MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 361

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Ling Ye looked at the side, didn't they all discuss it and say that they don't want to fight? Isn't it all right to stop now? What have you done, now Lip won't listen to me."

What is Ling Ye stunned, Lip is disobedient? What's the situation? Ling Ye looked over directly, and Lip, who was not far away, obviously noticed Ling Ye's existence. Qiu Lin, the crazy Lip directly included Ling Ye in the range of the enemy.


Lip yelled frantically. She waved her two huge golden claws and grabbed Ling Ye directly. Obviously, Ling Ye also noticed Lip's chest, and it was still there: the **** chest, Ling Ye Then understand what.

"Is there any way to calm Lip down?"

As Lip's main body, she should know everything. Sure enough, when she heard Ling Ye's words, she couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

"Originally, you just need to take off the blindfold and sealer, but now,,, I'm afraid you have to treat the chest as well. By the way, do you know how to treat magic?"

Healing magic is of course possible, but,,, is your chest a bit rogue? Just as Ling Ye was thinking, Lip had already jumped in front of Ling Ye, and her two huge claws flew out directly! "Noble Phantasm Liberation! Even if death separates the two!!!”

Swipe! Swipe! Level: + Type: The anti-heart treasure endowed by the anti-human treasure.

Their Noble Phantasm is an illegal modification of a regular Noble Phantasm, and the materials for this Noble Phantasm are Valkyrie and Brynhildr who appeared in "Wolsong Saga".

It is a spear of love and hatred wielded in order to avenge her husband Sigurd who betrayed her and damaged her reputation. The stronger... However, this is all a thing of the past.

In the past, the heart that called out "until death separates the two" is now transformed with the wish "even if death separates the two".

Sometimes there is separation.

Even if it has a tragic ending or betrayal, it cannot be denied, love itself.

At this moment! Noble Phantasm blooms!!!

Chapter 1033━━Self-Strategy

Self-guided "Troublesome."

Ling Ye looked at Lip who was rushing towards him, Ling Ye stretched out his hand directly, the milky white light gathered in the palm of his hand, healing magic! Activated! As soon as Ling Ye's healing magic gathered, Lip's huge claws directly grabbed Ling Ye. Ye's body grabbed onto it, but the huge claws didn't grab onto Ling Ye's body. In just a split second, Ling Ye's body turned into lightning and disappeared.

The moment Ling Ye's body came together again, his hand was already on Lip's injured part.

"Ah,,, uh,,,.


Feeling the power of Ling Ye's healing magic, Lip heard a comfortable voice. The effect of the healing magic is still very good. However, although the wound has been healed, the chest valley has not yet been rebuilt. Ling Ye kept healing! This could not be cured in a second, so Lip's two claws flew back quickly! Lip's two claws waved again, and the two huge claws fell completely on the ground. On Ling Ye's body, Ling Ye can't elementalize, otherwise I'm afraid he won't be able to continue the treatment.

Therefore, Ling Ye can only let the opponent continue to attack him at this moment! Fortunately, Ling Ye's defense is really high! Below the level, it is invalid, and under the attack of the huge claws, Ling Ye's body is... .......There is nothing wrong, just...It's a pity that this clothes, the casual clothes Xiao Mo just bought for himself was smashed into pieces within a few days! The girls present didn't know What do you think, no one came to help, they all stared at Ling Ye in front of them, especially a certain woman in red, who took out a moon camera to take pictures there! Damn! Nero! You really My wife! Just watch the fun! Ling Ye's speed is still very fast. After a few minutes, Ling Ye finally healed after kneading and kneading constantly. Ling Ye took off Lip's sealer and eye mask smoothly. Pucai finally reacted.

"I,,, what happened just now?"

Lip lowered her head. At this moment, she found that a strange man was lying on her chest and was still panting heavily. Lip felt some pain in her chest, and she slowly reacted.

Just now,,, I seemed to be confused, and then,,, it seemed that this person saved me.

Lip recalled the scene just now, a man was refusing to let go under his constant and violent attacks, this lasted for a few minutes, let alone a person, even a heroic spirit would be killed by him.

But this person never let go, he could kill himself easily, but he didn't care about his own safety in order to save himself, for a moment, Lip was so moved, her expression changed when she looked at Ling Ye.


Don't die! I'm sorry...,,.

I didn't do it on purpose!! Don't die,,, woo woo..."

Li Pu kept calling Ling Ye, and hearing Li Pu's voice, Ling Ye looked up from this beautiful and tender village with nostalgia.


, I'm fine, don't cry, okay?"


,,,Are you really okay, but what you look like now,,,”

Lip looked at Ling Ye's body, the clothes were already tattered, and Ling Ye's strong muscles could still be vaguely seen.

Li Pu's affection for Ling Ye soared. In fact, Ling Ye was fine, but Li Pu didn't know, which led to the fall of this simple-minded girl.

This can be said to be a self-guided strategy, of course, Ling Ye doesn't know what Lip is thinking, all he cares about now is his own clothes.


