MTL - The Male Supporting Roles Who Are Lonely and Old All the Time-Chapter 120 .Cubs who were raised to be talents in the stepmother article 4

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He Xiyue was very unhappy, no one believed him, let it go, and when he went out to meet gossiping neighbors, he would be caught saying that Chen Lijun is not easy as a stepmother, so he should be grateful.

Whenever He Xiyue showed such a hint of impatience, he would receive contemptuous looks.

He Xiyue felt bitter.

Seeing Chen Lijun greeted him with a smile on his face to drink chicken soup, he complained that chicken soup was a lie.

He Xiyue was furious, go **** be grateful!

Obviously a thief.

This day, He Xiyue was desperately doing homework in the house, and waited until late to confirm that Chen Lijun was asleep before going to wash up. When passing by the laundry table, seeing Qiu Wen's thin figure struggling to wash clothes under the dim light, He Xiyue frowned , I walked over and saw that the family's clothes were all here.

"Why are you doing the laundry?" He Xiyue pulled his and He Dongchen's clothes from the basin, and began to wash them.

When Chen Lijun didn't come in, He Xiyue washed her and her younger brother's clothes, and Qiu Wen washed her own clothes. Anyway, she didn't pay much attention to it, just rubbing it casually a few times quickly.

After Chen Lijun entered the door, he took over the laundry. He Xiyue was embarrassed at the time, but what happened now, the whole family, including Chen Lijun, were all washed by Qiu Wen! ?

He Xiyue questioned with a suppressed voice, her tone was not good.

Qiuwen said nonchalantly, "It's just a few clothes. Mom's hands are so beautiful, they wrinkle after soaking in water for a long time."

"Your own hands don't wrinkle??" He Xiyue was furious, and then hated iron for not being able to make a steel path, "Qiu Wen, you've changed! You weren't like this before!"

In the past, Qiuwen would throw the clothes directly on his face and let him wash them by himself, but now she even secretly washed them by herself.

Qiuwen lowered her eyes and continued to rub the clothes in her hands without saying a word.

Seeing that she was silent, He Xiyue became even angrier. After washing her and He Dongchen's clothes indiscriminately, she left angrily with the basin in her arms.

After eating the next day, He Xiyue began to observe, and found that every time Qiuwen did something, Chen Lijun would praise her for being a good boy, she was really sensible, and then Qiuwen worked harder as if she had been beaten with blood.

He Xiyue frowned and approached quietly, only to hear Chen Lijun, who was twirling her hair leisurely with her fingers, said sourly in her heart: "It's really **** luck, a wild girl that no one wants has entered the door of the He family, the richest daughter, the future heir Well, tsk tsk."

He Xiyue was furious immediately, what a wild girl no one wants!

Impulsively, he stood up and shouted: "Qiuwen is my sister! You should get the **** out of the He family!"

Chen Lijun was startled, she covered her chest and watched He Xiyue get angry with a puzzled expression on her face.

Qiu Wen, who heard the movement nearby, hurriedly shook her hands and asked doubtfully, "Brother, why are you so angry?"

He Xiyue opened her mouth, looked at Qiu Wen who was bewildered, swallowed her words, turned her head and ran away.

Chen Lijun recalled it a bit, and looked at Qiu Wen thoughtfully. Could it be that He Xiyue was upset that she asked Qiu Wen to work?

But Qiuwen is an adopted daughter, she only entered He's house after stepping on dog shit, and she still takes such a big advantage in the future, what's wrong with doing some work.

He Xiyue became even more silent, looking at this woman, Chen Lijun, living in the He family's house, spending his father's money, secretly directing Qiuwen to work, and talking about how hard she worked.

Seeing that He Dongchen was almost done, he continued to buy a mind-reading technique at the mall and played it on Qiuwen.

The next day, Qiuwen got up early, tidied herself up quickly, put on the pink sandals that Chen Lijun took her to buy a few days ago, and went to the drawer in the living room to get money, and was about to go to the alley to buy breakfast. Empty, without a penny.

Qiu Wen frowned, glanced hesitantly at Chen Lijun's closed door, went back to her room, dug out the small treasury from the bottom of the box, and counted a few tickets to buy breakfast.

"Yo, Qiuwen bought breakfast for your stepmother again." The breakfast seller joked.

Qiuwen looked serious: "Mom is just mother, what are you calling stepmother?"

After finishing talking, she ran home with a big bag of hot breakfast. As soon as she entered the room, Chen Lijun's door opened. The other party came out, glanced lazily at Qiuwen, and said hache casually: "Good boy."

Qiuwen raised her smiling face and straightened her chest.

Then in the next second, a familiar voice rang in my ear: "Little girl is really easy to use."

Qiu Wen's smile faltered, she suddenly looked at Chen Lijun who was still hiccupping, and asked in confusion, "What did Mom just say?"

Chen Lijun casually walked towards the sink, waved her hands perfunctorily: "Good boy."

"This kid is so dissatisfied, I have to praise him twice."

Crack, a bag of soy milk in Qiu Wen's hand fell to the ground and exploded, and the hot soy milk splashed on the back of her feet.

He Xiyue, who just woke up, saw this scene, ran up to tear her away, and dragged her to the sink to flush.

Chen Lijun, who was brushing her teeth, was suddenly pushed aside. The toothbrush touched her gums. She frowned in pain and subconsciously became angry: "What are you doing!"

He Xiyue didn't bother to pay attention to her. Seeing that Qiu Wen's feet were splashed with soy milk, she simply asked people to climb to the sink to flush the water, and took off the shoes that got in the way and threw them away.

Chen Lijun was thrown upright by her two shoes, and the sewage splashed on her face. She was furious and frothed: "What are you doing so early in the morning!"

