say this, their faces were a little red. It is true that the younger brother has also worked all morning and is quite tired, but a meal, if everyone cooks together, it will be ready in a while. Thinking about it this way, those who light the fire light the fire, those who steam the steamed buns steam the buns, those who wash the vegetables wash the vegetables, and those who chop the vegetables chop the vegetables. It takes only half an hour for Song Cun to cook the vegetables after they have prepared everything.

Seeing this scene, although Song's mother subconsciously felt that the youngest son should not be allowed to cook, but since he wanted to, she didn't say anything. She always remembered the youngest son's words in her heart, and she couldn't be biased, and she couldn't make him become a gangster. Thinking about it this way, The family is friendly, which is not bad, at least the two daughters-in-law no longer whisper behind her back that she is partial, and the grandchildren are not as afraid of her as before.

After working for several days, the peanuts were planted, the cotton seedlings and sweet potato seedlings were raised, the grass in the wheat field and the rapeseed field were all hoeed, and everyone in the village was free.

Song Jianjun had a one-month vacation this time, and there was no work in the fields, so he went out to see his comrades.

Song Nizi was overwhelmed by her younger brother's cooking skills during this time, and Song Cun was of course willing to pull her younger brother to teach her how to cook.

Liu Meiyun from the educated youth spot hooked her head and kept looking outside. Seeing that no one was looking for her, she ran out of the educated youth spot and stood outside the educated youth courtyard. She looked and looked, but still saw no one. She frowned. I didn't go to work in the field today, why didn't Song Cun come to see her? She has eaten all the snacks in her hand

When the other educated youths saw Liu Meiyun's actions, they couldn't help curling their lips. They were very disapproving of her. They were carrying it earlier and didn't want to talk to her, but if you really don't talk to her, if they give you something, don't accept it. , not only want to collect people's things, but also put on a posture of looking down on others, obviously taking advantage of others to play with, although they also want to find someone to rely on here, but they will not do it so ugly.

Liu Meiyu stood at the door of the educated youth and waited for a long time, but she couldn't wait for anyone, so she couldn't help but walked towards Song's house.

Song Cun was teaching Song Nizi how to make spicy oil at home, and ran out of the kitchen because of choking. As soon as he came out, he saw Liu Meiyun at the gate of the yard. Without saying anything, he turned around and planned to go to the main room.

Seeing that he ignored her, Liu Meiyun was a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Song Cun"

Song Cun came back to his senses, and said expressionlessly: "What's wrong?"

Liu Meiyun pinched her skirt, pursed her lips, and asked after a while: "You, you, why haven't you come to see me these days?"

Song Cun took a look at her and said, "Why are you looking for me?"

Hearing this, Liu Meiyun's cheeks were flushed, and she was a little annoyed. She felt that Song Cun didn't know how to flatter her. Since she was chasing her, why did she stop chasing her? If you are so impatient, can you catch up with the girl?

She thought about Song Cun being kicked by his elder brother that day, did he get angry because of that? She couldn't help but blame Brother Song Cun, why are you doing so much? She asked: "Didn't you say earlier that the farming season is off and take me to the county to watch a movie?"

Song Cun frowned: "Then you didn't agree?"

Liu Meiyun: "..."

I didn't agree, won't you go on two more dates? After two more appointments, I couldn't resist and agreed.

Song Cun said again: "I sent you so many things, I thought you agreed to date me, otherwise why would you accept my things? That's why I took the courage to hold your hand that day. I didn't expect you to resist so much. I was kicked by my elder brother, since you don’t want to be with me, don’t do things that make me misunderstand, I’m almost eighteen years old, and I still want to marry a wife.”

Liu Meiyun's face was a bit ugly, and she was also annoyed with Song Cun in her heart, but it was just to give her some snacks, so it was worth him talking about it? Could it be that he thought that by giving her something a few times, he would be able to have **** with her? He is too naive, could it be that she, Liu Meiyun, is worth that much?

Thinking of this, she turned around and left. Although this Song Cun was handsome and had a good family, but his brain was not good enough, she had no shortage of suitors in the village, just find another man.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Song Cun turned around and left, raised his eyebrows, and entered the room too.