Ling Ye jumped out of Lip's arms, and turned to the group of people who were watching the excitement behind him. Seeing that he looked similar to a beggar, Ling Ye said helplessly, "Come on, come home with me, I Change clothes."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he quickly took out the world-transmitting door, and then went through it in an instant. Although all the people present were his own people, Ling Ye was naturally a little embarrassed because of his thin skin.

"That...,,, you wait for me,


Lip watched Ling Ye leave, she still didn't say anything, and then she looked around in a panic, of course she understood Lip's situation, she directly took Lip's hand and said, "Don't be nervous, let's go together go."

I can't wait to see the new world, but the one who is more anxious is a certain blue bark, which has been around for a thousand years! The big dog can't help but burst into tears! Myself! Are you finally going home? "Let's go!"

Cu Chulainn rushed into the world-transmitting gate at once. Looking at the disappearing Cu Chulainn, Tohsaka Rin took a deep breath before reacting. Looking at the people who entered one after another, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help muttering .

"Okay, let me see who you are, and I want to see the new world. This is beyond the ability of magic. Is it magic or technology!"

Chapter 1034━━The biggest enemy is yourself

The biggest enemy is himself Tohsaka Rin and a group of people have arrived.

As soon as Ling Ye came back, he ran towards his room, while the rest of the people kept looking at the room.

“This is really Fuyuki City”

As soon as Tohsaka Rin came in, he looked out the window.

Seeing everything so familiar, she couldn't help but froze in place, all of this turned out to be true! Rin Tohsaka opened the window of Lingye Bookstore and looked at the Fuyuki City that had been engraved in her memory. Full of tears.

Unexpectedly, I could really come back here, and looking at Tohsaka Rin who was crying, a beautiful girl with purple hair, Little Lolita, ran out from nowhere, and she stretched out her cute little hand, Then he handed a small handkerchief to Tohsaka Rin in front of him, and then asked in a childish tone, "Sister, why are you crying? Did Oni-chan make you angry?"

Well, hearing this voice, Rin Tohsaka turned his head and saw.

Tohsaka Sakura, who is still a loli in the world, is looking at Tohsaka Rin with big eyes blinking.

"Who are you.


The older sister of the world is also the older sister of Magical Girl Illya World"

In Luoliying's memory, only these worlds have her own sister, but it seems that this sister is confused, etc... Luoliying looked at the three 3 grown-ups not far away Versions of me, one with huge claws, one with long mechanical legs, and the other is similar to the grown-up self, wait..., this is not!! "Sister! Sister! Oni-chan took us home again !"

Lori Ying ran outside with her own calf, while a group of people on the side just stared blankly at Lori Ying who had run away from somewhere and pulled a Lori Rin back from nowhere.

"Sakura, don't be in such a hurry, why don't Ling Ye bring back a few people, this is not a common occurrence."

Rin said that this is all trivial. After so long, she also thinks that she is a well-informed existence. Then,,, she saw three different sakura in front of her, and then,,,,, "I may be Didn't sleep well, Sakura, let's sleep at home."

"Wait...! Are you me when I was a kid?"

On the one hand, Rin Tohsaka also reacted, no wonder the scenery outside just now looks like Fuyuki City when he was a child, is it like this? I am still in a long time ago in this era, it seems that Cu Chulainn should have said to himself.

bound it.

"Don't confuse you when you were young. Your world should be that world. Our worldview is completely different."

Lori Lin analyzed it like a little adult, she had seen it before, and naturally knew what was going on, and she never thought they were the same existence, so to speak, in Loli Lin's eyes, The self in the parallel world is just an existence with the same face and personality, but with completely different experiences, "And, strictly speaking, you should be an old woman who has lived for a thousand years, we are completely different! "

"Old lady!!!!!"

Rin Tohsaka gritted his teeth and looked at the figure in front of him, "Old woman or something, this adjective fell on me! How can you tell that I am an old woman, and she is still a young girl, okay! Besides, your mouth is so poisonous I won’t let you hurt yourself! "What are you talking about! Don’t think that I dare not hit you because you are small! I am also very cruel to myself!"

"Hmph, it's just that you are good at speaking..."

Little Lori Rin was still quite unconvinced and said, in fact, no one knew that after seeing several grown-up selves, Lori Rin had already made a secret decision in her heart that she must surpass them in order to become Ling The most special one in Yeyan... Tohsaka Rin, otherwise, they are all the same Tohsaka Rin, and they look exactly the same when they take off their clothes at night. Why should I be liked by others... Why do I want Ling Ye to like him? But at this moment, seeing that she has another enemy, Loli Rin is naturally unhappy. Sure enough, is she the biggest enemy in a person's life? I ran to the side room and secretly found items such as the moon machine that I couldn't take through time travel. The summoning of the Holy Grail can only summon the heroic body. As for...independent equipment, naturally you can't carry it, unless you have the King's Space storage equipment like Treasure, otherwise, you just come and go as you please.

At this moment, Cu Chulainn looked at the moon machine in his hand and secretly made up his mind that he must go get a few space storage devices or something! This kind of hard life, he never... wants to go through it again!

The first thousand and thirty-five chapters━━San Ying fights Lu Bu!

Sanying fights Lu Bu! "We seem to be getting along well outside."

