MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 10

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When Zhou Peiyu saw the name that jumped on the screen of Suya’s mobile phone, he realized that his guess was wrong, Su Yaya and Shen Xiuqi are currently The relationship is really as good as she said!

Su Yaya smiled and said to Zhou Pei: "Sister Zhou, I will pick up the phone first."

Say, take the phone to the side and call.

Shen Xiuqi heard the sweet voice coming from the phone. "Where?"

"I am at the company." Su Yaya replied: "I am discussing with my sister Zhou, that there is an advertisement for me to shoot."

Shen Xiuqi remembered this. "Yes, you told me about it yesterday."

"Yeah." Suyah wondered how he called her now, curiously: "Are you busy now? How can I have time to call me?"

Shen Xiuqi said: "This is the case. The company has a temporary problem. I have to go to S City for a business trip and come back the night after tomorrow. Do you have anything you want? I will bring it back to you."

No woman doesn't like to buy or buy. Shen Xiuqi traveled before, and he will bring gifts to Suyaya. After a few times, he will become a habit. When he travels, he will ask what Suya wants. He will buy her back.

Su Yaya thought for a moment, she should have something, and Shen Xiuqi gave her a platinum card. If she needs something, she can go to the mall to buy it. For the time being, there is nothing that he needs to bring back. Very, very well-behaved: "I don't have anything I want, I just want you to come back soon."

“Is there really nothing I need to buy for you?” Shen Xiuqi is still very generous to Suyya. Since he met her and pursued her, she never bought her what she wanted. First, he It’s enough to have money, don’t care about that little money, and the second is that Suyya does fit his mind, and it’s okay for his woman to spoil some.

Every time Su Yaya is also welcome, even if he wants to say to Shen Xiuqi, whether it is limited edition bags, cosmetics, jewelry, she has the idea of ​​being able to kill him once, and asked him for it. There are a lot of valuable things, so Shen Xiuqi has a certain understanding of her, wondering why she didn't want anything at this time, it is not like her usual style.

Su Yaya also knows the relationship between the original master and Shen Xiuqi. She laughed happily: "You have given me so many things. I really don't have what I want." I thought and added: "If there is Whatever I want, that is, I hope that you will go safely and smoothly, and I will wait for you at home."

The sinking at the other end of the phone stunned. He had known Suya for so long. It was the first time she heard her say this to him. A strange feeling climbed into his heart. It was warm and intimate, making him very Used.

"Okay." The laughter of Shen Xiuqi came from the mobile phone. He said: "I will finish the work as soon as possible and come back soon. Do you know what you want at home?"

Is this treating her as a child?

"I know." Su Yaya cleverly responded.

Shen Xiuqi then said a few words to her before hanging up.

After Su Yaya finished the call and turned back, she saw Zhou Peiyu leaning against the table, looking at her with a brow and a smile. The eyes were gentle and kind, just like watching a loved one.

"Sister Zhou, don't you look at me with that kind of look?" Suyya was really seen by her eyes, and she was afraid that she was not right.

"It’s just a phone call from Shen. I look at you like him. The feelings of the two people are very good.” Zhou Peijun is really satisfied with the performance of Suya, no longer so satisfied today, no wonder She didn’t look at it for three days. She hadn’t met Suya for half a month. Suyaya had a brainstorm. She was worried that she was very good. She thought about her lazy character. If she didn’t want her anyday, she wouldn’t want her. She is only afraid that she can't cry too late, but now she is okay, she seems to have figured it out, and it is considered to have the possibility of continuing to cultivate.

Su Yaya didn't know what Zhou Peiyu thought of. Some of them did not know. She heard Zhou Peiyu say that her relationship with Shen Xiuqi was good, and she couldn't help but smile. A beautiful pair of eyes turned into a crescent, sweet way: "Our feelings are very good. He also gave me a platinum card. Let me take it, I just brush it. I just asked if I want a gift. I think he has given me so much. In the morning he gave it. I am a female second, I am really embarrassed to ask him something, oh..."

Zhou Pei-yu looked at her silly music and wanted to take back the thoughts she had just made. She thought she had opened her mind. It turned out that her ambition was so big. She really doubted whether she was looking away when she was selected. It is.

After the silly music, Su Yaya finally remembered the business that she came here. She looked at Zhou Peijun with a sigh of relief: "Zhou Jie, I signed this female No. 2 contract right? You know that I don't understand these things very well. Can you help me for reference?"

Although Suya has a star dream, she did not mix the entertainment circle, she did not understand the contract, the terms and the like, and the original body entered the entertainment circle, but only took a screen play. I didn't work hard anymore. Every day I went to Shen Xiuqi to fall in love with my heart. My mind was not in business, and I naturally didn't understand these terms.

However, Su Yaya felt that Zhou Peijun was her agent and a professional in this area. She gave this issue to her and she certainly had no problem.