"Are you blind? Didn't you see that Qiuwen's feet were burned!" He Xiyue turned around and yelled at her.

Qiuwen lowered her head, and the water splashed on her insteps. Her feet were still hot, and the water seemed to rush into her heart, which was icy cold.

Chen Lijun was taken aback, seeing Qiuwen's red instep, shrunk her neck uncomfortably, and muttered softly: "Then you can't throw away the shoes, it costs eight or nine yuan."

Now in the 1990s, when one penny was still in circulation, eight or nine dollars was simply a huge sum of money.

"The money my dad gave me!" He Xiyue pouted back.

Chen Lijun pouted and did not respond, but she said in her heart, what is so precious about an adopted daughter.

Qiu Wen trembled all over, and buried her head firmly in her neck. He Xiyue glared at Chen Lijun angrily, but she couldn't express her thoughts, and was so aggrieved.

After a toss, Qiuwen's foot was rescued.

The breakfast was tasteless, He Xiyue held back her anger and listened to Chen Lijun complaining wildly, while Qiu Wen lowered her head and remained silent.

He Dongchen watched from the side, and slowly stuffed a fried dough stick into his mouth.

Father He will be back in a few days, right?

After the meal, for the first time, Qiuwen didn't rush to clean up the mess, and went back to the room with her head down.

Chen Lijun was a little surprised, there was something wrong with this little girl, after a year of training, she was already very useful, right?

Chen Lijun drugged people, He Xiyue and He Dongchen, the two sons of the He family, had to be respected and not offended. As for the adopted daughter, Qiu Wen, she had to emphasize her status. She couldn't be the bottom of the family, right?

In the past year, Chen Lijun has quietly guided Qiuwen, and made Qiuwen an obedient and sensible child by encouraging hints. Everything went very smoothly, why did she suddenly turn her face?

Is it like He Xiyue, the rebellious period of youth has come! ?

Chen Lijun guessed a lot, and then glanced at He Xiyue, who was glaring at her, and was even more confused. What's going on, they went crazy one after another.

He Xiyue's brain was even bigger, and she suddenly realized that Qiu Wen might have the ability to read minds, and knew what Chen Lijun was really thinking, that's why she reacted this way.

Thinking of this, He Xiyue couldn't sit still anymore, and knocked on Qiu Wen's door.

"Qiuwen, I'm the eldest brother! Let me in, I have something to say!"

After knocking for a long time, Qiu Wen opened the door, then walked back without saying a word, He Xiyue hurried into the room and closed the door, and the two began to murmur.

"Did you hear that too?" He Xiyue licked his mouth excitedly, looking forward.

Qiuwen nodded sullenly, and a tear fell on the back of her hand.

Then one after another, the tears formed two lines and fell crazily.

"Hey, don't cry." He Xiyue was dumbfounded and said at a loss, "You don't care what she thinks, she's farting! When you came to He's house, she didn't know where she was!"

Qiuwen burst into tears.

He Dongchen heard crying outside and shook his legs, long pain is worse than short pain, the sooner you cry, the sooner you come out.

Chen Lijun's methods are so superb that ordinary people can't detect it at all. Isn't it a good thing to praise a child for being good and sensible?

But the object of her praise is a little girl who is dependent on others. Such praise will only make her more sensible and well-behaved. She is afraid that she will make the slightest mistake. Over the years, Qiuwen has changed from a generous and cheerful girl to a sensible one. Children look forward and backward, cringe and cringe, subconsciously please adults, put themselves in a low place, and become more and more inferior.

Perhaps Chen Lijun didn't have much bad intentions, and wanted to step on Qiu Wen's head to establish her own position, but this approach cast an indelible shadow in Qiu Wen's heart.

The next day, Qiuwen's mood stabilized, and she seemed to be heading in another direction.

Encouraged by He Xiyue, she began to sing against Chen Lijun.

Chen Lijun praised her for being sensible and crazily hinted that she would help with the work. Qiu Wen gnawed on the watermelon and said back: "You are also sensible."

Chen Lijun was dumbfounded, what would she do if she was an adult?

Qiu Wen was angry: "Father married you because he thought you were sensible."

When Father He was about to remarry, he took them to meet. At that time, Chen Lijun was talking about hype, but she was sensible.

Chen Lijun raised her eyebrows and put on the airs of an elder: "How did you talk to your mother?"

This little girl is upside down!

Qiu Wen looked away: "I was like this when you didn't come, if you have the ability, you go."

Chen Lijun choked, He Weiye will be the richest man in the country in the future! She went insane.

The richest man in the country!

He Xiyue, who was eating watermelon, raised her head and exchanged a glance with Qiu Wen, seeing the shock in each other's eyes!

What is the concept of the richest man in the country!

There is no concept at all!

Can you eat a piece of watermelon and throw it away?

On the opposite side, He Dongchen finished eating the watermelon, wiped the corners of his mouth carefully, and said slowly: "Second sister, how can you talk to mom like that, it's not easy for mom to take care of the three of us, so don't trouble her."

"You don't even know how to be grateful for your mother's heart and soul for us."

Qiu Wen was stunned, why did this sound so familiar?

He Xiyue was stunned, the words are so familiar...

and! Chen Lijun came here for the father of the richest man in the country in the future! Heart out my ass!

Chen Lijun was bewildered by He Xiyue and Qiuwen during this time, and when she heard He Dongchen speak for her, she was immediately overwhelmed.

Woohoo, no loss, he is a future scientist, a sensible boy.

Brush! He Xiyue and Qiu Wen looked up at the seven-year-old brother opposite, and looked at his chubby little face, both of them fell silent.