Ling Ye found a new set of casual clothes before walking out of the room. At this moment, the entire hall of the bookstore was quite lively.

The three 3 are there rubbing the little head of little Lori Sakura, Rin Tohsaka is there desperately pulling Loli Rin's cute little face with her fingers, the big dog is sitting on the sofa enjoying the coffee with one hand and mobile phone life, while Nero is hanging out with Lani.

"By the way, Lani, I remember you have Lu Bu, right?"

Ling Ye looked at Lani in front of him and asked, just now in the world Ling Ye had no time to ask, and now he finally remembered this question.

"Lu Bu, because he is me, I was afraid of disturbing everyone, so I turned him into a spirit body..."

Lani snapped his fingers casually while speaking, and then,,

Crack! A figure appeared directly beside Lani, with a huge physique matched with that simple armor, Ling Ye immediately recognized the identity of the other party.

It is the existence of Lu Bu who is known as the Red Rabbit among the horses, Lu Bu Lu Fengxian! At this moment, as soon as Lu Bu came out, he directly set his sights on the three 3s on the side, to be precise, on Lip's On his body, thousands of years of fighting have formed a subconscious action. In Lu Bu's mind, Lip's enemy brushed against him! With a wave of Lu Bu's hand, he directly held a huge Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand tightly. The Tianhua Halberd waved again, and a force that crushed everything directly hit Lip! "Danger!"

Ling Ye hastily reminded Lip, but Ling Ye's size is not needed, the three 3's reacted the moment Lu Bu appeared.

Lilith Sakura! Sakura! And Lip Sakura! San Sakura fights Lu Bu directly! Wait... San Sakura fights Lu Bu! The reason why it looks so weird may be because it reminds me of a certain classic picture At this moment, Ling Ye looked at San Ying and Lu Bu in front of him and did not stop him.

But if Ling Ye doesn't stop Lu Bu, it's not bad luck. Originally, as the five soldiers of the military god, he can't exert much power..., and the red rabbit horse under him is still there: a certain world is an evil animal, which makes Lu Bu How to fight with San Ying At this moment, looking at the battle in front of him, a bunch of lines automatically appeared in Ling Ye's mind! I saw Lu Bu coming waving Fang Tian's painted halberd.

That Fangtian painted halberd waved like the wind.

Lu Bu raised his painting halberd to look at Lilith, and his heart stabbed.

There was a person beside him, with purple hair and blue eyes, petite figure, tall eight snake spears, holding out a pair of huge golden claws and shouting: "The servants of the three surnames should leave! Parsonlip is here!"

Lu Bu met, abandoned Lilith, and fought with Lip.

Lip was full of energy, and fought fiercely against Lu Bu, fighting for more than fifty rounds in a row, regardless of the outcome.

When Lilith saw it, she slapped her legs and danced two 50 cm long metal leg blades to pinch Lu Bu.

The three of them fight each other, and when they reach their thirties, they will not defeat Lu Bu in battle.

Pull the big needle and stab it obliquely to help in the battle.

These three 3s surround Lu Bu.

Fighting like a flashlight.

The melon-eaters on one side were stunned:.

Lu Bu was uncertain about the barriers, looked at his face, and flashed a false thorn with his halberd.

Lu Bu swung the corners of the formation: , dragged the halberd backwards, and hurried back.

Three 3 where Kenshe, immediately.

catch up.

The three girls screamed loudly, and they all killed them together.

Finally, Lu Bu, who had no red rabbit horse, did not escape Sanying's pursuit. Lip's two huge claws grabbed Lu Bu's weapon, Lilith's leg blade was placed on his neck, and Chan I don't know where to take out a big syringe, and stab it into Lu Bu's body! Swipe! In an instant, Lu Bu froze in place, motionless.

Seeing that Lu Bu's madness had been resolved, he looked at Lani who was not far away and said angrily, "Your family's heroic spirits must be taken care of in the future! If there is a next time, the three of us sisters will kill him three times!"

Just after saying this, Ling Ye couldn't help applauding, "Okay! One more!"

Lani.......Ling Ye! Shout out here! Don't you know to stop it? Wait..., what melon seeds are you holding in your hand? Ye, Lilith is also so angry that she doesn't fight anywhere! Who is this? Three girls beat a big guy! Although the three of us are not ordinary people, isn't it a bit too much for you to watch the excitement? Look! The angry Lilith, the pouting one, and the red-faced Lip, Ling Ye couldn't help but smile embarrassedly, "I,,, don't I trust you guys."

Lilith "Cut."


Lip "Thank you for trusting us."

For a moment, Lilith and Lip were staring closely at one side! They looked at Lip as if they were looking at a traitor! You!!! Are you really okay with just giving it to others for nothing? , Lip's face turned even redder, at this moment it almost lowered its head to its chest and dared not raise it to look at Ling Ye's face again.

But at this moment, after realizing that the battle was finally over, Lani also silently re-formed Lu Bu into a spirit body. Sure enough, he was not the opponent of these three people at all. In this case, he should be obedient.

Chapter 1036━━Miss Kaguya wants me to confess

Miss Hui Ye wants me to confess that it is already very late today, and Ling Ye is here with a group of people.