In fact, as Suya thought, after Zhou Peiyu saw the contract and some of the scripts, she learned about some of the basic conditions of the play, and she definitely said to Suya: "This role is given by Shen. Yours, there is no problem with the contract, and the play itself is very reliable. If you can follow the filming of director Zhou Tongguang and get his guidance, it is a good opportunity for you. You don't have to think about it, sign it directly. ""

"Well, since Zhou Jie said so, I signed the contract." Su Yaya is very obedient, Zhou Peiyu said how she did it.

Zhou Peiyu looked at her and shook her head slightly. She said: "You probably don't know how many people are trying to get into the play, even if they are a supporting role. They are so fast that they are breaking their heads, and you are so relaxed. I got the female No. 2 and said that I don’t know how many people I want to die. So it’s best for you to keep a low-key thing for the time being. Don’t let outsiders know, so you don’t want to hate people.”

"I know I know." Su Yaya nodded again and again. Sometimes a person got a good thing. It is always easy to recruit people to envy and hate. Just like going to work in a company, she obviously relies on her own efforts. When I get the bonus, the people around me will still be very jealous. I will say thank you in person, let her treat it, and say her bad things in the back. She will understand it. I understand this truth very much, so I will never take it out. .

After explaining Suya, Zhou Peiyu did not worry about some other precautions. He also emphasized: "Director Zhou Tongguang has a high demand for actors, especially the acting of the actors. If he does not perform well, he will be jealous. There is also a cry, so your acting skills are definitely not enough to watch in front of Director Zhou Tongguang. During this time, you should take a good look at the script. If you have time, you will come to the company to perform a class, so that you will not be crying when directed by Zhou Tongguang. ”

"Director Zhou Tongguang is so fierce?" Suya spit out her tongue and felt a little scared!

"Yeah, so you have to work hard." Zhou Pei said.

Su Yaya thought about it. Since she decided to be a star, she still has to work hard to make money. It is definitely necessary to improve her acting skills. Since the director of Zhou Tongguang’s request is so high, she will listen to Zhou Pei’s words and learn well. Anyway, she will not take the lead and learn more. Pointing things is always good for myself, then nodded and said: "Zhou Jie, you are relieved, from tomorrow, I will go to the company every day to perform classes, never absent."

"You can rest assured that you can think of it." Zhou Peiyu was grateful after hearing her. No matter what Suya had caused her to have a lot of headaches before, she was also an artist under her own hand, not to mention she still has behind her. Shen always supports her. If she is well mixed, it will be good for her. Artists and agents are also complementary.

Say the TV drama No. 2, anyway, this is the role of Shen Xiuqi to Su Ya Ya, it is already a matter of nailing, no matter how those people outside have sharpened their heads and want to fight this role is impossible. So that I can put it aside for a while, Zhou Peiyu began to tell Suyaya about other things.

"I told you yesterday that I had an advertisement. It was a resource that I finally got. I originally wanted to give Xiaoxin, but yesterday you just happened to let people take photos and send them to Weibo. The netizens responded well. The partner is also very satisfied, so I decided to give this advertisement to you."

“Thank you, Mr. Zhou.” Su Yaya smiled and thanked. If there is work, it means that there is money to earn. If she wants to give her before, she will give it to her now. She is serious and has good money. He Le Not for it?

Zhou Peiyu waved his hand: "You shouldn't be busy thanking me, although the advertisement is already mine, but the partner has said that you still have to look at people first, so you will go to the other company with me." ”

"Okay, no problem." Suya smiled at her more than an oK gesture.

"When I go there, I have everything, understand?" Zhou Peiyu said, looking at Su Yaya.

The meaning is to let her talk less, not even speak, she will get it anyway.

Su Yaya nodded and nodded. "Understood."

"Okay, let's go." After Zhou Peijun finished the account, she led Su Yaya out of the door.

Zhou Peiyu said that she was in the company's car. Su Yaya said that she drove the car and let Zhou Peiyu sit in her car. Zhou Peiyu thought about it and then refused. She followed Suya to the parking lot.

When she saw the white Cayenne that Suyya had opened, she didn’t know what to say. There was only one thought in her heart. Shen Xiuqi was really enough to spoil her. She had been doing this for many years and could not afford it. A Cayenne! It’s true that people are dead than people!

Two people drove to the other company, Suyya drove the car to the parking lot, and the two people got off the bus and took the elevator upstairs. When the elevator door was closed, someone outside said: "Wait a minute."

Su Yaya heard the sound and quickly pressed the elevator's door open button. The elevator door that was about to close was reopened. The men in the two suits walked into the elevator one after the other.

The man who walked in front carried a briefcase, obviously an assistant and the like, and the man behind him looked more stylish and more identity.

When Wang Wenhao walked into the elevator, he subconsciously glanced at Suya, and the narrow Danfeng eyes suddenly looked a little stunned. The handsome face showed a hint of surprise, and the thin lips lightly opened: "Suya?"

The author has something to say: Shen Xiuqi: Director, you come out, give me a good explanation, where is the sand sculpture?